This triggers the Jew.
When will you register to find a redpilled mate for life?
This triggers the Jew.
When will you register to find a redpilled mate for life?
>2 spics on the home page
What did they mean by this?
Fuck if I know. This made the front page of one of the biggest news papers in Norway :p
Interracial couple. 100% amerimuty
>unhappily married
>happily married
At least they’re staying on brand
they look wH*te to me
got news for you user...
this is just going to be full of trannies
Who wears their cap backwards like that
Talk about looking like a dork
At least they've got a sense of humor.
Is it good news or bad news?
>obviously a hipster dude who will post any messages you send him to your FB
Are people really stupid enough to join a site built to have them fired?
I don't know how it is in the US of A, but don't you have some sort of protection against being fired unreasonably? In Norway you are protected by law against being fired for any political views or similar expressions of identity.
are there even white people left in america? im getting a bit worried
Pic related. Average Swede.
smells like a jewish business desu
Nope. Only a few groups of people (racial minorities, jews) get that. Otherwise you can be fired for any reason or even no reason at all. In most states you can be fired for being gay or trans and gay normies still only care about the wedding cakes they hear about on facebook.
Man, that's horrible. I get why so many people get into business for themselves, then.
Of course they fucking do, Paco. Amerimutts are a disgrace.
>make a fake profile as a white women
>half my matches are blacks and suspiciously jewish looking people
He looks almost exactly like that guy from the Young Turks
baka satania poster
Women don't have political opinions. If she likes you she will eventually change her views to align with your views as long as you're not a pussy. There're some exception but this is mostly the case.
Only 2 options are:
>STRAIGHT woman.
Disgusting Norwegian. Assuming you're not a nigger.
The absolute state of fjord niggers
Is this real?