Why is the west so intent on putting politics in everything?
Why is the west so intent on putting politics in everything?
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liberals want to poke every bee hive before they off themselves
the whole zoon politikon thing holmes.
>the west
I don't see Western right wingers pushing political ideologies in their games?
>video games
>right wing
Pick one
>teaching students to make socially aware gaming.
Because of your source, you failed abortion.
>Bonnie ((Ruberg))
It's always a fucking kike. The kikes are the ones who are pushing this and the "progressives" and SJWs are just their usefull idiots who eat up all this bullshit. The jews are politicizing everything because they are trying to promote even more disunity amongst westerners, and also to desecrate everything 'western' - to collapse western civilization by desecrating all of our values that made the west as powerful as it is.
It's a Marxist thing. They try to hijack everything and turn it into propaganda. They do it with literature, art, video games, education, everything.
Sad thing is if you bring t up, you’re called a Nazi.
Very true, they are relatively few in number compared to "westerners" so they turn to subversion to divide people and destroy tradition and identity.
Post modernism.
the controls for games have never been better. But now the games are all shitty and boring, Good job guys
3:45 youtu.be
Everything is political, Europeans are just retarded
Everything IS politcal though.
No matter what the intensions, Cred Forums will interpret it politically, so they might as well go all in.
Because wealthy people realized that coercing people from birth is easier than trying to persuade with arguments because their arguments fall apart when you peel back the layers of deceit.
Marxist Jews politicize everything to push the Marxist Jew agenda. If 1+1=2, then by 2 is how the Marxist Jew agenda is enforce. Jews are pardoned for everything. Hail Hitler
i'ts not.
t. brainlet
first thing I saw, only reason to click on thread, which is now over btw.
Yeah man fuck those sneaky Marxists. Thank Leni-, God, sorry, it's only them that try that shit
this is so completely fucking retarded; we're going to end up with a bunch of PC hysteric "tolerant tortoise" or "revisionist raccoon" mandatory training games for pre-schoolers. Already I'm seeing young white kids tell their parents they wish they had dark skin; theyre not killing anglos exclusively, every non-black is being deconstructed and shamed now
more of an issue that games have done everything. Novelty wears off for bringing new people in. Grind makes people leave. Most games get stuck with an elite class of players who trash newbs making the learning curve difficult.
The lefties don't have anything else going for them
They have to inject politics into whatever isn't yet political to make them feel virtuous
Jewish people lying to cover for the crimes of Mossad is the primary cause of antisemitism.