How will the left ever recover?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Try to proactively get angry isolated gun-owners free therapy
>Ignore the problem
Yeah why didn't they just report them to the department of giving free mental healthcare to young adults in desperate need. Too bad that you dumb conservashits hate any of that.
It wouldn't make a huge difference desu. A lot of these mass shooters already have therapy and meds.
Therapy is a Jewish trick
Redpill: by the time they're planning or trying to get a gun it's too late. Mass shooters are caused by a variety of issues, such as poor parenting, overprescription of SSRIs, and mass media culture, that pile up over a lifetime. Unless the culture of America changes, the problem will continue, gun laws or no.
Now post the real one
Of course that's true. But the overall point of the cartoon is also true in this specific case, and as it turns out, many shootings. We have law enforcement for that reason: the crazies who will never follow the law.
Name 3 shootings that got prevented because of free mental healthcare you dumb nigger.
Anybody got the original?
Somebody get that hothead out of there
>name three events that were unrecorded and unpublished
Yeah because it's a big news story when something DOESN'T happen.
Unedited version please
Eliot Roger was on high prescriptions of Xanax. Guess how that ended?
Okay, so if it's a mental health issue and not a guns issue, then what kind of mental health solution do you even want?
Holding the Jewish doctors and drug pushers liable for what they do.
I like Benny G and Trump and all but this is picture is nothing more than a remake of Trump's comments into cartoon form. Ben used to be original, but nowadays everything he draws is just a rehash of Trump talking points. IMO good ole Ben "one man klan" Garrison should get out off Trumps ass and thinking for himself again.
You realize you're a pawn, right?
At least admit you know you're a fucking pawn.
We literally just do not even care about mass shootings anymore
And this will somehow(???) resolve people suffering mental health problems? I'm all for holding large corporations accountable but apparently they're the only ones actually bothering to address the mental health issue that you guys all claim exists.
>[sustained farting noises]
Someone post that centrists jpeg.
The over-prescription of drugs isn't doing much good. But really the thing is that as usual control of the narrative is used to distract from the actual underlying problem: the FBI is responsible for 3/4 of domestic terror attacks.
Route the FBI first and foremost. We can worry about drugs and guns after that.
>"All of your problems can be solved with free medicare! Just throw drugs at the problem bro!"
Modern parenting in a nutshell.
How about faculty staff spend time calling out bullying when they see it instead of being afraid of might not being "the cool teacher" if it involves confronting the popular kids that tend to be the bullies? How about not having a 19 year old being able to buy a rifle in the first place? How about the FBI actually look at obvious red flags instead of orchestrating bullshit to justify fisa warrants for opposition research?How about you fucking shoot yourself you commie piece of shit.
you know we used to have state insane asylums
>To solve school shootings we have to remove the FBI, then people who make drugs, and also doctors.
You're starting to get it. Stick around. You'll eventually learn how to attack the problem rather than the symptoms.
Getting better teachers means getting more funding for schools and you conservashits always oppose any increase to education funding. I'm all for making sure 19 year olds can't buy rifles but lmao NRA lobbying. And again, what's the FBI supposed to do? There's no Department of Young Adults In Urgent Need of Mental Healthcare, what are they supposed to do when they hear about this?
You're right commie. We should get the govt to tear out the cancer destroying our civilization. Until we get that system up and running, head to the nearest gallows and we'll start chemo with you.
>Just imprison them, don't do any therapy or medication.
For some reason I don't think the entirety of the infrastructure of all modern civilization is the problem.
Funding should be local, not federal. You're once again missing the point and tilting at windmills.
Keep pushing your ideology you pampered little cock sucker.
You'll regret it.
they absolutely did therapy to and medicated the inmates in state insane asylums
Thanks for the salt my dear friend from Israel
The corrupt FBI and the Jewish medical cartel are hardly the entirety of modern civilization.
Conservatives oppose any increase to education funding at any level, local, state, federal, or otherwise.
Euthanasia, it would thin the herd here pretty well.
>[fart noises]
Still waiting on the oĊiginal
>Kid has been on your radar for moths
>law enforcement tipped off several times before the month of the shooting
>Plethora of online evidence available indicating this person was unstable and intended to carry out violence.
>"FBI dindu nuffins" it's all the mental healthcare issues.
Commie retards like yourself have no situational awareness.
Sounds like a broad brush to me, but then again I think the word "conservative" is meaningless. Funding education appropriately is absolutely essential, whether it's home schooling or some more institutionalized solution.
Well apparently all forms of therapy or medication are Secret Jewish Tricks so I dunno why you think it'll suddenly work if you add bars to the windows.
I memeflag for (You)s.
We'll never know, because we used to be smart enough to lock them in asylums. We'll also never know because such things don't get reported.
imagine being this retarded
month's' fucking N key
Oh right, you prefer charter school funding, the proven abject failure of every educational system.
It's not a good idea. Trust the commie to not understand the kind of abuses the government can commit when you put it in charge of determining whether people need therapy or medication.
>Getting better teachers means getting more funding for schools and you conservashits always oppose any increase to education funding.
Nigger, the US spends more money per student and our standard of education is garbage. Public education is garbage, and I'm saying this as having experienced it. Throwing money at the problem doesn't help.
What the fuck kind of radar picks up moths you fucking retard.
Paxil, Prozac, & Ritalin have done jack shit, and arguably made shit just as bad if not worse. Bodies still hit the floor.
Then what works?
>privatize education!
>privatized charter schools are objectively worse
*consults Alinsky handbook*
"hahaha wait til that evil n-nazi gets owned with this s-savage fart riposte!"
>Try to proactively get angry isolated gun-owners free therapy
Sure but them your labeled crazy and lose most of your rights and a lot of job opportunities.
I prefer smaller government and believe that the federal government should stick to only what was outlined for them in the enumerated powers of the constitution - none of which say ANYTHING about education.
Education ought to be determined by the state and local governments.
>[fart fart FAAAART]
Then how do you address the mental health problem?
I missed a letter, what a fucking travesty. Have any argument to provide? Probably not considering you're retarded enough to be a communist.
>group of Cred Forums posters
>looking at scenes with bane in them
>hothead redditor losing his shit behind them
>they ignore him
lol ok shitlib you win. you and your friends enjoy you're helicopter rides.
What the fuck was the FBI supposed to do? Who are they supposed to report it to? Are they supposed to arrest some kid for being an edgelord Cred Forums shitposter, because I think there's a lot more funding to give them if you want that dealt with.
Taking care of deranged individuals is a far cry from nannying 300 million people.
yes YOU ARE a faggot
I'll tell you what would've. If I called the FBI telling them that Nikolas Cruz had personal access Trump's Pee tape, & recorded evidence of Trump talked to Putin the day before he announced he was running for POTUS, his ass would be in cuffs faster than you could say "Madam President!"
Last week some kid at my school sent a vague bit of copypasta to do with shooting people to a class email list. The next day the university issued an email about him having been removed from the "campus community" and how he's potentially facing terrorism charges depending on how the initial hearing goes.
Cool, I'd be fine with that too if you conservative shits weren't also trying to slash education spending at state and local levels.
>implying this much
wew lad. Lets just go with your plan and throw more money into the dumpster fire. Eventually that'll work, right?
So no action should be taken when a legal adult posts photos of him killing animals while talking about being a professional school shooter? Not to mention the history of mental incidents this shitlord has in documented records. To act like there is no grounds for action there between the FBI and Law enforcement is silly.
there isn't a mental health problem
>This claim, however, is false. In fact, as figures from the Crime Prevention Research Center show, âthere were 55 percent more casualties per capita from mass public shootings in [the European Union] than U.S. from 2009-15.â
That's not an answer.
Let's say you know there's a kid who might shoot up his school. Let's say there's a five percent chance he might, statistically. What do you do? You can't put him in jail because he's not done a crime yet, obviously. What else?
Then what changes do you want made to public education that involve spending absolutely no money? Retard.
Depending on severity, you report it and then somebody comes to interview him. Kind of like it's standard procedure to get a free interview with the secret service if you make a death threat against the president.
So if you don't want the federal government to fund education, and you don't want state or local government to fund education, and private charter stuff is objectively shit, then what's your solution?
eliminate the dept of education
>Just remove schools
How's that going to solve it?
Solve it? Nothing's ever "solved." It's just the normal course of life to take precautions and investigate potential problems.
Teachers & principles take shit seriously enough. So tell them? I've been to school where they expelled a kid for having a toy gun, and that was like in 2001. This was before facebook or instagram.
So you interview them. Nothing changes. They will remain a 5% risk, and one in twenty of those people will shoot up the school. Now you have an interview on file for the person who shot up the school. Congratulations, retard.
>dude just throw pills at them lmao
pure ideology
the main problem with mass-shooters is they typically can't make ANY friends no matter how hard they try. Paying for therapy is no substitute for having a best friend.
>eliminating a federal dept is the same as tearing down schoolhouses
b r a i n l e t
schools are already managed at a local level, every school district is organized on a local basis - eliminating a federal dept responsible for oversight is just eliminating bloat and will allow the schools to better allocate their funds
He already got expelled. Getting expelled didn't stop him from walking into the school with a gun.
What about the failure to charge him with the multitude of crimes he commited?
it's really not that big of a problem
you have been tricked by the media propaganda jews into believing that the US has a problem with gun violence
>dude just send thoughts and prayers lmao
Just like anybody could walk up to a school and chuck a molotov in it. Or drive a truck through a crowd of people. All you can do is notice people who can't operate normally in society and look for potential problems and connections that might inspire preventative measures.
remove reddit
What do you expect he's a communist
yeah because prisons are such an effective rehabilitation mechanism
redpilled me about therapy. I know is just some asshole talking to somebody for a few hour and they gets paid a lot. Yeah, I think that's the redpill alright.
Putting people in therapy is a good way to get them to do something insane even faster.
Pic related. Therapy is fucking worthless.
Yeaaaaah might help if you use more words to specify what you mean. Otherwise people will laugh and call you a conservatard.
brainlet communists, you mean.
This. Gun control/mental health resources are just the populations way of avoiding the real issues. The real issues are too large to tackle for them; the total annihilation of the family structure and community life. Gun regulations or free therapy will not change anything.
>One sheet of paper telling you to clean your shithole room means all of the mental health apparatus is worthless
How do you think unstable people should be dealt with then?
sounds reasonable enough
>just go be agrarians again to solve school shootings
Yeah can't wait for school shootings to stop because now there's no fucking schools.
>"Hey that kid you expelled has been making this remarks of being a professional school shooter."
If we're talking contextually as me being a student in this scenario, networking with a principle or teacher who would then talk to the police about this would be enough. Calling cops directly wouldn't probably be taken as seriously.
>Prisons should be 5 Star resorts with spas & black jack
>just watch, don't do anything
Alright cool. How about instead of doing literally nothing, we do something instead, though.
What "something" would you suggest?
it's not a big enough problem to justify massive increases in government power.
im going to keep linking this post even though you ignore it every time, just to continue to highlight your shallow hypocrisy.
We can thank Reagan for closing all the asylums down.
Well, apparently it's either an issue of guns being accessible, or an issue of mental health, according to either side. I think that if it's an issue of guns being too accessible, you limit the accessibility of guns, so that maybe 19 year olds with criminal backgrounds can purchase assault weapons. But if you don't want that, then maybe a proactive apparatus to get reported cases of violent instability to go through some form of rehabilitation and mental improvement.
Ideally both. I'd be down for either of them. But conservatives insist on having neither.
Yeah okay so let's just let people wander into schools and shoot them whenever they want. You idiot. You fucking imbecile.
Both your ways involve putting trust in a governmental body that doesn't deserve it in the slightest. Boy I sure can't wait to have a handicapper general.
>Ban mind altering (((medicine)))
Problem solved
Trumps whole talking point bils down to the concept that the FBI should have taken away the kids guns because of some shitposting.
You retards don't even understand how easily you are being herded.
>either or.
Nice try.
âYouâd have to be insane to want guns!â (This is the endgame).
First of all, it wasn't an assault rifle. Secondly, if you've ever bought a gun from an FFL before then you already know about having to fill out the NICS form and waiting for them to call in an FBI background check on you.
So again I would have to say that the FBI is to blame unless they really had taken a serious look into the guy after being tipped off and this is one of those cases where nobody could have predicted he might go shoot up a school.
arm the students and teachers, boom you have a solution with no increase in government potential for abuse
Jesus Christ you are one retarded fuck.
Take that fucking meme flag off. I want to know which country you're dragging the average IQ down on.
Spending more money DOES NOT HELP and has been proven TO NOT FUCKING HELP multiple times.
This is why conservatives think raising the education budget endlessly is a retarded waste of money.
>but conservatives hate education
No, you utter shithead. It doesnt matter how much you raise these budgets when the money gets sent to welfare scams and shitty people with non-jobs collecting a paycheck for no reason while the infrastructure crumbles.
I've heard this garbage from you liberals so many times.
>hey! let's pay our teachers like we pay our doctors! they'll be better!
Guess what, faggot? If the teacher is some diversity quota filling, easy government pay seeking, uncaring drone that does not give a flying motherfuck about his job, then it doesnt matter how much he's getting paid. In fact, paying these people more will just make the situation worse, since they'll never fuck off to a job they actually care about.
Chaplinski vs New Hampshire
Brandenberg vs Ohio
Shank vs US
wut? How does a return to families and community life mean no schools?
>Education departments across the nation are majorly underfunded due to inner city urban schools requiring zookeepers and metal detectors
>Faculty can't handle a troubled student since they don't have the resources to
I think something in the system went wrong that time. It would have been reasonable for the university to have somebody go interview the kid. From what I overheard from people who knew him, he just had an off-beat sense of humor and did something obviously dumb. Unfortunately, most universities are communist indoctrination camps.
I certainly wouldn't not want to start getting knocks on my door for shitposting on Cred Forums.
>Getting better teachers means getting more funding for schools and you conservashits always oppose any increase to education funding.
>"Yeah, I'll do a humanly compassionate thing...FOR MONEY!"
>lets just confiscate 700 million guns from people who don't want to surrender them
What could possibly go wrong?
Do not test us user.
I like how Ben purposely misdraw the weapon here, probably as a joke on how cartoonists seem to never draw technically correct firearms (I'm sure Ben "In my cold dead hands" Garrison knows his AR-15)
>pistol magazine in place of pistol grip
The shooters are already hopped up on SSRIs you commie dickbag.
Looks correct to me.
How about not allow them to become unstable in the first place and not address the symptoms but instead address the actual problem?
Didnt the kid lose his parents and a foster mother?
This shit was happening while he was still in school. The faculty saw the other kids fucking with him every day and did nothing. In these situations, the kid's parents would play a major role and he had no parents and everyone knew about it.
People saw his online posts and reported it, nothing was done.
The other kids were bullying him when he had no one, nothing was done.
He started threatening people, nothing was done.
He bought guns as an underage, nothing was done.
He entered a school building that he didnt have permission to be in, nothing was done.
He killed many people and the media is blaming guns and trying to paint him as a Trump supporter, even though he was hanging around antifa.
> almost like they used to do
> lets throw more money we dont have at a problem we cant solve and grow a government because its not large enough
>He bought guns as an underage, nothing was done.
i assumed you can buy guns at 18. you just can't buy concealable ones like hand guns
No, the problem are the (((enemies))) of Western civilization.
Throwing more money isn't the solution retard its looking at where the moneys being wasted the most.
Even the most basic framework of Japanâs approach to gun ownership is almost the polar opposite of Americaâs. U.S. gun law begins with the second amendment's affirmation of the âright of the people to keep and bear armsâ and narrows it down from there. Japanese law, however, starts with the 1958 act stating that âNo person shall possess a firearm or firearms or a sword or swords,â later adding a few exceptions. In other words, American law is designed to enshrine access to guns, while Japan starts with the premise of forbidding it. The history of that is complicated, but it's worth noting that U.S. gun law has its roots in resistance to British gun restrictions, whereas some academic literature links the Japanese law to the national campaign to forcibly disarm the samurai, which may partially explain why the 1958 mentions firearms and swords side-by-side.
--The Atlantic
Who did? Or what video? My assumption was always that therapy was kind of a joke, do you have a red pill for me?
>What the fuck kind of radar picks up moths you fucking retard.
Doppler, I believe.
Submarine sonar might work too, I dunno.
>One ping only
>Then what works?
remove the "we're too busy committing treason" and its good.
If anything, it needs more labels.
>mentally ill people should be locked in asylums
fuck off faggot. the mentally ill have rights too. either legalize euthanasia including for severe treatment resistant mental illness or piss off.
rural and suburban retards:
trying to salvage your BTFO in this thread, cuck?
>The real issues are too large to tackle for them; the total annihilation of the family structure and community life.
IOW - commies.
>we get to lock kids up in socialist indoctrination camps for 12 to 20+ of their developing years and they are turning out as psychotic murderers in worrying numbers!
>the free market fails again! REEEEEEE
>fbi becomes cia
>(((mental help)))
Yeah nah cunt, some people are born killers. Just like some are born gay according to you.lot.
bring back insane asylums... problem solved you commie cunt.. there's a suite waiting for you.
>Japanese banned access to weapons so a group of people they wanted to subdue couldn't resist.
Bigger redpill: It's not mental illness that is causing these shootings, but the culturally sponsored misandry brought on by feminism.
Every single school shooter has one thing in common: A lack of decent women in their life.
Feminism ruined women and actively encourages young girls to be entitled cunts. Thus the men who are ostracized by society end up feeling hated by all. This causes the more unstable men to lash out.
This has already been proven in extensive detail:
>Department of Young Adults In Urgent Need of Mental Healthcare
Shut the fuck up, you slimy jew. Kikes have been jacking kids up with unnecessary medications for decades.
The vast majority of problems in the United States are do to filthy, disgusting, coin-clipping communist kikes using their teaching and administrative positions to poison public and higher education.
I hope you die in the worst possible way, and I hope I play an active role in your death.
Gommie bro has been on point this whole thread. Pretty sad nu-pol cant even have an argument without reeing about gomies or making everything about Drumpf.
school that can't afford guards is going to tear down building and construct new one. I think guards would have been cheaper.
Who knew Jordon Peterson worked at mental hospital.
hard to shoot schools when locked behind barred windows.
>160 replies and the unedited version hasn't been posted yet
This place really has gone to shit
>you can shoot up a school from a prison cell
What if some of the teachers or administrative staff volunteered to double as security? At my school, I can apply to a program where I can carry on campus if I want to, contingent on some recurring training programs to make sure I know what I'm doing.
excellent digits
>aka give more jewish pharms to make more insane
Time for arguments is over! You leftist shitheads don't listen to our concerns so why should we treat you chucklefucks with any respect.
yet you want to punish every gun owner who also committed no crime.
This would be a great idea but the chanced of it happening in high volumes would be low. Dedicated security at schools would be better but yet again that cost sheckles plus they end up hiring some overweight gunless mall cop.
>School shooting happen because we dont' get gibs
This school shooting happened because this adopted Jew got placed into the cuck zone by a half Jamal. This is literally why he shot up the school.
If you liberals could give up on a few points, like iunno, diversity, we might not be in this mess.
Also this. I've known plenty of people that get to a point where they don't need the meds anymore, and then the go off the deep end day 2.
The solution is guns you retarded commie
I look at it like this: the regions of the country where you have real people who would be willing to do something they might want to do anyway would be the ones who save on having to hire a fat rent-a-cop lady.
I had a friend who killed himself after only a few weeks of prozac. I don't know if he tried to get off it at the end or not, but basically he'd been vaguely suicidal the whole time but up until then had always been more interested to execute grandiose plans rather than violently flushing them down the toilet.
REEEE I cant argue why medicine shouldn't be nationalized and socialized to prevent tons of issues like stopping Columbine LARPers.
Also what concerns are you even talking about?
I hate to say this. I used to be such an FBI fanboy, but now my heart is broken. How could they have fallen so low? How can this be happening in my country?
>marxist deflecting about appropiate care for mental health issues
>all this retarded rambling for one obvious purpose as the Jews biggest useful idiot
Gee never seen that before
inb4 same brainless repetitive rambling about
It would be nice but how viable would it be on a large scale. We already have liberals kvetching about security guards having guns imagine the autism we would see if teachers were armed at a grade school.
Something could get past statewide if it was like vets on security but that's even a maybe.
You're talking about a government agency built from the ground up by a queer. How did you think it would turn out?
It should be a local issue anyway. If a community wants to hire guards, it can hire guards. If a community wants to allow community members to arm themselves, then can do that instead. If a community hates guns and wants their kids to spend all day as fish in a barrel, well, they can do that, too, if they want.
Stacking security or armed civs on soft targets IE schools, malls, ect can help prevent trenchcoat shooters, but not focusing on mental health and profiling crazies will just lead to more bombings unibomber style.
Glad to see real anons still here, senpai. Cheers.
the problem with starting anti-depressants is that it might just give you enough motivation to actually kill yourself, so people going on them should be watched for a bit
cleaning your room...
Don't you have to give emotional support to the mentally ill cocksucking mod over at cripplechan?
Yup. The dude he'd manipulated into prescribing them had to admit after the fact that he hadn't monitored properly.
rekt and kekd
Then autists and derka derka go on a shooting spree kills our people while liberals and kikes go on about either "muh guns" or "muh evil whites".
Local is a start but if a solution doesn't expand nationally we will still have this problem and it's potential effects.
>where the moneys being wasted the most.
Yes. That would be, by the Board of education, lining their pockets, their families' pockets, their cronies' pockets.
How many assistant principals does a thousand-student high school fucking need, fer chrissake? Fewer than most of 'em have, I'll wager. For the price of two of those fat boomer fucks we could hire four veterans, plainclothes and CC, to walk around and keep an eye on things. Set up an anonymous email page that kids and teachers can report suspicious behavior, which the security folks can then use to simply keep tabs on anybody who might do something bad.
Perfect? Nope. Better than the idea of disarming the law-abiding? Exponentially.
Indeed, it will eventually have to be addressed at all levels. But I'm just saying that while you might get something done in one or a few states, really it would and should be implemented at the local level first.
he's right you know
Don't you have to attend mosque? Sorry if I don't want my country to turn into Germany with my people getting killed either by bat shit autists or mudshits. Apathetic cuck.
>real anons
immediately triggers the word filter like a newfag
wtf do you know about real anons? baka desu senpai
Yeah it would be a good start. We already have had shooters stopped by a gun carrying teacher but it wasn't covered by the ((media))
>REEEE I cant argue why medicine shouldn't be nationalized and socialized
Like education has been, you mean? Yeah, that's worked out so goddamn fucking well, hasn't it? As user said, there is no more arguing with leftists. There is only crushing you into oblivion, before you get everyone killed with your radical egalitarian Marxist bullshit.
Neither will the cover a church shooting that is stopped by an individual. The media are noting but seditious propagandists. Anybody who tolerates listening to them is possibly beyond salvation.
What do you expect? His post reads like a newfag boomer's and so dose the post he's replying to.
How am I apathetic? I was merely pointing out he is a shill from leftypol and their mod is a cocksucking tranny. Look it up if you don't believe me, you fucking retarded mutt.
Proofs are found on cripplechan Cred Forumsres/10899332
post number 10899560
fucking spook mods I am not spam, I can see you, you glow in the dark.
I am very sorry to hear that. There are a lot of persons out there that are suffering, and it's surprising how few of us know.
The real issue here is general practitioners are literally playing god with young men/women's minds. ADHD is over-prescribed. Anything that toys with receptors in the brain should only, ONLY, be prescribed by a licensed psychologist. The medications they hand out like candy are literally poison to you if you are taking them under misdiagnosis. One wrong reaction or a missed dose, then boom; mass stabbings/shooting/bombings occur. Trump is right when he says it's never a gun problem, it's a mental health crisis.
Opening up a whole bunch of gov't medical centers ran by fucking female social case workers and a pharmicist on staff is the absolute WORSE POSSIBLE SOLUTION to this problem. If they brought back the loony bins, we'd at least have containment. The problem there is, who's going to pay for it?
before they ban me I just want you to know you are hated, you will be found one day and that day you will curse your mother for shitting you out her rancid twat. I guess this is what you would call karma, you cumshot connaisseurs.
So you're a schizo from cripplechan and Im the same shill from a random thread when I'm not shilling anything? Holy hell my comment on mental health probably hit you too close to home. Just like the Mudshits hit too close to home when they mowed down your Christmas markets.
And then there's throwing pills on top of pills. A different friend wound up dead one night for no apparent reason. Until I heard from the parents that somehow he went from just on ADD pills to a whole cocktail that was an obvious ticking time bomb. I'm not even a doc and I know what side effect to expect from particular drugs and their combinations.
Even my grandparents are getting debilitated in very obvious ways, and it takes forever for anybody to figure out the obvious. I'll tell people at the outset what to look for, and they won't admit it even after the symptoms manifest. We're already living in an out door loony bin.
>from cripplechan
not at all, I have been here since 06 unlike your kind
>too close too home
I guess we could make fun of your shithole if you had the balls to take off that meme flag, faggot.
>Im not shilling anything
then why go through the effort of putting on that flag? Normal people wouldn't promote an ideology that killed 60m worldwide..
I think you might be a mentally ill progressive faggot projecting your issues onto me, bucko.
>been here since 06 and doesn't understand IDs
I took it off you retard see Also when did Strasserism kill 60 million? I bet you also believe in the holocaust friendo.
This wouldn't happen if everyone had a government-issued gf.
Holy shit, you're right, I didn't see that (I'm kinda drunk, you know), but thank you for confirming my suspicions that you are a shareblue/reddit-reject. As far as extra-judicial killings by nonwhites go, I think my country is doing much better than yours by any statistic.
Honestly, I don't know what strasserism is, so I'll just assume it's made up bullshit like your dear leader's gender. You want socialized medicine? Germany has socialized medicine and it's dogshit. Now try and divert from the fact your ringleader gargled jizz some more, you'll need a lot more smug anime chicks.
Straightjacket and a padded cell would've made a tremendous difference.
Wrong meme flag, retard. you want the antifa one, not the autismal one.
So we should lock people away in mental institutions if normies feel creeped out by them? I'm not sure if that policy is gonna be popular with Cred Forumsacks..
Most people become worse on (((pharmaceuticals)))
weed for troubled kids might prevent shootings.
This is correct, on one hand because they are not prescribed correctly (SSRI's can trigger violent behavior) and on the other hand, because the wrong things are prescribed, see
We should just pump them full of soy. It works on you guys.
Retarded, ignorant and projecting hard. WEW thanks for ruining Eurorpe 3 times, here's another smug anime girl.
Hey wait a minute isn't that the same artist who does all those racist and anti-semitic cartoons? Boy what a bigot.