
post em boys! Let's prove that "le 56% amerimutt" is just a meme!

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God youre a mutt


>southern spics getting BLEACHED
what the fuck

Youre literally 56%

If I were to take one of these it'd just tell me that I'm 75-80% British/Western Euro and 20-25% Yid; also
>paying a company to keep your DNA

>1/4 heeb

Why are Americans so insecure about genetics?

Because we've been sold the kike lie that we're "uh nashun of imigrantz n sheeit"

Data mining thread.
Don't fall for it anons.


This has got CIA data mining written all over it.

itt: 23 and Me marketers

Cause kikes like immigration and busted that against our head in the concrete. Now we have to prove ourselves everything these days in order to not be shitted on.

Only Amerimutts are so insecure about themselves that they need to pay a bunch of Jewy cunts to tell them that they aren't shitskins. Fucking lol.

La creatura!

Literally 56%

Lol Amerimutt. I'm >99% white.

Also does it really take 8-9 weeks to get results? I've been waiting like 3 weeks so far.

Hope I'm still lucky today.

A bunch of retards submitted their DNA to a private company and paid them to analyze it to prove how white they really are. Special kind of stupid right here folks.


>giving your DNA to Jews and paying them for that
>being this insecure about yourself

holy shit user you're a walking trainwreck

t. Nigger

Aw did somebody turn out to be sub-sahara African?

Am I the only white person in this thread?

Disgusting family history

Ashkenazi Jewish 0.1%
Up to the oven you go.

Whiter than you DeJesus Cruz

You guys should include the haplogroups in your screenshots

>ashkenazi jewish
>southern european
>native american-mexico
>sub-saharan africa

>"Aw did somebody turn out to be sub-sahara African?"

My dad is Fenno-Swedish and my mom is Norwegian (Western Norway).

What's wrong with southern europe, muttnigger?

They need comprehensive DNA database. They got you pay for being added to it. So dense.

Sucks to be wh*te

Still whiter than you

Enjoy it while it lasts.

leafs have the biggest inferiority complex I've ever seen in all my years of working all over the world.

haha XD

You should at least show your flag if you're going to flag post.

Say that to the negroes in your country.

>Sub saharan
just die

>those fucking digits

Too American to be English.
Too English to be American.
A lone leaf blowing in the wind that gets incinerated if it dares to land anywhere.

>"Still whiter than you"
>1.7% Arab rape baby
>Googling someone elses results because he's this insecure about being a mudblood

If you take your ancestry all the way back you would be happy to find out that you we are all Ethiopians.


>calls italians arab rape babies
>uses fascist flag

Fuck off nigger.

Is it really a bad thing to not be European.

Whats wrong with being mixed race?

You guys are sick.

Leave my country

Go get your Indian card that says you don't pay tax

Sorry Tyrone, I don't talk to mudbloods.


im white and better than all of you
get mad stay mad

found out I'm half negro with white parents
now I just need to figure out if it was my dad or my mom that was cheating

Okay I've changed my meme flag, you happy now nigger boi? Fucking idiot. LOL.

Yes Goy, keep paying us to get a copy of your DNA

hopefully your mom gets cancer

It could be worse; I have my foot in the door just enough to give my anti-Zionist views protection from the baseless accusations of "anti-semitism"

Give it to me straight, Doc.

>Angry shitskin

(((broadly European)))

You literally are a mutt tho.

Even your white parts aren't white

>Middle Eastern

Least white person here, test might as well say 100% nigger

Just got back today. Guess where I am from.

Don't look now boys, im jewish and asian

How would you be in your family if your dad was the one who cheated?

Seems you got the IQ from your biological daddy huh.

save the white race kill yourself

>Kentucky hispanics are 90% European

Wha da fugg

I got blonde hair and blue eyes

How about me?




>Tfw 100% NW European

Most Americans with polish ancestors have Jew in them

Also I’m pretty sure even by Nazi standards 6% wasn’t enough to be gassed it wasn’t “single drop” sort of rule

> account for the iberian moorish rape baby fraction
> literally 56% white

top cuck

Been subverting the Causcasoid race lately?

No I consider myself white



Pure Aryan reporting in

23andMe is nothing more than an organ harvesting DB. Anyone who gives their DNA is retarded

>tfw only 98.6% NW

Whats up with all the jews in this thread? xD

thx for showing what you arent

Look one post up idiot

>23 and me is taking your DNA for science and stuff

Literally so?

Am i white /pol?

This is Cred Forums at least half of us are dirty self hating Jews
t. Dirty self hating Jew

>am I white
>2.5% midden eastern
Sure ya are, Ahmed


>Dad is from Northwest Germany and Mom is from the Netherlands
I recommend the Ancestry test, it seems to be extremely accurate.

>2.5% middle-eastern

Yes Ahmed, you are huite

Slavs arent white...

>majority european DNA
>practices Roman Catholic
>speaks a european language
Why do latinas deny the fact that their ancestors were BLEACHED by conquistador chads?

>British flag
Prolly inbred desu senpai

He said he's 100% NW Euro you retard, he's not a paki

I like how americans need a test to tell if they are white or not.

>Ashkenazi Jewish 0.0%

Praise Kek

*spits out water*

0.7 west African.... oh dear lord

>being this insecure

I have 0% slavic ancestry, what are you talking about.
Finns are not slavic.

Iiteral jew dna data mining.

The ceo of this shit is the jewish sister of the jew female ceoof youtube


They need to check if they're subhuman or not.

Can't blame them desu. It's mutt country.


Thanks for understanding Sven.

Yes use a place that admitted to faking results to piss of "racist whites."

Well sometimes these kikes do something worth a shit.


What do you think they will do with your dna? Clone you?

Like why does this bother people?

Like giving false results (they admitted to it) and collecting and selling your dna data.

Jew puppet cucks

What Haplogroup are you? I would imagine R1A

da white man is a white black man we are all humans stop paying fo dis shit

No idea what those tell you, if you could shed light on it that would be awesome

What does haplogroup tell you?

nigger gtfo

now lets see yours

Would you consider me Irish?

Am I jewish?

For being 2% of the population they sure congregate on these forums.

Organ harvesting database.

23andme is known for adding the .1% jew to people who are (((too white))) to (((combat racism))) and even in their TOS it says stats that low shouldnt be taken as anything because it could be anything and they jew identify it as kike because youre too white

>0.1% kike
You know the rules

is that jew blood i see there?

What? Are people going to take me away and harvest my kidneys?

Can't argue with those digits. I now regret getting my dna results. If I wake up in a bathtub full of ice, it's been real my dudes.

They will swing by your house and harvest your organs for any elite in the area who needs them.


No, they won't take you away, just your organs and probably blow up your house.

>0.5 balkan
congratulations you are not cumskin subhuman wh*Te you are KARA BOGA and one of us brother

cuz we know we arent outside muttland we dont need to do it

i.4cdn.org/pol/1517524250416.png fuck off cia nigger.

I can't believe people entrust their DNA to that company. One of its founder is Sergey Brin's wife. They are personal data psychopath. 23 and me is storing your DNA, selling it etc.

I was somehow interested by the test until I read their "confidentiality" policy.

the government already took my DNA by force so why not

Your male lineage is ancient Baltic-Slavic, they're markers that allow a person to zero in on origins, like a shortcut in math.

British including Irish, and Breton, I would need to see your subclade types, see pic related

This is rather extreme. I just don't like the idea of cops having access to my DNA, my health care insurer as well, my employer etc

Ooops already in the matrix. Too soon.

cheddar man reportan

at least i'm not black

>0.2% sub-saharan

one drop rule, black man

% that low dont really mean anything


reminder that if you can't personally trace your ancestry back at LEAST 4 generations you're a nigger by default

Isn't L21 the subclade? It used to be called R1b1b2a1a2f


Ayy my U5 brother, doesn't it feel good to be descended from the original Europeans like Chedderman


Mongolian rape baby.

What about white kids given up for adoption dumbass

what about r-u152? this is the 23andme name sceme but isnt this an r1b1 family halpo?

If your parents gave you up for adoption they're nigger-tier

Im not giving (((23andme))) and whatever (((organizations))) that work with them my genetic information
I'm white and I must unite with my brothers, be them anglo or germanic, slavic or italic, whatever. All that matters currently is the white consiousness

At least he's not 100% cucked and pimped for the muslim rape gangs. We somewhat still got things under control, you on the other hand? Hahahaha.


Do you have a big hooked noose? Do your rub your hands together when you see a penny on the ground?

L21 is like a father clade, then there are new mutations that create subclades, these subclades create more subclades and so on, you can really zero in on clusters of people with specific clades.

Yes, but there are heaps of different subclades.

The trifecta, all three main races

la creatura


American in Manchester here, how did I do?

how do i get the subclade?

>hurhurrrrr but i proved im le whiteee lmao


Fucked if I know. I foound a copy of an obscure book that traced one side of my family back to the 1600s and I know the other side are all scots, so I couldn’t give a fuck

no you're a fucking kike

hello brother

Post your promethease reports faggots, let's see the impact your racial purity has on your health.

>This thread



The only reason I'd take those test is that i've a great fear that I might have brit's blood, considering my skin is so fucking white I can't even tan.

>being so white it hurts during summer.

>0.1% of anything outside of Europe.
>Ha you're a mutt!

>tfw immune to the norovirus

27% of what? I do have a big nose ... am I jewish somewhere?

> Slav.... Not many friends here on pol rooting for you, eh?

Am I white?



Most ‘gastro’ or Bali belly is just changes in your gut flora.

Just search 'r-u152 phylogenetic tree', I found pic related with that term

>making a DNA profile
Good goy. Now you're fucked. Your DNA profile can be used by your justice system against you or your family, you fucking retard.



Henlo Finnished brether

Are we white or chinks?

bow down to your master, mutts!

bix nood ma nigga
If only the phrase 'fuck off we're full' was known at the time amirite ma nigga?


But the 56% meme is true.
>70% Euro
>20% Native
>8% East Asian
>2% North African

Damn bro nice stats


ancestry.com rep detected
how mad are you right now?

Whiter than u, Sven

thanks but 23andme dosnt get that detailed but claims im mothly NW european but theres irish/british/german too and i see z194 has all three of those pretty much


Family is Scottish sorry.

Nordic is not white

Meme I ain't no mutt

t. turk baby

I'm black :(

I am the most pure white American ITT, thus gain lordship over all mutts by divine providence and my ancestors not being filthy coal burners.

Finns aren't Nordic though?
Aren't they Asian?

lel white boys pretending they're not all mutts.

El 76% goblino......

>t. conquistador rape baby


What the fuck does that mean? Besides that, those stats are just straight up Mexican mestizo.

If you are going to include your tabs in the screenshot, at least make them funny.


Le 79.9%

>Still the most British person in this thread
Australia really kept it pure didn't we

23 deals with admixture of both MTDNA and YDNA, if you want to find out your sublcades, you'll have to go to a tester that gives you that information, but as you said, you can deduce a lot of information.

Clades can tell you exactly where other people with that mutation cluster today, within a larger geographic area, this allows you to zero in on recent history very accurately, probably would help you to find recent ancestors easier, if you're an orphan for example, you can really drill down to find distant relatives. 23 just gives you a broad estimation, it's the normie product.

What on earth do you look like
Not sure I want to know actually Amutta Jones

Didn't 23&me admit to falsely introducing non-white DNA results to the tests in order to "Screw with racists?" 23&me tests should be disregarded entirely.


He's here to redpill us.


Haplogroup I

Shalom mon amis!


I'm R-M222


i think you family escaped hitler's shoah lol

I'm B16-60Y-UUUU

I like guessing

Another Jew, at this point it's spot who isn't a Jew

This proves Italians and Greeks are not white. I haven't seen either of these group not score from Caucasuses.

you make meds look bad...

>imagine spending money to see how much british are you

Better than paying money to see how much moor you are.


Average med

it's the same shit

Caribbean (guessing Dominican) father and Burmese mother?

Is this an old picture or was there an update? Or is it a fake pic?
Why does it look different ?
Why does it say Mexico ?
Native Americans weren't divided by countries in 23andme

Mutts are desperately trying they're """""""white""""""
Like pottery

What the fuck is a melanesian

mfw I'm pure 100% igbo ethicity than 75% of the americero mixing ITT.

Lol Op is a nigger.


t. dirty

I'm really curious. Would he look more black or more Asian.

Kind of wish they could of given me more than Broadly Northwestern.

Ive always wondered how someone with 1.4% african blood looks like. Care to post a picture of your hand or something? Is it even noticeable to the naked eye?

In my country we have blacks but they're usually either 100% black or mulatto...

>Is it even noticeable to the naked eye?
what do you think?

They differentiate between middle Eastern and italian/southern euro. Good effort though.


It's a muttess
Amanda Jones

>Private DNA company
>Married google co-founder
So many red flags jesus christ

Why should I care what Cred Forums thinks?

>unassigned 0.1


Into the oven you will go

Reminder, the owner of 23andme is a sibling to the CEO of YouTube. When you take this test, you are literally giving ALPHABET company (Google) your DNA.

Is it really worth giving Google your, and hence all your progenys', DNA to disprove the 56% meme?

>british german italian balkan southern european eastern european jewish
Dios mio...

I'm the son of Evropa

Do you niggers really spend money on this crap?

which one is the jewish who uses you DNA ancestry of 23andme?
cuz it's only 69$ at ancestry

>literal mutt mix
El goblino...

Your name is Cody, though.

>0.1% Finnish
To the gas chamber you go

i always wonder about these. did you know were a chinaman prior

post results Paki

how do i apply for reparations as a proud black American?

Ancestry is better imo, I'm going to get a test done at ancestry to separate my English and Irish results

>paying for some company to take and store info relating to my DNA
You'd have to be either stupid or outlandishly concerned about your own ethnicity to ever pay for one of these desu.
Also i'm a reverse american immigrant who's also a mutt

>Where muh Neanderthals @

If it is a meme it won't be for long, burgermutt

no you're not you dumb nigger, the kikes are fucking with you

Find the nearest white woman and rape her

>to separate my English and Irish results

Damn, what are your brow ridges like?

why are all kikes so goddamn ugly

is there a good looking kikess, seriously asking


>you look north african because 1000 years ago the some black guy conquered sicily
as i said autism

>0.2 sub saharan
