Devs Feb 18 >E Ghouta:Tiger forces start massive artillery barrage against jihadists defense lines in Masraba,Ayn Tarma&Beit Sawa >Kurdish media:SAA will enter Afrin following deal with Kurdish militia >IS traps US-backed forces in counter attack in Al-Bahra village >Afrin:TFSA capture Al-Muhammadiyah. Kurdish fighter claims Turkey using napalm, chlorine in Afrin operation >Kurdish foces attack HQ of Turkish Army in South Turkey, claim several soldiers&TFSA fighters killed >Netanyahu:Israel is readyto 'act'against Iran if 'necessary'-while hovering piece of Iranian drone. >Iran's response:Israel using aggression as a policy, does mass reprisals against neighbor’s, daily incursions into Sy&Lebanon.Israel invincibility crumbled since the downed F16 >Turkey denies using chemical weapons in Afrin >IS pocket in Homs-DeZ desert:Constant raids and ambush attacks on SAA. Gen. Jamal Razuk died in an ambush >New Al-Qaeda affiliate group called Jaysh al-Malaheem appeared in Sy >Houthi forces strike Saudi Army positions in the Jizan Region >Taliban attacks gov forces in SE Afghanistan killing 5. Afghan Air Force conducted several strikes on talibans in Farah prov >IS strikes back in Sinai, claims several army vehicles destroyed
>Urgent: violent clashes between Brigade 56 and ISIS near Riyadh town, W Kirkuk Gov'
I know you are on this thread Tom! Don't be like those other Twitter cucks that use "BREAKING" and all of those other clickbait headline titles.
Justin Bennett
So what the kurds are trying to say in Afin is that they want to be genocided?
Swede, do you have a screenshot of that post?
Mason Wilson
Kevin Bennett
Where's my happenings??
Luis Edwards
And again, and again, and again... Please Mr. President, I am tired of winning!!!
Oliver Young
The tigers and others are shelling the fuck out of Ghouta as we type fren
Elijah Foster
we need to flip a kike so we can get a guy inside events like this, to hear how they speak when they speak to eachother.
Lincoln Turner
#SyrianRegime forces killed Khaled Hamo, head of audio department at Syria Scene Agency in #Douma city in #EasternGhouta in Damascus suburbs, Feb 18 #Syria
WTF Assadists??
Luis Harris
Grayson Ward
what a cute lil monkey feller tho
William Rivera
>syrian higuain
Jose Murphy
Who is the source?
Oliver Lewis
Hunter Nguyen
More pictures please burn burn burn no sleep for them tonight.
Jaxson Morris
>stealing trumps line and using it for a sand nigger Fuck off
*cringe*At least use memes that aren’t made by shareblue
Thomas Watson
> Gen. Jamal Razuk died in an ambush What about Gen. Tyrone Razuk?
Ayden Thompson
Robert Cox
Sure. ;^)
Elijah Jenkins
Charles Morgan
Angel Hall
pretty good, do more.
Michael Hernandez
Carter Barnes
I stole it from twatter actually
Joseph Hughes
>tfw you will never, ever be in danger of being taken advantage of by the Tiger
Dominic Young
Isaac Davis
>tfw in map room with tiger with him behind you and you hear a zip being undone
Aaron Gutierrez
I don't really understand the meaning
Jayden Baker
>#Breaking: Claims that Syrian Elite Forces with heavy weapons already deployed near #Afrin border #Syria
William Campbell
branch is for the terrorists, olive is for the people
Nathan Howard
>BEKLENECEK Olamaz wut. google translate?
Asher Powell
but there are olives on the branch he is bringing to the terrorists too
Joseph Price
it's a depiction of turkroaches bringing peace to a region mostly untouched by the civil war by flooding it with jihadis and bombing it
Henry Fisher
lol pls kurds shoot at them what an absolute cluster fuck that would kick off
Samuel Bailey
Guys... is the Afrin-SAA deal real? Apparently the terms have been released and an SAA force is currently on the border with Afrin region to enter and take over all infrastructure and military bases.
Is this YPG delusion or a genuine thing? If so, Turkey is about to be BTFO and loses the entire objective of being in Afrin. SAA are preparing to move on Ghouta. As we type, they are shelling the fuck out of the bastards and launching missile strikes from Russian ships and aircraft. The force involved is 2x the size of the offensive that liberate Aleppo in December 2016 and most territory west of the Euphrates in Summer 2017.
Charles Moore
so that their bellies will be too full to run away from us.
SAA and YPG negotiations over Afrin have been going on for three days
They are stalled on two points to which the YPG refuses to agree:
- Disarming of civilians and YPG of even light weapons, ban on possession - Conscription of males of appropriate age into the SAA
Basically, Assad will save Afrin if the YPG accepts complete defeat of the Afrin project
Stay tuned for more
Cameron Morris
well these cartoons should be subtle in some way but stated also you cant expect someone to read into it that much its not a very good cartoon sorry.
Hudson Morales
negotiations have been going on for four days, my mistake
Nolan Turner
What a great strategy
Jonathan Jenkins
they arent my stuff i am just joking around
James Reed
Anyone laugh their arses off at the sheer cheek of this cunt today? Red=ISIS territory Black=Iranian territory They are saying as ISIS shrinks, Iran takes the land.
It's the "Red line" bomb picture he had from a few years back and once again he reiterated "Iran will have a nuke in 10 years". He's literally been saying this since the late 1970's. >reverse image search >"JESUS SPOTTED" >Second coming of Christ. wtf?
Matthew Baker
John Robinson
what is going to happen to her?
Caleb Scott
Kurds are being raped in the ass with this deal. They should have done a deal before olive branch and they would have it better, but they were stupid.
Brandon Russell
Asher Rodriguez
>recruits YPG >Sends them to fight SDF near Deir Ez Zor >USA bombs Kurds >Kurds say "WTF?" >Kurds attack USA bases in Syria
4D Chess.
Cameron James
Grayson Wood
works for us too. sounds like this is an amazing deal.
Aaron Bell
Why bother, they should just all push out over to the east and abandon Afrin to the turks. There is no incentive to accept that offer.
James Cooper
Oliver Wilson
I don't think anyone takes him seriously at all.
Isaiah Turner
where is 000000 get?
Nolan Ward
Urgent: Syrian Air Defense Forces just intercepted unknown object North West of #Damascus.
Christian Gomez
Here, faget.
Christopher Gutierrez
Jack Hall
Brandon Young
>Abandon one third of Kurdish Majority areas
Julian Davis
Well the offer is basically the same as coordinating a full withdrawal to the east with the SAA
No way are they staying around to hand their arms over and serve in Assad's army
Handing Afrin over might give them leverage to negotiate for autonomy of the rest of Rojava, while letting the Turks take it will make Assad mad
On the other hand, letting Assad have this win is a show of weakness from them and will make the regime feel that they can demand the same thing of the rest - but then again, unlike Afrin, there are US bases in the rest
Tough situation
Luis Hughes
Isaiah Sanchez
No Proofs
Connor Johnson
Do we have a map for bloodshed? As in where the most blood was spilled on Syria map?
Joseph Garcia
#Syria: PHOTOS: That's alot of #SAA troops..... #EastGhouta. #Rif_Dimashq.
>Syrian """ubermenschen"
Ryan White
Have you read the terms? They are going to be abandoning any control either way they fall.
Michael Fisher
Wouldn't it be nice to JDAM this place?
Matthew Ramirez
If they accept this offer they're 'abandoning' it anyways - complete disarmament, conscription of themselves and local populace into SAA, full regime control of everything
Luis Hernandez
Logan Morales
coming soon to tell aviv
Alexander Cox
>Homsi selfie
Adrian Gutierrez
Jack Rogers
>the Israeli coward sits and saves photos of Syrian soldiers secretly fantasising about them conquering every female member of his family
Jordan Jenkins
>>tide: 3 letters
Brody Perez
Damn, this must be at least 3 groups of Tigers, possibly other troops, plus the amount and quality of artillery, RuAF working as well. Sucks to be a Jihadi in Ghouta.
Gabriel Hughes
They have arrived
Jordan Walker
Jack Jones
Luis Ross
Elijah Richardson
Be warned, soon THEY come, and the quality will fall
a lot of demands, kurds can't really say no though can they
William Smith
It will look mostly like situation 3 with the Turks controlling the current villages and towns they do now.
How the fuck did you post the same pic I posted before
Brody Roberts
>soon THEY come
William Ross
it really is an amazingly tough decision that the YPG has to make right now. like the kind of thing you would see on a political drama, I think the next few days will be the moment of truth for the Kurdish question in Syria.
Ryan Garcia
Aiden Reyes
How is it tough? Partner with the Syrians to annoy the Turks and to gain money in the bank for later negotiations with the Syrians towards some sort of autonomy, OR do nothing and get raped by the Turks slowly but surely.
Owen Nguyen
>YPG Afrin would still exist in a demilitarized political way >would keep the area Kurdish Majority which is important to them in the long term >They would still have a stronghold near the sea
>YPG would be thrown away completely from Afrin >Arabs refugees would arabised the area leaving Kobani and A small area in Hasakah as the only Kurdish majorities in Syria >YPG would be confined to the Jazira
It's like saying paying for aa speed ticket and going to jail for punching the officer are the same
Jack Barnes
Jaxson Sanchez
why would Erdomeme be willing to invade territory held by SAA and administrated by Assad government? the only shred of legitimacy that he has for his invasion of Syria is that he is ostensibly preventing PKK terrorists from sharing a border with Turkey.
Matthew Adams
>they mostly come at night, mostly Hoping for 3, 4 more realistic
Evan Turner
Jacob Diaz
You fucked up, he doesn't blink now
Leo Young
3 and 2 are both impossible. It will probably end up being 5, and if kurds are as pussy as people say it will be 4
Camden Campbell
The Tigers will destroy the TFSA and the TAF will need to commit way more to go up against a state actor
Ayden Morales
Jacob Peterson
Death to Assad.
William Foster
>It will look mostly like situation 1 with the Turks controlling the the entire Afrin FTFY
David Mitchell
>Arabs refugees would arabised the area leaving Kobani and A small area in Hasakah as the only Kurdish majorities in Syria.
Do you know the history? The assads are a fan of arabisation too.
If anything it is better to go turk as they are shit at trying to limit the kurds, they are a growing minority in turkey not shrinking.
Ethan Reed
not on our watch
Justin Lewis
gtfo erdocuck
Dominic Lewis
Why would Assad help the K*rds in Afrin? They just stole his oil and rekt 100 of his soliders in deir eizzor.
Easton Rodriguez
unironically this though.
Adam Howard
Kayden Kelly
Probably 4 desu
Luis Bailey
Luis Perez
So, you're implying that the SAA is fully capable to protect the syrian-turkish border and the turks should fully trust Assad on this matter? They literally threatened the US on Manbij, they couldn't care less about a dozen SAA soldiers larping in Afrin and Putin won't sacrifice his russian-turkish relations on this matter. They will bomb that place nevertheless. Besides, kurds switching to team Assad would mean that they will lose the US support. The kurds in Afrin are on their own.
Michael Parker
These Troops are from all over Syria & not just #Tiger_Forces from what ive seen a lot of Ex Desert Hawk Soldiers are also in this massing of troops. attached link is photos & words from a Ex Desert Hawk Soldier
>>YPG Afrin would still exist in a demilitarized political way
there is no assurance of that
Syria is essentially a one party state, see pic related - the Syrian legislature
>The National Progressive Front (Arabic: الجبهة الوطنية التقدمية, al-Jabha al-Waṭaniyyah at-Taqaddumiyyah, NPF) is a political alliance of parties in Syria that supports the socialist and Arab nationalist orientation of the government and accept the "leading role in society" of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party, the largest party in the NPF.
The Syrian government has never tolerated opposition parties
Angel Martin
Its a faint wishful thinking that the kurds can be somewhat saved.
Landon Taylor
>his oil
Its the kurd's oil now you dirty berber.
Nicholas Thomas
>tide: 3 letters
Jaxon King
No its not Kurds are not the majority in most areas they control.
Eli Perez
Best Turk Please, we want the Area to come under SAA control so you can flood the region with Syrian Refugees. That way, the region becomes culturally diverse and enriched.
>Alawites are the majority in most of the areas Assad controls.
Brayden Garcia
thanks for not answering.
Juan Collins
>The arrival of tribal fighters to Damascus to take part in the East Ghouta battle
is there any1 not participating in this offensiove ?
Eli Torres
How is it a floored argument? Assad does not just represent Alawites.
Dylan Evans
2 is no longer sustainable 1 and 6 leaves Aleppo open to siege again and are worst case 3 is probably impossible unless Turkey agrees to it aswell to secure their border from Kurdish militias 4 or 5 are most likely.
Kurds need to give control of their sector of Aleppo city to the Syrian government aswell.
Ian Price
Jackson Scott
Yeah, Issam
Matthew Gonzalez
Protect from what? The Turkish funded FSA/HTS?
Juan Parker
Mason Martinez
fucking hivemind
Aiden Williams
what am i looking at here? can someone explain the dots and color code pls =)
Landon Clark
>someone who uses reddit spacing complaining about autocorrect garbage
Camden Jackson
I just hope this isn't going to be one of those "no tactics, more is betterer" failures.
Dylan Powell
>Assad does not just represent Alawites
SDF does not just represent kurds.
Dominic Lewis
Yeah jinx now he has to give me a hand job.
Dylan Morales
Syrian Army formations assigned to the operation have been identified as follows:
Yes we know that ex-nusra / al-qaeda / ISIS fighters are also amongst their ranks it doesn't really make for a compelling argument.
Aiden Gomez
Afrin was an exception because of their relations to Aleppo elite which made them seem integrated unlike the rest so it was never arabised even by Hafez
>tfw syrian schoolkids are whiter than the el luz extinguido's that have occupied in the dutch primary schools
Benjamin Torres
>so you can flood the region with Syrian Refugees Very nice. Still the blood go- I mean the current geopolitics require more Kurdish sacr- I mean casualties.
Dominic Cooper
if you consider this white then turkey is white.
James Peterson
he is watching from the sky's
Bentley Morales
on the off chance you're serious red = Assad regime green = moderate headchoppers, backed by Turkey yellow = little gurds
Julian Ramirez
Nice explanation, thanks for the info.
Grayson Cooper
right in the feels
James Moore
They should've cremated him and put a sprinkling of his ashes in every barrel bomb made afterwards.
Connor Long
Landon Harris
Okay, let's meet in the middle. Bomb the Kurds and get your desired high score then deport all Syrian Refugees to Afrin Canton. Win-Win for both sides.
Justin Martinez
Dios mio
That's a lot of forces desu, i wonder how many casualties they will inflict upon the rebels
Colton Rodriguez
Easton Nelson
>Bomb the Kurds and get your desired high score then deport all Syrian Refugees to Afrin Canton. Win-Win for both sides. well this is the plan from day one actually but whatever.
Isaac Jenkins
Isaac Russell
>implying you would survive a day
Leo Gomez
F.... He was the best of what /sg/ is and was, he was and still is the Druze Beast
>Mfw drown in my own tears
Camden Bennett
its not white, but it is at least caucasoid. Everywhere I see are niggers or mixed race mystery meat. the niggers are just niggers, but the mixed ones are the truly degenetic garbage bins. malformed heads, enormous chins.
pls. someone. they are coming.
Xavier Watson
The american fears the anime. Prep your night time Memegummies.
Carter Green
Comfy? How soon before Assad really ramps up the internal loyalist purges? Air Force (alawaite) intel rounding up all the Sunni supporters, especially any threat in the military ranks, and charges then with treason or corruption or whatever. Hes already starting. It what father did. Or maybe just take a page out from KSA and grab businessmen like Mahklouf for the cash and “corruption. Saydnaya isn’t as posh as the Riyhad Ritz... but it’ll be a short stay till the gallows.
So all of these "SAA agreement" were fake news past 2 weeks?
Matthew Moore
>They literally threatened the US on Manbij do you actually believe that they will follow through on that? now this is LARPing
Zachary Watson
0:38 holy fuck thats a rowdy boy
Hunter Gutierrez
i am serious, thanks for the help friend
Jacob Flores
Noah Taylor
kids and the girl in pic. may have turkoman blood btw.
Evan Ward
>Hes already starting.
Charles Russell
no one believed when we said afrin too and here we are now.
Hudson Davis
well duh as long as the chemicals go bang and no HISSS its fine
Owen Nguyen
Julian bringing on the bantz.
Thomas Torres
you dont know how bad it is user. even the turks and the moroccan diasporas are mixing with the african-indian-white trash goblins that roam our public transport. add a dash of asian and it will be over.
everyone talks about the amerimutt meme but i have seen more mutts than any man should
Ayden Wood
>george cloonet gets to fight with the SAA but you don't fucking bullshit
Benjamin Scott
i get that it's a joke but CW munitions usually go bang
Caleb Morales
this, except those that go bang in a barrel and not bang in a shell
Gavin Brown
Jace Murphy
>tfw my local kebab shop owner is a kurd from northern iraq and I talk to him about whats happening in Syria and ask him if he ever gets any news Nothing juicy yet but he seems pretty pissed off at Turkey/Erdogan, not sure if he has any family actively fighting.
Josiah Phillips
Do you think the US would react if a few dozen US Special Forces IN YPG UNIFORMS get killed? They would do shit. They would just finally conclude that cheap war has failed in Syria.
Asher Taylor
Interesting, thanks. Any idea why (probably RF) decided to disband Desert Hawks as a formation?
Kevin Thompson
>mfw the first little girl to the front left looks like agatha
Jacob Campbell
diaspora k*rds hate turkey. i met couple of iraqi k*rds who actually really like turkey but sort of afraid of erdomeme.
Kevin Lewis
from a scale to 1 to 10 how Just'd does Jihadi julian feel with ghouta being annihalited with the entire concentrated firepower of the Syrian armed forces and the Russian expeditionary airforce.
Luis James
Yes Julian who wears bullet proof vests to press conferences.
Julian Cook
>see you tomorow
Daniel Butler
it seems negotiations are still ongoing
Lucas Myers
I don't think there is one single Kurd in Iraq engaged in any beheavior that could be described as 'actively fighting'
Ian Smith
From what I've heard 104th SRG and 4th mechanized won't be taking part in the offensive.
Angel Bennett
at least the americans did not send YPG on a suicide mission to get rid of them.
The Russians have sent the Wagner mercenaries deliberately against SDF positions, knowing that the USAF will destroy them.
Colton Wright
And do you actually believe that the US protect the kurds from the turks no matter what?
Carson Nguyen
He is autistic obviously, but sadly he chose the wrong side
Alexander Rogers
Liam Taylor
US put himself in a very shitty position. now if US sells k*rds outright they ll just try to ally putin and US will lose all levarage in syria regardless.
Luke Diaz
If only you guys help out with the airstrikes. Greece doesn't have a CV, right? Its a shame, you could park around Hatay, and carry out comfy barrages to the Kurds.
Aaron Walker
I dont understand why the Russians would attack positions it knew were occupied by US spooks.
They must have previous leniency for weakness. They probably wont do it again.
Lincoln Foster
>No agreement has been made They're still negotiating. k*rds still think they have a choice in the matter and can get to biji out and keep their apoistan with no substantial concessions.
Nicholas Sullivan
He chooses the wrong side constantly, even a monkey just choosing sides at random would at least make one correct decision over the past 5 years or so but not one by Julian
Charles Cox
they were a warlord/private militia (originally tasked with protecting valuable oilfields). quite corrupt too. the group disbanded and presumably absorbed in more loyal efficient groups.
Jaxson Miller
peshmergas are iraqis tho right? idk I thought kurds would be all for the "greater kurdistan thing" but that's obviously just a meme.
Jason Torres
i dont think they are negotiating at all because there is absolutely nothing to negotiate.
Logan Russell
Alright, I know their purpose and origin, I was asking because they were meddled in some shady stuff when going from Latakia to Khanaseer offensive, didn't participate and shortly later disbanded. I guess these reasons make sense, thanks mate.
Jose Carter
> group disbanded and presumably absorbed in more loyal efficient groups. this happened after the failed tabqa offensive, yes?
Logan Martin
if turkey moves on manbij it will be after a diplomatic arrangement has been reached in which the USA withdraws support for the YPG project, not before
Easton Cox
i think i heard some rumours about them blackmailing civs or something.
Gavin Allen
>knowing that the USAF will destroy them They didn't know that until they did it. It was a probing attack.
Jason Johnson
could someone give me a quick rundown on the current situation? How important is the battle of ghouta to all factions? is assad/russia "winning" the war as a whole? Why is Turkey helping the k*rds? Is the US getting more/less involved? Any solution to the Isr*eli question?
Pro-Assad burger, but i havent been able to keep up recently
Aiden Brown
Colton Barnes
ghouta is the only military capable force the rebels have aside of Idlib. when it falls the capital is finally secure and i assume negotiations will begin in earnest with hama pocket, daraa and some other faggot pockets.
Hunter Green
It's not so much a matter of negotiation as k*rds crying "no I don't wanna" in desperation
Cameron Flores
Given most were ex-Shabiha it wouldn't be a big suprise
Jayden Wilson
3 or 5
Jayden Torres
They knew well that the US had positions along the Euphrates there.
They probably expected the US to just leave.
Henry Young
Update: Syrian Air Defense shoot down a small Israeli UAV crossed which crossed the borders by 1,5 KM
oy vey
Parker Price
I sure know this feel den haag is fucked.
Nicholas Ross
Their air defence got really sharp lately, wonder how much Iranian and Russian radars are into it
Gavin Cox
Nice source.
Jack Stewart
pls have a press conference with Assad holding up the drone it would be beyond hilarious
Kek, he wouldn't even have to say anything, just hold it there.
Gabriel Hall
>kurdistan thing They do say they want it, but it will never happen and they know it. Also, there are two kinds of Kurds. Iraqi Kurds and Turkish/Syrian Kurds. They speak two very different and not mutually intellible languages, the Iraqi one being written with Arabian letters and the Turkish Syrian one with Latin letters.
However, most Kurds share one trait. Their fighting morale is very poor and the average Kurd is a huge coward. Peshmergas are the military wing of each one the two Kurdish political parties in Iraq. There is the PUK Peshmerga and the KDP Peshmerga. Both are not really soldiers, but more beneficiaries of the two corrupt parties that have put a uniform on.
Nicholas Young
>ghouta is the only military capable force the rebels have So is it safe to assume the rebels will fight tooth and nail for every inch of it? whatre the chances of the SAA winning?
Landon Gray
>a fucking DJI Phantom Wow, how will we ever recover.
Aiden Williams
>down No no, #AssadPutin shills, they didnt shoot down the drone
They just damaged the drone, it managed to fly away but crashed later due to technical difficulties
Logan Reed
almere here m8. Almere - Hague - Rotterdam is the unholy trinity of la luz extinguido muttbeasts
Thomas Barnes
Why is Iran getting involved? Do they just want to fight Israel or what's their reasoning?
Liam Ramirez
>kurds are cowards >from country who lost a war so bad they now let in rapists and basically feed them their women
Joshua Cruz
>Almere My condoleances, friend.
Liam Brooks
Recently, Gen. al-Salama. Gen. Loki. Before: Shalish. Mahmlouk (spy chief, one of the Assad families longest loyalists, but Sunni) arrested, and two other intel directorate chiefs (competators to the Air Force) killed and removed. Many other lower ranks just “disappeared”. Everyone knows. To talk about it is dangerous. It’s why other top Assad loyalists are now defecting...
Benjamin Martinez
It benefits Iran to not have Wahabbis surrounding them
Levi Rogers
k*rds are cowards. USA leveled every ISIS building etc. to ground and then k*rds just rolled in, planted their flag and claimed victory.
if it wasnt for USA every k*rd girl would be a sex slave in Raqqa now.
Noah Cooper
Bentley Barnes
>So is it safe to assume the rebels will fight tooth and nail for every inch of it?
yeah but they dont really have that much men, although they have veteran status. no artillery, no heavy weaponry, not even tows.
what they do have however is a shitload of tunnels and tunnelbombs.
the answer to this is the thermobaric rounds the tigers have.
>chances of SAA winning
100%, but how many fallen heroes and the time required is a ? previous assaults by republican guard and 4th div were severly hampered by corrupt officers selling the rebels under siege everything they need including tanks
Jason Rivera
Neverending sectarian story + a healthy dose of geopolitics
Kevin Roberts
You guys not doing well against a few cowards are you kebab ;)
Ethan Edwards
they want to keep the crusaders occupied as far west as possible so they can farm their oil and build their infrastructure in Iraq in peace.
Benjamin Thomas
There was a source a week ago claiming that the Russians and Syrians had united their AA systems.
Isaac Robinson
don't be confused, the user you are responding to is actually Turkish
Ryan White
I remember almere buiten when it wasn't fucked Almere stad always was kinda meh anyway
>hundreds killed >huge mountain strongholds, tens of kilometers of tunnels etc. getting captured one by one >only lost 31 soldiers we are doing very good.
Jace Sanchez
If Saudis can put a pipeline through Syria it will put a blow on Iranian natural resources export. Also, good old Shia vs Sunni
Camden Torres
No that's bullshit, Russians operate only stuff protecting their bases, maybe they share their radars at best, but no fucking way Syria has access to S400 at Deir ez Zor or Hmeimim for example.
Nathaniel Robinson
>Kurds cowards >rape ISIS >face the Turkish army without any retreats
Roach please...
Elijah Anderson
>geopolitics at any dose >healthy It's a 1st class ticket to autism town
Cooper Parker
They are just trying up SAA troops tbqh those rebels in E. Ghouta. I think they aren't capable in the sense that no opposition faction is capable of over running the SAA at this point. There will be no miraculous breakthrough or anything of the sort no massive reinforcements from other places as most of the border is secure. All any revel faction do is hold out until recognition from a separate power that has the balls and political support to move into Syria, which none do. After Aleppo and very much after DeZ and the defeat of IS the SAA handily has won the conflict.
All they have to worry about now is SDF betrayal or TAF, IDF going apeshit and invading Syria.
Camden Moore
>without any retreats are you not aware that they are presumably talking with Assad about how much their skin costs right now?
>literally bunch of men with no military skill taking on trained National Armed forces >not running or being destroyed in days >cowards
Adrian Morris
Death to America y'all
Jaxson Butler
Theres not much a militia with aks can do against a Nato member with 600+ warplanes and dickloads of high tech rockets.
Sebastian Brown
>blindly attack into mountains / harsh terrain yeah, Hitler was an austurian military genius too that would blindly attack into harsh train, look how good it served for him.
Juan Cruz
al-Salama and Loki show up on a quick googling, Mahmlouk has a wikipedida site where nothing of the sort is mentioned. I'm going to need more proofs for this to be an established pattern. and remind me why this would be a problem? I can see how you could say that it *could* be a problem, with loyalty for instance, but it doesn't have to be.
Cameron Reyes
Ayden Brooks
thanks friend
Owen Fisher
it's the "western influence" I'm after.
Henry Peterson
Tell that to Vietnam
Jacob Jones
>mfw no qt wife to make food i'm hungry
Dylan Kelly
the point is not to criticize Turkish tactics but rather to contradict the claim that k*rds are cowardly
Isaac Lopez
>killed shit ton of jews
Jonathan Edwards
Can you bake fresh bread mate?
Cooper Howard
Make a proper argument, if you want to debate this any further. >austurian
Nolan Hill
Colton Myers
On it m8.
Benjamin Lee
They're sat there fighting, like always. Can't use Cowardly to describe them
Aiden Gray
I'll bake
Joseph Brooks
Alright thanks
Luke Russell
>lost the war thats what matters btw if you arent aware
they are cowardly. they thought daddy USA would protect them all the time. serves them right.
Jayden Brooks
pingu you should sleep its not good for you to be awake at 4 in the morning
Nathaniel Nelson
This can never be good
Benjamin Jenkins
>too poor to get a wife >in tunisia this is when we through our heads back and laugh
Dylan Taylor
>"Today, a unified integrated air defense system has been set up in Syria,” Meshcheryakov said. “We have ensured the information and technical interlinkage of the Russian and Syrian air reconnaissance systems. All information on the situation in the air comes from Syrian radar stations to the control points of the Russian force grouping.”
What I thought, Ruskies just share radar vision
Adrian Sanchez
Brayden Ward
Ok, bake away
Kevin Fisher
Ryan Rodriguez
Vietnam was a total war, which involved actual armies from actual nations. Also, warfare has drastically changed since Nam. Hiding behind trees is not possible anymore.
The Kurds are a militia for fucks sake, theyre not an actual army.
Jace Ramirez
Are you up for a double suicide with me
Isaac Lee
Actually it sounds more like the Russians took over Syrian AA, but whatever.
Jackson Gonzalez
ypg have shown themselves to be a lot of things during the course of the war - delusional, opportunistic, short sighted, maybe not the most clever. but certainly not cowardly
go be a retarded brainwashed jingoistic t*rk somewhere else.
Angel Powell
>Vietnam was a total war, not on the american side or the russian it was only total war on the north nam side and no Guerrilla tactics are still very much possible
John Flores
I'm old I have lots of money and a huge empty house but my dick doesn't work, if you want to shitpost in comfiness, come
Robert Rodriguez
why tho do you wanna make your persian qty sad
Liam Cooper
So russia is borderline in full control of syrian air defences now?
Thomas Scott
Landon Jenkins
no they are cowardly, they sat there shot at our soldiers / villages all the time before we started the olive branch op for years, because they thought USA would protect them regardless. the Hatay attack that killed 50 turkish civies for example, the guy was trained, planned and got his equipment from Afrin YPG. this is cowardice. and once we started the op they instantly try to negotiate with Assad to save their skins. this is cowardice. if they were man enough they wouldnt make any deals and just die. but no, they now have to learn if how much their skins cost.
now we carry this war to their supposed "homeland". now its their blood.
Adrian Rodriguez
inb4 3 new threads
Asher Ward
eyes are syrian but brain is Russian basically so kinda we dont know who has control over the radar info tho
Joseph Peterson
Padre, i
Julian Scott
Pretty much, yeah, it seems Ruskies have the final call on what and when they fire. I fucken knew they took control of Syrian skies when Duma passed a bill allowing RF to estabilish an air base with anti-air systems in Deir ez Zor airport
Dylan Myers
No it's not at all. USA "won" in Afghanistan, how's that turned out? Turns could "win in Syria, get bogged down in that shit for years to come costing Billions and lives.
Underestimating the enemy is usually a countries downfall in war. Assuming Germany would sweep up Russia in weeks was one if Hitler's Assuming Kurds are all cowards could be yours
Cooper Reed
Elijah Rodriguez
That's kinda suspicious...
Matthew Gutierrez
>Guerrilla tactics are still very much possible they dictate the battlefield ffs. its kinda easier in most of the syria since the terrain is much easier though.
Brayden Morales
Chase Reed
>too poor to get a wife no >this is when we through our heads back and laugh did they let you out or are you just a pathetic swedish cuck?
Mason Morris
is there proof of this? that would mean russia decides on shooting down Israeli aircraft,that's a big thing
Henry Edwards
>No it's not at all. USA "won" in Afghanistan, how's that turned out? USA just went in killed a bunch of guys and got out. they never wanted to incorporate as a state to begin with. it was just a ruse to wage more wars in other regions that actually mattered.
Oliver Lee
>too ugly to get a wife damn man you can at least make money
Samuel Baker
"Just dieing" isn't brave. It's not cowardly to fight for your life
Gabriel Williams
>Guerrilla tactics are still very much possible Not in the way the VC fought, not anymore.
This makes hiding behind trees impossible. Afghanistan and Chechnya are examples for Guerilla war working in modern times, due to specific geography (mountains)/circumstance (urban).
Carter Brown
Cameron Bennett
only barely though, tho trump is upping the numbers. it's like 1/40th of what they were when there was proper fighting
Angel Jackson
nice they got the message in time
Nolan Anderson
with like what, 5k soldiers? 10k? do you really think 10k soldiers means USA is trying to hold afghanistan in his hands?
its cowardly to negotiate how much your skin costs when the first hardship knocks the door. fight and die for fucks sake if you actually believe you deserve a nation, dont run away.
Hunter Sanders
Jack Wood
Point is that they "won" which Turk said was most important but are still stuck with soldiers in some shithole because as soon as presence is reduced to 0 all they did gets undone
Josiah Collins
>doesn't have /sg/ - Syria General incomplete data
Thomas Nelson
No what I'm saying. You said winning was what mattered, they won and are stuck in that place, same goes for any attempt to "win" against kurds.
They are a bunch of part timers fighting a NATO memeber, how other than "meh all kurds" is that cowardly.