How many of you are Russian trolls? 50%? 75%¿
How many of you are Russian trolls? 50%? 75%¿
>suddenly shareblue and CTR never existed
Whomst is this at?
I'm Russian troll. cyka blyat
I'm not Russian, but my gf is
ive fapped to her man than i should have... i was young ok?
They were much more impactful in our elections than some russian shit posters
The original girl 4 Cred Forums ever fell in love with cracky chan
I am 50%
Did you see here titty pics?
"Gas All Jews"
Take that back
I'd be curious to know where David Brock got his money from, or for that matter the whole DNC
>in my dreams
Cтyпид фaггoт
benevolent french russian bot checking in!
meme flags are russian bots, and also nubs who change flags not realising ID remains the same are some babuskhas employed by their grandsons to copy-paste posts all day long for 100 ruble
Fuck i would love that job. How can i get paid to shill t Trump. I've been memeing him for free FUCK
>> doing anything near the demonic machines invented by jews to destroy slavic nations via turning children into faggot zombies that are personal computers.
She’s a Rothschild, you know.
Cracky is a Rothschild? PROOFS NAO. Did you just come here to ruin more of my innocence?
Bull shit
OP is Russian bot
>dark eyes
>dyed hair
>subhuman nose and ear
Certainly we all know we work for mother Russia, when will boomers die already?
Granddaughter of Miriam Louisa Rothschild
We all are, Ivan. See you at vodka tonight
эй тoвapищ
we all are
I will also be anyone's troll for some shekels
OP are you legit retarded or just a bad troll?
holy shit. is that image real?
Back in 2012 intelligent people understood that both left and right are wings of the same semitic eagle. *Russians* shill for the right while shareblue and whatnot other tards shill for the left. Artificial divisions and conflicts.
>he doesn't know of the centicat
of course it's real ameranon
As real as the moon is purple.
>what is exposure
>what is subversion/hijacking/reactionism
Canadian is compatible with both.
One of my great grandfather's was a Russian Cossack, and I trolled hard in the meme war for Trump against the evil Hillary! So I may qualify!
Where from ? Mine was a Kuban Zaporozhe.
Been here awhile. I'd say 90% are brainwashed manlets with inferiority complexes who think they are smarter than everyone else and that's why they get their news from some "alternative" source, such as donald trumps twitter, alex jones, or some other weird shit.
It's been like that since forever
99%. The other fell asleep.
I go through a Finnish server, and no-one suspects. Cyka blyat!
I'm not even white. I'm mexican American but love it here because I find racism funny
I'm a russian troll
Yawn. How many /pol leftyshits are Canadian or Euro cuck Soros trolls? 80%? 95%?
Holy fuck.
That explains why she moved to the U.S.
I was a professional Russian troll, and this is my confession.
Right before Trump announced that he was joining the presidential race, I was approached by government agents working directly under Putin himself, and let me tell you, they were not nice. After days in captivity I was finally told why they took me, I was going to shill for Donald J Trump.
And what was I supposed to do? Hell, they said that they knew where my entire family lived, was I really going to let them die? No!
So day in and day out I shilled. Oh how I shilled. Do you know how many twitter accounts one man can make in a day? I know, my record was two thousand three hundred and twenty six. And every single one of them responded to anti-Trump tweets with your standard "The people stands with our President" etc.
I was disgusted with myself. I was only one of the tens of thousands of slaves they had, can you imagine how much shilling power could come from one small room? My squad contained 50 people and we never stopped shilling. One squad alone could flip hundreds of thousands of voters.
How did I escape? Well, that's a story for another post. I can hear them coming, I can hear them coming. Don't fall for their tricks.
russian bot here AMA
The real story about Cracky is kinda sad. I was one of her most dedicated stalkers back in the day. I thought I loved her... but I only loved the idea of her: CRACKY-CHAN THE SKY QUEEN
What happened with her in the end? I never really kept up with it over the long run.
>a fucking leaf
ruskibutski harasoo
Here’s a start
Olivia Rosalind Lane-Wheatley
Bleep bloop bloop bleep bloop?
I test a lot of Sentiment Analysis AI on this site all the time, but don't flatter yourselves. I have no agenda, and I only do it to earn the handsome living that I enjoy. I'm not even the slightest bit remotely interested in your opinions, TBQH.
Jews are evil and I disapprove of what they do.
I'm a paid russian troll. I have 4 year contract because no one believed trump will win
Her parents abused her and her brother. They ended up moving to Boston, IIRC.
Not really sure what she's doing now. This was back in 2009/2010, mind you.
Oh shit. Is that thought to be why she craved attention and exposed herself in increasingly sexual and dark ways? The one where she had her tits out was blind folded and had blood streaks running here and there IIRC.
What color are dem teef?
Yeah, it definitely helps explain it.
I forgot about about a lot of the details. This was all back in 09/10. I did talk to her on AIM back then too. She just disappeared after that.
That made you out of .......4 years contract you say ? Thats 4 years of free ride.
Yes my friend
Sign me up! I'm a flag, will wave to where the wind blows haha
My clients include other researchers, universities, news agencies, and corporate brands; although recently, I've seen a surge in business form conservative political candidates. In fact, the latter category has represented my highest growth segment since Q3 2017, to the point where I've had to hire marketing firms to attract new business and keep-up with the clients I currently maintain.
Should try the military, pays well
im only like 26% Russian Troll
It was not lost on me that some of the earliest funding for sentiment analysis came along with annotated political blogs as training data.
Yep. Ever since 9/11 there's been tons of money in anything with a military application. They're legit worried about being able to disentangle who's who in case of an armed uprising.
Since I'm Le 56%...that make me 44% Russian troll
Im a russian troll.
The idiots on here literally believe anything you say as long as you learn a few local slang.
not a russian nor a troll, but I've enjoyed many blowjobs in west hollywood which has surprisingly large russian population intermixed with the faggots.
That make me Da 44%
go kill yourself you asshole
The military pays well, indeed. The only problem is that the American military has no real interest in practical solutions, from what I can tell...just the noise/drama. And I personally have no interest in farming my data to them. I have had a few foreign dignitaries reach-out to me over the years, but my hands are full as they are with domestic clients, or else I might have considered the possibility.
SA prince need a face lifting, probe there, hire the locals, do not micro manage
Too bad, I'm just a useless faggot
I am an ex-member of an organization paid to post alt-right content on websites like reddit and in particularly Cred Forums. The group is called Hoвoй CШA (New America) and is headquartered in Hoвocиби́pcк. From my understanding Hoвoй CШA is one of many and its goal is to disrupt political opinion in the USA. Other groups target regional politics or politics in other countries. We are selected and contracted from all over Russia through universities and specialist political groups and are sent to the headquarters where they test our English written skills and teach us how the communities on each social media site interacts and operates. Every week we are provided with a list of political issues or notable news stories which we get paid to post about. Most of these issues are racial issues, issues about wars or governmental policies. While I was a member the pay was good. It was like working a full time job but I only needed to post a couple of hours a day. Very little jobs in Russia pay similar except very important government jobs. I did it from June 2016 to October 2017 to save up to move to UK despite thinking what I was doing was immoral. If you have any questions please ask but I probably won't post about this again outside this thread. Strangely I've developed to like this site.
Da, Ruski Bot reporting in
>Most of these issues are ....
Using your own ideas or in limited/narrow scope ?
Welcome. This is a Putinbot self-help board.