Who the fuck else here has resigned themselves to the fact that England is coming to the end of her history, and the English will cease to exist in any meaningful sense during this century?
a willy for my nose and willys for my toes a willy for my bed to rest my willy head
willy-bobs willy-bobs sniff bang poo
Kayden Reed
If you aren't politically stupid you know Britain is fucked. You know there is no point trying to save it. You know you may as well try to enjoy your life. You should try and fuck as many slags as possible, make a game out of it.
Oliver Murphy
Jace White
me. england/the UK is a dying country with a culture and identity that is slowly being deliberately eradicated
I hope the state dies, no point trying to save what was, only to kill what it has become.
Jayden Jackson
This is how I have lived my life thus far, and I have no regrets, I realised many years ago that England was in fact dead, and all we were seeing was her death reflexes twitching in the sunlight, and I have fucked many slags and non slags alike, and life feels good.
Asher Hughes
I got that pepe on my work mug
>inb4 faggot Present from the missus
Levi Williams
Take solace in knowing our proud emblems will stand the test of time, and that which has happened cannot be undone - not even in the history books. The glorious history of this nation pre First World War all happened.
No species or civilisation lasts forever, everything will ultimately be undone by some sort of natural cataclysm, or, eventually, the death of Universe.
Bentley Peterson
It's like he speaks in fucking cliches of what you'd expect him to say.
Please don't ram your Kia into a Mosque lad, I know it has a great warranty but I don't think that's covered.
How many have you fucked?
Angel Nelson
Fuck off you blackpilled fucknuts. Go crawl off and die like wounded animals. Pathetic.
Ryan Morgan
Britain has been bought by the Arabs and Chinese, they are currently working on upgrading the operating system with Islam and rebranding the nation with a darker colour scheme.
Luke Perry
For your reading pleasure (even got the old filename out in emphasis)-
"A cold coming we had of it, Just the worst time of the year For a journey, and such a long journey: The was deep and the weather sharp, The very dead of winter." And the camels galled, sore-footed, refractory, Lying down in the melting snow. There were times we regretted The summer palaces on slopes, the terraces, And the silken girls bringing sherbet. Then the camel men cursing and grumbling And running away, and wanting their liquor and women, And the night-fires gong out, and the lack of shelters, And the cities hostile and the towns unfriendly And the villages dirty, and charging high prices: A hard time we had of it. At the end we preferred to travel all night, Sleeping in snatches, With the voices singing in our ears, saying That this was all folly.
Then at dawn we came down to a temperate valley, Wet, below the snow line, smelling of vegetation; With a running stream and a water-mill beating the darkness, And three trees on the low sky, And an old white horse galloped away in the meadow. Then we came to a tavern with vine-leaves over the lintel, Six hands at an open door dicing for pieces of silver, And feet kicking the empty wine-skins. But there was no information, and so we continued And arrived at evening, not a moment too soon Finding the place; it was (you may say) satisfactory.
All this was a long time ago, I remember, And I would do it again, but set down This set down This: were we lead all that way for Birth or Death? There was a Birth, certainly, We had evidence and no doubt. I have seen birth and death, But had thought they were different; this Birth was Hard and bitter agony for us, like Death, our death. We returned to our places, these Kingdoms, But no longer at ease here, in the old dispensation, With an alien people clutching their gods. I should be glad of another death.
Easton Robinson
I'm far too selfish to kill myself for a good cause or otherwise >if no sowlooshun how duz reel?
Leo Wood
“If this long island story of ours is to end at last, let it end only when each one of us lies choking on his own blood on the ground.”
Benjamin Gonzalez
But that's the problem. You are taking solace in examples of natural decay, the death of our nation was orchestrated.
Josiah Cox
>that which has happened cannot be undone - not even in the history books Everything will be blackwashed once we've all gone, they've already started. Still, I guess we won't care when we're dead.
Jason Rodriguez
a willy for the postman a willy for the jew a willy for the baker a willy for you too
I'm a little willypot short and stout this is my willy wang fuck bang poo
Wyatt Harris
I get you're sad at the sight of Britain folks, but isn't it worth sticking around to see where things end up?
Easton Harris
I stopped counting at around 120, but I reckon it's around the 140-150 mark.
Now, I know that is not as much as some, I have one mate for example who usually bangs 2 or 3 a week and has been doing so for the past 12 years, he is definitely in the thousands, being a disgustingly good looking doorman. But I have definitely done enough, and the quality has been quite high, I specialised for several years in beautiful virgins, and between the ages of 14 and 18 I had 23 virgins, all crackers and all were turned into budding little sluts.
Easton Lopez
Just had a look at some jobs cos I might need one in the future, holy fuck why is every description so fucking deano tier I don't think I could even hack going for an interview with those marketing buzzwords desu "Deputy assistant as sales targetting" its an embarassment, how do cunts even get a job
also >tfw still no gf
Mason Lee
I think the point is what has happened can not be undone, just rewritten
Carter Clark
How low will Britains white population go? Will it cap out somewhere?
Gabriel Lee
That fatal day for England, the sad destruction of our dear country. England has become the habitation of outsiders and the dominion of foreigners. Today, no Englishman is earl, bishop, or abbot, and newcomers gnaw away at the riches and very innards of England; nor is there any hope for an end of this misery.
Cameron Smith
Toughen up.
Liam Williams
I wolde repeople agayne the towne with pure Englysshmen.
Jeremiah Anderson
England dies within 25 years
Dominic Garcia
>between the ages of 14 and 18 I had 23 virgins, all crackers and all were turned into budding little sluts
Christopher Ramirez
There will be no future for humanity without the white man. The World will fall into a dark age (quite literally) that it will never recover from.
Jonathan Gonzalez
>its another depression/pol/ thread not healthy for my mind lads desu
Dominic Young
fucking hell man they are sending me messages for me to send the work now for tuesday
Adrian Thomas
Jaxson Cruz
“If we take the widest and wisest view of a Cause, there is no such thing as a Lost Cause because there is no such thing as a Gained Cause. We fight for lost causes because we know that our defeat and dismay may be the preface to our successors’ victory, though that victory itself will be temporary; we fight rather to keep something alive than in the expectation that anything will triumph.”
The multicultural paradise will never come to pass; it will collapse or render the nations of the world into a South-Africa tier state. If we lose, no one wins. That is some beauty and ultimately the final solace.
Levi Parker
Sometimes the fight is enough. Sometimes you just have to keep running until you pass out. You should know this.
Death closes all: but something ere the end, Some work of noble note, may yet be done, Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods. The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks: The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends, 'T is not too late to seek a newer world. Push off, and sitting well in order smite The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths Of all the western stars, until I die. It may be that the gulfs will wash us down: It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles, And see the great Achilles, whom we knew. Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho' We are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield...
I really wish I could hit the comedian pill, I keep flicking between Manhattan and Rorschach
Caleb Murphy
stop lying m8, post your face or some evidence of literally anything you are saying, its just ridiculous and you have no proof, how did you even do it then, go explain your process of finding a girl and fucking her, or am I really to believe that some user posting on brit/pol/ on a sunday night is not bullshitting
Landon Nguyen
Good post.
Where is that quote from?
Tyler Wilson
Say what you want about the iron march/daily stormer larpers but at least they have a direction in life, even if ends up as nothing
Bentley Clark
redpill me on the different caharecters of watchman ive never seen it
Isaac Hernandez
He is probably telling the truth. Look at the folk on the Jeremy Kyle show.
Cameron Jones
This thread needs the power of LOCALISM to lighten it up.
Asher Edwards
it's always depression/pol/ for me
Ian Torres
>If we lose, no one wins. That is some beauty and ultimately the final solace. You are right. This is strangely comforting in a way.
Jace Turner
Lad, if I've got a choice of being raped by barbarians at the gates or join the orgies on the Palatine Hill, I know where I'm going to be when the end comes
this is one of the most cringeworthy thing i've ever watched
Matthew Morgan
The people who set out with the purpose of destroying the ethnic identity of our nation will have won though, wont they?
Benjamin Wright
literally what does that prove, he says he has fucked 23 virgins, its just bullshit
Ryder Peterson
Reminder that left wingers are not even people.
Connor Davis
i want to go to kenny to help but i'll end up being an autist going emmmmmmmmmmm whenever they open the doors
Levi Garcia
It's hard to see how - wealth is well correlated with fertility collapses (even controlling for birth control availability). With below replacement levels of fertility (and falling), the population will begin to halve every 1.5 'full' generations or so, even assuming it is White British breeding purely with White British.
The technological wonders that the next century will throw at us will only increase the number of distractions that both men and women have to retreat into, and lessen their contact, family rearing and hence birth totals. Of course, this will happen to our domesticated minorities, too, over a longer period of time, mind, so that's why chain migration must - and will - continue. It's all more complicated than this, of course, but it's a big topic to summarise.
This is a topic that should be talked about more - not just the collapse in our share of the total population, but our coming collapse is actual numbers, too.
Show me your 8 Values test scores lads. Turns out I'm /fashy/
Luke Evans
Jaxon Williams
They’ve got to start somewhere!
Evan Jackson
Look, I'm 30 years old, I imagine most men of my age have had at least 50 or 60, now I happen to work in an industry where males and females are thrust together away from home, work hard and play hard and I have deliberately sought out conquests, I know many men who have done far better than I, and some who have done dreadfully.
I make no outlandish claims, I lost my virginity at 14 and have been fucking ever since, to be honest 140 or so is not that great when you consider I've had 5,840 days to fill.
I'm a romantic at heart, so quite often I've allowed myself to fall for my conquests and several relationships have resulted, as I stated above, one guy I know has had more pussy than the rest of my mates combined, he has definitely fucked several thousand, I was there when he took 5 women home and fucked them all, next to him I'm a fucking amateur
Levi Foster
Niteowl >everything is shit and I'm sad about it Silk Spectre >I'm a woman and I don't know what's going on Rorschach >everything is shit and I'm angry about it Ozymandias >everything is shit but I think I can fix it Manhattan >everything is shit and I don't care about it Comedian >everything is shit and I find it hilarious
The characters all have arcs that mean these descriptions don't always apply, but for the most part they do
Dylan Brooks
He's too scary to ever meet in real life. Was reading an argument between him and some other bloke who knew him, and the other said 'By the way, how did you get away with having a body in the boot of your car when the police stopped you?'.
Not really - what will they gain from it that they do not already have? They already have access to extra-judicial justice, unparalleled wealth, etc... the destruction of our nations is only happening because they can do so and to cement their own positions (which are 99.9% secure anyway). Loss is not necessarily gain - that is, if you watch a man drown, do you gain anything?
Aaron Miller
F to pay respects
Andrew Gray
Epic of Gilgamesh
Christian Williams
Then out spake brave Horatius, The Captain of the gate: “To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds For the ashes of his fathers And the temples of his gods,
When the oldest cask is opened, And the largest lamp is lit; 575 When the chestnuts glow in the embers, And the kid turns on the spit; When young and old in circle Around the firebrands close; When the girls are weaving baskets And the lads are shaping bows;
When the goodman mends his armor, And trims his helmet’s plume; When the goodwife’s shuttle merrily Goes flashing through the loom; With weeping and with laughter Still is the story told, How well Horatius kept the bridge In the brave days of old.
Adam Sanders
Julian Gutierrez
Britain is now "less dead" or "less dying" than it was ever since the Suez crisis. You got Brexit and with Trump in the white house!
You faggots just need to improve and take what is your's back. Britain and Russia are the two great European powers in the continent. Your connections overseas are invaluable. Just stop being america's little poodles...
Xavier Baker
I want vengeance.
Carson Moore
>poetry is gay >knows all the Watchmen characters off by heart What did he mean by this?
Ayden Sanchez
wasnt he told to kill griffin? why hes so worried about the bigboysatmi5
Carson Martinez
Hunter Howard
>hates anime >loves comicbooks
Julian Kelly
I used to drunk watch it a lot and Ive read the comic a few times
Isaac Thompson
Pay respects to what?
Brody Garcia
What can we do
Adrian Morgan
Gods 'erbal medecine
Bentley Nelson
>wasnt he told to kill griffin? I think Mark Collett asked him but Joe wasn't having any of it.
>why hes so worried about the bigboysatmi5 They plagued him in the BNP- Tony Lecomber, Butch Dawn, 'Hattie Jacques'.
Robert Kelly
>has a trip >loves being anonymous
Zachary Cook
Nothing lad, sit back and enjoy a nice long bone
Jason Peterson
Why didn't you finish the job of slaughtering the fucking irish why anglo?
Benjamin Jackson
Go and watch it right now
Dominic Watson
joe rogan buzzword
Ethan Robinson
They gain satisfaction. You honestly don't think Barbara Roche is happier for knowing that we're a minority in our own nation's capital?
Like I say, just live your own life, try to be happy, look at the wider picture and of course you will be consumed with feelings of insignificance and depression Be bounded in a nutshell and count yourself a king of infinite space.
Jack Edwards
It's not even a good film, it just resonated with me for obscure reasons.
Ryan James
>tfw no one comments on the funny BNP video you posted
Jeremiah Hall
Never watched him. Isn't he alt-right?
Owen Phillips
>I happen to work in an industry
what industry
Ethan Taylor
John Diaz
That is just stupid. Your ethnic identity is for ever changing, that's why it is living. You may think that you did not have ethnic minorities in the past, but look back in History.
Once upon a time Britain was divided between Anglo-Saxonites and Celts. With a Danish/viking threat and a powerful France ready to invade - as it did.
You triumphed. You did overcome.
This "new Brits" will either serve you or be expelled in the long run. Know that I speak the truth.
Now go out and thrive at life. Britain will be what you guys make of it. Every single one of you is a microcosmos of Britain. Britain will be the aggregate of all of your successes or failures.
how the fuck is that any different from any other job, you go home at the end of the day, you are talking such fucking bullshit m8
Ryder Jenkins
namefagging is the real redpill
Landon Brown
you should. na, he's not alt-right. he has some right leaning opinions though. definitely worth watching some of his podcasts with guests you like. the first 2 jordan peterson podcasts are fantastic
Brayden Rogers
Not him. I was making a joke about him shagging the students.
>Your ethnic identity is for ever changing, that's why it is living. Changing, yes. Degrading? No. The people who our race are mixing with now have lower IQs and so their offspring will have lower IQs.
Carter Nelson
Hunter Brown
dont loose hope completely, theres allways a chance of something we didnt see coming changing our fortunes , however small. i bet thing looked fucking bleak for hitler, and 5 years on things looked fucking bleak for the jews, but now they came out with litreally the only ethnonationalist state in the world.
Grayson Reed
Events management, I travel around the world assisting in the organising and running of all kinds of large scale events, corporate, sports related, fund raising, concerts even political summits etc,
Alexander Russell
>tfw you will never have your ip hacked that's transmittigates your firewalls to enhance your compactor to up speed your name to your Twitter
Mason Peterson
Be fucking ashamed brit/pol/. This portubro has more faith in your country and its people than you do.
Isaac Brooks
>Bankrupt MEP Nick Griffin Tries His Hand at Being a TV Chef Bunch of cunts. Dont even like him much, but he was making a video for people who couldnt afford to spend much on food. Christ, those Hope Not Hate type cunts annoy me.
Parker Perry
The satisfaction is worthless. Those in charge who experience a neutered Britain were not around to see it how it was. The satisfaction, as spread across the generations it took to enact the plan, is as debased as the nation that causes them.
I don't doubt there are those who profit from it, but there is no real gain. And in the long run, these people will share their planet with a race of people who are far more volatile, quick to anger, quick to react and strike them than they can possibly imagine. Sure, they might buy more and use their income more liberally in the consumerists markets, but this is to boost their bank balances by figures they already have access to, and the surveillance powers of the state they gain wouldn't have been needed previously. They are losers, ultimately.
Brody Murphy
Despite what you see on TV, racemixing is still very rare IRL The problem is more that whites have few or no kids, whereas certain groups of immigrants have boatloads.
Benjamin Green
Fuck this country lads. It's time to leave.
Justin Mitchell
I'm more angry and ready to fight than ever, the time is very close now.
Adam Roberts
Why haven't you moved to Ireland yet (I'm Irish, my flag just shows up as British for some reason) >Higher GDP >Near balanced budget >Fewer shitskins and Muslims >Objectively more freedom >Objectively superior education system >Communists aren't the main opposition >Lowest rate of immigrant intake in the West
Landon Flores
Yeah Asbestos Nick was always a man of the people.
Jaxon Barnes
Because he's a LARPing trumptard. Imagine being the faggot standing on the walls of Constantinople shouting "U JUS GOTTA BEELEEEVE"
Isaiah Campbell
well go fight then, give yourself purpose, even if you are larping you are still doing something in life
Daniel Scott
Forgot to mention- I watched American History X the other night, after having not watched it for about eight years, and I found myself agreeing with about 90% of what was said in it. What have you fuckers done to me?
Kevin Powell
>communists aren't the main opposition Because they're the government
Tyler Moore
imagine being at rokre drift and screaming to everyone to give up
Cooper Rogers
Meet me at the Aneurin Bevan Wetherspoons in Cardiff. Date can be aranged for when it is convenient for you.
James Peterson
Hitler's Nazi party was funded by Jewish banks because they knew exactly fucking what WW2 would do to our country and the west.
I don't think they care about what you consider downsides. I think we're going to have to agree to disagree.
>Despite what you see on TV, racemixing is still very rare IRL You live in Birmingham don't you? Sorry but you know that's bullshit.
Jose Lee
I was in Dublin not too long ago; it's what London was like 10 years ago. You are not far behind us. Enjoy your position of moral elevation. You are merely on a higher position of the landslide. We all end up at the bottom eventually.
Nicholas Moore
>not using the dark theme
Luke Johnson
>scared.jpg Go away, WN.
Nicholas Lee
Rorkes Drift wasn't a hopeless situation you retard.
Wheras you would have stood outside the gates of vienna shouting "pack it all in lads, its hopeless".
Angel Edwards
>Jewish banks because they knew exactly fucking what WW2 would do to our country and the west. well look what they made of themselves from small people that managed to get kicked out of fucking sandnog land and now the most powerful ethnic group above all others
Nathan Brown
All those invasions before, were white, we had common ground. Now ?
Nolan Howard
>he doesn't know We have sleeper cells everywhere, support groups, meme pages spamming anti-tall content, secret discords, secret fight clubs and a mysterious religion based on ancient manlet texts
The pushback is coming
Dylan Miller
I have faith in God only.
Britain's passing of the torch to America after world war II is what fucked us royally. Who do you think will be able to fill the power vacuum in a Western Europe with its balls tied by the E.U.? Britain - who else?
It's logical. I don't know what kind of Britain though, and that's what is at stakes.
Do you really believe that France and Germany will do nothing after they realise you fucked their little Reich project?
Many happenings will indeed happen, and I just know we all need Britain in shape for the sake of all of us, and right now, she's an obese slag...
Connor Johnson
Not joking. Got something big planned.
Eli Powell
theres like 6 milllion zulus and 100 of us its litreally impossible innit
Nicholas Scott
Oh look, another false equivalent. This place is fucking retarded, like a mechanics workshop where no one accepts the existence of fire.
Angel Ramirez
No, they're not. The government are Neoliberals.
What was that, Paki? Check pic related. Pew Research is the sauce.
Adrian Lopez
I hope you get caught before you ruin your life.
Chase Cruz
>tfw the start of the thread was feels and doom posting, but now cunts are talking about fighting, sleeper cells and meeting up For the record, Madame Rudd, all my posts are satirical and have no intention of causing trouble.
Tyler Torres
and your Constantinople analogy is comparable?
Jackson Butler
Fuck off and leave me alone.
Asher Perez
I hope you get caught before you ruin your life.
Kayden Lewis
Any graph that assumes the UK will be 17% Islamic in 2050 can be heartily disregarded. These low estimates are put out to placate you.
Chase Hernandez
Imagine 100 zulu vs 6 million redcoats and you're the zulu, then you have an accurate example
Lucas Lewis
GCHQ please leave. Brit/pol/ is a board of peace.
Xavier Smith
Nothing illegal.
Blake Evans
John Chard must be rolling in his grave listening to you. Even the wounded in the burning butcher building got up and fought.
And you want to bend over and laugh.
Ian Carter
You're not the one he's asking to meet up with... >help me
Ian Sanders
>think britain is shit >encourage brits to move paddies aren't the smarties bunch are they?
Charles Rodriguez
My posts were pro-manlet posts
Aaron James
Fucking hell I just heard the gravel outside my house. I live in the middle of nowhere.
Wyatt Sullivan
Leave me out of it.
Tyler Sanders
>Irish have an IQ of 45, Subhuman >Race of feeble minded Negroes >communists shitskin gay paki pm >irrelevant >shit history consisting of being cucked by English >Poor as fuck compared to England
David Jones
You're all a shower of bastards.
Jonathan Roberts
>even more scared.jpg LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jackson Peterson
Because they'd been fucked over by everyone around them, including allies and had crumbled as a power many years before about to be swallowed by a foe that had eclipsed it entirely. You lot are fucking retarded
Gabriel Barnes
>I think we're going to have to agree to disagree.
Fair enough.
Caleb Ward
Anyone who has gone to university knows the hopelessness of the situation. This generation is all-in on social justice, Corbin, and immigrant rape. It's best to just pack it in, move to the countryside in Devon or Cornwall, and watch the rest of the country burn.
Aaron Johnson
Again, not even slightly relevant
Michael Morris
I'll be outside your window-panes like a yellow fog.
Nathaniel Harris
It will not be us that starts this, it's not the British way, we must be sorely provoked for we are a gentle people. But when roused, we will all move together like the river, and all the work will be done in one day.
Noah Barnes
DOXING IS BAD... okay... tory cunts on me driveway.... bad thing.. get sent to pison an get bummed by WN
Jonathan Hill
All I wanted to do was post poetry and now they're trying to recruit me for an insurrection.
Leo Robinson
not reading that b8 m8
Caleb Cox
manlet nationalism
Jace Sanchez
Britain is still 85% white. The estimates seem correct
Parker Murphy
Lovely reference, but please leave me alone, whoever you are.
Parker Jenkins
honestly find myself sympathising with ISIS desu
Kayden Allen
How? Europe standing on the brink, the muzzie hordes poised to pour in, one desperate battle against overwhelming odds. And victory...
Cooper Walker
Personally i am super stoked. After what Britain did to the Rhodesian people inflicting Mugabe on us.. This is nothing more than karma. Karma is a bitch, suck it you treacherous curs.
Luke Hall
You can't actually believe this nonsense? Not least of all because the British you reference don't even exist as anything more than the elderly in their last flickers of life.
Brody Garcia
bet honk is like 5"1
Dominic Reyes
enjoyed the real madrid game desu
Easton Hill
Granted but it’s still a good quote.
Kevin Perez
Easton Turner
It's not; that much I guarantee you. The 2021 Census is going to shock a lot of people.
Isaac Lee
Europe isn't Britain you retard. We destroyed ourselves decades ago, I've made no mention of Europe least of all because I'm not familiar enough with their individual situations and histories to judge, and judging how ignorant you are of ours, you certainly aren't either.
Samuel Rogers
Dominic Martin
Don't worry lad. I'm just playing.
Thomas Flores
“The wounded surgeon plies the steel That questions the distempered part; Beneath the bleeding hands we feel The sharp compassion of the healer’s art Resolving the enigma of the fever chart. Our only health is the disease If we obey the dying nurse Whose constant care is not to please But remind of our, and Adam’s curse, And that, to be restored, our sickness must grow worse. The whole earth is our hospital Endowed by the ruined millionaire”
Evan Parker
>average height is 5'6 country is fine >average height is 5'9 country is in ruins
manlets are the basis of civilisation
Matthew Turner
Noah Stewart
I'm perfectly at peace with the inevitable, as much as it saddens me I also understand that nothing ever lasts for ever, nothing stays the same static and unchanging.
I fear for those of us who are here when the purge begins, those poor ethnic brits who will know what it is to be a minority in their ancestral land, to be genocided by those their grandparents invited in.
But I have already made and finalised plans to move to the US and there I shall live out my life, armed and ready for the final stand should it ever materialise.
Liam Torres
>Changing, yes. Degrading? No. The people who our race are mixing with now have lower IQs and so their offspring will have lower IQs.
Degrading? I don't believe in equality. I'd say your population has indeed degraded in the past. There were better times and there were worse times. It isn't just because you can idolise Beoweful now that his kin was seen as anything else but degrading by those who had to endure the invasions and wars... The same with the Normans and very especially with the Vikings.
I see what you mean but fear not. The Ghurkas were never known by their high IQs and they did serve you well. All people will have their place, eventually. And maybe there are some good shitskins - even low IQ ones - that can be put to work in some productive manner.
Those who race mix today will be excluded from the Britain of tomorrow, probably. Fear not.
The future is for those who thrive in the present. In the present, your concern shall be to thrive. Always shall we struggle to thrive in the present. So that the future is made in our image.
Brayden Wright
Its relevant because im calling you a fucking coward. You sure you pulled the trigger and got a dead mans click, or did you just lose hope and decide to bend over?
Eli Anderson
What percentage do you think it’ll be?
Caleb Rivera
Jose Hall
Thought you were WN using another ID. Did you see that shite about meeting in a pub. Please help me.
Eli Evans
Ha, you don't feel the power building in Prydains old bones, go to the woods, listen, she's angry. I'm only 38 and my passion for this land and blood burns hot, there's barely enough wogs here to make a good killing yet, needs to be at least 3vs1 in the wogs favour, or it wouldn't be fair fighting Britishers.
Nicholas Thompson
Larping gives your life purpose If amounts to nothing at least you wernt bored and depressed, stopping larpers does not make you any gain
lmao my mum is taller than you you probally became a girl becuase you had the height of them
Oliver Thompson
What happened to brit/pol/, jesus
Kevin Long
Lol, I'm not WN.
James Hernandez
I agree, we should meet up at a McDonalds instead.
We're not going to develop as a race to an intelligent enough level to escape the earth if we keep up the miscegenation.
Brayden Foster
Average thread on Brit/mech/ >my cylinders are misfiring, any ideas? >>They're what? >I think they're not timed correctly on the ignition stroke >>ignition? >you know... when the fuel ignites? Goes on fire >>(((fire))) >>>LMFAO FIREPILLED CÙCKS OUT >>IKR FIRE LMFAO >>>holy shit this guy thinks fire is real
Michael Gray
Preach I’m not even mad about it desu. I laugh at small man syndrome plebs.
Owen Long
William Evans
threw a rock at a roastie today
Wyatt Allen
peter hitchens
Luis Russell
>Has to come up with absolute lies to make a counter-argument
Ireland had the highest standard in the world as of 2005
Jayden Adams
It will be under 70% White British and under 80% 'White', as broad as that classification may be.
I don't like the 'White' term for that reason, it is so broad and includes Albanian, Romanian, Bulgarian, etc absolute scum of the Earth criminals as well as the 'nicer' people from Europe. At any rate, ultimately it doesn't matter who we are being replaced by, only that we are being replaced. A nation of 100% ethnic continental Europeans is not England, because England does not exist on the continent.
White British is the key. And that is dropping like a rock - only a percentage point per year. Already since the dawn of 2018, the country has become over 0.1% less White British. In little over a month.
Evan Robinson
Such black pilling is not congruent with the English stiff upper lip.
I won't judge you for not few times in my live I've been that guy. I won't judge you for I know many more times in my live I'll be that guy too.
Don't despair is easier said than done, I know. But it is a must, nonetheless.
Cameron Johnson
My heart is in the hills of home, And in the winds of March, It sings within Tintagel’s foam And Gloucester’s soaring arch.
It floats amid the rain-wet trees And golden fields of corn, O’er silent heights and marshy leas By fog-bound shores forlorn.
It races o’er the sun-swept Fells, And walks the secret lanes, It runs upon the open Downs Where Saxons fought with Danes.
It laughs along the pebbled brooks By ancient timber’d inns, It dances with the wind-blown rooks And daffodils of spring.
It lives within the knotted oak And burrows with the mole, To ‘list the mystic charms and spells Of England’s wond’rous soul: ‘Tis lore that only her children know; The Chosen Ones so fair, And they alone can understand Her invocations rare.
But while these live we, too, shall live In high, immortal skies; For if her songs such life can give Can England ever die?
Wyatt Kelly
I’m not a girl. [spoiler] I just wish I was [/spoiler]
Xavier Peterson
Anthony Martin
FOR THE CROWN COURT- MY STATEMENTAL All my posts are satire and only meant to promote the great poetry of T.S Eliot. I havent nothing to do with the mentalist 'WN'. I love immigration me. Love the blacks, muslims and especially the Jews. They enrich British culture. Ahmed and Jamal are just as British as me. LONG LIVE TONY BLAIR. Signed, Eliot Poster.
“Religion can hardly revive, because it cannot decay. To put the matter bluntly on the lowest level, it is not to anybody’s interest that religion should disappear. If it did, many compositors would be thrown out of work; the audiences of our best-selling scientists would shrink to almost nothing; and the typewriters of the Huxley Brothers would cease from tapping. Without religion the whole human race would die, as according to W. H. R. Rivers, some Melanesian tribes have died, solely of boredom. Every one would be affected: the man who regularly has a run in his car and a round of golf on Sunday, quite as much as the punctilious churchgoer.”
Camden Rogers
he gave up and Brit/pol/ quit the fight with him. I love that moment hwere he looks like he's dying inside and blurts out something like 'well, it too late anyway, it's over we have been swamped' or words to that effect, while some leftist woman laughs at his pain, if anyone knows the clip please post a link here, that is when I too stopped worrying about the death of Ingerland.
Jonathan Gutierrez
race mixing is rarer than you think, and most of the racemixers arent top minds , they are the bottom of the barrel chavs who wont be a contributor anyway
And those are only the official population figures. Doesn't even attempt to include the illegals.
Asher Mitchell
what is your obssesion with tall glass buildings? they look souless compared to the actuall nice architecture you get in kensington and fulham
David Lee
I'd unironically attend a meetup with you and WN.
Nolan Anderson
try this one then
Isaiah Campbell
Liam Allen
why did i saw fulham i meant westminister
Matthew Wilson
>tfw Britain uses your country as a pawn against Catholic powers despite being Catholic yourself and repeatedly abandoned you in times of need but you agreed to be a literal cuckold a really really long time ago so you post frogs and larp as friends with people you've never met on a Mongolian throat singing enthusiasts forum
what do you think was peter hitchens happiest moment in life?
Nathan Brooks
Skyline is what truly defines a city.Without a powerful skyline,a place can't be considered world class
John Hill
I'm not WN
Ethan Morgan
So Bongs, is BREXIT happening or is your government still megacucking you with help from (((Soros))) organization putting astroturf resistant out there? I vaguely remember talk in 2015 that if BREXIT wasn't done by 2019 there will be riots. You lot going to keep your word?
Samuel James
Colton Rivera
meeting/marrying his wife the birth of his children the death of his brother
Angel Collins
Some things are best left unknown. I'm never going within 50 miles of that mentalist. I don't want to meet anyone off the internet. Brit/pol/ posting is sufficient interaction.
Oliver Cook
Hey you cunt, sorry for calling you a coward. In my defence Im a little bit drunk, but that shit wasnt right, so I apologise. You fat fuck.
Ayden Lee
How will that save Britain? Is the UKIP even alive now?
Truly want to know...
Andrew Gray
Ethan Ward
I don't know, it would be a laugh, I would bring a metal detector so I could detect all the chastity devices
Isaac Robinson
I see all the luvies are sucking each other off and pretending their relevant on BBC again. It's that time of the year. I turned of after 5 minutes.
Evan Jenkins
>I would bring a metal detector so I could detect all the chastity devices Decent.
Tyler Hill
Being genetic slurry myself, I want to believe in egalitarianism. I want to believe in the Lefty fantasy. I want to believe that we can have a society of equals, but once you've been redpilled on the realities of Social Darwinism and hierarchies as natural institutions, it starts to feel like a battle not worth fighting anymore, and just resigning yourself to a Reactionary worldview as the most accurate one, even at the cost of your own mental health.
Michael Martinez
its a joke, ukip are utterly useless The whole state of is the best person for the ukip leadership is a blackie
Gavin Lewis
UKIP has struggled for relevance since Nigel Farage stood down as leader. They got only 2% of the vote in our election last year after getting 13% in 2015.
Tyler Wilson
>will stand the test of time
Down the memory you go....
Owen Kelly
Can you imagine if any part of UK looked like this? Can you imagine how awsome that would be?
Lucas Gray
The death of his brother
Jack Rogers
implying it wouldn't be ruined by wogs and pakis
Gabriel Lewis
>all those blackpilled apathy towards your nation it's fucking pathetic. Alfred the great lived in worse times. fucking deal with it faggots, do your part and pray that it turns out ok. i have hope
Daniel Reyes
I fucking hate this place Why the fuck do I post here Is it just habit now?
Henry Diaz
The state of UK students: >Go to uni to study useless subject like psychology >Take out £9,250 in student loans a year just to use university as an excuse to go out every night >Graduate and then feel entitled to take a year travelling in Southeast Asia >Come home and can't get into a graduate scheme, so end up working at Tesco and living with mummy and daddy >UNI SHOULD BE FREE VOTE LABOUR CORBYN WILL FORGIVE MY LOANS
Sebastian Rodriguez
it looks like hell take the comfy village pill britain should only seek to compare itself with itself
Evan Roberts
He has talked about the moment he saw some Rogier Van Der Weyden painting as some massive turn around point in his life.
See you Wednesday, I have an idea for a place, and only for one place.
Kayden Myers
>Implying Britain has enough money to buit cities like that.
Leo Hill
>I don't understand a single thing about either our history or the reasons why today is as it is Idiot
Jack Robinson
I've learnt the error of my ways, Mistress Rudd. Choose HOPE NOT HATE.
You know what else would be awesome? If you stfu whining about britain and posted tits.
Jayden Butler
He did not, he never knew an England where every city was overrun with the worst of humanity, an England where there is an elite that is feeding the children of the English to these savages in return for votes, he never knew a time when England stood on the verge of turning brown forever, and an England where the English live in fear on their own streets and know that the smiling brown faces cannot wait to begin the slaughter.
James Price
Please don't torment me. I JUST WANT TO POST POETRY! I DINDU NUFFIN!
Sebastian Davis
I should be laughing at how fucking stupid you cunts are But I can't It still makes me angry
Lincoln Long
Going to a Unite Against Fascism (UAF) march soon.
Sebastian Hill
UKIP, has more moles than the town park, courtesy of mi5. It will just keep tearing its self apart. While the main party's try to undermine Brexit.
Anthony Anderson
Colton Garcia
>Britcucks will put up with Islamic attack after Islamic attack >Irish people protested and rioted recently after only one Muslim injured two Irishmen and killed a Japanese man
Jackson Rodriguez
>what industry
Northern Labour Council
Christian Wilson
That looks like 1300s. This looks like 2100s
I'm just saying...
Jacob Wood
Yeah must be a fucking lovely area when it has signs like this plastered all over.
Tyler Watson
>Implying Americans are any different
Lincoln King
Overall they are a pathetic bunch sired by cucky lib/left parents. Zero national pride or racial awareness and virtually no family ties other than what they can get from mum and dad.
They do deserve what is coming to them.
Brayden Reed
london is getting absolutely filled with soleless glass buildings, where i am (croydon) has planning permission for a canry wharf tier development
Daniel Mitchell
GCHQ I have nothing to do with this person's intentions. I implore him to do nothing illegal. Please don't arrest me. UAF are good folk.
Isaiah Miller
HAHAHA IRISH FAGGOT GET CROMWELLED LELELELELEL PADDYKEK >*government formally surrenders to you and makes the traditions of British loyalists illegal*
Alexander Gomez
>If we lose, no one wins. That is some beauty and ultimately the final solace.
ANGLODUDE used selfdestruct!
It's super effective!
Gabriel Reed
>irish subhuman literally let a gay paki be a PM
pathetic cuckolds
Asher Collins
Identity politics is the greatest thing to happen to capitalism since the industrial revolution
Parker Gomez
how can you honestly view china as a ideal, what is the appeal to you?
Luke Hughes
Id never actually do something. That would be m.a.d.
Jose Morgan
Ryan Flores
wow so edgy xddd
Luke Walker
The best part was that a lot of them got pressured into going since they got told how gifted they were and shit back in Secondary school and a lot of them try to pull the "I was popular in High School so I should be popular in Uni" mentality. Backfires every time and it is always magnificent watching it blow up in their faces.
Aaron Hughes
You are exaggerating... I think. I hope.
Alexander Carter
Stop posting my fucking village, we get enough sharts and slants as it is man.
Hahaha, I don't mean like that, I'm going to do what Rightly did.
Dylan King
Luis Rodriguez
there are strict planning rules about tall buildings, it's only now the jews are getting around them and building those monstrosities
Lucas Gomez
>things be permanent and shieet or something so like just be demoralised and not do anything (exactly what the jews want) mate, you have one job. your literal job is to do your best and try as hard as you can. atleast fight. >he never knew an England where every city was overrun with the worst of humanity the majority of england had been conquered by barbarian heathens, their populations flooding in across the north sea. England was over. >he never knew a time when England stood on the verge of turning brown forever it was on the verge of becoming a pagan danish state, the similarities are there. the european races have been in worse times. was hispania unrecoverable? did the ottoman empire take viena? was europe lost to the pagan hordes? >an England where the English live in fear on their own streets and know that the smiling brown faces cannot wait to begin the slaughter. the English lived in fear of norse pillages for centuries, many monks were slaughtered, many innocents were raped, many books burned. You point that England is in a terrible state right now, yet that much is obvious. what are you going to do about it? Greece laid occupied by the turks for centuries, yet they became free. have some backdone.
Mason Long
Samuel Baker
i just searched english village lol,
Xavier Murphy
Julian Price
Brody Torres
Blake Young
lol only my freddoposts are succsesfull
Jace Jenkins
>tfw more comedian pilled than Eddie
Liam Jenkins
Aaron Brown
Is there anything sadder than people who go to university for MUH LIFESTYLE OF PARTYING rather than actually studying something they enjoy?
Angel Phillips
Did you get my Ash Wednesday reference?
>tfw brought Eliot book with intention of reading through and appreciating it but only got halfway and now just use it to make references to some random bloke on the internet
Samuel Gonzalez
Kevin Torres
You are such a fucking ballbag. I swear, not even fucking funny, the only redeeming quality of an utter cunt.
Caleb Adams
Grayson Williams
Joseph Lopez
>I have an idea for a place, and only for one place. What does that even mean?
Asher Bailey
>enforcing rules to keep the streets clean is bad
i wish we had rules like that here in the bay area, especially in san francisco
east asia has some of the finest and cleanest cities in the world these days... and i'm not just talking about japan
Andrew Carter
Yadda yadda yadda...
I'm not the one living in a car or complaining on how everybody cucked me irl... boo hoo..
Adrian Murphy
Did I dun goof?-
Jayden Rivera
Didnt his demons take the form of naked young birds trying to get him to have a crafty one off the wrist?
Ian Hill
>I'm not WN
Luis Sullivan
I don't know what it means. Do you?
Luis Adams
>chinks >clean t.doesnt go to a uni full of chinks japs are different and the singapore pajeets are kept in line litreally with whips
Adam Lewis
This was a originally just a fishermen village.Now it's looks better than anything in western Europe.
Others are surpassing you,and you aren't doing anything about it.
Jordan Johnson
you're being emotional and hysterical, assuming you're a man, this is very pathetic and not needed. you mock the idea that little can be done in such a short time, yet i even said that it may take centuries to recover, but that it's only possible if the will and zeitgeist is there within us all to improve it. Hitler did not restore Germany on his own, it took the german people to do so.
Noah Roberts
It looks like that in the early morning before the coaches arrive! I love the place but the tourist attraction of castle combe is completely and utterly fucking cuntish.
William Bell
That is a movie scene its all fake.
Jeremiah Hernandez
Oim not. I live in Caerdydd not Cumbria.
Aaron Price
All this talk of meet ups and insurrections has so frightened me I didn't realise the Ash Wednsay 'and only one place' reference. SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME