>President Trump: Year One
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>VP Pence @America 1st Policies event in TX 2/17/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis in-flight presser 2/17/18
>NSA McMaster @Munich Security Conf 2/17/18
>DNI Coates on russian election meddling 2/17/18
>This Week @State 2/16/18
>Tiffany/Barron arrive in WPalmBeach 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Broward County Sheriff's Office 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Broward County Hospital 2/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in WPalmBeach Fl 2/16/18
>Pres Trump Departs DC 2/16/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady/Rato after visiting border 2/16/18
>VP Pence @RNC in San Antonio TX 2/16/18
>VP Pence in Hidalgo TX on immigratin 2/16/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady arrive in TX 2/16/18
>DepAG Rosenstein indicts 13 russians 2/16/18
>SoS T-Rex presser w/RoachFM Cavusoglu 2/16/18
>CommSec Ross @Small Biz Summit 2/16/18
>Pres Trump Addresses Nation on FL Shooting 2/15/18
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ President Trump General - NASCAR Edition
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Mueller is dee state pawn who will fabricate evidence if need be.
I think some one wanted this.
Is there a NASCAR live stream on the internet?
Will Trump tweet again today?
Post your newest deportation screenshots from the past week
They always warm my heart
We hilldogs now
The Chinese will soon rule over all
Can't be anything but an improvement (over niggers, muslims, liberals and Jews) desu
I think you mean pee state sweetie
I wonder why they wouldn't want the memo released around this time
Are there any streams of the anti gun march? I want to hear their arguments on specific gun legislation directly related to the florida shooting that would have prevented him from purchasing a firearm
>Go to YouTube
>Search Daytona 500
>Filter for live
maybe he knows there is nothing there...
they want to keep the mueller probe going till after the midterms
Has he gone to jail yet?
What does this mean? What is he afraid of
>Imagine what the USA could have been without niggers and spics and the Irish.
It's called "Apollo," and it was glorious.
I've always thought he is pretty handsome (in certain angles)
Much obliged.
>Has he gone to jail yet?
Why, and how is that a threat? How will they retaliate?
What is this faggot afraid of?
Twitter is going to have a field day.
Obviously he's afraid Republicans would lose in a landslide and the Blue wave would take over!
when will we have our MAGA space-utopia?
Then the Jews came. As they always do.
>expecting actual arguments
There haven't been any since Sandy Hook, what makes you think there will be any now?
As for last thread, here is the /jp/ anthem
Turns out it was a vocaloid
>they let the jap score again
Poles are the smartest Slavs. Also, why are Moldovans smarter than their brothers in Romania? Does the town rapist force you to get smarter?
The Dems are slowly turning on Mueller.
Hello neocon general
>do your job!
>But politically in my favor
I went to this race once. Once. It was the most boring shit that has ever happened to me.
>when will we have our MAGA space-utopia?
In Trump's 2nd term
Just imagine going through that place with a flamethrower.
>Poles are the smartest Slavs
Eva/Fluffy is an exclusion then.
No shit, he already got a few cases thrown out for evidence tampering and lying to/misleading the jury. Look up his involvement in the Enron cases, it was a trainwreck.
Comey was a Russian asset and they've brought in his best friend to cover his ass.
I have to admit, keeping a folder called "insurance" on his desktop was pure hilarity.
>Ties self up
>Throws self in pool
When the EU is dead and Europe is blood stained with civil wars, and America can get its head back on straight.
Oh I'm sure Eva's just a troubled guy who needs fresh air.
MSM silent
the southern region and other rural parts are dragging it down I imagine
also you can't know if the difference is statistically significant
This is Drumpf’s AmeriKKKa.
This. Is. NOT. Normal.
Probably all nogs.
>gang related
>black victim
this, trump is mentally ill
Oh shit are we NASCAR posting?
I want a NASCAR Awoo!
I went to Talladega once and had a great time, even though it rained and Earnhardt nearly died.
it's a president's job to rise the spirits of the people not to cry with them and bring everyone down
Kansas is still bleeding.
It is just 2 points so no major deal there.
>Trump pulls victims out of their grief
>Obama forces them to stew in their sorrow
Wow. Obama is truly evil.
>Niggers being THIS MAD
How many dead in chicago alone?
1600 block... niggers
who is /ourguy/ at the Daytona 500?
At least we know our dads.
It doesn't matter where it is. The Jews will always work to destroy it as they always have.
>Don't let the goyim know we've wasted a year of their time and money on absolutely nothing until after we have their votes
Currently only 25 people have been killed in Chicago as of now.
Country IQ measures are bullshit, look at TIMSS and PIRLS tests
Smartest Slavs are Russians
Same nigger that said if you dont want niggers stealing your money then hide it in a book.
>is a grand father
>has children
Either he really sucks at using condoms or people think his sexual vice somehow equates to bad parenting.
at least BLM has a coherent message now
>only 25 people
Only 20 this month.
It would be more proper to say "know who are dads are", because some white children have to grow up without dads because they died in the line of duty as veterans or policeman or firefighters or other such heroes, and as such do not "know" them, strictly speaking.
Whereas nigs just don't know because their moms are whores
Nogs don't like the cold. Once it warms up, the blood will flow.
That really needs Dio Cassius in it.
>Retards are actually calling for Wray to resign over some dumb fuck field agent messing up the Florida school shooter tip.
lmao nobody cares he lied here:
He'll never live that down
Guys we need to meme Russia in the olympics. Lets turn all those bronze medals to gold!
Come on pedes!
Crying is for babies and women.
I've been busy with stuff for the past few days. There were indictments, but the people who got indicted aren't here? Also, 125k in online ads beats a 1.3 billion dollar campaign? How?
See only 25 for the entire month.
So I hear.
Or you know incest.
>/jp/ lets /sci/ win because they have a japanese mathematician on their team
That's still roughly one person every two days.
You just weren't drunk enough
I thought incest was more a muslim/jew/middle eastern thing.
Mueller literally copypasta'd the thing out of a 2014 Buzzfeed article. It's all damage control to avoid admitting that 99.9% of """Russian bot""" activity was actually Cred Forums.
not nearly enough
Month not year
>lmao nobody cares he lied here:
Mis-en-scene Finn. They didn't get AL Capone for the pile of corpses in his wake, they got him for failing to properly file his tax returns.
Here's a classic for all you newfags
>bigger balls
it's a general shitskin thing. people who say that only white rednecks do it are damage controlling
Crying gets nothing done why not try finding the good things oh negative black hole of hate Twitter?
All people indicted are Russian, will never be extradited, and will never go to court (or offer a defense). They are for show, nothing more.
Almost all the "propoganda" took place after the election and focussed in stirring up protests, not changing votes, as per the head of Advertisement for Facebook.
There is no Russia investigation. It's a hunt for literally anything Trump has done wrong and it will continue forever.
she looks like a god damn ape
Yeah what could go wrong with comically immoral insectoids
Well now you've just made me look silly.
>Cries like a ten year old girl
>Massages handsome young father of a dead child, whispers invitation to hotel room in his ear
Yeah, nah, I'll take "resting shit-eating grin" over that literal niggerfaggotry any day of the week
In Africa since recording keep is bad we don't know how much it happens but it does because niggers and Islam is something to abhor. As for the states well when you don't know who your dad is your uncle could be your dad.
>"I want to live in a world where an equal amount of white kids are shot every month"
But you don't, and no matter how much you want it, we'll be civilized and you'll always be subhuman apes
Who else /comfy/ today?
oh kurt, you need to seize and decease
I very highly recommend this episode of this podcast. They discuss the Jews and the true nature of their evil in the best kind of fervor and detail. Including the subversion of Christendom, their worship of demons, their hatred of Christ, their pedophilia and so on. I've actually listened to the whole thing multiple times.
Fucking Trump, forcing people around him to smile and laugh too!
Aside from New Year's, January-February is usually quiet. -10 degrees windchill keeps everyone inside. Give it a couple weeks and the bullets will fly.
Checked. It's a pretty alright day.
She's a dumb slobbering nigger who does the bidding of her Jew masters. Who cares.
>Looks like one
Thanks but I know about them and their ritual murders.
today is terribly /uncomfy/
He legit looks like he has FAS or Downs.
>just sanction them because lol
What the fuck, real life diplomacy isn't a fucking video game. Liberals are idiots.
>le ebin pepe thumbnail
Very Redpilled, my fellow kekistani
Leftists have the most solid opinions with the shakiest of foundations
What happened, user?
>Give it a couple weeks and the bullets will fly.
Just wait until the first full moon of summertime. Shit gets crazy
>arguments on specific gun legislation
How new r u
I am not Shareblue and speaking my honest feelings, after his tweetstorm today I think he's gone bonkers from constant witch hunts.
Actually READ the style of his tweets, so many are in the third person or feel like an observer looking at events rather than having agency. He'll say "look no collusion!" or "this guy did blank blank, sad!" or "going to Indiana should be fun! wow!"
When he said something like 'FBI was looking up boogeymen rather than doing its job... get better!' I said what the fuck? A president would say 'we are going to have a topdown review of the performance of the FBI, the dead at Florida deserve it'.
I think he is delusional and reverting back to before he won the election, maybe its Alzheimers. It just feels like he's not acting right in the head, not that he is unpresidential or anything like that because that is an abstract concept anyway.
I know but if you want some background audio. Just do it senpai. You'll like it.
I hate Clinton so much. Fucking up potential global alliances because she was too lazy to up her dosage to be strong enough to go to the Midwest.
At least I can take solace in the fact that the Left has no great candidates right now.
What's he hiding?
Unless you know, torch their houses and force them to fight for shelter. Not very legal but could probably fix Chicago up.
Been a relatively calm year tho, I think I only got comfy with a mug of cocoa only once this time in 2017
unfortunately no
wasn't and still not in the mood for a drink
You're really predictable.
> switching back to Dotard Don
So your handlers have decided to stop pushing the angle that Trump was directly involved, good to know
God libs are hilariously pathetic
>I am not ShareBlue
>spams the same thing in everything
Okay friendo
What happened there?
>A president would say
That's why the most prepared candidate for the position lost the election by a electoral college landslide: Americans don't want a person to mince words, they want a president who tell it like it is in a way they themselves understand.
That's why "I'll bring back waterboarding and a whole lot worse than waterboarding" won over "if you want to understand my program you need to read my book"
>sierra leone
They must be the master race of niggers
This sounds pretty neat.
Thanks anyway.
That's dark blue. I think it's the 3rd sect of Islam.
>Been a relatively calm year tho
It helps that law enforcement knows DOJ have their back instead of suing them in federal court for race related bullshit.
just because a couple Jewish kids got shot up by another Jewish kid does not mean PDJT postpones rallies.
They forced fluffy to spend an entire weekend here, you know they're desperate when they send mentally challenged into the fray
Well, hope your day goes better!
The more you know!
Prepare for feels
I'm surprised how many teams have custom anthems sung for them
Someone must have bleached them hard. Just checked they were a Britbong colony.
Under Communism she would be milked after all of the cows were confiscated/shot/eaten
>Thanks anyway.
Or don't for whatever reason.
What is Trump doing for President's Day?
A tax cut is the best possible gibmedat.
Which was why he allowed Grant to kick them out of his military district?
so fucking fake
>Under Communism she would be milked...
Go on...
Nigs (in America, at least) actually do tend to suffer from long-term inbreeding, like Jews, because most of them don't move around all that much over the course of generations. Living in a black part of a black city, I've seen some mutants, the most bizarre was a guy with almost white features but coal-black skin and splotches or spots of white skin, like a dog or a horse might have. He was also almost too retarded to speak and had a tard-handler (also black, also retarded, but less so) to help him empty trash cans. I saw him in a hospital near where I was going to school, emptying the trash cans, and then I saw him and his wrangler wandering around campus as well, emptying trash cans, so I don't even know who (if anyone) actually hired them to do this, or if they just found jumpsuits somewhere and were playing pretend
>Not Delivered
delet this, my dude
I can't watch it right now. Internet is iffy.
You just made imagine this but with titcows.
I smell fake
Joe worked into a seething shoot by Big Tweets Trump
>Go on
And then probably eaten. We all know how Leningrad turned out.
Depends on the age of the kid
>keeping your own money is a hand out
>Tax cut
Suck my dick commie. The government takes lime 8000 of my net earnings every year. Getting some of the wealth I generate back is not gibs, it's earned wealth. You can go kill yourself you faggot
Someone shoot the Joe!
I mean, he's not wrong.
I don't know how someone can have this takeaway from what Trump tweeted
Imagine the shitshow if he decided to run in 2020
>gibs **
Fucking phone posting sucks. Can't wait to fix my laptop
Are our tax dollars sponsoring that car?
be president
>new tripcode to filter
Why do they make it so easy?
Listen to it on your phone or whatever.
>James O'Brien
He's a horrible cunt, try listen to more than 5 seconds of him on LBC. it's fake.
Do you all use the "Tomorrow" theme on pol?
Really makes me feel like a true russian hacker and less like a rural and/or suburban retard.
shhh, here we only praise Cheeto Benito
LEAF! What did he mean by the time space thing? No seriously.
>fbi and cia mouthpiece media wants Trump's phone taken away so they can go back to being the arbiters of what the plebs hear
>He's doing the thing that makes our argument look better make him stop reeeeee
>our tax dollars
Niggers don't pay taxes.
I used solarized dark.
Yes because my eyes hurt
Fuck off faggot.
All day, everyday
Haters still mad
Trudeau is such a fucking retard, he only got in because of the weed thing, which he still hasn't delivered
>"I'll bring back waterboarding and a whole lot worse than waterboarding" won over "if you want to understand my program you need to read my book"
Kek, pretty much summarizes 2016 election. You could also put almost any statement Trump has ever made in front of "just read my book you stupid rural and suburban peasants!" and the assertion would still work
>our tax dollars
Says the tripfagging neet
I always think this is a spoiler image when I scroll past it.
>be on /his/
>lefty/pol/ shows up
>starting to make the argument that communism was less degenerate
>point out that communism inspired neo-marxism in the west
>immediately all the leftists start saying it wasn't true communism
Why do these faggots, without exception, always end up using this same arguement?
So from you're saying Hispanics actually spread around much more than blacks in the US? I'm just trying to get a grasp on the demographics, I get that amnesty tacked on much more Hispanics but the growth rate is a different story.
It's just audio too. There's no video so it shouldn't be a problem unless your connection REALLY sucks.
About the left gun grabbing tendencies: they're truly walking the same beaten path that got the Brits a black eye in the 18th century. Here is the rundown of an article [1] detailing exactly what the Brits did, how that backfired and how that influenced the creation of the second amendment.
The background
> Furious at the December 1773 Boston Tea Party, Parliament in 1774 passed the Coercive Acts. The particular provisions of the Coercive Acts were offensive to Americans, but it was the possibility that the British might deploy the army to enforce them that primed many colonists for armed resistance.
> The Patriots of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, resolved: "That in the event of Great Britain attempting to force unjust laws upon us by the strength of arms, our cause we leave to heaven and our rifles."
> A South Carolina newspaper essay, reprinted in Virginia, urged that any law that had to be enforced by the military was necessarily illegitimate.
Why an armed populace matters, what constitute "a militia" and why "freedom of assembly" is the first amendment and "right to bear arms" the second
> The Royal Governor of Massachusetts, General Thomas Gage, had forbidden town meetings from taking place more than once a year. When he dispatched the Redcoats to break up an illegal town meeting in Salem, 3000 armed Americans appeared in response, and the British retreated. Gage's aide John Andrews explained that everyone in the area aged 16 years or older owned a gun and plenty of gunpowder.
< Military rule would be difficult to impose on an armed populace. Gage had only 2,000 troops in Boston. There were thousands of armed men in Boston alone, and more in the surrounding area.
Gungrabbing as the ultimate resort to take away the rest of the freedoms
> One response to the problem was to deprive the Americans of gunpowder.
Presidential anal sex with Melania
le the donald thread xd
See They are the Jews of the orient and are not to be trusted.
>only 25
That's just for the month of February.
Because they're stupid. That's why anyone does anything.
The explosion of Darling OC has forced me to create a new folder and I only do that when the number of images gets too difficult to handle
Baking, Worry Not
I heard you guys only got him in because you were tired of the other.
Thanks, user. Also, not the right Saint but remember the 8 homilies.
How would /ptg/ react to a Scarborough/McCain ticket??
Why is she still fucking campaigning?
Please. Obama’s tears were so fake. Something has always been off about Obama’s eyes, maybe too much coke and cum or other secrets.
Ultimately leftism isn't so much an ideological sance so much as a weapon against western civilization. If it were an ideology they would own their failings and retool their theory to fix things but instead they just keep changing how they trick the goyim into communism. Lenin had the industrial vanguard, Mao's was agrarian, and now here they've infiltrated academia
Glory to God forever.
>reverting back to Mentally Unstable Donaldâ„¢
Don't mind me, just dropping this here
Doesn't hurt that the fact Chinese Jews exist too.
>only 66 the whole year
Rookie numbers. If those houses got burned down and they were forced to fight for shelter Chicago would be a new city by dawn.
If McTumour is still alive in 2020 I am going to be incensed
Fucking Italians, kek.
That would get tanked hard. If McCain is even still alive then.
Praise be.
It would be good for America but not piss off liberals enough, so we wouldn't support it.
That picture of Hillary coming from an airplane looking like a crazy cat lady dressed in a rainbow vomit dress?
>feast day is my birthday
Sweet. Glory to God
How could we have missed this, of course it was him
Frankly I see them as modernist heathens, because they pretty much practice it as a religion
>going to Indiana should be fun! wow!
Trump is coming to Indiana?
I recommend lavender, meant to keep you calm.
>23 posts by this ID
To leftists Communist countries are only Communist when they do something they like.
For example
>Invading Berlin in WW2 = Real Communism
>Holodmor =/= Not real Communism
Yes. Suburbs are 74% White, 16% Hispanic, 4% Asian, 4% Black, 2% Mixed race. Rural areas are 83% White, 9% Black, 6% Hispanic, 1.5% Mixed race, .5% Asian. Cities are 25.6% White, 25.4% Black, 31% Hispanic, 12% Asian, 4.1% Mixed race, and 1.9% Semitic. There is also about 187.5 ACTUAL native born White Americans in the US. 187.5/325.720
Communism and leftism ultimately IS the work of Satan. Literally. It is a dark satanic force that seeks to burn and destroy EVERYTHING sacred and holy in the entire world.
i love it when Americans get slaughtered at school ;)
She thinks if she stays in campaign mode Trump can't imprison her because muh optics. She is wrong.
>immigrants who suck the welfare teet may no longer be welcome in America!
How dare we?
His feast day is coming up so you better get ready to honor ol' Gregory.
Mazel tov /ptg/!
Even pastaniggers have to fear such a criminal mastermind.
lmao, read the list of the "duck hunters".... lotta whities in that list
shills extra salty today. Donny truly rattled their cage with those juicy tweets
Anyone got any good trump car pics?
>Captcha: Select All Cars
That was one of us. It's painfully obvious.
No, absolutely not, Harper was pretty great for the country. Budget was balanced, country was prosperous, government in check
Then that faggot substitute drama teacher came in, sold all of Canada's gold reserves, imported sandniggers, threw the budget way out
>sensible gun laws
>no mass shootings, acid attacks, stabbings or trucks of peace
How do we do it?
Lol Kissinger betrayed Nixon by delaying telling him about Israel's forewarning regarding their intentions to attack during the Israel-Arab war. Literally backstabbed by one of the two he trusted.
Excellent work, detective!
I mean I like Hitler but I don't pretend he didn't get way to cocky once he defeated France perfectly
You're not wrong. It always fails precisely because it's, by intention, antithetical to everything natural and good
>legal votes
oh SHIT its goin down at Daytona
big ol crash
the rural retard in me is so excited
Lack of diversity. So expect them within a decade.
>It ain't racing unless they're swapping paint
whoa! is this the pwwer of reddit?
Chabad Rabbi's calling for their attendees to find light and give light at this time, how ever it may be found.
Not sharing sources, but you can google what Chabad Rabbi's have said about this..
The exact point the modern left misses: there is no "peacefully disarming the population" without their consent and the consent will never be given.
More than that, "from my cold dead hands" is not an adage: it is a battle cry.
> Before dawn on September 1, 1774, 260 of Gage's Redcoats sailed up the Mystic River and seized hundreds of barrels of powder from the Charlestown powder house. The "Powder Alarm," as it became known, was a serious provocation.
> By the end of the day, 20,000 militiamen had mobilized and started marching towards Boston. In Connecticut and Western Massachusetts, rumors quickly spread that the Powder Alarm had actually involved fighting in the streets of Boston.
> More accurate reports reached the militia companies before that militia reached Boston, and so the war did not begin in September. The message, though, was unmistakable:
Here is the core message
> If the British used violence to seize arms or powder, the Americans would treat that violent seizure as an act of war, and would fight. And that is exactly what happened several months later, on April 19, 1775.
The full article is interesting, a worthy read. The left is completely delusional if they think they can disarm the population be it with tanks, drones or any high powered weaponry law enforcement and the military has: it would only devolve into a full blown shooting war and 100% sure it would have the exact same outcome of when it first happened.
The founding fathers framed the constitution and the Bill of Rights not out of some philosophical concern but out of very real ones: they lived, fought and died for those exact concerns and the constitution, I reckon, is just a piece of paper and it is not what secures the freedom of every single citizen. It is "a well regulated Militia", in the above example being "everyone in the area aged 16 years or older", owning a gun and "plenty of gunpowder"; meaning enough firepower to do hold their own against the oppressor
He keeps getting away with it!
Then I heard wrong then.
no, this is
>yahoo groups pr0n
it's been so long i've forgotten
and i'm worried now what will happen when pixiv and sadpanda dies
Exactly. I wish more people would fucking realize this. I truly believe many leftists are under influence by demonic forces.
Do you really believe everyone that has even the mildest criticism of your beloved Trump is a paid shill? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?
Columbo vs Batman (Adam West) - who wins?
I wonder what the effect will be when millions of illegal central Americans go flooding back into their homelands. I wonder what's the percentage of illegals to citizens, won't bother to count green card holders since they're still immigrants.
>paid shill
Who said anything about paid?
> they do it for free
Not even the best argument. Even a world without guns will have guns.
remember to somehow condense it for easier coverage
Fucking Barney Fife down in Amarillo, Texas shot the good guy.
I genuinely don't understand how someone could have that opinion over Trump's Tweets this morning. Joe is Joe is seriously deranged and I'm concerned he's going to go full Lori again. He's not well.
>Internet humor in real life
>main theme of the movie is how islolationism and ethnonationalism made Wakanda what is is
>villain was literally someone who arm black people all over the world as revenge for colonialism
This movie might not be so bad...
Fox News just said that Senator Lankford said that Mueller is going to release his final report in the next few days. Any truth to that?
>Not even the best argument
Risking to channel Mollymeme here, what I proved was actually "not an argument". Just the pure undiluted truth, highlighted with historical context.
There are "rights" that are natural to mankind and can never be granted, only taken away. The right of self defence is one of those.
Correct, the Sultanate of Oman is majority Ibadi Islam. They consider themselves more tolerant of Christians but they also practice kitman (Taqiyyah style deception), so who the fuck really knows.
why does portuguese sound like literally russian?
>everyone that has even the mildest criticism of your beloved Trump
They're called useful idiots - most aren't even aware they willingly further the cause of anti-American subversives.
has this meme hit pixiv?
>remember to somehow condense it for easier coverage
That's the condensed version, two posts is the best I could do with the source article. It is a good read
22 million illegals. 75% live in cities. All non white. If it means anything about 68% of people born in the US are White and 64% of infants born to two native born parents are white. Compare that to 57.6% and 50.5% (respectively). The latter includes all immigrants
This is why the United States will NEVER be occupied by a foreign power. Thank God we live in a time of peace where liberals can bitch about things they don't understand.
I mean make a pic so people can post it and read it
>Best film he'd seen since House Party
Nice touch
I can't imagine a world when those two die, worst of all making Fakku in charge of IPs is going to be full on terrible.
He/she may get fined for not keeping the rear windshield clean.
Someone could argue that is a hazard on the road.
god damn mercer-russki bots GO BACK TO THE DONALD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
You guys didn't get the irony. I didn't mean like you think.
Entertainment wise? Columbo hands down.
>Mazel tov!
>why does portuguese sound like literally russian
I took some Russian lessons and can read the alphabet, I noticed that too. There is a reason for that, many of out phonemes are identical to theirs and even more similar than with, for instance, spanish.
Most Ukainians that ended up in Portugal when the construction sector was booming learned portuguese in a few weeks at most and spoke with no accent at all. It was uncanny
Source me up.
So early
Mazel tov
I can't keep track of all this islam doctrine nonsense, anything you can point me to feed it to me, besides /sg/
pic related
Fake as shit.
Cutting it close, I'm impressed by the hispanic rate, but why are blacks stagnating, not that you should care about more blacks existing but I don't get the relationships of their crawl compare to Hispanics.
The 13 shitposter indictments really seem like a "fuck it, I have absolutely nothing, ok? Please just give me a C- so I don't have to do this class again next semester" kind of thing
>Oy vey shut it down
It gets highly convoluted, especially after the assassination of Ali. The internal politics and sectarian divides make getting an objective history extremely difficult. Don't go to wikipedia for anything but names and dates, lol. I'll see if I can dig up one of my old books from college.