How much longer until they return?
How much longer until they return?
You are them.
We never left
losers always die
Why do you post this image of 4 white squares with that stupid question everyday can you just like fuck off?
We're already here.
And it will be the jews who dies
hopefully never.
Soon user. soon
chek 'em
Know your place, little kekbois.
Nazi Germany was humanity's last ditch effort to bring a physical war to Satan, whom has fooled the nations of the world against her.
We can only rely on Jesus Christ now, the physical battle is done, it's now a spiritual one until Christ's arrival.
Fuck off, this is not your business.
animal peeing on human
Fuck off nigger and get back to the cotton fields or I'll whip you
cant tell if this thread is full of actual nazis or just fat larping shitskins/mexicans
Return? Where did we go?
They never left you stoopid kike. Where do you think they went after WW2? You really think all the to Doctors, Pharmacists, Chemists, RocketScientists, Eugenecists, etc all just retired in comfort? Do some research. They gave rise to all the social programs you participate in today.
give it you tried you lost
but you keep banging your head against the wall
Oh you... imma call you little Dolfie - short for Adolf.
i like this post
You didn't win. You think that you did, just as you thought you won when you nailed the Christ to the cross. But what you unleashed was the Christ consciousness across the world.
Funny how God always uses your own momentum against you.
And he is going to set the truth free, it's not a matter of if, but when.
You're going to hell, raisinhead. It's haram to piss standing up.
You're too stupid to tell the difference between the jew that enslaved you and the white man who made the mistake of freeing you from them.
Go suck more jew cock like the obedient nigger you are. Slurp it all down. Mmm yum!
Look Up the pink Swastika the nazi thought it was ok for men to have sex with each other
We need more than the Germans this time, we need the whole world to rebel against globalism and pop culture. All over the world, the native populations are leaving their native culture for the jewish popular culture, everyone will be doomed to be uncultured consumers unless something happens very soon. They attack our culture and nations because they replace it with their own, one where they own and control every aspect of it.
I'm an actual nazi supporter. Actual national socialists are in their 90's. I do know one though. He's ok. Not as based as my grandfather, but close, I'm sure.
Have you studied history? You hook nosed, greedy arabs always end up getting rammed in the ass. Even against the sand niggers.
It’s really fucking hard to determine, with the iron grip and all of the “bread and games” bullshit going on it’s anybodies guess.
8 years ago I was already under impression that we would’ve hit at least one civil war now, but that was before I was aware how entrenched the post modernists and Marxist are in acedemia and government and their media channels. With all the Charlie hebdo and Bataclan stuff going on I was sure it was any moment no (French suburbs going up in flames first).
Right now in my country we’re seeing a new rather right leaning/centrist party being demonized to no end and pushed into the corner of “racist”and “not democratic; all the while the coalition ignored a referendum result completely. Some things are simmering but goddamn are sheople (using that one unironically) fucking retarded, people with master degree and decent college education that have no goddamned clue how a country is run, think immigration from Africa has no impact on us and unironically believe in all of the other main stream media lies. It’s literally anybodies guess, but I’m sure if some leftist faggot tries their hand at assassinating a politician shits going to hit the fan hard and we’ll be there in under a year.
4 years max
return to do what exactly? lose yet another war? slaughter another millions of white europeans?
Don't pay attention to the shills
>first they ignore you,
>then they laugh at you,
then they fight you,
>then you win”
We're back.
They return, but this time they are not white.
Imagine a war where you don't fight bolsheviks or opportunists, but brainwashed countrymen who believe you are the ultimate evil. It is a war to save them from them selves.
Aumen, brother!
They already did
I hope we all make it lads.
Yup, and it's happened many times before. Want an ancient example? Arjuna not wanting to destroy his family because of reasons and then Krsna had to set him straight about the importance of why it was necessary to destroy them.
Top Nazis like me are Jewish.
You bunch of stupid idiots.
i feel sorry for you
Oh you... imma call you, Germi - short for Nazi Germany. Teehee.
Baby Hitler has been cloned.
soon my friend soon
Amen, brethren!
Why are you kekbois so easily offended? I mean, it's all in good fun, just a silly joke.
Now, get your skinny ass over here and eat my crusty shit filled butthole. You look like you haven't eaten in days.
get out schlomo
have you watched Youtube lately?
>sucks a baby penis
Imma call you, Swasti - short for Swastika.
>implying we subscribe to your blind leading the blind church that your kind helped propagate
My church isn't of a building, kike.
>No problem moshe, I need to be paid in advance though, I'm sure you'll undertsand
>time is shekels!
>hehe little does he know I have herpes
just watch or read. „er ist wieder da“
Buddhist uprising any day now.
How do you come to terms with the fact that your first sexual contact was an old pedophile giving you head?
Must be why Jews are so fucked up mentally, you practice pedophilia + genital mutilation on all your males before they can even walk.
sure i like it
I'm uncut lol.
But are you? ;)
Also, don't you hink it's weird having all those baby dicks saved on your pc?
Better play safe, god forbid they put you in jail, next to Jamal's huge throbbing member ;)
Mein Führer! Sieg heil!
Do your history books discredit this?
I believe this chart :(
Past girlfriends have noted "wow you're my first uncircumcised". Why do non-kikes snip their dicks? It's madness.
Why are you being mean? Moroccans are our oldest ally
Im ready to kill and die for this brothers, what about you?
nigger we're gonna die trying
very easily.
choose any link from that meme list and actually read it (given its not a stormfront propaganda site) - wiki or something
lmfao fuck off rabbi
Which you've done I presume?
So every single line in the list is in fact wrong?
Can you give an example?
according to the left, they're running the white house.
It's just a mater of time kike
The bar-kokhba revold was a full blow war between Judeans and Romans. (200k Judeans lost lives)
It started due to Romans imposing new rules on the conquered area (which belonged to Judeans).
Calling this "banishment" is a false narrative, not true in any sense.
It really is to late to stop it. The truth is out and spreading. It's only a matter of time.
It really is too late to stop it. The truth is out and spreading. It's only a matter of time.
>he (Hadrian) re-established Jerusalem, but now as the Roman pagan polis of Aelia Capitolina, and Jews were forbidden from entering it, except on the day of Tisha B'Av.[59]
This is banishment, like it or not.
When you chimp out in presence of a superior power like the Roman Empire, you should expect to be btfo.
That's what happens in war times, stop pretending you were always victims.
Now you can still try with the remaining 100+ lines in the list.
The romans invaded our lands, they are the real kikes.
You can't be banished from your home.
yeah the nazi controlled opposition is comin again
just like world war 2
>our land
you mean the land that had non jews living there then the jews invaded like the virus they are claiming its their land because "god" said so?
Yes you can, once it became rightfull Roman clay after they kicked your ass.
Israel didn't belong to you in the first place either.
You gotta love that nonsense kike rethoric right here.
I'm already back.
whatever fits your straw man
Congrats we btfo'd that kike my mutt friend ;)
H-how much does this cost?
No, I feel sorry for you.
Le abominato es Quabliano [detected]
32 weeks. Check 'em
The question is what will you do to help us?
You know that was a battle not the war, why are you gloating? You do realize these people play on your fears to keep you a good goy right? wtf is wrong with people why are they fucking stupid, the Nazis were fighting to free your dumb ass also you fucking moron, they were fighting the Illuminati, Roam Khazarian mafia you know the people that burn you alive for a few bucks? You think because you are a kike you are on the team fucking rofl people are so goddamn fucking stupid