Do you conservashits really think that you are going to stand up against "tyranny" or whatever you think you need assault rifles for?
I've got news for you, the government has tanks and bombs and drones and I don't think that a few rednecks with guns are going to stop them. There is no need for people to have guns like that. You aren't going to do shit if the government comes to take them away and there's no way you could ever resist regardless.
It's time this country treats you like the immature little shits you all really are. We need common sense gun reform and we need it now! Teens shouldn't be able to walk into school with an Assault Rifle-15 and kill their classmates. The U.S. is literally the only nation where this happens and it needs to stop.
Fuck off I'll keep my guns my weed and my liquor and there's fuck all any government regulation can do about it. If guns are banned I'll just buy a bunch more on the black market just as a big fuck you to everything you stand for
Bentley Rivera
We only need gun control for white folks. You never see any other race's kids shooting up schools. Plus, blacks are usually killing other armed blacks, which is fair, not cowards like conservatards
Dylan White
Do you really think a gov is going to start bombing or nuking the shit out of their own country? The amount of casualties would be retarded, killing even people that are pro government.
Josiah Cooper
We already have. Clinton’s are the epitome of tyranny. And we didn’t have to use a rifle Pic related/thread
Blake Turner
Why are you fighting it user. Getting shot is just part of being american. It can't be helped like your skin colour. Embrace it. If your not a burger why do you care?
Cooper Reed
I hope that one day it will be legal to kill seditious shits like you.
Jace Turner
Yep, they can willingly participate in the buyback before facing confiscation. This WILL happen eventually.
Ethan Howard
>every single time a school shooting happens anti-gun amerimutts appear out of nowhere >the same anti-guns that don't know what's living in country with heavy ban on firearms Because we're doing great as hell in violence numbers without "muh bad guns" right? Just shut up.
Kevin Lee
Was that the response you were looking for? Should I try it again, but with more gusto?
Justin Gutierrez
Same fucking copy pasta thread. Stop replying you fucks. The mods also need to ban OP
Xavier Murphy
Uh? What? Confirmed for dumb ass. Pic related.
Brandon Turner
Easton Jones
The faster the kikes try to make guns illegal, the faster an underground gun market will flourish with insane profit centers.
Cameron Ortiz
australians are fucking cucks. They should have stormed their governments buildings for that shit.
Jason Clark
did you know that you align yourself politically with Oprah, a very fat lesbian black woman?
Have you no shame?
Jordan Gonzalez
>The mods also need to ban OP Ban me for telling the truth? It's funny how you guys make fun of liberals and then cry like a bunch of little shits about your safe space.
Adam Barnes
Trigger warning.
Alexander Foster
Austin Torres
>what are guerilla tactics >what is vietnam
Julian Gray
Pic related you stupid fuck
John Cooper
Over and over and over with this fucking thread.
Lucas Rodriguez
Why are there so many anti gun shill threads? fuck off.
>Assault Rifle-15 What about Assault Rifles 1-14? Are they okay?
Robert Baker
Joseph Flores
I don't have time to read your conservative dribble. Summarize that shit.
Nathaniel Turner
Kevin James
It is the only place we have left, and you snuck your people into mod positions, as usual, you subversive fucks
Nathaniel Ross
I have the right to protect my family, my wife shouldn’t be shot while teaching.
Cameron Peterson
No, we tired of these threads.
>common sense
Fuck off, we’ve heard it before. Come get em’
Ian Gomez
Notice how the LARP asks you to trust a Government that will murder you for merely refusing to disarm. You have committed no crimes but you are assumed to be a deadly threat to society just for possessing a weapon.
Liberals either hopes this intimidates you into submition or they actually think that you can trust Government Enforcers who commit murder on mere suspicion of future criminal behavior.
The (((Government))) can't force racial integration on the poor if the poor can shoot back.
Oliver Fisher
What did all of those countries (Vietname, Afghanistan, etc.) have in common? The people are very poor, had nothing to live for. US citizens would wave white flags as soon as they lost their comforts. US killed millions in all those wars, citizens here never see death that close. They’d surrender quickly.
Noah Gonzalez
Oh, it's this libtard again.
How many times... the military as a whole is separated into two main bodies: the regular full-time military (ARMY/National Guard, NAVY, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, etc) and the Unorganized Militias.
Every male citizen between the ages of 18-45 are automatically members of the Unorganized Militias in their state. That's the legal reason we can have a draft in the first place - members of the Unorganized Militias are transferred to active military service.
In times of rebellion and full-scale invasion, state legislatures can authorize the governor to call up the Unorganized Militias to support regularly military. In those times, citizens will have full access to National Guard Armories and other vital equipment. Since there are not enough military weapons available for all members of the Unorganized Militias, many would need to bring their own arms and equipment. Citizens already have legal means to access said tanks and helicopters, and are all basically the current militia of their individual states.
And due to the fact that police cannot prevent crime, and criminal acts and organizations are a direct threat to the state, arming members of the Unorganized Militias is necessary for the stability and liberty of the state. Taking away guns leaves all states and municipalities vulnerable to attack and sedition.
The 2nd Amendment stands. It's over, libtard.
Xavier Hall
>Do you conservashits really think that you are going to stand up against "tyranny" or whatever you think you need assault rifles for?
Yes. We really do.
>I've got news for you, the government has tanks and bombs and drones and I don't think that a few rednecks with guns are going to stop them.
I've got news for you, tankers and pilots need to eat and sleep. You have no idea how armies or warfare actually works.
>There is no need for people to have guns like that.
Why not? Guns like "that". What is this "that" you speak of?
>You aren't going to do shit if the government comes to take them away and there's no way you could ever resist regardless.
Yes I will and sure there is.
>It's time this country treats you like the immature little shits you all really are.
lol. An immature little shit is the one screaming to take away other people's stuff because a different person used the same thing to kill people. You literally advocate gun violence to end gun violence. Only a mentally unstable or retarded 12 year old thinks like that.
>We need common sense gun reform and we need it now!
Not really, but like what for instance? What's your plan? Telling me to turn in my guns? I am telling you in advance that I will not comply. What then?
>Teens shouldn't be able to walk into school with an Assault Rifle-15 and kill their classmates.
I agree, murder is illegal and should remain so. BTW, dumbass, AR doesn't stand for Assault Rifle.
>The U.S. is literally the only nation where this happens and it needs to stop.
It isn't and I agree, it does. Your solution for the problem is incoherent and will not work.
Daniel Price
>Assault Rifle 15 Opinion discarded
Kayden Reed
i also think that no one really needs automatic weapons. but in my country, we also don't have strict gun laws nevertheless we don't chimp out that often as you guys. btw you kinda sound like an authoritarian. are you and left or right wing authoritarian?
Eli Watson
The Zionist Occupied Government can't just declare war on white men, though they wish they could. The vast majority of their Enforcement Class is white men. That makes it hard for an (((Elitist))) to know who to kill and who to whip and tell to get back to work.
Justin Allen
Ayden Scott
The resistance against "tyranny" is ridiculous but people should have the right to own guns for protection. I'm not sure if a AR15 fits that criteria. I don't own any gun and I know nothing about them. When I think about protection I think about handheld revolvers. Where I live I can't even have a small gun for protection, so the burgers are right in not trusting on any gun regulations.
Brandon Turner
You mad bro! You seem a little angryer today.
Nicholas Cooper
>Assault rifles
AR-15 isn't an assault rifle
>Tanks, bombs, drones
None of these can patrol the USA 24/7. None of these can search your house for contraband. None of these can effectively dismantle a guerilla rebellion consisting of millions of people.
Shit bait.
Carter Ortiz
In the event of an insurrection, would they not suppress how much information on why people are revolting could get to their enforcers, i.e. soldiers? People with military experience will probably get what I am talking about.
Cooper Brooks
>I don't have time to read your conservative dribble. Summarize that shit. Probably because you're illiterate.
Josiah Parker
Your wife is statistically much more likely to be shot by you than any attacker or intruder.
Asher Phillips
>tl:dr Jets can't enforce no assembly edicts etc. A jet can't kick your door down and search your house for contraband. Government will always lose to the people.
Josiah Barnes
>replying to a coherent statement >illiterate
Luke Butler
Fucking based
Hunter Torres
Angel Campbell
Landon Lee
yes, it's called propaganda. you paint your enemy as an inherent evil, committing false flag attacks on soft targets and blaming it on your enemy.
Joshua Clark
Hell yes soon we will need them to hunt down traitorous leftist commies like you!
see I want to know if there's an actual good counterpoint to what I said
Wyatt Butler
> also : a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but is designed to allow only semiautomatic fire
*shrug* sorry, I don't write the dictionary.
Joseph Fisher
Democrats really don’t know shit about history Outside of the American revolution, most major revolutions had the revolting side woefully under armed compared to their governments until they manage to take over a single stronghold, either through tactics or sheer manpower,where they manage to arm themselves further and actually turn the revolution into a more even war.
Noah Price
This thing keeps happening.
>Be OP >Not a lib >goes to Cred Forums >changes flag to an Ass >posts: "I'm libREAL, guns are bad." >Cred Forums users flock to thread knowing it's OP larping again >Cred Forums users who are too stupid to know the thread is a lie go on to post stupid shit >Cred Forums spins its wheels in the mud talking to itself
Ethan Adams
no you aren't and no you wouldn't
Noah Hall
Terrorist Attack today in russia. 5 dead with HUNTING RIFLE. So fuck off with the AR15 BAIT SCUM.
Logan Gray
Hunter Jackson
i don't think we should take away guns, just make it harder for mentally ill / unstable people to get them and make license to carry mandatory for purchase.
There needs to be annual mandatory psych evaluations for people who have these licenses and they need to be trained on how to handle and take care of the weapons before they can get their license.
Colton Lee
Yeah >no you wouldn’t
Angel Richardson
The loyalists (liberals) of back then said the same thing to the colonists before we won. Washington had them all hung after the war. We're going to do the same to you this time as well after it's all said and done.
Aaron Mitchell
I feel like I summarized quite well if you cannot easily read that. You're a stupid fuck.
Luis Russell
The Second Amendment keeps the United States free. If you don't like it, move to Iran.
Josiah Anderson
Seems credible
Matthew Adams
how about you die in a fire, pig fucker. molon labe. you clearly arent born here mud blood. deport yourself to the tird world
Brody Gutierrez
No, we have posse comitatus. Once that line is crossed, its civil war. Then the winner will be so pumped they will just beat on Mexico or Russia for fun.
Ryan Evans
Hahah, nope. Actually I voted for Bernie!
Cooper Gutierrez
>I'm a former future U.S. Marine What?
Kevin Morris
>a few rednecks Toplel. 100 million firearm owners, famalam. Please volunteer to come take them.
Robert Walker
Nope - screw collective punishment.
Jack Murphy
You realize this is the same handful of autistic retards with attention issues just trying yo get you all worked up? I'd be mad to if someone parked me in a wheelchair facing a wall all day.
Blake James
That's actually pretty realistic except no muscle tightening or nerve misfires, and he didn't fall.
Jaxon Moore
We had tanks and drones in Afghanistan and Iraq against a enemy that had neither. Remind me how that worked out?
Ethan Myers
You still have tanks and drones over there.
Blake Rodriguez
Leftists claim to ''make love and not war'', and how they're against using violence. Yet, they have no problem using the government to forcefully take American citizens' firearms. Violence makes the world go around. OP claims to be a marine, which is a lie, and doesn't want to admit that the Taliban is still fending off the Chinese, Russia, and America. So much for drones and tanks.
Jackson Hughes
>just make it harder for mentally ill / unstable people to get th- Hmmm very good idea goyim! Of course, as a bipartisan legislative body, we can all agree that racism is absolutely a mental illness! We must test all prospective gun owners for such insane delusions...
Joshua Fisher
>I've got news for you, the government has tanks and bombs and drones and I don't think that a few rednecks with guns are going to stop them. There is no need for people to have guns like that. You aren't going to do shit if the government comes to take them away and there's no way you could ever resist regardless. A bunch of rice farmers in Vietnam seemed to do fine
Hudson Cooper
yeah well im a retired navy seal. youre fuckin dead, kiddo
Jose Peterson
You little future faggot. lol. Sonny boy, this old man has actually been to a war. I have seen firsthand what happens to little ten foot tall bullet proof idiots like you. You have no idea the level of violence human beings are capable of. None. You think life is a recruiting poster and real war is a video game where you get to respawn? I have stood in the door and slept in the hard billets you little latte slurping, skinny jean wearing, purple haired, androgynous faggot. I trained men to be soldiers and have a campaign hat hanging on the wall and a DD214 in a file cabinet to prove it. But please bitch, please I beg you, for the love of God head on over to my house Mr. Marine boot washout. Please come try to take what I have a God given right to own. I will bring an unspeakable rage and a burning hatred in my heart. All men like me ever asked for was to be left the fuck alone. But no, no you decided to hate me, hate my religion, hate my whiteness, and hate all I hold dear and true on this earth. You degenerate cocksucking, baby murdering, communist piece of shit. Please, I am begging you to do what you offer.
Liam Mitchell
My point exactly. The enemy is still there and they aren't exactly going away or surrendering.
Hunter Evans
>do you vietcong, afghans, etc think you can stand up against the us military? They have tanks and drones and bombs etc etc
Eat shit and die faggot. You think the military is going to carpet bomb the united states and go door to door killing rebels? How fucking dumb are you?
Hunter Morris
Kevin Brooks
Cameron Lopez
I don't know if I'm growing out of Cred Forums or if this board is getting dumber.
Caleb Harris
>Assault Rifle-15 heh hehehehe
Samuel Hernandez
I’ve got news for you, dumbfuckrat.
The Posse Comitatus Act prevents the government from using the Armed Forces of th United States against its citizenry. Any good American Soldier will not follow any order that violates the law. If this would happen on a large scale, States would rebel and form militias, and the would be the end of the United States.
You are nothing but a stupid child that wants the government nanny to come in and make everything alright.
If you think that School Shootings only happen in the U.S., perhaps you should move to South America, “literally”.
Go pound sand, you stupid little girl control freak. Let the adults handle this shit!
David Perez
>the government has tanks and bombs and drones
They also have infantry numbering in the hundreds of thousands and equipped with small arms.
Please tell me more about how firearms are useless in modern warfare.
Charles Stewart
You bet. Did you watch any MSM coverage of the Charlottesville, Unit The Right Rally? Then did you watch the citizen journalists on You Tube, both right wing and left wing, showing clear footage of the Leftists and Cops starting the trouble? Thus forcing the Right to defend itself? Did you notice how the Leftists were all given bail but many of the Right Wingers are still in jail while awaiting trial?
Jewish tricks were all over that day and all the MSM media reports about it. Whatever the Right does in the future, it had better not trust the Cops like they did during Unite The Right. It had better stop telegraphing its demonstrations too. Jewish Masters and Good Goy Enforcers cheat as easily as you or I breath air. Alternate Media sources will have to be developed going forward from Unite The Right. The (((MSM))) and state enforcers can not be trusted to keep white men safe.
Xavier Ramirez
Hey OP tell that to the Vietnamese rice farmers who whooped our ass 45 years ago.
Jackson Cooper
>this thread
Jordan Scott
Wow, op is a faggot. No right minded gun owners will EVER give up their arms
Joseph Jenkins
Nice trips user. Really exemplifies the liberal mentality.
Samuel Wilson
Jose Mitchell
If Canada can ban liquor from Indians it would be legal to ban Indians from owning them too. Be wise.
Thomas Gutierrez
>tfw OP takes my guns >tfw no feel
Robert Watson
Nolan Anderson
I met a marine in his 70s who was a Vietnam veteran and he said how there was no direct objective over there. The Americans just had to wipe out everyone, because even the women and children were shooting them from everywhere.
Camden Miller
And with that you just proved why we need an armed independent citizenry. People like you can't be trusted with power or authority of any kind. You wont hesitate to abuse it. All you seek is power over others you disagree with.
Sebastian Powell
It's much more of a pain in the ass taking down a country with 300 million guns than one without. That is the point. The government is stronger sure, but most people don't get into fights knowing they will get a black eye. They get into fights with people they are going to win against without a scratch.
Chase Morales
This is why all liberals can do is chant slogans so dumb a child could come up with them. Can't even bother to read a proper argument that's already summarized
Here's a summary: you're a stupid fucking liberal who can't even read and the world would be better off without your stupid ass
Leo Price
Lmfao you people are so ridiculous- all logic out the window. Casualties from mass shootings a year? Less than 100 Casualties of niggers with weapons- at least 10 a Day. One is a blatant everyday occurrence, the other is rare and 99% of the time are on or withdrawing from SSRI. How about looking at the entire picture, the rest of the world takes as much medication as us, right?
Brandon Fisher
Yes white men need to realize that giving weapons so easily its a problem and instead of fighting us Poc and women should instead join us and work together to deal with this threat.
Jeremiah Johnson
holy hell, that guy is straight anime
Kayden Turner
>I'm a former future U.S. Marine and I would be happy to take the job to forcefully remove guns from assholes like you.
No, you’re a larping faggot thinking the US military would go after its own citizens. Come and try to take my rights, motherfucker!
Brandon Hernandez
No you're not. No marine ever describes themselves as a "former" marine
James Morales
>Op laughs it off >"I voted libREAL" >"I cant possible be anything else now that I've told you that, now can I?"
Hudson Turner
Do you really enough guys who are risk their lives to go around and disarm their countrymen?
Luis Adams
what is Afghanistan
Jordan Lewis
So full of shit OP
Luke Harris
Dylan Cox
They have flying saucers too. Doesn't mean I'm just gonna give up my guns
Xavier Campbell
Enjoy the lead in between your eyes when you try, "comrade."
Mason Harris
The problem with Indians is how fucking mongrelized most of them are. Seriously the state natives are in now is the greatest argument against mass migration and racemixing you can ever find. Seriously the few good natives one can find ones that actually get a job and stuff are the more racially pure ones
We couldn't ban them from owning alcohol successfully though they just bought it illegally same with guns they're already smugglers of illegal firearms into this country though they're mostly selling them to buy other shit
Hudson Ortiz
Blacks >Tyrone Mitchell >Peter Odighizuwa >Latina Williams Need me to list Natives, Asians or Hispanics?
Xavier Hernandez
enjoy increased crime you globalist piece of shit
Joshua Young
I’m going to try and explain it so that you can understand.
You cannot control entire country and its people with tanks, jets, battleships, and drones, or any of these things that you so stupidly believe trumps citizen ownership of firearms. These weapons cannot stand on street corners and enforce “no assembly" edicts. A fighter jet cannot kick down your door 3 AM and search your house for contraband.
None of these things maintain the police state needed to enslave the people of a nation. These weapons are for decimating, flattening, and glassing large areas of many people at once. The government does not want to kill all of it's people and destroy its infrastructure. These are the very things they need to be tyrants in the first place. If they decided to destroy everything outside of Washington DC into glowing green glass, they would be the rulers of a big, worthless, radioactive wasteland.
Police are needed to maintain a police state -- boots on the ground. However, no matter how many police you have on the ground, they will always be outnumbered by civilians, which is why in a police state it is vital that your police have automatic weapons while the people have nothing. But when every random person could have a Glock in their waistband, and every random homeowner could have an AR-15, all that goes out the window because now the police are out numbered and face the reality of bullets coming back at them.
If you want examples of this, look at the every insurgency that the United States military has tried to destroy. They’re still all kicking with nothing but AK-47s, pick-up trucks, and improvised explosive’s because these big scary military monsters you keep alluding to are all but useless for dealing with them. Once great nations have fallen to populism and tyranny, and it will happen again.
This is why we have the Second Amendment.
Jose Gonzalez
afghanistan. beat russia and america with rocks and sticks.
Wyatt Morgan
ooh boy, I better pack all of my toys and turn them in! are they open today (sunday) or I have to wait until tomorrow monday?! I don't want to be in trouble and have these DEATH DEVICES in my house any longer!*clap*!*clap*!*clap*!*clap*!*clap*!*clap*!*clap*!*clap*!*clap*!*clap*!*clap*!
Lucas Reyes
What common sense laws do you propose faggot?
Alexander Watson
I need an assult rifle for when the cartels get a little too cocky. The fucking cartels killed someone right down the street from my house a few years ago. And i live in southern california. My fucking brother even said. He hangs out with some bad people. I remember he told me the cartel was going to kill someone in our city and like a week later they did. So drug cartels getting cocky. Fucking BLM or ANTIFA could snap and start murdering people. Fucking ISIS could have people here. You can take my guns after i massacre people. But its not gonna happen. If i do massacre people theyll be breaking into my property. I live on a sketchy street. A few months ago some guy almost got carjacked. He was running down the street and some guy was chasing him saying “were gonna fucking kill you!” He hopped into my front yard and asked me to call the police. The world is getting crazier and crazier and you dumb motherfuckers want to ban guns. Youre one of the crazies.
Noah Green
John Hughes
100 mill vs a few hun thousand regardless that's a tilted match up
Caleb Long
Oh yeah. And like a year ago i woke up and looked out onto the street in front of my house and it was packed with swat and police getting ready to raid a house down the street.
Nolan Nelson
It's not even the superior firepower of the government that makes me think. Do these dumb rednecks think that 200 years of democracy will just vanish and the gub'mint will start some random civil war for literally no reason and no diplomatic solutions will even be tried first it would just go straight to all out war, and that the UN will just leave everyone to it?
Seriously, the "the government is after me" excuse is the dumbest.
Carter Long
>Do these dumb rednecks think that 200 years of democracy will just vanish
The Monarchy's control over the colonies did..........
Juan Green
Oh good one you sure turned that one around on us! Except for that you can’t change the fact that all liberals are pussies and you’re a genuine loser who can’t find a job besides posting on a forum
Seriously you’re a pathetic little bitch, how does it feel knowing that you literally work to churn out propaganda for people trying to make a powerless slave population
Noah King
What are you babbling on about?
Hunter Long
>Monarchy >Democracy
American education. What are you going to do Cletus, secede? You tried that once before and it didn't end so well and that had the backing of actual people in positions of power. Do you think even the most avid 2A supporting official would lead some sort of revolution if they come for your guns?
Chase Gonzalez
Your FBI file just got a little fatter due to the way you worded that, I guarantee
Aaron Cooper
What, do you think a "tyrannical US Government" would use those weapons to combat their own weaponized rednecks, even though doing so would cause damage to the infrastructure on a large scale?
Not happening. Unless it is a modern Feminist Tyranny - in which case they would of course kill "those mean white cis male raycists" regardless of the costs involved.
The illegal and brutal War of Northern Aggression took 4 long, bloody years to conclude. 600,000 dead. I don't think you have any idea how passionate rural and conservative Americans are about gun rights.
Oliver Brown
That was fucking awesome. It gives you the urge to kill gay faggots like that.
James Gray
>I've got news for you, the government has tanks and bombs and drones and I don't think that a few rednecks with guns are going to stop them. 1. Tanks and Bombs and Drones cannot keep the populace in check, nor is it the answer to dealing with domestic threats. If you want to try to explain to the public why the government decided to take out an entire city block just to deal with one guy that kept a gun locked up in his own home, be my guest. 2. Those things did not stop the Vietnamese, nor did they stop every opposing force in the middle east. Do you really think that they will stop an already-armed populace? Do you think the Military will seriously be willing to use such tools against their own countrymen?
Aiden Moore
There are already entire police departments that have declared that they'd refuse to go take people's guns if the government orders them to
I guarantee the majority of the US military supports the second amendment. Hell we'd probably just see a military coup no redneck uprising required
Jace Davis
retards shills
Justin Hill
Democrats don't own guns though
Ethan Fisher
I'd love to have access to firearms. Our gypsies would stay far away in that case.
Also, in a country where firearms are illegal, only the criminals have them, while in the US everyone has them. I'd say the latter is better.
Noah Long
Bad news for you donkey man.
Government isn’t going to use bombs and tanks on US civilians in US soil. I practically had to suck the area commander’s dick to get clearance to drop a 500lb JDAM on a confirmed goat fucking terrorist camp in the middle of shithole nowhere Afghanistan.
Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan proved the US government isn’t going to do what is necessary to beat an insurgency. I know. I was there for 2 of them unlike you needledick.
US has hundreds of thousands of disgruntled combat vets with guns and training that spent the better part of their early 20’s conducting COIN operations in the Middle East. We know how the government and military responds to insurgencies and we know how to fight like guerillas and insurgents.
Best part is, many of us also have experience with FID operations so we will have no problem training Bubba and Cletus to kill you.
You should be scared. Civil wars are always bloody and brutal.
Anthony Martin
why dont you just give up already and suck on chinas cock you fucking cuck
Evan Ross
"a few rednecks with guns" i bet 1/2 the military and 1/3 the law enforcement would stand against and fight if there family was in direct threat form the government
Nathan King
>assault rifle-15 good b8 until this point
John Gomez
Jose Jackson
Implying the military doesnt defend the constitution or support the 2a
Benjamin Martin
...says the utterly cucked Brit...
Cooper Rogers
Are they OK with a Trump run government monopoly on force?
Elijah Howard
some more perspective
Evan White
How is the war in Afghanistan progressing?
Jackson Taylor
shut up, kike. the program is right on schedule and evolving according to plan. >we (rural & suburban 'rednecks') continue to arm and stockpile. >(You) continue to concentrate your populations in mongrelized cosmopolitan centers without defense and at the mercy of your beloved victims of systematic racism
you are doomed
Brandon King
a few rednecks with guns defeated the British empire you cuck. We'll do it again to this empire. You're also forgetting that the majority of the gun owners are soldiers, police, and national guardsmen.
Nathan Murphy
school shootings are all staged events. the truth is coming. kikes are going to be global pariahs.
turn in your guns, kikes.
Grayson Davis
Delicious pasta
Matthew Cooper
Zachary Scott
How tough do you think some hillbilly couchtard is compared to an afghan who grew up in war and has seen more of it than anyone in the US?
Thomas Diaz
Jack Gray
My grandfather was in Vietnam. Can confirm, he has told me some pretty fucked up stories. Even corrected a Vietnamese news outlet when they found like 30 something bodies while clearing land for construction. My grandfather was there during the battle and told them where the other 40 bodies could be found. One example
Benjamin Russell
vietnamese farmers sage
Jeremiah White
you forget too mention most mass shooters are lefty dems can we please ban them{dems i mean}
Jordan Morris
>The U.S. is literally the only nation where this happens and it needs to stop. Laughingbreivik.exe Based leaf
Benjamin Foster
>he thinks insurgencies are the same as wars ALL NATIONS, no matter how strong they are (military wise) will have a big fucking hard time in a civil war scenario. You have >rouge agents withing your gobernment siding with the rebels >chaos >vulnerable power grids (no electricity = bye bye coms intel) >millions of armed americans that have been wishing this day to come >a bunch of politicians who will inevitably be seen as tyrants Basically, if a civil war breaks in a country, the powers that be would depend on mercenaries to not get slaughtered and paraded all over the country. Or... You take their guns and now they are living thanks to their merciful overlords.
Zachary Butler
This shit has been discussed in Cred Forums shit loads of time
Colton Fisher
Why the fuck haven't these been posted yet? The discussion is over.
John Wood
Landon Martinez
Oliver Nelson
Henry Campbell
There. Thread over. We're done here. Guns stay. Anyone that comes for them gets to be a corpse.
Lucas James
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Camden Baker
I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.
Josiah Scott
At least the conservatives would stand up , you fuckin flatbacker .
Brandon Young
Not worried about the gov just fuckheads like OP
Luis Brooks
wars aren't won by tanks, bombs, and drones.
wars are won by logistics.
Sebastian Gray
means nothing to an Abrams. Try again neanderthal land.
Logan Brooks
Or the hicks with guns are labeled and targeted as domestic terrorists. Also how long could pot belly hicks survive in a country with economic collapse? No more burger king . No more Monday night football.
Dominic Reed
I agree that any other country's citizen will give her gun, but no way Americans will do it. Only American is capable of actually shooting and killing cops because they want to take his legally purchased guns.
That's the beauty in Amreica for good and for bad.
Ryan Clark
Blake Watson
>former future wat
Lucas Hill
How does me handing over my gun make the community safer? I'm not gonna go on a shooting spree.
Jeremiah Jenkins
>the average gun owner is a pot belly hick lmao @ the sheltered suburban libtard
Levi Anderson
John Taylor
Read up on Vietnam
Lucas Lopez
Dropped out at boot camp?
Jack Martinez
Just like an ass not to want to contribute to medical science and healing technology by thinking gunshot are a big deal.
Fuck, son, when I worked in a big city ER, 3/4 of the patients were on or approaching their tenth visit and got they cards stamped for the free heart transplant.
Caleb Morales
I'm not going to fight tanks and drones with my AR dumbass. I'll just have it on my back in case I get caught taking down those giant metal power structures and cellphone towers with home made thermite. Hope you like the dark ages faggot.
Jace Myers
Shartblue Shills can't /thread another Shartblue shill post
Caleb Green
the average gun owner is a pot belly hick >lmao @ the stupid beaner who thinks they are not.
Charles Stewart
Liberals: >It's pointless to keep the war going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, the people there will just keep killing us! We don't stand a chance, it's going to be another Vietnam!
Liberals: >Hand in your guns, you stand less of a chance against our government than illiterate goat fuckers and rice niggers!
Justin Johnson
Fuck off idiot, half the military would defect in the case of a civil war and the other half would follow suit once ordered to kill civilians.
Owen Walker
This is why the left will always lose an argument amd needs to resort to 3 second talking points based purely on emotion.
Landon Morris
lmao @ the retard who uses racial slurs while following an ideology which would chastise him for doing so
Isaac Ward
>half the military would defect in the case of a civil war And join the rebels?
And at least a few will kill civilians.
Sebastian Perry
>hurr durr guns cannot beet tanks nd drones u gais >I am a sheltered leftist nu-male faggot and have no idea what guerilla warfare or insurgencies are I guarantee you these are the same people who say "LOL, THE AMERICAN ARMY LOST TO VIETNAMESE FARMERS WITH SHITTY OUTDATED GUNS!!!!! XDXDXDXD"
remember what goes in all fields
Kayden Perry
Jaxon Reyes
The 'AR' in 'AR15' stands for ArmaLite Rifle, not 'Assault Rifle' you fucking wanker.
Cameron Anderson
lmao @ the boarder jumper who thinks I belong to any ideology because his taco bending ass has to.
Charles Taylor
Isaac Nelson
> There will always be a few good goy
Eli Butler
Zachary Thompson
Also at some point you will have gunfights when civilians refuses to do what the military will tell them and then soldiers will fire back kek
Carson Young
Ryder Taylor
Juan Campbell
Joseph Phillips
Nice digits Your still faggot blister riddled cum dumpster
Liam Perry
Yeah sure man, because your argument isn't cleeeearly based on conflicting ideologies. Try reading a book from time to time.
Adrian Rodriguez
Asher Ramirez
>you are going to stand up against "tyranny" >the government has tanks and bombs and drones The memes write themselves, you're a supporter of "tyranny", also a bunch of rednecks are going to stop the US Army like a bunch of yellowneck ricefarmers did. You should thank the rural whites for feeding you desu.
Nathan Butler
Do you conservashits really think that you are going to stand up against "tyranny" You are a tranny
Brandon Miller
This post again? Why do you retards keep replying to these stupid reposts? I thought you were smarter than that Cred Forums.
Liam Lee
If a civil war were to break out in the USA I would join the rebels as a foreign fighter. And once im done helping MAGA I will return home for my 10.5 million dollar payday.
Luis Ramirez
>You are a tranny only on sundays
Christian Long
My gun stays in my bedside drawer. Its not for shooting up schools. Its for killing home invaders.
Ethan Mitchell
>isn't cleeeearly based on conflicting ideologies. Or maybe it is based on how I see things. There are still some independent thinkers among you fucking sheep. Now go dry you back.
Caleb Wood
statistically even more likely than that to be shot by a nigger...ban niggers user, do it for the chilrens
but they have drones and an army and blah blah blah
put your fucking hand on that wall!
the enemy cannot operate a drone if you disable his hand!
Angel Cook
In truth they will have mini drones (slaughter bots) and they can take out all of us with ease. The way is to hope our gov doesn't want to kill us, because when they do, we're dead.
Andrew Brietbart trolled one fucking insider (Podesto) boom he was dead, Zero consequences for Podesta.
Stay out of (((their ))) crosshairs bro
Ethan Howard
this already happened in the Philippines.
You can get a lot of okay-tier firearms for dirt cheap in the Philippines precisely because they are afraid of another Ferdinand Marcos incident.
Say what you will about those mutts but they fucking love their guns and they sure as fuck know how to make them cheap and under the table.
Easton Williams
hey retard, look up cliven bundy
Kayden Gonzalez
>the government will actively bomb and steamroll their own territory/people/infrastructure Retard
Ethan Taylor
Anti 2A thread#67
Hudson Mitchell
No one said we're going to fight the military, we're going to try and perform a coup by getting one of own elected by using memes, then we'll have control over the military and thus control over America. Now, stop being a dumbass and fuck off to Facebook with your normie ass.