Where would you like your children to be raised?
A dumpster
not here
Away from blacks and sexual deviants, especially if I have a daughter. I can trust a son to keep a good head on his shoulders, but my sister was raised the same way I was and she's a materialistic idiot.
San Francisco
Somewhere far, far away from nigs, nogs, spics, and Jews.
>2 3 4 1
Anywhere thats not North america or western europe
In my home.
Inside all 4.
In government-controlled institutions to ensure they grow up culturally-enriched.
Poland, I like it here but the moneys bad.
not the states, for real
so asia
The mountains of Lebanon or on a farm in Tuscany.
Hurry based conman Musk
Push your daughter towards marriage and children from a young age. A childless woman is still a girl mentally and spiritually.
Switzerland. My gf is Swiss so that will actually happen.
Get married to her already. Why are you just dating her?
I'm still stuck in Germany, finishing my PhD. She finished Uni and is working. Will propose this year, been together for 5. But that is all a sealed deal basically, plans for kids already somewhat made etc.
All German ancestry of course, no mongrelization.
Seems like a match made in heaven. Good luck Kraut.
redpill me on the good cantons
nope sorry I would thoroughly enjoy ass fucking your son.
>Good luck Kraut.
>redpill me on the good cantons
Actually, I have no idea. I will be "forced" to be/live in the French region close to Geneva and Lausanne though but I don't really care about that. But the fact stands that all major cities are multiculti shitholes, also in Switzerland. The countryside, especially in the alps, is fucking astonishing. Other than that I don't know a a lot of details about the specific cantons.
>All German ancestry of course
As if that's a good thing
Very few Jews.
Non-degenerate media outlets.
Clean water / fresh air.
Great environment to raise kids.
Plus they won't be Uzbek assholes.
>the mixed mongrel strikes out in fear
nude beach
Eastern KY.
>>the mixed mongrel strikes out in fear
Ah, the famous German sense of humour strikes again.
Calm down, son. I know it's tough that you can't be an eternal Anglo, but you'll get through it.
Please help a white looking mutt out
Nobody needs to joke about Britain, that would be cruel.
I unironically like the idea of Russia to a degree. I don't mean it the way of their politics, I honestly don't know enough about them to judge, but in the way of their development I think it is ideal.
There is still a massive chunk of Russia that is undeveloped and that means there are many opportunities to be had. I am probably romanticizing the idea to much, but it seems that there is no more room for growth here. That we are entering a stage were all assets are owned privately and the only place left in this world is the place of a servant to work on the masters property and to draw enough pay from the master in order to exist.
Unfortunately it is my understanding that the Russian educational system, particularly in rural Russia, is sub par in many ways (not to say that ours is great either) and I will be the first to admit that I am not the smartest man in the world. I am afraid that I would be doing my children a disservice by denying them an education in compromise for more opportunities. Ideally I would like a places where my children could both learn to think, learn to act, and have the opportunity to act in a way that would give them a better life than I was given. But unfortunately it seems as if that is a "pick two" scenario no matter where you go.
Maybe if I were to have more money to afford them a superior education, or I somehow landed a woman far outside my intellectual ability who could give them the education that I could not then Russia would not be such a bad place, but for now it seems like more bad than good.
Have you even been to the Southern part of your island, faggot? Theres nothing but muds.
This shit is cordinated against us all.
Burkina Faso
Slovenia amongst my people. I want them to grow up in a white society with the culture that i have grown up and love.
Kazakhstan ofcourse.
>finishing my PhD
for hwat purpose?
Bumping for more discussion.
Let's hear the pros and cons of your cunts.
Forgot picture to get bump.
Wife and I are moving to a rural mountain town to start a family. Demographics say its 95%+ white, with a few natives. I've visited a couple times and never saw a non-white during the duration of my trip. It was actually really bizarre and strange feeling for me to be in a completely homogeneous shopping center, restaurant, etc. Coming from the city, I've probably never experienced that in my life. Everything was so clean, yards and lawns were maintained, there was no litter... hell, the fucking beach sand at the local lake was raked and tidied up daily. Even the Wal-Mart felt like a respectable, clean, well-organized store.
I'm giving up my cushy high-pay office management job. I will most likely end up driving forklift again, or something similar, for half what I make now, but I don't care. It is worth it for my future family. I wish I could have grown up in the mountains, away from all the bullshit.
Shut up sand nigger larper
>where would you like your children to be raised?
Iceland. If we didn't have this current problem with migrants and all that, I'd say Germany or Scandinavia.
Scandinavia or Iceland.
Where was this magical place? Towns smaller than 5k are typically best IMO.
My beautiful country of course.
Jomfruland, Guadeloupe or sweet sweet home Tyrol
good luck, you're not deceived by greed, make sure that your children are that way as well
Interior BC, one of the towns in the Kootenays region. There are a good number of places that fit the description. All of them are under 10,000 population, usually closer to 5,000. Say what you will about Canada, we still at least have good rural communities. I'm a hunter and a fisherman and this place is literally paradise on Earth for me. I don't know where else on the planet I would rather be. Very fortunate that I wasn't born in some third world shithole where owning acreage and farming your backyard is impossible.
no where spics exist.
Georgia. I think it's one of the safest countries.
A desert
depends, if its a daughter she would prob fall for the degeneracy magnet, if i have a son which i hope i will , id have more leniency in choosing where to settle.
Saudi Arabia.
german economic refugees like you are the reason why our citys are becoming multiculti shitholes