What happened? I know this place has been shit since its inception but did it have to come to this? SIXTY-EIGHT filtered threads and 116(!!!) hidden threads. Why? Did Cred Forums gaze upon the abyss for too long and ultimately become THE mainstream?
Can I fix this? Can we fix this? Is it worth the effort to fix something which is fundamentally flawed? I know I'm here forever, however, it feels like the visits have become more & more nuanced. The solution I offer is to follow the rules of the website but that boundary was eviscerated a long time ago. Should I just admit that I'm retarded and leave this place to die?
I’d never stop shitposting if I had that flag.
Anytime someone says Cred Forums directly in the OP its shill
>why do you hate blacks Cred Forums
>what does Cred Forums think of nazis
>refute this Cred Forums
fuck off JIDF
Cred Forums is getting flooded with bots and shills the mods do nothing about it.
Obviously, it's somebody who considers themselves outside of Cred Forums. This has been obvious since before that day in November.
Cred Forums
70 threads filtered.
This board is perma-shilled to the bone
Cred Forums is better for memes and shitposting, but all the oldfags moved to otherchan or elsewhere years ago. The election cycle was the final nail in the coffin.
84 threads filtered using 6 words
otherchan or anything similar like that just gives off the vibe that it's a fractal of a whole. At least in my opinion it feels like I'm using the archives or waybackmachine, there's no sense of individualism. Is it possible to bring the presence of community back to this website? Not just this board.
How to properly filter
I filtered 68 w/filter & hand selected an additional 116 threads for a grand total of 184 threads at the time.
>being this scared of different opinions
and you fucks have the nerve to call places like reddit "hugboxes"
>Should I just admit that I'm retarded and leave this place to die?
If you have to filter threads, you're a sensitive faggot who should just GTFO
Most of us don't use filters, this guy is just a faggot
I'll bite - all 6 gorillion threads about gun control could be condensed into a general? Same could be said for white boyzz competing, or your 8 year old having and out of body experience because of an AR15, et al?
Its the whole site. Its the acceptance of meme formats for OPs. Cred Forums isn't the only one. They're tolerated and it makes so many threads feel the same and end the same. We need to make meme threads bannable after a month of their use. Its so fucking tiring.
we dont need 40 threads about Cred Forums you stupid fuck
Also the worst part is they allow /qa/ to be shitposted in non stop. Any serious suggestions get drowned out by /s4s/ tier nonsense.
That's absolutely true. I don't know!
I don't HAVE to filter threads, it's simply an observation; just the same as your assertion towards me. Opinion considered.
Reminder: don’t post your filtered phrases. Shills will use it to circumvent/change their phrasing
I learned this after my “black panther” filter was dodged by an alarming amount of new “African American panther” threads
Just look at the catalog to make them. There’s the same leading questions phrased the same way about white women, etc. you can add, but just please don’t post a screenshot of your filters
isnt that what /r9k/ was for
>African American panther
fuck off idiot
You have a valid point but I'll offer this: We will ever TRULY lose the ability to spot a shitpost? Filters as well as shills are nothing but a static variable in an ever evolving equation
>all 6 gorillion threads about gun control could be condensed into a general?
that would mean that faggot mods would actually be doing what they're supposed to be doing and we can't have that now can we
Didn't know we could filter. I was going to start spamming the report button instead.
I just filtered all the meme flags and suddenly Cred Forums gets a lot better.
It's 30-80 threads at all times and when I check them it's all complete shit.
Meme flags where a mistake.
i dont use Cred Forums x some janky shit going on there.
Get rid of the meme flags. Shills use them to hide their proxies.
Is there a solution for that? Pay mods based on observable performance instead of letting them get paid for allowing bots to evade w/Passes?
I don't care, I just use it on my designated shitposting machine. I do nothing else on this pc.
Get rid of memeflags, get some actual moderators, rangeban phone-posters.
Cred Forums is quite good since I filtered
-various screenshot filenames
-iFaggot filenames
-facebook image filenames
-every extra flag you can choose
That being said it's sad that a board can be "good" only after such steps.
reporting all the shit threads will just get you banned or a warning because the fucking mods/jannies love the cancer Cred Forums tier bait threads for a reason.
>report a blacked spam thread
>you have been warned for submitting false reports
To be fair, your Cred Forums filter is broken. The slashes are causing it to be treated as a regular expression. You want "/\/pol\//i" (without quotes). That'll do a case-insensitive match for "Cred Forums". The way you have it now you're also filtering words like "politics", "poland", or "interpol". You're getting a lot of false positives on that one.
Would a moderator accept losing anonymity in exchange for being paid for observable performance? Each moderator would have to be assigned a name to receive credit (e.g. Mod 1, 2, 3, etc.) Make Cred Forums passes a requirement for starting a new thread (but not comments)? Bring back saging?
Take joke god damn
its been targeted for some time by leftist groups and their (((allies)))
might as well go to reddit if you hide opinions you dont like
might as well go to reddit if you just want to see the same posts over and over again
Just filter the word "panther", not "black panther". Add "wakanda" too.
i find it hilarious how u actually think this is real
>get some actual moderators
also how and when can we do this
> B0094E83-694B-4348-9F9C-C7CE12002B56.jpg
>t. phoneposting JIDF shill.
how can i filter that hash
Sage goes in every field, pay-pass is BS, mods I don't know how you fix. Its hard to tell in advance how a persons going to be in a position.
>oh no he’s using a mobile device, he must be a jew or something!
how far has Cred Forums fallen
If I read some ACTUAL opinions from someone I didn't agree with I'd be fucking relieved.
omfg your such a shill!
Look how defensive you are.
>thinking you can write a regular expression that can match words with accents
two simple examples that 99% of the filters don't match
Americans are retarded
btw if you cunts want to know why /mlpol/ was a success it was because phone poster couldn't access the api to post.
Could a moderator AI be implemented?
Good idea on the filters
Lol, you guys don't even reg-ex.
check out this thread
Phoneposters have always been seen as shitposters bro.
"If I close my eyes hard enough then it doesn't exist" This is you.
itt post election redditors complaining about Cred Forums being Cred Forums
Kek - this is a good troll for once
I doubt it. I don't think anyone here is clever enough to write up an AI lol. I think the most plausible solution, would be to start Mod/generals/ when the janitor/mod acceptance messages pop up and start having threads where we encourage and help people with their mod resume's. We just need Cred Forumssters as mods and not like fucking NeoGaf refugees.
There's a massive irony in creating your own filter safe spaces lads.
How do I filter? Yeah yeah, lurk moar etc.. I need to know, this place is a shithole but I can manage with filters. Was on the verge of just not coming back for awhile until the shills leave.
stay mad brainlet.
I have all repeatitive shitposts and slide threads filtered out. give me one reason to look at them?
>get sick of seeing the same threads over and over again
>hurr durr you want a safe space
fuck off idiot you cunts are worse than NPC's
Do people really need to see BLACKED threads? I mean after the first 15 thousand they all blend together, not really bringing anything new to the table with them in the year of our lord 2018
ITT: everyone who isn't me is a redditor
>itt post election redditors complaining about Cred Forums being Cred Forums
t. faggot
it's Cred Forumstards complaining that the board isn't Cred Forums, it's Cred Forums and /bant/.
Well you see, this is a thread that hasn't been completely taken over by shitposting, and its getting up in posts, so now it'll get dived by like 4-5 shitposters and spammed to bury it in the ocean of shit out there
yes little billy you are “correct”, i am a jew loving shill on 4fags to corrupt american conscience into being the backwards inbred shithole that it is. and im making it worse by making movies for niggers, circumcising ur little dicks and ruining ur economy. and im doing it for a nice sum of money too. as everyone knows, this aite is the heart and soul of america. i simply need to win here to break ur will
>Filtering out ar-15 and shoot
Kek, literally putting your head in the sand with gun control like most republicunts.
Enjoy your utopia of self-prescribed censorship my friend, I'm trying to fix the tree at the roots not just spray-paint the leaves green.
do you not understand people get sick of seeing the same threads over and over again
ya thats happened since pol or any other board existed. meta shit is the worst trash. no one cares about your opinion of the site
>no one cares
thats why you are here crying about it
Obviously some do or the thread wouldn't exist, if you don't give a fuck then leave and go post some more 56% memes.
>lacking the ability to ignore things
This is why you guys keep shooting up schools.
+1 for effort
>ignore 80+ threads
As I said above
The shitposters have arrived
>mass shootings happen pretty much once a week now
>oppose gun control
>"fuck man, why do i keep seeing the same threads???"
>How do I filter? Yeah yeah, lurk moar etc..
go on the catalog
right under the boards menu top of the page
on the same row of return/archive/bottom/refresh
to the right of sort by/image size
click filter
write the words you want to filter e.g BLACKED in the pattern
don't forget to check the hide box
also plz lurk more
It seems that the general consensus is the moderators. I like the idea of having a general to help with resumes during janitor time but that doesn't satisfy me. What are some recommendations for a step 1?
Maybe we need tighter legislation on schools? Apparently they turn teenagers into homicidal maniacs, what the fuck is happening there.
what do you not understand about the same threads being posted over and over again.
The new mods and janitors are the faggots we used to ridicule off the site. Basically a bunch of offsite shills and advertisers are running the show now. They also allow bots now just like Cred Forums.
I think a step 1 would be starting and maintaining a general about emailing Hiro over Cred Forums moderators and that we want new ones. If the guy gets spammed on a daily basis by thousands of emails he'll fuckin fold.
Because it is a political board and the same headlines keep happening because of lax gun laws.
then have a gun control general instead of spreading the same retardation over 15 threads that all go the same "you don't need this weapon for this reason"
okay and now you know why they get filtered.
lol goy
Kikes are mods.
Okay that's reasonable enough, I will do some thinking on that and try it out.
Literal neogaffers are now mods on Cred Forums. How tf did that happen
>would be starting and maintaining a general
a board improvement general would be nice.
Also keeping issues in generals would be nice as well
e.g Health Care General
Gun control general
The ridiculous thing is, most people have so little idea of what actual politics is, if you removed all the redundant gun control and trump threads, and got rid of the larping Natsig and Syria generals, the board would be fucking dead.
>“African American panther” threads
*golf clap*
maybe the board should be renamed to social media general.
It was real you mong, check the archive
I don't know, all I know is filters have helped make me less blackpilled. 9 out of 10 threads start with a shill asking a leading question
I'm posting these because they are absolute basics-- I think everyone should have these ones at least.
Then analyze shill behavior and make your own secret ones accordingly.
Protip: this is easier when you realize their end goal is to get you to not have children with white women. Everything else stems from that.
The basis of their ideology is removing cultural pride and individualism, which can only come from creating one mongrelized race.
Dat safespace. Weapons grade autism my friend.
I'm not focused on what the jews are up to, I'm just trying to enjoy this place slightly more. Pro-tip: you can't save people from the matrix, you can only take them from it.
I'm fine with people shitposting, just be on topic with it ffs. BLACKED threads are not politics, its just spam thrown here to try and slide the board.
they're not getting paid. faggot mods are probably the ones starting the 'white men cant compete' threads
I know they don't get paid, it was a suggestion.
gookm00t pay money?
no, crowd-sourced payment based upon the 'observable' (by which I mean how he community observes them) performance of hiding/deleting/moving threads as well as being active in the community.
I would pay $0.25 a month if it got results.
this would require that the mods give up anonymity in exchange for payment, this is nothing but an idea.
just create new Cred Forums/pol site and hire competent people
mods are here to keep CP off the boards. that's about it. once in a great while they'll ban you for a few days for posting pic related just to let you know that they're here. /news/ got deleted because of Cred Forums ideals and Cred Forums quickly degenerated into /b2.0/. you'll never get a quality board on Cred Forums. dblchan's Cred Forums has a bit more going for it than here - you can always try to start up a /pol2/ board there and see if you can get some bros to mod it in shifts with you and see if it takes off
testicular analwarts