Reminder that fedoras are nonbreeders and have no place being thought leaders for anyone's politics.
Joseph Ortiz
nth for Haman-sama
Zachary Howard
>relying on an expired flavor of the season for a mascot rather than one that fits the thematic aesthetic to blood sports.
Nathan Torres
Cooper Gray
Quick rundown on this bitch screaming in the kumite
Gabriel Green
Zachary Rodriguez
does Cred Forums support internet celebrities & youtubers and stuff now? PEW die pie am i rite fellow MAGA PEDES XDDDD who loving all this /drama/ between these people who argue on the internet? I SURE AM XDDD
Hunter Peterson
Before or after caring for his ex wife's son's dinosaur egg?
Angel Wright
Sometimes I wish /ibs/ would've existed during the whole Jontron controversy. Would've made for some funny memes.
Sargon nigger spergout was removed for hate speech.
Jacob Hernandez
Is there a Warski tonight?
Daniel Parker
Look at it from a positive side, user. At least this general will contain all the drama rather than 16 threads being made at once.
Connor Turner
Now that I think about it, Johntron has more rightwing opinion than Sargon Sargon would call him alt-right now
Ethan Rivera
but it's one to miss.
Ryan Taylor
sure thing
Aaron Brooks
in 2 hours but it's two literal whos so you might as well skip it
Lucas Wilson
Yup, Joy Sparks Vs. Nick Monroe 6pm est.
Brody Hughes
Remember: Its not special because we had it in the past. Its not special because we'll have it in the future. Its special because we have it now.
Lincoln Wilson
never heard of those people in my life. who are they?
Isaiah Young
I'm hungry, I can't skip it. JF will control things.
Austin Cruz
>yfw Jontron has spent the last year in cocoon mode learning all the deepest darkest redpills so that he could come back as a philosopher king, destroy destiny once and for all and claim his birthright as Jon "ARYAN" Jafari and lead the huwhite man to the creation of the ethnostate
Luke Thompson
Wow who the fuck cares, some noname thor vs a noname soyboy. Whatever, ufc is on tonight so that's cool.
Jacob Diaz
what became of him? any new developments?
Grayson Myers
can someone give me the QRD on jontron?
Tyler Lee
>poor whites commit less crime than rich black Jimjam is pretty based tbqh
Jeremiah Lee >stream where Ryan Faulk completely demolishes Soygon, who then runs away like a bitch when Enoch shows up, only has 27k views and is half a week old at this point. Not enough people are fucking talking about this blowout.
Jace Martinez
Elijah Moore
any streams rn im bored asf my dudes
Jordan Howard
Is middle name is actually, unironicallly "Aryan"
Zachary Reyes
H-how do we stay relevant now that Destibro's twitter was nuked?
Dylan Cook
Cred Forumsirgin who started off as a typical center-left normalfag who didn't really like SJWs in his vidya ended up stumbling upon Cred Forums and getting redpilled. But he hadn't yet learned ALL the facts and details and wasn't very confident in himself, so he let Destiny bully him off the internet, even though nothing Jontron said about blacks committing more crime (even at higher income levels) or that we should preserve the ethnic heritage of America, etc
Adrian Cox
What will the kekistani destiny shill do when Tiny gets banned from Twitch?
Adam Lewis
SOYBOY WENT INTO KUMITE That's because it happen in JF channel, there were like 1-2k live
Carter Jones
Quartering finally showed his face on the Kumite so Jim should be inbound
Jacob Walker Some crazy lady involved with some children's charity scam, drug addicts, and dead kids is arguing about fake journalists, alcoholic Germans, and a homosexual who sells socks to foot fetishists.
Pro's: Are a Indo-Aryan peoples Created a god-tier civilisation Have a lot of med-looking women with bright eyes - spawn would be beautiful
Cons: Have experienced Arab-invasion Are not native to the European continent Are muslim right now
Brayden Rivera
Holy shit, that joy chick is on fucking fire. I bet she fucks like a tiger.
Owen Collins
I know, I wish JF would mirror it on Andy's channel, or have himself and Andy talk about it on their show, or something. Not enough exposure is being given to the ultimate BTFOing.
Jordan Roberts
Poor guy was way ahead of his time
Ethan Martinez
speak of the devil
Dylan King
cheers lads x
Julian Perry
They're "periphery white". Here in America, I don't care if they stick around, but I certainly wouldn't take more of them.
Also depends on the specific iranian. Some look white. Some look like arabs or pakis.
Chase Sanders
The statistics are becouse of baptist niggers having 10 kids. Enjoy your brothas in Christ.
Adam Harris
Is accusing people of salt the only thing these liberalitsts ever say
Julian Lewis
Liam Bennett
We could decide case by case. Jantran definitly deserves honorary status tho.
Hunter Perry
We need direct output from jf to choose the waifu. Somebody ask him.
Joshua Taylor
>Jim: "You boring faggot redditor"
Asher Wilson
This is a homosexual circlejerk and hookup thread
Michael Lee
Oh shit, he's coming into it swinging
Brayden Taylor
Caleb Hernandez
my bro where are you?
Matthew Fisher
>1 off
Xavier Jenkins
>Jim: "Shut up, Andy" >Andy: "S-s-sorry"
Aww poor Andy
Dominic Gutierrez
and you were so close...
Jaxon Reed
What's with concern trolling with "muh bloodsport critique"? It's as annoying as "wut is white???".
Jayden Harris
This is why I don’t like white nationalism, and think that it should be US only. In europe and asia it is possible to be a far more nuanced nationalist, eg. finn nationalist or germanic nationalist.
Brody Cox
Ever seen a blind man cross the road Trying to make the other side Ever seen a young girl growing old Trying to make herself a bride
So what becomes of you my love When they have finally stripped you of The handbags and the gladrags That your poor old Granddad had to sweat to buy you
Hudson Sanders
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE then again I don’t want to be the one to forever taint the rep of these threads.
Good thing, this is the most well respected general on Cred Forums
Alexander Evans
fuck u ur mum n da r gay asf lad
Bentley Johnson
>homo thread >posts girls
Kayden Ward
homosexual girls though
Jayden Sanders
Imagine this becomes a homo thread actually and unironically. Not something I want!
Leo Gray
>on livestream >8k watching >sargon lies to your face and claims he never said he was going to do another debate >ask sargon if it's okay to show proof to the contrary >he says fine, do it >show proof to the stream >soyboys come out of the woodwork screaming "HOW DARE YOU SHOW THAT INFORMATION!"
Kevin Lopez
Reminder Gabu is the ibs queen.
Ryan Cox
Dumb 'dumb frogposter' poster
Ethan Myers
Exactly, it makes no sense outside of the USA, where you legitimately have a kind of "melting pot"(which obviously didn't work for non whites).
But here you would needed something like pan-europeanism, which really is not gonna happen, the language barriers alone are too significant.
If you wanted to actually make a "pan-european state" happen, you would need to erode local culture, which is probably part of the reason why we are currently flooded with refugees, so that Europe can get homogenized and then united by our dear elites.
I need a confirmation on that, to me it looks like they just fell over each other.
Anthony Diaz
Kiitos turaninen veljeni.
Carson Cruz
>Don't like white nationalism >Should be Finn nationalism Very inclusive of you sami.
Ian Foster
>I wanted to like this guy
Ayden Cooper
Why is Kumite never as entertaining as Warski live?
Nolan Garcia
wtf did mods delete my post?
Christian Smith
Quartering is Sargon's cocksleeve. He went after CRP before Sargoy did. Fucking pathetic.
Ryan Rodriguez
>half naked >one girl getting licked What could possible be happening?
Robert Moore
No, the janitors are the ones that usually respond to reports and delete posts.
Cooper Reyes
>stop liking what I don't like Don't project your soyness onto me faggot.
Jayden Moore
there's no JF around to steer the conversation in an interesting and pertinent direction
Ian Powell
He only thinks it'ss stupid because Kraut got blown the fuck out.
Dylan Allen
>it's not worth being right
Joshua Bell
in their lingerie?
licking each other?
Justin Rogers
Then die then? loelolellol
Who gives a fuck about pecker Ethno-Nationalists when you get wiped the fuck out as a Race, you petty faggots?
David Foster
Well they were changing clothes and one was talking so it just looks like they’re licking each other.
Jayden Ross
Holy shit Quartering is fucking retarded.
Joshua Allen
What the fuck are you on about?
Christopher Hughes
I am not against nations working together silly anglo.
Lincoln Lee
He's just trying to take the "moral" highground. It's pathethic.
Lincoln Powell
See my other post.
Caleb Smith
We know you're looking for any way you can eject from the white race.
Cameron Wilson
I want to know why JF thought Sargon won the debate with Anglin, but I don't have 4 hours, and it looks like for some fucking reason Kronos didn't make clips?
Michael Smith
He is soyboy from the Soygoy army Do you expect anything other than soy from MTG neckbeard?
Landon Gutierrez
Anglin is a dumb-dumb.
John Wilson
>Backpedaling like a faggot Holly shit this soyboy, Jim go and destroy him
Blake Bailey
Voi ei, I’ve been found out.
Jason Carter
why is jim so mean to andy
Jackson Martinez
You will both die as pecker Ethno-Nationalists whilst Racial Nationalists will just join up and survive while you die off. When the Race is safe, then the Ethnic tribe is. Sort your fucking priorities out you slags.
>silly anglo
I am White, not an (((anglo))).
Austin Richardson
What the fuck is wrong with you?
The one girl is clearly licking the neck of the other girl and she is clearly enjoying it.
Chase Reyes
>this stream
Jackson Cooper
Andy gives some respect to views of MTGsoyboy Jim does not feel like giving anything to MTGsoyboy.
Christopher Lewis
Destiny confirmed on stream this week that he still plans to research biology and race realism. He wants to continue the stanford biology lectures he was listening to but he's waiting for permission via email from stanford to avoid potential copyright problems.
When Destiny first started the lectures back in early January, he said one of his goals was to learn more about biology so he could comprehend and analyze articles on The Alternative Hypothesis website.
He has not stated anything about debating Ryan, so I'm not sure if that's something he plans to do. It probably depends on whether Destiny thinks he's discovered an error or question that would "trip up" Ryan. Destiny is more interested in appearing correct than discovering what's true after all. If Destiny is unable to find a weakness, he may resort to a video or stream response to certain articles on The Alternative Hypothesis. There's pros and cons to that. The con is that Destiny's audience probably wouldn't watch Ryan's rebuttal (which is something Ryan wants). The pro is that a video response would give Ryan plenty of time to thoroughly research whatever random citations and arguments Destiny could come up with.
>whilst Racial Nationalists will just join up Why can't ethno nationalist join up? Historically this happened a lot Siege of Vienna and such.
We can remove the non whites together, I have absolutely no problem with that. I just don't want to erode our cultures for that.
Hunter James
>Soy-rilla mindset
Jackson Jones
>Two ethnostates working together vs. One clusterfuck pan-ethnostate
Yeah I really wonder which one will work better, it’s not like nations ever co-operate.
Joshua Gonzalez
What the fuck is wrong with TheCuckering? How does he not understand not being a passive faggot that is afraid of people?
Blake Gonzalez
Henry Adams
Nah, stop seeing things that aren’t there.
Nathaniel Bell
Idc as long as we have a joint military
Bentley Perez
inb4 Destiny redpills himself and nukes Mexico in 2030 as a Republican president of US
Easton Bell
Anglin said that if they had to remove illegals/nonwhites in the ethnostate, that they could use Tazers like cops do right now when people resist arrest. That would be acceptable "violence" in removing nonwhites to Anglin...because sargoy is always harping on about how you can't make an ethnostate without violence.
JF I think took that as some sort of unacceptable violence.
Of course, sargoy's argument is retarded, because EVERY DAY in the USA, Immigration officers (ICE) removes illegals. It's not that hard to do.
Austin Garcia
I like Jim but they're arguing about something that is so boring and irrelevant
Nathan Wilson
It's his nature. Don't blame the cuck for his nature.
Jackson Scott
I actually like the Quatering but I dont get why he is against this specific issue.
Brayden Howard
Call it military alliance.
Sebastian Hughes
>Nah, stop seeing things that aren’t there. You have reached next levels of straightness where you even deny the existence of homosexual sex when it is right in front of you...
Brody Sullivan
Because he bows to the soyfather
Xavier Sanders
> P U N I S H E D
> A N D Y
Grayson Johnson
Oh shit, it's over lads. The Destinator will come destroy us all. Let's just end the /ibs/ generals while we can.
Zachary Diaz
Eyyy hol up, da police is always violent and should be abolished.
Henry Gonzalez
Andy disrespected his bitch Sargoy
Lucas Howard
Where men become demons
Isaac Martin
Well you know this IS the gaymale hookup thread
Brayden Roberts
>Cries injustice to Andy >Andy destroys Hasbro for him >Instead of going into Andy's side, he sucks the stepfather cock
Lincoln Allen
It's just insane. It reminds me of this video my brother was watching of some guy disturbing the peace in the library by using a juicer or blowing off fireworks and hugging people and they just sit their and try to ignore him. I don't understand why people are so meek.
Zachary Mitchell
Like I said, he's Sargon's cocksleeve.
Austin Collins
Everyone connected to Sargoy is a sycophantic beta bitch boi. His entire mindset revolves around the principle of "muh defend the honor of m'lord Sargon"
Samuel Garcia
The guy spent his life and a career playing Magic cards...There aren't many things more Soy than that. Between Joy and this guy...The guest choice is falling out more than a hookers uterus.
Zachary Sullivan
Cooper Roberts
During HRT
Jackson King
Because if that guy runs up and hugs you or runs a blender for 30 seconds it's over and we can get on with the goals we're trying to achieve. If we have to turn it into a confrontation he could resist and then we're juggling blenders in the library and it turns into a 6 month court battle with $50,000 in damages. We just want to study for some test not deal with all the drama you fucking nigger. Leave us alone.
William Peterson
Holy shit manchild on suicide watch. How can one man survive getting so btfod?
Sebastian Gomez
If someone lies about you in front of thousands of people and makes you look like a bitch, and you show proof (with their permission) that you were right and they lied about you, then they win.
Brayden Allen
Evan Hughes
Hes a Liberalist, he'll just chuckle and go off to enjoy the aroma of his own colon.
Colton Diaz
>that ass
Luke Martin
I posted the wrong wojak, but you're a soyboy cuck.
Connor King
Why can't you just stop being a nigger?
Michael Reyes
Quartering is made of fucking soy
Cooper Bennett
>get BTFO >haha is that my tea kettle boiling? >*yanks ethernet out* >*shuts down main circuit breaker switch*
Bentley Carter
oh no Andy violated the sanctity of private skype conversations to prove Sargon is full of shit >hey u up for the Spencer rematch? >kk later showing that is clearly over the line
Jayden Cruz
Ikr. You can balance a shot glass on that ball. HNNNNNNG
Levi King
That's pretty good banter
Adrian Lopez
don't forget that Sargon literally told him to show them.
Hudson Hill
Why can't you stop being a low test omega cuck?
Sebastian Flores
Based Jim
Aiden Gutierrez
When is Tonka gonna learn to kick people? Between Joy screeching like a fucking banshee and this Sargon dickrider arguing semantics in circles, this show has been fucking terrible.
David White
Era of GamerGate.
Parker Stewart
Nathan Torres
David Collins
I'm not saying you're wrong mate but i'm just saying my standards of things is right :^)
Dylan Miller
Tyler White
Jim will likely die before they can hold hands in the park....:(
David Ortiz
Made one Tingle cover, any ideas on how to improve it?
Leo Harris
Bloodsports > ecelebs
The later is sucking internet cock and the former is enjoying dumpster fire
Carter Jackson
Do you like traps?
Grayson Fisher
He's just using throwaway material to stay relevant. He has nothing important going right now related to MtG and he has no rep with liberalistists. Notice how he always shields statements behind "opinion", it enables him to walk anything back or hold firm without needing facts.
He's just virtue signalling to position his channel to take advantage of the situation whichever the wind blows over the ibs situation.
Sebastian Peterson
>not a single one of these threads contain ecelebs What did he mean by this?
Matthew Kelly
I'm smarter than Judeo Cuckoldson. I'd fuck him up.
Tyler Adams
>well your'e entitled to your opinion >I'm not arguing Does this beta not know what the kumite is
Christian Lewis
Legit all those threads are shit. I am an /ibs nationalist. In these threads more intellectual discussion happens in an hour than in the rest of the board in a day.
Nathaniel Roberts
>you will never watch tonka and Jim hold hands in the park while laughing at autistic children.
Jackson Evans
I suggest removing the Laurence in the middle and instead adding a looming transparent Laurence à la pic related for that added feel of mystery
Jose Allen
JF is a God.
Evan Fisher
lmao wtf andy
Alexander Nguyen
It's some weird tactic I have seen a whole lot recently. >I'm not arguing, I'm just saying. >I agree with you, but you're wrong. >That's not what I'm saying, you clearly don't understand.
Brandon Hill
Bloodsports is not very diverse
Adrian Harris
>"Tonka, Andy and I aren't friends" Poor Andy
Adam Richardson
it's more free form and if there's no chucklefucks screaming at each other it gets boring while warski live is more structured with chucklefucks scheduled to show up
Logan Baker
And once Andy gets his way, North America won't be either.
Colton Allen
newfags don't understand that internet isn't for friends. Internet friends aren't a real thing.
Logan Moore
I guarantee that broke his heart.
Jayden Morgan
He's another one of sargon's goons. Sargon does everything through his 3rd parties and he sends these soyboys out as emissaries
This is exactly what Sargon does. This is exactly what Vee does.
When you refuse to offer firm opposition to an argument it gives your opponent nothing to push against. It makes their own momentum work against them. If someone mounts a fierce attack against you and you casually dismiss it all it seems as if you're the odd man out for being upset. Just be dismissive, pretend to agree, talk in circles. All of these faggots do it.
Samuel Morris
It's a passive-aggressive way of arguing due to adaption to highly-censored environment. Wikipedia talk pages are full of these.
Anthony Diaz
t. sperg with no friends
Ryan Ortiz
I'll be your friend senpai You just have to stop aquafagging
I added Lawrence there to be closer to the source material, the problem I had with the image was largely making the text look not shit and thinking of extra shit to put in,
Andrew Robinson
Half Hungarian half Iranian
Cooper Evans
Persians are white, shitheel
Andrew Morris
Decided to add a border, since Sargon desperately seems to lack one
Grayson Cooper
Nigger I'm not new but Andy is, I don't have friends
>I guarantee that broke his heart. Yeah I don't have a sadder Andy for it but he was talking about how much he enjoys Jim tweeting at him and taking clips out of context just the other day on stream, he thought he was his senpai
Alexander Sanders
I see, Adam "Be a nog, get the glock" Racewarski will follow Ben Garrisons footsteps.
Isaac Russell
the man behind the man.
Luis Thompson
literally Jon "Aryan" Jafari. Checkmate, 56%er
Jaxon Jenkins
me on the right
Juan Jenkins
It's going a lot faster than Ben did, and Andy is going a lot further right.
Dominic Powell
t. cuckoldstiny
Nolan Williams
Jim is really starting to piss me off. I'm not even against the bloodsports, but Jim seems to think it's all a "joke" or that none of it should actually be taken seriously, meanwhile he's completely oblivious or willfully ignorant of the fact that white nationalists are deliberately using IBS to push their political agenda. Meanwhile Jim just wants to ride the fence and say that "oh it's just trolling none of it is actually serious haha."
What makes it even funnier is that Jim himself is literally in a relationship with a nonwhite woman. For the life of me I can't understand why he's so hellbent on cucking and pandering to people who would want to either forcefully separate or forcefully deport him and Jade if they got their way.
Hudson Gomez
>andy staying quite during the friend question
Poor Andy. He just wants Sempai to notice him. :((((((
Eli Butler
Vee > Sargon IMO
Nathan Parker
w-were friends r-right guys
Ayden Thompson
Never I'd prefer to die alone than giving up Aqua
Jonathan Cox
Bentley Cooper
>no irl or internet friends
Zachary Jones
fuck off, liberalist
Nathan Bailey
Persians aren't fucking white, and Jon is a lunatic if he thinks he'd be allowed in a white ethnostate. Same with that faggot Braving Ruin.
Asher Howard
>It’s totally ironic...right guys?
Nolan Morris
its not too late...
Caleb Bennett
If Vee had a human voice he'd be way better than Sargon. Poor guy actually tries to make points and defend his pathetic ideology from time to time. I don't think I've ever heard a decent argument come out of Sargon.
Mason Cook
Oh, okay
Logan Walker
Eli Parker
its really easy to make internet friends just play games on steam
Lincoln Hughes
nice job refuting my argument
Joshua Bennett
You may have an absolute shit taste in waifus but I'll still accept you and your Aquaposting ways as a friend :)
Landon Myers
are you on Gab yellow-feverbro
Ryan Foster
*pats on head*
Camden Cooper
>Jim is really starting to piss me off. I'm not even against the bloodsports, but Jim seems to think it's all a "joke" or that none of it should actually be taken seriously, meanwhile he's completely oblivious or willfully ignorant of the fact that white nationalists are deliberately using IBS to push their political agenda. Meanwhile Jim just wants to ride the fence and say that "oh it's just trolling none of it is actually serious haha."
Matthew Jones
hello internet friends lets all go to the park and rassle
Levi Ortiz
Hello, I'm here for the friendship if its still available
Dominic Gray
no, i have xbox live tho
Jacob Carter
> what is it
Zachary Hall
Andrew Cooper
what's urs
Owen Gonzalez
Desaturate the colour but enhance the black a bit, it'll make the text pop better, like this see?
Ayden Baker
just some oil checks between friends
Noah Brooks
why are you still here? I implied you need to fuck off back to r*ddit.
Kevin Reyes
Anyone else use AIM?
William Ross
Have you ever listened to Jades rants? She sound like Ben Garrisons granddaughter left over from Nam
Dominic Hughes
Y-yeah I'm still here
Jacob Harris
That doesn't make her white.
Leo Nelson
shut the fuck up, nice shilltactic faggot
Gabriel White
Jose Roberts
Yeah his accent (and ideology) makes him insufferable, shame because he's quite smart.
Josiah Wright
Hey Obongo what do?
Jaxon Butler
I think he'll eventually be converted when he finally recognizes that everyone he debates with and associates with is hwhite. Now that the idea has been put into his mind it's only a matter of time before the observations and coincidences take hold.
Jose Morgan
does this edgelord still exist? what happened to him?
Landon Nelson
1) rare 2) yeah, he's still around
Gabriel Cox
Ummm You're pretty
Carter Martinez
at least I know what my race is lel
Liam Diaz
So? Its funny
Connor Ortiz
Andrew Brown
Y-you too man
Caleb Cook
wait is Kilroy still going on?
Landon Wood
Arguing in good faith makes you look better but doesn't make you smarter.
Elijah Reed
>Youtube chat spams nigger and faggot >In the meantime we're here crying because tfw no friends What went wrong?
Logan Carter
Why do you always fucking assume that everyone who isn't a white nationalist is just in denial of "facts" or "reality"? Acknowledging human biodiversity or even the JQ doesn't mean you have to go full "we need to purge every single nonwhite from white countries" or "the Jews are the white man's mortal enemy and everything a Jew creates or touches is automatically bad". I swear you fucks can only think in terms of absolute extremes and it makes it incredibly frustrating to hold conversations with you.
Joseph Adams
Anyone made a highlights vid of the Sargon-Ryan debate?
Leo Perez
You have to catch her Twitter. Every now and then she'll start a new account and go fucking abeshit on liberals and pussies. But it's always banned within a few days.
Jacob Torres
No, I don't think so. I think he's out for himself, Sargon's crew is just convenient for him right now. Watching some of his vids before he has this odd usage of clusivity I only hear from sales reps and just chalked it up to him being in marketing iirc.
With what's been happening and how he acts in twitter then goes all muh opinions in the kumite them highlighting how he at least showed up, sounds contrived based on the host's previous statements about no-shows and Vee being willing to come in. Now he's being all chummy and shit.
Sebastian Long
>What went wrong? our lives
Jayden Jackson
Maybe he'll come around if you allow vore in the ethnostate.
Lucas Wilson
So when is Jim going to realize that white nationalists are fundamentally opposed to his well-being and the well-being of his girlfriend?
Lucas Cox
Tried to do that but couldn't find a way to make it only apply to everything except the text without rasterising so I just added a drop shadow and outer glow
Jackson Richardson
>Andy Warski arrives in Israel >"Who here fucked with my boy Jesus?"
Isaiah White
d-do you check around for red signs when you come here? b-because you're smoking
Kevin Brooks
Theyre literally not. He just wouldnt get to live in the ethnostate
Austin Murphy
You're over thinking it. I dont think white nationalist are going to knock on Jim's door and take jade from the basement. They are not that big of deal. Also much love Asians so I dont see the issue.
Eli Ward
Logan Bailey
>white ethnostate means 100.0000% white
There can be minorites, my dude. Jim and Jade get to stay.
Sebastian Moore
Hide text, merge visible, quick export, undo, drop image as a layer
Austin Morales
Fuck that, Joy is funny as fuck. That crazy cunt brings the bants hard. Nick is fucked sideways.
Oliver Reed
Landon Davis
why are you bald
Blake Johnson
MFW tiny thinks he can just sign up for a new twitter
Mason Martin
Some of these people want the "ethnostate" to be the entire United States. Which means he'd have to leave the US if he wants to stay with Jade.
Cooper Murphy
Um, thanks. So do you like playing videogames? we can play them later by my mom told me I have to play outside right now
William Clark
So when you're forcing nonwhites to leave how do you decide which ones get to stay? Pick and choose?
Isaiah Miller
Also, anyone can see your posts and they're nothing but concern trolling
Gabriel Taylor
Nah, he’d just keep her in his basement, so it’d be like every other day.
Benjamin Hughes
my mom said if we play in your room we have to keep the door open cus of what happen last time
Hunter Reed
Lauren Southern knows about Murdoch Murdoch??!
Wyatt Russell
Does it matter? All that matters is that not every last subhuman needs to leave.
Israel is an ethnostate and it's only 75% jewish.
Aaron James
I'm not trying to concern troll, I just want to know the end goal of these people Andy is platforming because it seems like they're gaining traction.
Christian Young
Yea she was visibly upset Dr. Murdoch broke up with her.
Cooper Martin
I REALLY like her boots
Bentley Collins
Too much sympathy for Andy
Jacob Walker
so blatant concern trolling. Be less obvious next time.
Wyatt Williams
footfags are gay, go suck a shoe
Anthony Thompson
Well last time I got grounded for that, and mom threatened to take Halo away from me if it happened again
Parker Evans
whats gonna happen in one day
Adrian Powell
someone make new breads
Lincoln Miller
We have to migrate, anyone baking?
Easton Young
Cameron Campbell
Jeremiah Fisher
When is Steve1989 vs Reviewbrah
Kevin Cruz
yeah parent suk so are you going to finish all that poopsiy?