Hello my fellow russian shills
Hello my fellow russian shills
privyet comrade
Privyet comrad.
cyka vodka blyat pidor
Stop your subhuman name and tripfaging your fucking nobody.
What fucking insight or value ever fucking came from a Bulgarian, fucking kill yourself
John Atanasov
Khan Tervel - The Saviour of Europe
Asen Jordanov
Ivan Stranski
Georgi Nadjakov
These people forever changed the world tremendously.
Many more like them.
I’m talking about the internet fuckface
Where's my paycheck?
pay? we work for free
(pls send help I haven't ate in 10 months)
Let us hope the fbis on reddit don't catch us posting mems.
Я нe гoвopю пo-pyccки
Hello my fellow eternal anglo
>pay? we work for free
For free? I pay them to let me work.
everyone itt better show their shitposting license naow
You pathetic subhuman shit, worthless fucking no goodinferiority ridden nobody.
I know you are but what am I?
Like seriously I feel better now reading your worthless reddit tire shitskin post
You fucking nobody
krautnigger BTFO!!!!!!!!!
Learn English you little accent ridden Muslim rapebaby
Fucking pathetic
That guy is so black America asked him to be on their delegation for the summer olympics.
Trying to shield your little humor with humor eh/
Fucking pathetic.In 10 years I haven’t read a worthwhile post by a fucking Bulgarian and now you use a fucking trip and a name like you have something of value to add
Seriously just fucking killyour sorry ass, it’s fucking cringy
Triggered? :^)
You guys also didn't received the latest instructions from HQ in Russia? Latest instructions was posting lots of pro-gun stuff, but that ended a day ago and I don't know what to do now.
vodka kartoshka holodec balalayka CYKA
r u ok satan
Nobody cares what a kraut talks about.
>MUGA mah dood