Love always wins
Love always wins
it's true, especially if you don't use condoms
That chick is already mixed so it doesnt matter
Tell it to her
Entropy always wins.
La creatura...
>implying all black girls are like that
>mutt gives birth to a mutt
Is this supposed to trigger me?
I wish these had sound.
I don't feel sorry for human babies
I feel sorry knowing what’s coming for you firend
There are species that retain their characteristics even in conditions that are relatively different from their natural ones; other species in similar circumstances instead become extinct; otherwise what takes place is racial mixing with other elements in which no assimilation or real evolution occurs. The result of this interbreeding closely resembles Mendel’s laws concerning heredity: once it disappears in the phenotype, the primitive element survives in the form of a separated, latent heredity that is capable of cropping up in sporadic apparitions, even though it is always endowed with a character of heterogeneity in regard to the superior type.
>New Amerimutt pictures are always spread with meme flags
Really interesting, (((coincidence))0
Why not? These are your loyal cattle.
You forgot this picture
Looks like a beautiful happy family. Meanwhile Cred Forums will never be given the chance to have kids and just jack off all day
la atrocidad
I’m married to a blond wife with a blond little baby girl and another child already planed
You are literally projecting right now you fucking no good shitskin
>little blonde girl in Germany
Your grandkids gonna be brown lol
Once again your wish thinking,
Looking at actual statistics and not your delusional wishthinking nigger opinion
that's mostly so you don't make fun of whatever country they are from. If you're from west europe 'haha mohammad' if you're from america 'haha mutt' etc you can't win on Cred Forums
She's not going to have a choice the way things are going kraut
>I don't feel sorry for human babies
It'd be hard to sacrifice them if you felt sorry for them