Alright fags, so did you see it and what did you think?
Is this like Passion Of The Christ for blacks?
Alright fags, so did you see it and what did you think?
Is this like Passion Of The Christ for blacks?
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The movie looks gay as hell and its spreading black superiority over white people (especially male white) I guess (((they))) are on their mission closer and closer every day
My dad grew up in Wauconda. This shit is cultural appropriation.
Actually they have metal blades. they just happen to be kinda wierd.
Blacks need to take back Israel? I like that idea.
My son saw it (wish he hadn’t given the money) and said it was fucking AWFUL. He usually doesn’t notice the anti-white, SJW bullshit like I do. But he noticed it OVERTLY in this movie. He said it was the worst antiwhite propaganda he’s ever seen. Niggers are the worst. And white cuck liberals who enable them are a close second
No no, traitors are the absolute worst. Nogs did not make this movie, nogs did not choose the narrative.
This is not a thing. How the fuck does this even work
haiti doesnt like that, and theyve had independent since 1804
chops off a clit for a quick snack
I went to see it with the son of my wife’s boyfriend, I personally didn’t like it but my “son from another father” Jakub really enjoyed it. We need to prey to science that we can have the naiveness that only children possess .
Its an early prototype tool for breaking into cars, like a can opener
Top kek
Knife near handle for punches I guess, curved part is like a khopesh, very usefull against unarmored foes, not sure why they wanted the extra blade facing the wrong way though.
It's /ourmovie/
African swords and melee weapons in general are orc-tier awesome. You pic is a throwing ax that also serves as tribute, currency and status marker. This is a Congolese sword:
>implying orcs aren't a standin for niggers anyway
Jews push this story in comics and in real life
Tolkien implied orcs were Chinese but whatevs. Have a Teke people's sword.
It could a thrown weapon, plenty of pointy bits someone could get hurt on without actually knowing how to throw a weapon.
Tolkien might have invented the term orc but in many older fantasy stories orcs were brute savages in tribes, to be slaughtered at the leisure of the players or protagonists of the novel.
In later fantasy, orcs have evolved into playable races and novel protagonists and are displayed as the noble savage in line with nature blah blah blah.
Most notable example would probably be Blizzard orcs.
Older, as in after Tolkien but still old in fantasy terms.
I believe that was made for throwing
At the same time the Chinese were using guns , haha , take that white boy
Reminder that we can meme "White Nationalist" support for this movie.
Hollywood and the Liberal press has just said loud and clear to the world that Black people don't need to live together to succeed, and an all-Black ethno-state is to be celebrated.
Lol I'll make a review.
So do they rulers of this fictional state force its people to live in destitute?
Be sure to screenshot. I recommend using Metacritic or IMBD, rather than rotten tomatoes. They're censoring everything.
>son of my wife's boyfriend
Thank you user for the kek
It isn't showing up yet.
>Wakanda, an advanced technological nation, is untouched by colonialism. In some versions, the country is hidden behind a giant wall, undetected by maps. With flying cars and futuristic skyscrapers, its technological sophistication makes it impenetrable. The country's wealth comes from mining a metal called Vibranium - used to make Captain America's shield.
>For me, this fictitious land represented a Pan-African dream, free from the painful history of slavery. It is the story of an African nation that has evaded colonial plunder and managed to focus all of its resources on its own development and technological advancement. This rewriting or reclamation of black history is an extension of Afrofuturism - a cultural philosophy pioneered by jazz legend Sun Ra and countless artists and musicians since.
That's right. if it wasn't for the evil white man and his insistence on brining such oppressiveness as the fucking wheel niggers would have had hover cars and shit by now
>The wheel was barely used, with the exception of Ethiopia and Somalia, in Sub-Saharan Africa well into the 19th century but this changed with the arrival of the Europeans.[18][19]
>And white cuck liberals who enable them are a close second
Yes, the one's just like you're son and anyone else who gave these cocksuckers money.
Yeah IMBD reviews submissions first, but as long as they're not too obvious troll posts, they usually go through. MetaCrtitc posts go up straight away.
pic related.
and thread related
No, I'm not going to see a movie that is 90% black.
I remarked on how Wakanda is the most advanced racial state since the Third Reich. Idk if it will make it.
lol good luck. IMBD usually takes a while to verify.
ok, they look cool... but the most effective sword fighting method is the quick jab n' stab, (see fencing) and they have literally ROUNDED OFF THE POINTY END. wow, such IQ, much smart, very amaze
Yea they had some metal weapons.
Assegai comes to mind.
The guy in this pic went from being fat to ripped, and now he's back to fat.