Trump gave us a shout out
Trump gave us a shout out
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Telling it like it fucking is.
Calling it now, he'll get flak for shaming someone's weight
400 lbs hacker who won it for Trump reporting in.
Wow you're like 4 of me
hahaha 400 pound hacker basically he knows that piss dossier is made by some autistic faggot
Holy shit! Has trump literally been pretending to be retarded this whole time? Maybe he does acknowledge Russian s did something but he pleads ignorance?
It takes a lot of food to subvert the democratic will of 280 Million people + 40 or so million illegals.
i thought he meant T_D
Black futa or Jewess?
Pic related
So Kim Dotcom hacked the elections?
Would not braise.
Old news he said it in a speech months ago
reported to the FBI
Fuck off Kim
When will that fat elite hacker known as "Cred Forums" be stopped?
I always like the unimaginable levels of salt
Jokes on you I posted online all over how I'm going to shoot up a school. The FBI wont touch me now.
t. Nikolas Cruz
he was right on everything except in the political player part,
how can pol be fat when they lift so much and only eat fresh fruit and vegetables and eat the lean meat from animals that they hunt and they dont drink or drink soda and they are always getting loads of sex and doing squats and not watching TV?
He's spot on exact that we have no power and don't matter. We have unlimited power and we matter more than we ever should.
fuck off JIDF faggot
lol just lol. I'm not sure if you're a shill yourself now. You're like a kike jumping at the sight of a display oven at the department store.
Thanks to people like him, everyone in this country has a vote. So guess what? An anime fan's vote counts as much as anyone else's.
One waifu = one vote. When will this country learn.
He would know since his son has a rape fantasy fetish
The 400 lb truth isn't that true anymore about Cred Forumsacks, and anons around all boards. This website is the opposite of normie culture, and for being /fit/ and /lit/erate to not be the norm anymore shows you something. It truly is quite scary user.
who is he talking about?
If Russia is trying to affect the US election, it's concerning, but ultimately the responsibility falls to the sitting president, Barack Obama. In order to ensure the integrity of US elections, Trump has selflessly allowed the investigation into the meddling to continue, even though it's clear that his opponents are using it as a partisan witch hunt.
no the guy caught. I know who his internet people are.
How many of these "Russian troll farmers" were just you autists with VPNs?
His description (minus the anime part) fits most STEM people. And those have a far greater positive impact on Human Development than a bunch of Normies (which should be the majority of Dem's voting base), whose most challenging questions in life are on the level of "where will i go partying tonight?" or "i did something mundane, i wonder how people on Facebook will react????". Or worse - the sociologist/liberal arts people, who are not impacting human development at best and negatively impacting it at worst...
Which one of you faggots is 400 pound?
no idea
he said "genius" this time
Maybe someone on pol has a 400# dick?
800 pound superhacker here. I control both sides.
Thanks Donald :,)
>not knowing about the legendary hacker known as Cred Forums
fuck off
>Not knowing that Germany indeed has no sense of humor
Thanks Donald
Post pics with thighhighs
Save this shit for your other forum.
so was the 'Russian hackers scandal' just some shit posting on twitter & reddit, is that all it was ?
There are no geniuses on Cred Forums. 400 lb people maybe