Cred Forums what's your honest opinion on Russian people, and Slavs in general? No propaganda pls
t. Am Russian/Belarusian living in Cucknadistania
I really respect Krauts and Anglos. Admire Mosley, NSDAP, Fascists... I think we need a 3rd world war but this time no more brother wars. Well be fighting with each other not against each other. Clean up Europe from the jews scum and muslime stains.
What do krauts here think of us? Britbongs? Murimuttss?
(Pic not related; ironic posting)
Luke Murphy
Like the Mexicans, they have a long history of sadomaschistics behaviors. The Czars had to step up the terror machine each generation because Russians just got used to the prior Czar's terror tactics. Then Stalin and his genocide of 20 million or more. Generally, Wish the Russians well, stay the fuck out of the US of A.
Charles Nelson
Been there. Liked it. Met good people.
Adam Young
They're the niggers of white people
Jayden Robinson
Don't you think we need worldwide terror to stop the globalist Communist Internationale ZOG scheme and usher in a new Aryan Juche/Hyperborean golden age in these Malthusian times of untermensch population booms and dusturbing demographic trends?
There will be blood bucko
Jacob Anderson
Jeremiah Smith
400 lb. Russian hacker known as Alexei Forchin
Henry Gonzalez
>I really respect Krauts and Anglos. Admire Mosley, NSDAP, Fascists
Why the fuck would you respect Nazis who killed millions and millions of your countrymen you absolute cuck?
Jeremiah Stewart
My opinion is that they are ruthless, cunning, and cannot be trusted in the long run. I do respect them though.
Cameron Carter
They want my country's land, nothing more nothing less. The lives of my people are meaningless to them, so I can only say that I care for them as much as they care for me.
Josiah Mitchell
Дa кaкaя нaхep paзницa? Чтoбы oзвyчить cтoящee мнeниe o cooбщecтвe/этничecкoй гpyппe и т. д., нaдo кaк минимyм нecкoлькo мecяцeв в нём (или в нeй) пoжить, нe тaк ли? Дyмaeшь, мнoгo aмepикocoв хoтя бы paз в жизни oбщaлиcь c oбычными pyccкими? Я дyмaю, нeт.
Oффтoпик: yдaчи тeбe!
Robert James
You're thinking of the eternal kraut
Ryder Wright
Worthy opposition. We killed millions and millions of them too
But it's time to put that aside. And dude I fucken said in the OP no propaganda "muh Hitlurd wanted to exturbinate Slabs xDdddd"
James Jackson
I hate them because they invented the whole squatting Slavs in tracksuits retardation, because now the whole world thinks we(as in also Czechs and Slovaks) behave the same way, t.never ever seen anyone a) squat while doing things like drinking smoking b) wear an adidas tracksuit while doing a) + also them being absolutely cancerous in almost every multiplayer game I played and had the misfortune to meet a Russian. That's my 2 cents
Easton Carter
Bretty cool history desu. Contributions to art, architecture, music and literature are very respected as well. Have seen a fair few of them in my city but they are mostly gopniks who talk shit. Just tell them "Hey man, cool tracksuit/phone/accessory, etc" and they'll be your friends instantly.
During Greece's national celebrations, many Russian tourists ask me to take pictures of them. Admittedly, those that attend national events are nationalists, and their kids doing the soldier salut as a pose,waving Greek flags and so on. I like them a lot, kept in touch with some of them to exchange news. I also know that in summer, rich Russian dudes rent out entire beaches for themselves, which is a healthy boost to the tourism industry.
Unfortunately, I haven't been to Russia yet, although when I save up, I will take a month off to travel as much as possible there.
Jordan Thomas
Natural allies but still inferior people
David Martin
There are 2 types of slav. The gopnik (adidas, squat, blyat), and the educated/creative type. I can tell you are the latter as your thought structure has that familiar russian twist of gradiose yet somber sense of duty and mission and I agree with you wholeheartedly. I truly admire anglos, and germanic volk, but here in the West, they have been weakened by decades of ((their)) propoganda. We will be next to them and help them remember how to fight this brainless matrix.
Jaxon Miller
>also them being absolutely cancerous in almost every multiplayer game CS.GO right?
Tyler Reed
>And dude I fucken said in the OP no propaganda "muh Hitlurd wanted to exturbinate Slabs xDdddd"
It would take some extremely impressive mental gymnastics to suggest Hitler wasn't extremely prejudiced against Slavs
Levi Peterson
As a non-slav I must say squatting has it's time and place. If you are a strong man standing is natural but if your in a squatting mood in a squatting area then I say squat
Hudson Reed
I guess that too, I never played CS, but from what I heard you would be correct, but i meant like DOTA2, payday2 etc, thankfully I don't play dota anymore and haven't for 2 years
Isaac Watson
>but if your in a squatting mood in a squatting area then I say squat I don't follow
Adrian Sullivan
I mean theres differrent situations where squatting is natural. If your squatting on your porch for no reason then your probably a retard. But if your on a construction site and your smoking a cig waiting for someone elses work to be down then squatting is natural, it's all about the mood.
Lucas Thompson
As far as I know most people here have a very positive opinion about Russia, and Slavs in general. Some are still too indoctrinated about Poland's politics, but I fully support them. I will definitely fight side by side with my Slavic brothers and sisters!
Wyatt Howard
You could just sit on a cement brick
Benjamin Thomas
Jason Clark
Poland is probably the sanest nation in Europe lel
Joseph Barnes
I think Russians in the Eastern Orthodox Lev Tolstoy origin were very based. Alexander II was a good man for selling us Alaska and liberating Bulgaria.
Communism has forever ruined Russia and Eastern Europe. After WWII the Marshall Plan allocated $130 billion USD to help rebuild Europe. The USSR not only rejected the money, but forbade East Germany and Poland from taking it as well. Little things like that put Eastern Europe 10/20/30 years behind.
Maybe you guys will catch up. Until then, I'm sure you can attest to pic related.
Dylan Johnson
I fucking love Russia. The self depravating humor of those "We love Russia" videos on yt is hilarious. You people just dont give a fuck.
Sebastian Perry
Nothing against them. Grew up with the Russians are evil propaganda. Then the Russians are wonderful, the poor struggling courageous people trying to be free. Now back to Russians are evil. They are just people.