It is apparent that we have grown in number and the internet pretty much hasn't an answer to our views so it is no time to move on. We need to get to the stage of actually manifesting those red pills we have learned over the years and put them to use.
To get this to be as simple as possible, I will just greentext the stages and we can go on from there in what needs to be tweaked:
>have a job >save money >find like minded Whites >look for a house to share >put down money to rent it >continue working and saving money >find more Whites to get into the same city and find them houses/rooms to rent to keep close >train together/gym >have fun by doing whatever is around your area from time to time >continue saving money and building up resources to further our cause and gain power
Not nervous, your just the Lefts racial counterpart and believe in bullshit pseudo-science like IQ differences which has no academic support.
Kevin Thompson
Look at how nervous you are that you would wait 5 minutes later to saying something negative again.
We will win and you will lose.
>no acedemic support It's out there for you to find out and you know it. It is not my fault that you cannot engage in research because you are non-White and find Whites to be threatening to your limited intelligence set by your genetics.
Anthony Powell
How will you win? Nobody in the uk supports your movement let alone anywhere else. I'f you were brave enough to say this in public you'd be hit like Spencer was, not saying thats right.
David Parker
>how will you win Why does a shitskin care? This isn't for you.
Luis Smith still won't win.
Jose Scott
Let's rent a huge farm or villa with pool with 20 or 30 anons (half male/half female) and start from there, like a cult
Anthony Peterson
Logan Ross
The best way is having a floating city.
Mason Barnes
user can try getting on the moon on his own, then he can have his ethnostate.
Josiah Nelson
With 30 people, in some places, you can buy or rent a place the size of a village. Imagine if a 1000 would be interested in such an investment
Austin Foster
Sarg’n pls leave
Henry Morris
I'm not interested. it's a stupid idea that will never work, and would break down very quiclly even if it did.
Liam Fisher
Not being alt-right = sargon
get out Spencer.
Cooper Hernandez
Are you saying that you’re mentally retarded?
Jordan Reyes
No, just not racist, also a fan of Sam Hyde.
Nicholas Rodriguez
How about taking N. Korea? The country's going to fail soon anyway
Alexander Smith
You weren't accepted Mo
It can be done, it's already been done in SA with places like Orania. Also in European and American cities, it's called white flight. In Detroit you have a perfect example of voluntary Apartheid... just take a look at Grosse Pointe Park, there is a clear line between the white and black part, with walls protecting the white part
Charles Rodriguez
Geographic areas aren't states idiot.
Nathaniel Bell
You know it’s not racist to point out facts. That’s an SJW thing to do. You must be one!
Joseph King
Please provide facts then user.
Matthew Jackson
Where did I say states?
I like the option of opting-in on a smaller level for the coming time, with the extra option of opting-out of the bigger state once success is proven
Brody Stewart
Big problem in the U.S. and probably the U.K. too is that Jews own most of the real estate.
Adam Lewis
Right...but the thread is arguing for states user, none of you have proved it can work.
Alexander Wilson
Look it up yourself faggot. It’s not that hard.
Leo Reed
No thanks, the daily stormer doesn't count.
Brandon Myers
An ethnostate? That's a state in which by law is written that a certain group shall hold the majority. Israel, Japan, Vietnam, Poland... there are many official by law ethnostates. Now it's time to put it in our law
Evan Watson
Carson Bennett
They may stay majority ethnic but thats not the same thing.
Daniel Brown
Alexander Collins
The whole world is a plethora of Ethnostates, and has been for all of human history. "le blank slate we are all equal!" is a very, very modern idea.
Brandon Reyes
please elaborate
Jason Ward
True, but I don't see why race maters so much. Britons were black thousands of years ago and we share many genes from mesopotamia.
Kayden Morgan
Some states are unique but they still have different ethnicities in their georgraphical area. Why does a state need to be 100% ethnicly native?
Levi Miller
Oooh! He called me a cuck! He’s evolving!
Chase Cook
Still didn't answer my question user.
Logan Smith
But you can still house share though. Even in the UK you just go on spareroom dot co dot uk and you can find rooms/whole houses for private rent.
If we banded together while we are young, we can earn some money, get to make groups and it is legal. That is why that shill is scared. When you think about it, it is the only way to get to the next level.
Lincoln Turner
>Cheddarman >Black >A briton
Eli Price
Alright then, I will answer your question. Some good websites are American Renaissance and The Alternative Hypothesis. They also have YouTube Channels which I know you’ll love since you are already watching Sarg’n. Another good YouTube channel is Jean-Francois Gariépy.
Angel Morales
It's not 100% in most of these countries. In Israel it's around 80%, in Japan around 98%, they still allow it, with what they think is responsible. A Jew doesn't want to live in an Israel that is 50% Muslim, and a Palestinian wouldn't want it either
Jayden Johnson
I knew you'd quote American Renaissance, I'ts nothing more than a magazine it doesn't contain any studies other than Charles Murrays bell curve which has been proven wrong.
Aaron Walker
>renting some flat >ethnostate ?????
Liam Jenkins
>The Alternative Hypothesis Think what you will about this, our ancestors would have still been black i'f you go far back enough.
Connor Green
What is an Ethnostate you thick cunt? I can't believe (((people))) like you exist. What a dense cunt.
Levi Lee
>it doesn’t contain any other study other than Charles Murray Absolutely false. You are just being a butthurt faggot.
Tyler Powell
Not really, prove otherwise user.
Julian Thomas
Picking on the weak I see user.
Julian Lee
Not really, even the out of Africa theory doesn't actually say that, unless "black" means skin colour then sure they would have been dark brown if you go far enough. But then if it's all to do with skin colour i guess the chinese are "white" and the arabs are black, etc.
Blake Hall
Status Quo Warrior > SQW
Carson Cox
Styx destroyed the alt-right anyway, JF acts like a moderator then just jumps in to save the alt-right when ever they loose.
Colton Sanchez
No, there’s no need to provide you any more information. You can go back to watching Sargon now with your based black guy.
Luis Nelson
It's not a fucking flat, that's for sure.
Noah Wright
Yea because you have none.
Daniel Bell
It all starts in a flat, and before you know it *knock, knock
Jordan Morgan
Implying I like the far-left any more.
Jonathan Phillips
We can't make our own little ethno-village. Look up Waco and Ruby Ridge. The (((federal government))) will literally just kill us and our children. We've got to neuter ZOG's power first.
Anthony Lee
That's how you get Waco'd. The idea of compounds, while appealing, wouldn't work because ZOG would find any reason to raid it and disband it.
Daniel Torres
How about you reply. I wonder are you a Mo living in ghetto London or is this your job, spamming this Korean forum of peace
Jonathan Butler
Nah live in the south-east. anyway i'm not saying they can't be majority, just don't see what compels the alt-right to be 100% ethnic.
>what compels the alt-right to be 100% ethnic Regression to the mean. The BASED black guy in a MAGA hat may actually be pretty based. However, his kids will most likely be low-IQ niggers. Access to White people is not a universal right.
Blake Ward
Your race/intelligence hypothesis has been debunked already user.
Joseph Jenkins
Dividing those who want to be divided, interesting. I hope you're right, they're gonna need those IQ-points. This has been set in motion a long time ago, you can't stop it
Juan Green
Not dividing anyone, not saying you can't believe your ideology.
Anthony Barnes
What is progression you fucking faggot?
>concern trolling
Wow the shills do come out and the sight of a decent idea.
Carson Anderson
What Race are you? You seem to be threatened by Whites uniting. Passive agressive replies will only make you look like a faggot.
Lucas Jones
Fuck off, collectivist scum.
Ayden Anderson
>Cred Forums >starting an ethnostate You could just go to a kennel to the same effect. Same amount of mutts and same smell of shit.
Caleb Campbell
My race is none of your business, though being from the south east makes it easy to guess.
Robert Lopez
>Tyrone moves into your neighborhood and you can't refuse to rent to him under FHA >Rent control and zoning restrictions hold down property values while they enrich you >Gerrymandering on racial lines keeps you from having any control over your community
Even an ethot like Lauren Southern knows that an ethnostate is stupid.
>pseudo-science like IQ differences
Just because you consistently get the same score as your dog on IQ tests doesn't mean that everybody else does as well.
David Morris
If you want to prove otherwise show evidence like the other anons failed to do, it's all circumstancial.
Oliver Green
I not only believe it, I consider it natural. I believe what I see with my own eyes and I see our civilization under threat. You have to understand life before the internet arrived, before multiculti was forced upon us. It's good that it has, we have learned from it, foreign influence can be good... from a distance, or it wouldn't be foreign. Ethnostates can work together, from its real diversity we might actually profit in knowledge
Aaron Collins
It's all utopian ideas user, it will never happen. Even if it did I don't see how it is right. I agree there are differences in culture, sex etc but I don't see any difference in race.
Luis Wilson
You think everyone gets the same score on IQ tests. They do not. If you want to have a fair debate, I recommend locating the nearest petting zoo.
Andrew Fisher
Talking about humans not animals user, still haven't answered my question.
Jaxson Lee
lurk more faggot op
Christopher Edwards
IQ differences in individuals is due to environmental factors.
Matthew Butler
You didn't ask a question. I think what you might be trying to ask, albeit in the manner of a small child, is how we know that IQ differences exist. They exist because people get different scores on IQ tests, ie they have different IQ's. Glad I could help.
Nathaniel Parker
Jordan Brown
May have thought you were other user my apologies. I know individuals have different IQ scores, but explain why races have higher ones than others?
Josiah Ortiz
It's already a fact user in other parts of the world. This will also happen by law in the west, or how would you see these events unfolding in the coming years
Leo Edwards
Of course it's my business. You're in a Nation you don't belong in and actively feel threatened by indigenous population.
You are obviously ashamed at being obsolete.
Grayson Bennett
It's too late for you, you already spent too long here.
Kayden Myers
Gotta stop referring to it as an ethnostate. This goes for the people who are LARPing with swastikas.
I don't know what the deal is with the UK anymore, but I thought you guys had areas already that were 90%+ white.
Bentley Kelly
Yes I've seen where Italy was selling off actually historic villas cheap. I would love to renovate something like that.
Brody Reyes
I think the consensus in the field is 70-80% genetic, feel free to link the research you have showing that it's majority environmental factors. What is your take on twin studies? Link research showing similar iq's in similar environment between races.
Andrew Mitchell
How so? Too stupid to guess my race in the south east Environmental factors user
Ethan Morris
i'm not making the argument user, show me the evidence supporting your ethno-state and that races score lower IQ tests.
Lucas Jackson
I seriously wish you cunts would secede.
Luke Morgan
Already stated that the Bell Curve has been debunked, which is the only study alt-righters only reference.
Chase Bell
Minnesota transracial adoption study. Nig babies transplanted into middle class white homes averaged 83 on iq tests when they grew up.
We know it isn't environmental (unless you're a malnourished diseased nigger in Africa) because the gap doesn't go away when we control for environment.
Samuel Thompson
We do. It's everywhere that isn't a city.
Adrian Perez
South-East is the richest part of the uk other than London. you should secede and stop being leeches.
Colton Moore
Can you send me that study user.
Ian Allen
>muh mines >muh industry >muh chips cheese 'n curry sauce
Fuck off yourself, if the call centr manager will let you.
Joshua Kelly
I'm on my phone so it's hard to pull up. Here's the Wikipedia article on it.
If you want to make an argument against it, quote it here.
Brandon Lopez
Comment is too long 2380/2000. look on the talk page
Henry Reyes
Break it into two posts.
Gavin Bell
This article lists very few. if really any, of the methodological flaws contained in the Transracial study. It fails to mention that the IQ's of the adopted parents wern't tested, the children's IQ's before even being put into the adopted home wern't tested (which is why there was so much confusion about the slightly higher IQ over the black average, yet being the same as the Minnesota average), the fact that a number of the children left the program, especially the white sample, along with the children being adopted at age 7, which is halfway through childhood, making it impossible to truly assess environmental effects, due to how a person's brain becomes more developed as they age, thus lowering environmental effects on IQ (IE gains in IQ would result in brain growth), and how the black children were adopted even later. Plus, they didn't even examine all of the adoptees at age 17! And these were only AVERAGES.
This study is just pure trash.
These methodological "flaws" didn't seem to be to troubling to the researchers when, at age seven, the IQ gap seemed to be much smaller and blacks had a higher IQ than the U.S. mean. Are we to believe that things like the relatively late adoption of the black kids didn't prevent them from scoring well at age seven but DID prevent them from scoring well at age 17? Surely a genetic contribution can follow this pattern given that many genes don't "kick in" until puberty but are we to believe that late adoption doesn't as well? I think what we have here was a very disappointing follow up study that egalitarians had to scramble to explain.
What are you even talking about? IQ can flucuate largely at any age, but this says absolutely nothing as to how many permanent gains can be made. BTW, the study was looking at the effects of parental environment on IQ, which, with the exception of the highly stimulating environments typically provided by east asian and white parents, has little effect on IQ.
Blake Nguyen
Austin Garcia
wow you wasted all that time user.
Carson Sullivan
That's more or less it user.
Matthew Wood
Although the heritability of IQ for adults is between 58% and 77%,[5] (with some more-recent estimates as high as 80%[6] and 86%[7]
Some random nigger posting his opinion on the study and desperately trying to throw any sort of doubt onto the study to cope with his inferiority similar to what you are doing.
What was debunking about it?
IQ studies all show whites scoring significantly higher than blacks, consensus is that iq is majority heritable, What is the intuitive conclusion when presented with those two facts.
Austin Miller
oh my god, have you even read Locke
Asher Myers
Just debuked a study user, too bad your stupid to understand or read a small paragraph.
Austin Martinez
>there exist 10 females who would agree to live in the same house as a bunch of smelly loser gamers
Benjamin Bennett
Hey look its Sargon again.
Angel Wilson
Hey Look it's Spencer again.
James White
you forgot one
Nolan Brooks
Here ya go.
Luke Brown
>Charles Murrays bell curve which has been proven wrong. No it has not.
Carter Russell
Let me save it and i'll read it all.
Samuel Wood
Try reading Criticism of alleged assumptions on wikipedia. Most of this infomation is based on environmental factors anyway
Brandon Powell
Just saying "They've been debunked" does not make them debunked.
Ryan Allen
tfw nobel prize winners have debunked it and you still believe it.
Eli Gonzalez
Ryan Edwards
Also why do we have to argue under the pretense that african americans are equal to us, or have the potential to be. There's literally no reason to believe that. You perform worse than us in literally every metric, you were conquered and enslaved by us, you are incapable of forming any actual civilization, your homeland is still running around with spears and shitting in their drinking supply. I'm not sure why you believe i'm inclined to give you so many "well maybes" >Well maybe it's cause africa didn't have animals that could be domesticated >Well maybe it's because the climate in africa is different >Well maybe blah blah blah
You keep making excuses, all the evidence points to us being superior to you faggot, i have no reason to believe in your blank state garbage, you are the one who should be forced to provide proof of your claims that it's majority environmental, and you aren't going to be capable because the consensus of those in the field is in direct disagreement with that theory.
>heh, *tips fedora* i debunked that with some random guys blog post, try again fascist! You literally posted some random nigger who has no idea what he is talking about "And these were only AVERAGES." What's the point of saying shit like this? Of course it's averages, averages are what matter, i can't individually interrogate every fucking nig in hopes i'll find the 1 in 10 that is above animal levels of intelligence. "highly stimulating environments typically provided by east asian and white parents" What the fuck does this even mean, give me some examples of what makes white parents and their style heavily stimulating.
You literally are trying to justify your claims with a random blog post who makes numerous claims that he himself doesn't source on anything, All he accomplishes is to muddy the waters and add doubt to the conclusions that logically follow the data that the study provides.
Xavier Thomas
Lol cuck. Buy land in the countryside and build a compound. This is not a new idea, hippies did it, commies did it, religiontards do it, actually even white suprems do it.
Ryder Kelly
Yes because populations evolving separately in radically different environments for tens of thousands years are going to be exactly the same. God you people are delusional.
Logan Myers
It's on the Wikipedia talk page and his criticism makes sense. there are clearly problems with the study if you care to read it.
Ryan Roberts
Already debunked by the Minnesota Transracial adoption study.
Jackson Torres
OP!, is this from the Cred Forumsony fishbowl forums?
Robert Phillips
We control for environmental factors in standardized test scores all the time and still get enormous disparities. We get consistent disparities between members of racial groups in particular sub-tests of IQ tests and other standardized tests. Verbal vs Math IQ between whites and East Asians, for instance.
I'm not going to write up some essay for you because you need to lurk moar first, but I want you to think about what it is you actually believe.Your position is that absolutely no evolution in mental ability has occurred in humanity, in spite of the widespread evolution of distinct physical traits. You actually believe that breeding for completely different traits in vastly different environments for tens of thousands of years will produce absolutely no difference in cognitive capability. You believe this in spite of the distinctive differences we notice in tests specifically designed to look for not just general cognitive capability, but particular subsets of cognitive capability.
You need to research this stuff at least a little bit before you start trying to debate it. It would be nothing short of a fucking miracle if the average member of a remote aboriginal tribe had exactly the same ability to solve math equations as an average Ashkenazi Jew.
Joseph Carter
so you agree its environmental?
Mason Watson
>It fails to mention that the IQ's of the adopted parents wern't tested The adopting parents provided a middle class environment. This nitpick doesn't affect the hypothesis.
>the children's IQ's before even being put into the adopted home wern't tested Okay and? How does this affect the hypothesis? How does this invalidate the data?
>the fact that a number of the children left the program, especially the white sample, along with the children being adopted at age 7, which is halfway through childhood, making it impossible to truly assess environmental effects And yet the 15 point gap remains. This demonstrates that the environment played no effect from age 7 to 17.
Also we know from another study that malnourished north Korean babies placed into European homes still averaged 105 iq in adulthood. This puts the early childhood environment ruins adulthood iq theory into the garbage.
>due to how a person's brain becomes more developed as they age, thus lowering environmental effects on IQ So age decreases the environmental effects on IQ? Doesn't that support the herediterian theory that environment has little effect on the iq of adults?
>and how the black children were adopted even later. See Korean study.
>Plus, they didn't even examine all of the adoptees at age 17! And these were only AVERAGES. As if this would somehow make the 15 point iq gap go away.
Zachary Perez
Did you read the criticism paragraph?
Levi Campbell
So not testing IQ of parents doesn't matter on an IQ test? LOL
Landon Bennett
he who opposes ethnostate opposes israel.
Isaac Watson
Yea because the white race totally faced extinction like the Jews did...
Logan Robinson
Jaxon Garcia
It's nice to know that your position is ethnostates are appropriate in the face of a demographic crisis.
Jacob Adams
that's called gentrification and is illegal
Hudson Walker
What is this crisis?
Ryder Diaz
Environmental as in they adapted to their environment biologically over generations like the polar bear for example.
Jason Torres
Yeah a fucking talk page, i've never even heard of wikipedia talk page until you posted this dumb ass shit in this thread. You are clinging to any hope that it isn't genetic despite all the evidence against it, you attempt to muddy the conclusions of the study by demanding for controls for every single possible thing. The fact that they are middle income families already gives you a good idea about where their iq lies anyways, i believe it's a .4-.5 correlation. Immigration gayboy both legal and illegal, The immigrants and their offspring are displacing the native whites. inb4 well says genocide means you get shot in head hurdurr.
Colton Sullivan
Shit I meant for
Carter Long
Whites becoming a minority in their native continent.
Joshua Smith
I don't think you understand the term "environmental"
Robert Ross
You believe that a group whose numbers are being rapidly diminished to the point that their continued existence is threatened is entitled to form an ethnostate.
Dominic Cook
I don't think you understand "evolution"
Ethan James
I doubt it will come as soon as everyone says it will.
Isaiah Hernandez
>no academic support What a meme. Just google it brah
William Edwards
I believe a majority native population is understandable, but don't see the reason for an ethnostate.
Wyatt Hall
As if they would somehow vary wildly.
>Oh man, I guess only 70 iq subhumans would be dumb enough to adopt nigger babies. Clearly this is the cause of the gap. Like no, they're all middle class. This is a group of the average, not a group of outliers.
Luis Morales
>just need money >s-surely some richfag will sponsor us!
Ryan Williams
Provided more academic support than any of you. Right, but were not talking about polar bears.
Liam Phillips
He believes that literally every group of people in the entire world has the exact same cognitive capabilities on average. He believes that if you put an average aussie abbo and an average ashkenazi jew in the same conditions, they will be exactly mentally equal.
What I believe is that he should take high school biology again.
Blake Gomez
Where? Show me any data that shows the black white iq gap is environmental.
Luis Sullivan
Actually you do believe it, because you believe in it in the case of Israel. You gave your own example of when conditions warrant an ethnostate.
Levi Gonzalez
Yea, because high school biology teaches you pseudo-science spouted by the alt-right.
Brody Peterson
We don't really need an "ethnostate" per say, we need pro white policies enacted. Like white only immigration laws, incentives for whites to have children, incentives for non-whites to emigrate or be sterilized, and ending all anti discrimination laws.
Jose Ross
Right, but Even Isreal aren't completely homogenous.
Jackson Rodriguez
Are you saying humans are unaffected by evolution?
Jordan Bell
Point being? If a white ethnostate were only 98 percent homogenous, you would be in favor of one?
Evan King
You can keep it majority without having a civil war with that kind of retoric.
Nathan Rodriguez
He's saying human mental capability is not. The old "le evolution ends at the neck XD" argument.
Nolan Sullivan
How have they evolved any differently though?
Sebastian Anderson
Substatiate your claim that the iq gaps are environmental. Provide any evidence that would point to this.
Matthew Rodriguez
>i can make an ethnostate work by watching some dumb photoshop cartoon
fuck off muttdoch
Jack Diaz
Quick question, when an ethnostate is formed and all those undesirables are thrown out, what will you do when some people of the ethnostate commit undesirable acts, throw them out as well?
Carson Butler
Does it fucking matter when it comes? Why would we not steelen our resolve now and take our stand while we still hold our reigns rather than trying to erupt up as we diminish slowly into the abyss against all odds.
If it makes you feel any better i don't have any problem with other races in my ethnostate as a subclass so long as we maintain strict control on their population. I would quite enjoy being able to drive around to other ethnic groups enclaves like a k-town or the amish.
It might not teach you iq gaps, but it'll teach you about evolution and genetics which are very relevant to the topic.
Nathaniel Harris
No, i'm not making the argument for ethnostates and ethnic differences in IQ, which I have shown criticism.
Christopher Rodriguez
You made the claim IQ differences are environmental, the burden of proof is on you.
Isaac Phillips
You always say "we" but nobody really supports your movement and it will never happen.
Jack Sullivan
Physical features, IQ, criminality, and various other differences.
Colton Miller
No it isn't, anons on this thread made the argument for IQ differences. I already said I ha provided criticism, e.g: Environmental factors.
Daniel Collins
No one supported the civil rights movement, mass non-white immigration or other any other anti white ideas. But they still happened.
Cameron Johnson
Why not just get rid of all the people that are low IQ, regardless of race. Wouldn't that help out a lot more, it'd result in a lower crime rate than if you only threw away those of another race, right?
Jaxson Turner
Different environments select for different characteristics. For example the alaskan inuit score better on visual spatial portions of the iq test tham whites. One theory is that they needed better pathfinding abilities to navigate the frozen shithole that is Alaska. We also see this visual spatial gap among men and women. Men being the traditional hunters would need to track terrain better.
Jayden Jenkins
No because social cohesion and trust would still be destroyed by a diverse society.
Jeremiah Phillips
>No one supported the civil rights movement The million man march refutes that statement of yours.
Jonathan Miller
We got at least one extremely dedicated shill OP, nice thread. Have a bump.
Andrew Thompson
England is an anglo nation for anglos first. You should get to call yourself an ethnostate if the state represents the will of an ethnic group. You will always have migration and some diversity but a pakistani or whatever doesn't want to live in a state that puts the interests of people of another ethnicity above his except maybe as a temporary worker or to fill the occasional niche like with an ethnic restaurant. But he would be sending home to his family in pakistan remittances instead of making plans to retire and raise children in England.
Logan Taylor
No, it doesn't.
Daniel Ross
I agree that men and women are fundamentally different, but not on race.
Jackson Moore
>No because social cohesion and trust would still be destroyed by a diverse society. But if people are high IQ wouldn't they try to better themselves anyway and as a by product their surrounding?
Nathaniel Brown
>korean forum of peace that's pretty original, user. I commend you.
Henry Anderson
>Different environments select for different characteristics. For example the alaskan inuit score better on visual spatial portions of the iq test tham whites. One theory is that they needed better pathfinding abilities to navigate the frozen shithole that is Alaska. We also see this visual spatial gap among men and women. Men being the traditional hunters would need to track terrain better.
People have given him dozens of examples like this, he's not interested in actually debating beyond yelling "environmental factors" and "I don't have to prove anything".
Zachary Wright
>Making Your Own Ethnostate I've given up on the UK for this. The country is full of #REFUGEESWELCOME diversity loving idiots. They will never learn. People who like what this country once was are not welcome here anymore so fuck it.
Some other country will have to try it.
Nathan Scott
We referring to whites, and whether or not they are willing to take action means nothing. It's still not logical to wait till we are 10% to try to form an ethnostate in hopes of preventing extinction instead of now while we are in control.
It's also obvious that you have your doubts about this movement as you are on Cred Forums spreading fud about iq being genetic.
Your "criticism" boils down to a literal fucking random blog post, i can't believe it. How delusional are you really? You really want to believe huh, confirmation bias is really a bitch.
Charles Barnes
But why? They evolved in different environments. Their genes selected for different traits. Why wouldn't they be different?
Asher Harris
Not to mention if whites didn't subconsciously want to be around each other we wouldn't have white flight.
Joseph Murphy
Very poor examples.
Kayden Morgan
Perhaps in things like facial features and skin colour.
Asher Price
>England is an anglo nation for anglos first. You should get to call yourself an ethnostate if the state represents the will of an ethnic group. You will always have migration and some diversity but a pakistani or whatever doesn't want to live in a state that puts the interests of people of another ethnicity above his except maybe as a temporary worker or to fill the occasional niche like with an ethnic restaurant. But he would be sending home to his family in pakistan remittances instead of making plans to retire and raise children in England.
Ok, what about second generation immigrants, or third gen, the ones that only know of the country that they were born in as home, these people that are far less likely to send money out of the country or retire outside of the country they were born in?
>No, it doesn't. That's not much of an argument, no fun. Please elaborate.
Jaxon Harris
Not enough markers were found to support the claim that he was black.
Ryan Thomas
They had to bring in the national guard and use the supreme court to force civil rights legislation.
Jose Carter
not all of us are loser gamers. I'm not on my own laptop, but there is a screencap of mine. it basically says that Cred Forumsacks are from all walks of life. In that one, there was an internationally credited poet and some other author/poet. There are FBI- and CIAniggers.
There are multimillionaires. There are poor, rich, middle class. What we all have in common is either our conservatism or our love for shitposting.
Bentley Jackson
Yes all of them are poor because they disagree with you. Speaking of which, where are your examples? Where are your studies saying that absolutely every group of humans is exactly equal in mental capability in absolutely all forms of mental activity in spite of the enormous physical differences and outcome disparities?
I suppose I can't blame you. After all, why try and explain why socioeconomically adjusted SAT IQ LSAT, etc sub-tests still show enormous racial gaps when you can just say the word "environmental" over and over again.
You've had 72 chances to convince anyone and you've failed. Time to stop posting.
Juan Wilson
Why are you guys still replying to Sargon in this thread? Still no proof to the environmental claim and a lot of “b-but I don’t ha-have to proof anything”.
Aiden Hall
You have to play by the current rules if you want change. You have to play to the plurality. Every western country is a democracy, the only way you can create such a state is by convincing the people it is within their best interest to do so.
Lucas Scott
your claim that IQ is environmental is shared by everyone on here, the only difference is that one group claim the environmental influences are spread over millennia and you claim the environmental influences are spread over a lifetime.
considering things like facial features and skin colour dont morph over a lifetife, what is it thats different about mental capabilities you think can change over a lifetime? blue eyed people can see better in low light, which helps with the long european winter in the north, so why dont africans moving to sweden or the uk develop blue eyes over their lifetimes?
Connor Garcia
And hormone balances, and brain chemistry, and disease susceptibility, and in metabolizing, and and and everything except IQ scores apparently, because that would just be inconvenient.
This, if the pope said he comes to Cred Forums I would not be surprised considering how diverse our user base is.
Julian Long
Why would there not be any behavioral or cognitive difference?
Eli Kelly
Consensus is that there aren't differences, already showed you how these studis are done poorly.
Jeremiah Barnes
>They had to bring in the national guard and use the supreme court to force civil rights legislation. hmm, is that really the lack of support?
Jackson Long
>Ok, what about second generation immigrants, or third gen It's hard on them but I don't think they want to live in a nation that gives anglos preferential treatment either. Just give them a bunch of cash and a plane ticket to wherever they want to migrate. But if you're too far gone there's no turning back, you have to just stay a multicultural hellhole forever like the US or split up into smaller ethnic states.
Joshua Wood
Why dont you think most people aren't nazis user...
Jace Bell
never underestimate them power of armed opposition to an authoritarian government. a government in decline like the us will naturally submit with time think eastern empire of rome. get enough people together with guns and the whites in the army wont obey. wen need an uncensorable internet first that cant be shut off. internet
Jackson Edwards
this is a schill ignore theyre getting more sophisticated.
>Ok, what about second generation immigrants, or third gen, the ones that only know of the country that they were born in as home, these people that are far less likely to send money out of the country or retire outside of the country they were born in? Who fucking cares? These people aren't English no matter how many generations they were here. I as an American of English descent am more English than they'll ever be.
Jordan Sanchez
Exposing stupid comments = shill?
Connor Anderson
That's it? You came in here wanting to debate and all you had was some "settled science" consensus meme? You're not even talking about the basis of the consensus, or what the consensus is about.You've really exposed yourself here as one of those "evolution ends at the neck" guys. No offense, but you're really not equipped to be here having this discussion. Wanting someone to be true does not make it true.
Hudson Gomez
And brain size. We know that the Alaskan inuit have the largest brains, for example.
So what are the odds that evolution affected the brain size of the races, but left the functions of the brain identical?
Bentley Cruz
So you don't think the allied soldiers wouldn't be considered Nazis today based on their views?
Eli Sanchez
*would be
Logan Carter
link to cross referenced dispute of bell curve?Wheres your evidence......dumbass.
Caleb Bell
Fair enough if your oppressed, but south Africa is a unique situation
Wyatt Reed
Nah, 76 replies is too committed for a shill. He's just a guy who failed 9th grade biology.
Gavin Rogers
Consensus is a meme. If you deviate from the consensus, like the guy who discovered the double helix, you suddenly find yourself unable to find work in academia
Luke Fisher
Stated it earlier.
Lucas Sanchez
>Who fucking cares? These people aren't English no matter how many generations they were here. I as an American of English descent am more English than they'll ever be. Ok, what percent country x should they be genetically to be able to stay in country x?
Angel Lee
His continued refrain is that he doesn't have to show evidence because of some consensus he can't point to.
Nicholas Stewart
Except he discovered something useful then arguing for ethno states for some arbitrary reason.
Read some actual fucking refutation you dumbasses. Absolutely BTFO
Caleb Nguyen
Dominic Hall
Obviously you're projecting, otherwise you'd be the one in his shoes and not some racist loser
Grayson Scott
racially 80%
Cameron Gray
More like 56%
Gabriel Hall
Oh no he call us racist! The horror!
Isaiah Brown
I know you're trying to troll, but you're not very good at it. You're making me cringe, plz (you) someone else.
Adrian Gomez
The horror is your ignorance of basic biology, and misusing it to blame others for your shortcomings and latch on to the achievements of others. You are just like the people you hate.
Charles Taylor
>James Watson, the world-famous biologist who was shunned by the scientific community after linking intelligence to race, said he is selling his Nobel Prize because he is short of money after being made a pariah
The point is, this isn't Cred Forums's findings. This is the findings of academia. The reason academia doesn't come out with this stuff is because they'll end up like this guy. They don't want the SJWs getting them fired.
Isaiah Russell
I think it's the other way user, I'm sure it would be hard to find a single teacher who agrees with you. Please specify which genes cause intelligence and why they are absent in certain races.
Jaxon Green
So basically have a bunch of bros and gals to be redpilled with? Wish I had my own fash RWDS to have a beer with (in moderation, obviously).
Zachary Walker
Please specify which genes make humans more intelligent than squirrels. No, you cant? Looks like the squirrel human iq gap is 100% environmental.
Tyler Smith
>The point is, this isn't Cred Forums's findings. This is the findings of academia. The reason academia doesn't come out with this stuff is because they'll end up like this guy. They don't want the SJWs getting them fired. Ahahhahaha, alright then tough guy. Go into any source of academia and start asking them about their real opinions if you're so confident that they're closeted dumbasses like yourself.
Evan Russell
Gabriel Brooks
Need at least 50-60 of each gender to avoid incest in next generation
Jordan Price
So its not biological.
Juan Ward
And if one of the leaders of your movement is found out to be less than 40% or 80%?
Bentley Campbell
Squirrels and humans are different species, humans are much closely related and the differences between haplogroups are negligible at best
Matthew Hughes
The squirrel human iq gap is not biological? Is that what you're trying to say?
Easton Campbell
You know I'm right. There's no way you could go into any place of academic credit and state your opinion without being absolutely destroyed by people who studied the shit for years, meanwhile you read one blogpost.
Evan Edwards
Yes but they are different species.
Parker Sanders
Then oh well I guess, if they support our ideas I see no reason to oppose them. Amren had a Amerindian speak at several of their conferences.
Parker Collins
The point is "find the genes" could be applied to any difference ever. It's a retarded standard that only comes up when discussing race and iq.
Kevin Ramirez
Humans at chimpanzees are closely related with a 98% genetic similarity.
Jaxon Long
No fucking morals you lot have, do you? NO fucking standards. Sounds like the SJWs everyone hates, you might just be related.
Jayden Jenkins
I think so user.
James Anderson
Whites are going to start migrating to rural areas like Cornwall or Idaho in the UK and America as shitskins become the majority. Once a city hits over 50% non-white it becomes apparent what the problem is.
Nathan Jackson
We don't hate non-white people so I don't see how that's against our morals.
Jack Thompson
Idaho is in the UK?
Kayden Turner
Makes sense, as humans and chimpanzees had a common ancestor, yet squirrels and humans didn't. That's why you can measure similar IQs to humans in chimpanzees.
Dylan Rivera
I said this before in another thread: why don't we just invade africa? Seriously, a dozen or so white guys with guns probably have all the brainpower necessary to overthrow just about any african country.
Jeremiah Clark
>Find the gene or the trait doesn't exist meme
People who make this argument were officially exiled from the internet several months ago.
Christian Brooks
>we don't hate them, we just want to eject them from our countries. >hey guys, let's have a nigger hate thread You are logically inconsistent and are suffering from cognitive dissonance. I'm done with you.
Adam Bennett
Proving it's circumstancial.
Brandon Ward
whats funny about the people on here against an ethnostate is they just cant bare the thought of being away fro white people, it terrifies them.
wouldnt it suit their own agenda to encourage it? its not as if every white person would be forced to move there, there would be plenty of liberals left behind to help build their ideal equal society.
Parker Rodriguez
But how do you know the gap is biological? Have you found the genes that cause this difference?
If the gap is biological, point to the genes that cause this difference.
Samuel Green
Honestly though user, I'm on your side, but you could make a better argument than that. Burden of proof and all that, but it would be more impactful if you didn't clutch to that as if it were your last resort
Ethan Walker
Trying to speak for all white people. Sounds like BLM to me.
Zachary Thomas
Many modern human population groups can accurately be described as different subspecies, and they come from vastly different genetic heritages. Almost all the peoples of Europe and Asia are the result of homo-sapiens mixing with neanderthals, whereas almost all sub-saharan Africans are pure homo-sapien; Australian Aboriginals and other pacific populations are mixed with other early humans. Indigenous Tazmanians and Europeans were barely even interfertile.
Michael Murphy
Right, it's true though if you talk about race it has to be biological.
Mason Russell
Yeah it is, but it never convinces anyone. That's the goal here, unless you're trying to self fellate yourself for your ego
Anthony White
>its not as if every white person would be forced to move there, there would be plenty of liberals left behind to help build their ideal equal society. what is it about being away from white people that scared you? everyone is equal arent they
Justin Ross
Are we really doing the academia appeal to authority? These guys are the same faggots that unironically try to claim gender is a spectrum.
Jack Morgan
I'm not, besides not common you find someone non alt right around here.
Juan Scott
i have feeling youre just trying to redirect the topic and reach the bump limit on this thread
Brody Wilson
False equivalency, BLM is a non white organization subverting a white nation.
Henry Brown
>If you don't want someone living in your home, you hate them
Are you really this childish and simple-minded?
Robert Ross
Christopher Cox
I'm starting to believe he's not genuine either. I'll leave him to defend his own merits.
Connor Long
But you don't have to find the genes to infer that traits are heritable. That's why the "find the genes" argument doesn't work here.
John Brooks
Neither scares me nor benefits me. Just see people for who they are and not collectivist groups.
Chase Mitchell
>Sounds like BLM
Not really, but now that you bring it up- BLM is correct in many ways- they feel out of place in the US because they are out of place in the US. This will never, ever be their home; it hasn't been in the last 400 years, it won't be in the next 400. They should have their own nations with their own governments, their own laws, their own police forces.
Jace Peterson
But it's the equivalent of your collectivist movement.
Gavin Watson
then why are you trying to collectivise everyone as being the same?
Daniel Clark
>uh huh, I don't hate them, that's rights >god damn wetbacks, sometimes I wish their race was culled >FUCK YEAH DYLAN ROOF KILLED ANOTHER NIGGER I know about you and your hate, don't lie just for the sake of your reputation. It doesn't matter here, and it's much more convincing if you own up to it.
Isaiah Ramirez
>Just see people for who they are
Biological organism whose behavior, cognitive abilities, and physical traits are impacted by genetics.
Adam Reyes
I don't I just judge people independently and not based on 9 billion people or a group.
Kevin Bell
When did I say these things? Can you quote my post where I did?
Levi Adams
>Then oh well I guess, if they support our ideas I see no reason to oppose them. Amren had a Amerindian speak at several of their conferences.
Very interesting, thank you for answering my questions.
Lucas Morales
There is nothing wrong with collectivism, nor individualism for that matter. As long as there is a balance between the two.
Grayson Jones
Interesting argument...
Thomas Brooks
50anons vs 2 whew lad
Adrian Lopez
Oh you silly little child, pretending to be so innocent in a place like this. You know you've done it, whether for the meme or out of real anger.
Jason Powell
He can't. He's living in a CNN-fueled alternate reality where le alt-right is out to get him, and 9th grade biology is controversial.
Gabriel Foster
Nope. There's general heritability. This is a scientific measure of how much a trait is influenced by environment and how much from genetics. The body is too complex for most things to be linked to one or two genes. However, by doing things like twin tests we can see how environment causes difference in expression of genes.
Your argument is uninformed and just wrong. How many times do fucks like you have to be told this before you stop making this brainlet argument?
Jeremiah Anderson
Now point to the threads where we say that about the Japanese. You can't, because we don't have those threads.
Niggers get the boot because they act like niggers, not because they're nonwhite. If one of the leaders was found to be less than x% white, no one would really give a shit besides the shills.
Julian Rivera
When it comes to the macro scale of millions and hundreds of millions of people, an entity like a government deciding immigration policy is not able to personally know the true nature of every single individual- let alone their offspring. On the scale of millions the average becomes extremely important, and thus it's important to be aware of average traits of different population groups.
Now, if you wanted to give IQ tests as part of immigration you technically could- but not in today's political environment, you'd be declared the second coming of Hitler and people would believe it (especially when the people who pass the IQ standard are vastly disproportionately european and east asian).
Michael Carter
Where? Can you quote it? I don't recall ever saying either of those things.
Gabriel Sanchez
I watch Fox News and CSPAN. I'm a conservative who's tired of this shit that denies the true reality of race in favor for a strawman to hate.
Josiah Sanders
Well I'm not a government user.
Parker Cruz
Seriously, the whole idea of trying to buy a small plot of land to make a whites-only clubhouse won't work because you're still playing by the kike's rules. If they don't shut it down for 'muh racism' then they'll do anything and everything you can imagine to try to destroy it. Brainwashing our children, blackmailing, financially strangling us, smuggling shit-skins in, propaganda that makes us look violent even if we're peaceful, maybe even bioweapons created specifically against whites if we're too successful at fighting them off.
The only thing we can do is something that they can't spin and wouldn't expect: take the fight to Africa itself. Kill the niggers where they can breed like rats due to the handouts given to them by whites. Kill the niggers at the source to stop them from flooding into white countries.
Tyler Price
get a job and have roomates?! Doing exercise? whoa user, slow down. this is getting way too complicated bro...
Zachary Bell
>93 posts by this ID
Don't you have anything better to do, honestly.
James Peterson
Same, when did not being a racist deny you of being conservative to any degree?
Hunter Long
>Niggers get the boot because they act like niggers, not because they're nonwhite >blacks get the boot because they act black, not because they're nonwhite >i don't hate blacks, I just hate blacks because their black What a compelling statement. You do most of the work for me.
Noah Jackson
Not really lol.
Kevin Turner
It's just over-reactionary kicking. They've always been around since human civilization began
Josiah Jackson
But you do have the ability to impact the decisions that your government makes.
As long as populations ascribe to the pseudoscientific theory of Human Neurocognitve Uniformity, governments will have little reason to change their HNU-compliant policies that adhere to progressive dogma.
Jaxon Jenkins
>niggers reproduce too fast because we feed them >we must kill them manually! Or just stop feeding them, retard. If we can't stop feeding them, what makes you think we have the fucking balls to go in there and kill them ourselves? Stop living in fantasy land.
Brody Evans
How do you know environment is the true reality of race? How did you come to this conclusion?
We've presented our case, and the brit user just copy/pasted nitpicks that could be applied to any study as a "refutation" Where's your evidence for the contrary?
Joseph Nelson
Any sort of 'ethnostate' is a huge fucking larpy joke.
The best you can actually hope for is to fight to preserve what's left of Europe and what's left of the white areas of the US.
This is what happens when fucktards like yourself try to make an "ethnostate" >make 'ethnostate' >really small, no sway, at the whim of the government or other nations >invite good white conservative chads >every chad you get is one less who makes up a position in Amazon, Google, Apple, etc. (aka the real power players of influence), granting each of those positions to a liberal >now they're stuck with an inability to use their conservative bias in a massive sweeping way while they're even more at the whim of liberal agenda
tl;dr anyone who advocates for an ethnostate as opposed to practical solutions is either underage or a genuine double digit regard with no lateral thinking. Let's not even get into how much of Cred Forums also browses /r9k/. The Founding Fathers were literal Chad Thundercocks.
Ryan Anderson
Well I never said I didn't have a problem with blacks. I just said I didn't hate them for not being white.
Elijah James
Here, read this. Britanon, you too. Peer reviewed studies on the truth about race and intelligence.
Nolan Gray
thats not gonna happen any time soon
Michael Cooper
Then why do you want ethno nationalism?
Angel Smith
The true reality of race being that all subgroups within a species have exactly the same cognitive capability? The only thing conservative about you is your approach to education.
This is how I know you're a libtard. Your whole view on intraspecies evolution is that it has to be nothing more than a paint job, otherwise we're somehow justified in killing each other.
Nathaniel Murphy
I'll save it for later but thanks user.
Jayden Jones
Uh huh, yeah alright. You're a funny guy, you know that?
Caleb Bailey
No problem. Hundreds of articles that can back up your arguments, use them wisely
Ian Bailey
Exactly, it's just stupid arbitrary reasons.
Brandon Reed
It's a means to an end. It flushes brown people out of the country.
Jack Cox
Cameron Scott
But you just said you don't mind them. Cognitive dissonance again.
Charles Howard
Kayden Howard
Why do you want to "flush brown people"?
Jose Foster
Being aware that sub-saharan Africans have significantly higher rates of violence and lower IQs than europeans or east asians doesn't require you to be a "racist", if you mean in the sense of feeling hatred toward someone. In fact, I'd suggest that basing morality on an act science-denialism is an incredibly dangerous precedent to set.
Of course you can hold conservative political positions while still believing in HNU, but if you have immigrarion that operates on the basis that that theory is true, as the US does, it would not be realistic to expect conservative victories as a result- in the US, every single non-white group votes overwhelmingly leftist, and even our "conservative" party usually merely conserves the progressivism of 20 years ago. Conservatives have lost on every major front they've applied themselves to over the last 70 years in the western world.
If you don't believe that biological factors can partially account for disparate life outcomes among different population groups, then most people will naturally conclude that they are the results of racism and white hatred toward black peope.
Joseph Jackson
The same people who want them dead aren't the same who feed them. The white leftists keep giving them gibs, and resent the fact that they themselves are white. We can't stop them from giving shit to niggers, so just kill all the niggers quickly before they kill us slowly and the leftists won't be able to help.
Levi Ward
see >Well I never said I didn't have a problem with blacks Its a double negative. I do have a problem with them. That problem just isn't because they're nonwhite.
Hudson Hughes
Actually, it's a good question which you haven't answered- if it's just an issue of irrational racist hatred for people who aren't white, why don't you see such a hatred for Japanese people, calling them unintelligent and violent?
Asher Peterson
Gabriel Morgan
The what's the problem?
Brandon Rodriguez
Wouldn't you say you hate irrational hatred of races too, my friend? Seriously, take a good read.
Chase Ross
You're contradicting yourself. Either you're an ethno nationalist or not.