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Why Does the Most of the World Use the Metric System except for Us?
Other urls found in this thread:
because most of the world needs to count with their fingers
Because you in your manifest destiny delusion chose to go against the global standard for the sake of feeling superior
We do use the metric system, where needed.
Everyone always shits on the USA for not using metric.
The way I look at it we use 2 measurement systems. Rest of the world is so daft they can only use one (and it's the easier one at that).
To make it harder for illegals to assimilate and get good jobs
>To make it harder for illegals to assimilate and get good jobs
>implying anyone from a shithole country can do basic math
>why does the world use this arbitrary measurement system and the US use this arbitrary measurement system?
>metric is based on earth
>imperial is based on human being
it's much easier to estimate using imperial for everyday stuff. say you're looking at an apartment and don't have a tape measure. you know that the average male adult walks 15 steps in one direction and 10 in the other direction, then the room is 150 square feet. much more difficult to do with metric
Because it makes no difference, no one cares, and America, like Cred Forums, enjoys contrarianism. What are you some kind of fucking commie?
who are these manlets who take foot long steps
>the state of australia
i miss when you guys used to bring the good bants
Because the rest of the world is cucked and America fuck yeah. Standard is quicker and makes more sense. Most standard measurements are one syllable and most metric are two or more syllables at least. That is a 50% savings right there in reading, writing and speaking time.
Standard system has more factors especially helpful once you learn the way to count to 12 and 24 on your fingers using the segments.
There are countries that use the metric system and there are countries that have been to the moon. Which would you rather live in?
>once you learn the way to count to 12 and 24 on your fingers
a country where people realize that the people who went to the moon did their calculations in metric
(((the netherlands)))
>once you realize your country used imperial for liquids
Shouldn't you be at school kiddo?
Canadian construction worker here. I don't know how the fuck you guys use metric to build anything.
Canada is unique in the sense where we use different systems according to certain situations.
>when you realise your country was once a British possession
By all means lets play stupid games all day friend!
Yeah, I would never build a house using metric. That would be retarded. Do they actually do that in the fag countries?
We do use the metrics system. We just don't exclusively use it. There are 2 kinds of countries. Countries that only use the metrics system, and countries that went to the moon. Sorry our superior brains can handle 2 systems of measurement.
>makes sense
Just face it, you keep it because WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIET WE WUZ IMPERIAL!
In metric, one milliliter of water occupies one cubic centimeter, weighs one gram, and requires one calorie of energy to heat up by one degree centigrade—which is 1 percent of the difference between its freezing point and its boiling point. An amount of hydrogen weighing the same amount has exactly one mole of atoms in it.
Whereas in the American system, the answer to ‘How much energy does it take to boil a room-temperature gallon of water?’ is ‘Go fuck yourself,’ because you can’t directly relate any of those quantities.
Such a dope response.
If only wasn't true...
If you don't use both, you're a subhuman bugman.
>using body parts for measuring
European 1: What's the temperature outside?
European 2: It's like 19 or 20
European 1: Is that hot or cold?
European 2: I don't know.
American 1: What's the temperature out there?
American 2: 65.
American 1: I know exactly what temperature you're describing.
American 2: I know, it's like some genius decided to make a 0-100 scale for all normal temperatures, and anything outside those ranges are extremes.
American 1: It's like we spent so little time wondering what temperature is is that we could devote ourselves to more useful pursuits.
American 2: It's fucking awesome to rule the world.
[High Five]
Just say no to the globalists conspiracy metric system. Its shit.
>The yard the length of a pace
The length of an average pace is about .75-.8 meters, so why is a yard .9144 meters?
We don't care about calories in America. It is a gay artificial measurement
uou are saying that its minus 19 or 20 you retard
That's neat and all, but when's the last time you actually applied that to your daily life?
Imperial units are designed based on quantities of things people actually encounter and measure on a daily basis, not obscure scientific principles that 90% of the public doesn't use.
It's irrelevant anyway. metric is also used in the US when it actually matters, such as nearly everything related to engineering and science. It really doesn't matter whether our speed limit signs are in mph or kph, it's completely arbitrary. You're just talking about a ton of money to switch over to another system for no gain to the vast majority of people.
>to rule the world
Temperature is a poor example. You say 19 or 20 to a European and they know exactly how hot or cold that is. It's all about familiarity with the measurements. Obviously it doesn't mean anything to us, because we're not used to it. Just like how 65F means jack shit to them.
A foot being approximately the length of an average adult foot is a much better example.
Here you go Rust:
What size is a wall framing stud for metric fags?
> A foot being approximately the length of an average adult foot
This is exoteric nonesense, see below
A pace is 5 shaftment, 2 shaftment is a foot.
Your perception of what a pace should be is irrelevant.
imperial units are traditional and divisible by 2, 4, 6, and 12.
also in base 10 you can count to 10 with your hands.
in duodecimal you can count to 72
use the metric system where necessary,
but other that that fuck the continentals
ill use feet thank you very mutch
>Your perception of...
This isn't a perception.. It's scientific fact.
>what are crown lands
When you realize your country still is a British possession. Stupid games kek
Special snowflakes need their own demented measuring units to feel special.
they are superior have you been to indiana? It's all viking chads they make swedish men look like shit
>using the (((global))) system