>be live streamer >get in an uber >the driver turns out to be famous pic related youtube thot/pornstar e-celeb's MOTHER >driver doesn't realize shes being livestreamed >she talks about how embarassed she is about her thot daughter and how she didnt raise her like that >says its embarrasses her culture >questions how she turned out like that
Ironic how the guy streaming is probably left-wing and yet feels it's okay to impose his degenerate Western "standards" onto other cultures.
And since when did it become acceptable to brag about "doing a porno with a camgirl" to a total stranger? Incredible how far we've fallen.
Leo Reyes
The guy says "Nothing to be embarrassed of"
Nolan Smith
>Ironic how the guy streaming is probably left-wing
He's not. He's got a Trump/Pence flag hung up in his apartment.
Aaron Ward
Eli Bennett
The guy is a huge troll and I wouldn't take anything he says at face value. He probably did but he's probably not seriously suggesting it's normal human behavior.
Isaac Miller
Probably as an ironic joke.
Wyatt Collins
I hate how quickly we assimilated into degenerate Los Angeles Anglo culture. I'm ashamed of these westernize thots and thug emulators tarnishing our image
Ryder Turner
That guy is a ridiculous faggot
Joshua Young
this hoe has tons of videos of her fucking girls with her boyfriend and shit from snapchat
xnxx com video-jtxnnb0/threesome_part_two
Kayden Thompson
bobby farrell is that you
Adam Jackson
He worships money. Note how he said he'd do anything for $90k
Nathan Ortiz
Man that chick is hot as hell. What's her ethnicity?
Juan Gray
Armenian or Kurdish if I remember correctly. One of the ethnicities turks hate and with good reason I suppose
Leo Morales
Basically a pornstar.. next.
Jose Martinez
What a faggot that guy is. Telling the mother of whore that ''there's nothing wrong with being a whore!''. Ridiculous.
Samuel Nguyen
Cooper Rodriguez
I would beat the shit out of those two guys. What two pussy pieces of shit. . .
Carter Brown
You have to understand how defeated Americans are. Anything that makes money is considered virtuous, because the alternative is being hated (and self-loathing)
Christian Stewart
Jayden Ward
>b-but i-it's not a b-big d-deal to s-shoot anal porn to millions of p-people! The demoralization is COMPLET
William Mitchell
This guy is a semi popular twitch personality among the 12-17 demographic, so you can imagine what kind of stupid Logan Paul tier bullshit he pulls. '
Basically he's a coastal degenerate, so what can you possibly expect?
Jaxson Moore
hey..Hey...HEY, only two at a time bucko. Get in line!
Nathaniel Robinson
The scum clearly knew that the didnt wan this to get out, but he released it anyway. Also bloody hell the guy is a top-tier degenerate "it's perfectly fine" "Ive done porn too" etc.
Lincoln Collins
Nah, he actually voted for Trump. His character "Ice Poseidon" is extremely exaggerated and a troll, but he's actually pretty anti PC.
Bentley Watson
M8 I rode the bus while in Uni to avoid incurring debt, and would study since it was a long ride... I once had two strippers berate me for wasting my time because unless I'm willing to suck some dick, I won't know the right people to get a good job anyway
Can't say that they were entirely wrong
Jason Foster
Ice voted Trump. He's not left-wing, he's just fucked
Robert Bell
Dont listen to strippers user, if they were smart they wouldn't be strippers
Jack Allen
The woman asks what did she do wrong? She choose the wrong guy to have a child with, and he fucks off to leave her as a single mother, and now her daughter is on the cock carousel looking for daddy. Its not hard to figure out.
Anthony Martin
sage all e-celeb mother's slide threads
Cooper Lewis
The streamer is 30% jewish according to a dna test he did.
Ryan Smith
She was raised by a single mother? Explains it all
Josiah Miller
>>driver doesn't realize shes being livestreamed I really wish twitch gets sued one day by having one of their public live streamers fuck up.
If you are going to stream someone's voice in a private area without their consent then their should be legal ramification
Colton Moore
That and she was born racially subhuman and chose to pass on her subhuman genes
Owen Barnes
anyone who knows this bitch knows that she dates Adam22, the white guy from No Jumper that interviews hip-hop/rap artists and owns a BMX shop. She's a super thot, she leaked her own sex tape (for free, mind you) and she's generally just posting degenerate shit on twitter like her titties and shit and asking for sheckles. fuck da bitch
Isaac Perez
>raise daughter for 18 years >see her degenerate to sucking cocks and being a semen dump for easy money >have to go around driving big nosed retards with cameras while they ask you questions >this is her life fuck...
David Moore
burn the coal, pay the toll
Jason Diaz
baby want milkie
Connor Long
I love that ice started on fucking osrs of all places. I remember he was depressed as fuck a few years ago
Adrian Rogers
What the fuck is up with that Turkoid? Why are faggots like that even in our country? Fucking degenerate freak.
Robert Robinson
There technically are two forms of child sexual abuse: touching and non touching. Handing a child pornography is a big form of child sexual abuse, but porn sites are allowed to distribute pornography to children without any oversight preventchildabuse.org/resources/
Millennials are a molested generation.
Colton Jenkins
Shit man, I feel bad for him. Imagine what it must be like to date that thot
Parker Richardson
Lucas Williams
If you were to hand a child a hustler magazine, that is considered child sexual abuse and you could technically go to prison for that.
The porn industry has been allowed to distribute porn to children without any oversight youtu.be/mhqx7yctQVk
The FBI will go after someone downloading child porn on a torrent because it crosses state lines, but distributing porn to children so they are sexualized is allowed youtu.be/mhqx7yctQVk
Lucas Martin
kurds and armenians are a level above in terms of being shitskin
they all are but at least turks can hold themselves to a higher standard
Carson Gonzalez
It doesn't get more degenerate than that nasty whore to be fair
she releases porn for a certain amount of subscribers, is in a very open relationship, etc
her mom should be ashamed
Grayson Thomas
Whatever you get exposed to as a child becomes normalized to you.
Benjamin Cooper
armenians are fucking degenerates lol
you retards would have been better off being genocided by the Turks desu famalamamadindongthewitchisdeadwhicholdwitchthewickedwhichreplytothispost
Julian Gutierrez
>Anita Sarkeesian, kim kardashian, Lena Nersesian
There's not an american armenian woman famous that isn't a degenerate..
Aaron Wright
He's on youtube. Twitch already banned him after he got swatted on a plane
What is the point of this thread Is youtube gossip the standard now?
Parker Bennett
Is being inside of a car considered private while it's on public land or is it still considered public? If it's the former, than I'm pretty sure IcePoseidon is fucked because in CA you can only record someone without their knowledge if its on public property or if you believe they're going to commit a felony.
Daniel Anderson
Here's another really crazy issue. Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah was able to block the sale of alcohol online in the US because he claimed making the purchase with a credit card was not enough to verify a person's age, but the US allows the distribution of pornography online without any oversight. Just requiring a credit card purchase of 99 cents from a prepaid card before you can see it would prevent most kids from accessing it. We now have MindGeek who is the major contributor to the problem charging to fix it news.sky.com/story/porn-watchers-will-have-to-prove-they-are-over-18-under-new-laws-11224093
Kevin Morgan
holy shit hahahahaha
William Long
>i'm a white guy
Easton Cruz
>caring if kids watch porn
Angel Allen
This faggot "tried" having a porn and pushiest out.
Also, him streaming was very illegal in California without the consent of the 2nd party. This faggot is fucked.
James Miller
lena the plump
Parker Moore
Uploader should've said he fucked the daughter for maximum kek
Grayson Howard
This is why immigrants should think twice before moving to the USA.
>Be poor, Christian Armenian >Move to the USA to give your children more opportunities >Instead of taking them, your daughter gets influenced by nigger culture and becomes a pornstar
Luke Jones
You should never call someone a porn star. That just glorifies a prostitute who is being a prostitute while being recorded.
The correct language should really be porn whore because that identifies them for what they are.
David Moore
dude did you see the angle of that guy's nose?
Austin Jones
Her daughter is dating a white man.
Leo Young
Ethan Reyes
That poor mother. Fuck. I opened it for a laugh and left depressed.
Mason Allen
>paying for porn for any reason first to be gassed
Jose Scott
>HEARTBREAKING >implying that whores aren't beneath my contempt
Colton Fisher
Justin Reed
Khazar milkers are the best fap material
Cooper Stewart
Ice is the opposite of left wing. ice is just a fucking retard. literally the dumbest idiot on the planet and thats why we love him
John Moore
Sebastian Sanchez
>$85,000 with one simple trick. Requires one really stupid, rich john.
Cameron Allen
He's a twink who got famous for runescape.
He gets beat up in public a lot
Jordan Roberts
Sebastian Thompson
>questions how she turned out like that
>drop kids at kindergarten and school >burn yourself out work >speak with them at most 3 hours a day including barking orders at them
very easy
Asher Scott
That would take less work, sure, but a bunch of gullible skeptics(TM) did the trick for her.
Wyatt Morales
Bentley Russell
>I hate how quickly we assimilated into degenerate Los Angeles Anglo culture. I'm ashamed of these westernize thots and thug emulators tarnishing our image It's not the Anglos behind pedowood
Grayson Sullivan
this guy is degenerate and will be the first to hang on dotr
Aiden Torres
>Los Angeles
>Anglo after film industry in the 20's
Juan Turner
That mutt face....
James Flores
Ice "I don't like black girls"
Cameron Thomas
Talking like that to her mother. Do these internet celebrities have no sense of compassion or empathy? Are they actual sociopaths? Talking so casually with her mother who was clearly not fine with the way her daughter turned out and even encouraging that behaviour. What the fuck is wrong with people?
William Martin
She's Armenian you dumb Moor.
Samuel Morris
They gotta defend their stupid (fake)friends to no end so there's no drama. ^
I bet she has American nationality so she is officialy a Mutt in Muttland. Get rekt fucker :D
Jonathan White
Says the Arab rape baby.
You probably think Ronaldo is whiter than Baron Trump.
Hudson Gutierrez
im ashamed i fapped to that. something about the rap music playing in the background while this degeneracy is going on just ruined it.
Jacob Green
Why do you call instead of controlling yourself and looking for a wife? You know falling won't take you anywhere, right, you cunt?
Joseph Watson
Why do you fap instead of controlling yourself and looking for a wife? You know fapping won't take you anywhere, right, you cunt?
Jacob Nelson
what the fuck
Cameron Ross
Are you retarded or you just want to fill into the Mutt meme on how Mutts are retarded?
My country has more then 1000 years faggot. Get rekt once again. Oh, and about the moors...we genocided them all...
Lincoln Howard
>we genocided them all
Kayden Cox
In addition to girls getting exposed to pornography as kids and having that glorified to them, there is also the possibility of having been physically molested. This is almost always the parents fault because of who the associate with, or have watch their children m.youtube.com/user/casualkore
Matthew Torres
He trying to damage control for his viewers?
Gavin Moore
I wonder if this could get reported enough to get removed. It is disgusting.
Asher Collins
>being internationally known for being a whore >successful
Elijah Edwards
Dominic Rivera
>be Whitey >go to Manila >hire hooker who is a camgirl >catch herpes
why would you hire a hooker in a third world country?
Hudson Barnes
Settle gents. Her nudes are honestly not that impressive
Leo Myers
Liam Lee
I am really into pissing on sluts, splashing their tits and face making them gargle Also feet.
Jonathan Lee
fucking saved
Aaron Brown
Some people think a condom can protect them from herpes
Kevin Ross
How many people wear a condom while getting a blow job?
Wyatt Flores
You can still be pro-degenerate if you're anti-PC
Parker Mitchell
There are logical reasons why morality and jealousy evolved within society. Not to mention the protection of our young.
Alexander Brooks
I have herpes and while it's not good, it's not as bad as those shock photos. I think those kinds of photos are of immunocompromised people or something (wouldn't be surprised if they had HIV.) 80% of people never know they have it because it's so mild. My initial outbreak was a single blister like that for a few days and nothing as bad since. Valtrex takes care of it. But it still sucks to have because of the (understandable) stigma so be careful anons and wrap it before you tap it. I was a sex addict and realized too late that monogamy > casual sex. And yes you can get it with blowjobs, around condoms, etc.
Owen Cruz
That was 100% preventable, she is a walking red flag. This is on you user.
David Morris
id eat lenas ass
Asher Kelly
i've the most minimal one if u want
Austin Bennett
The genital picture is most likely an initial outbreak. Throat herpes is not that unusual, but you don't go around checking peoples' throats.
Jace Jenkins
In fact, since this is an anonymous board anyway, I want to be careful not to make it sound like it's nothing. My first outbraek was like a painful zit on my dick, quite painful to touch/wash. Valtrex took care of it quick, and subsequent outbreaks have never been as bad, whether or not I take Valtrex. But still I have annoying neuralgia symptoms every once in a while. Like I said, apparently 80% of people don't realize they have it, but it's still worth avoiding if you can help it. Regardless of STDs I fully endorse sexual caution and prudence, and having a large white family.
Noah Cruz
Robert Fisher
whoops i meant
Isaac Taylor
I literally jerked off to her sex tape earlier this evening, what a coincidence.
Lenatheplug and Emily Rinaudo are the scum of the earth. And they are a really bad influence on younger girls because when we turn these people into celebrities people want to be like. Once this girl hits 30 and she starts aging in dog years she's going to kill herself when she finds out no man wants to be with a girl who's been plugged by a million other dudes.
Ethan Rivera
Luis Smith
and measuring 'success' as making money
Ian Brown
based mama
Jack Smith
I don't keep up with any of this celeb bullshit anymore, can someone summarise the thot's situation?
Grayson Miller
>Mother thinks she did it because it paid almost triple what a real job would pay her
Sounds like she's just another victim of the economy.
Carter Barnes
Do you know how right you are? Did you know Edward Bernays convinced stupid feminists smoking was part of the women's liberation movement simply by getting rich girls to smoke in a parade youtu.be/vL1PPGCJnuo
Having whores as role models for young girls is so incredibly damaging.
David Reed
>Patient likely immuno-compromised Likely yes.
Caleb Wood
Just some dumb whore who has a private snapchat and shit for sale. Basically your average cam girl. Except for some reason she's instagram famous
Ayden Davis
Always... wtf is wrong with you lazy fucks?
>Can't feel anything Stop fapping to porn then.
I wish STDs were more prevalent to kill off these dumb mother fuckers.
Owen Wood
Kind'a curious how the law views this. Isn't there a reasonable expectation of a certain amount of privacy in your own vehicle? Wouldn't recording require both parties consent? Live streaming would have to fall into that category.
Lucas Campbell
That guy's kinda disgusting..... (but then so is she)
Bentley Ward
>California is a 2-party consent state >Phones don't count as "recording equipment in plain sight" that would imply filming or audio recording is understood to be happening without explicit consent $2,000 fine and/or imprisonment of up to 1 year
Jayden Ramirez
>Lena Nersesian Who gives a shit if some sand nigger wants to whore herself out?
Christian Foster
This shit is fucking vile, but it needs to happen more often, and on a wide scale epidemic.
This rampant, degenerate society needs to crash before it gets even worse.
"Simulated sex helps to dehumanize the whole act. The aim is to eliminate all emotion from the act so that, as Mustapha will later explain, loyalty to the state is never in competition with loyalty to an individual. The more that sex pervades every aspect of culture, the less important it becomes, and the less emotion attached to it."
"Simulated sex helps to dehumanize the whole act. The aim is to eliminate all emotion from the act so that, as Mustapha will later explain, loyalty to the state is never in competition with loyalty to an individual. The more that sex pervades every aspect of culture, the less important it becomes, and the less emotion attached to it."
Blake Powell
>Butterface with cartoonish tits.
Thirsty fucks need the rope.
Hudson Morgan
>Equating a woman with boy-haired millionaire vagina-Marxist.
William Torres
this retarded idiot who leaked it just got permabanned on youtube
Ryan Gray
>Fake nigger ass. >Brown skin >Tattoos
>Men cross continents to pay for recycled barwhores.
Samuel Anderson
We're going to Aruba
Michael Anderson
He was permanently banned from twitch for being too racist. His whole community is based off of racism.
Camden Phillips
as an American-Armenian pol/ack, I don't know what to say. Sorry on my behalf for the little it's worth. I don't hold any hate for angry comments, it's understandable.
I just.. idk.. hoping for a better future I guess..
Nolan Richardson
You're not responsible for her.
Wyatt Reyes
bitch ugly, no one cares
Ethan Rodriguez
Ice_Posiedon is a former Runescape twitch streamer. He does crazy shit for the laughs and money.
Hunter Hughes
>wrap it before you tap it. grl I've been fucking just got tested and she's clean so I'm good
>stormweenies fall for Ice Poseidon's scripted livestream shit once again
Kys subhuman nigger cattle
Josiah Walker
You're not alone aper. Don't feel bad. We share the same problems as the modern world.
Jack Smith
>She only cares about money >I didn't raise her like that
Kevin Johnson
I like how the other guy is like, "We need more people like you to express their views." And Ice comes back with, "I would let a dude fuck me in the ass for 100k and my parents are conservative."