ok Cred Forums I just got off work about an hour ago and I work in area where a lot of tourist come usually other western/northern/eastern euros or burger never southern europeans, but for the first time today I saw a "somali italian" eactly like in the video above, 2 of them even had blue eyes I was shocked. They told me they have been in italy all their lives. They were nice people but certainly not European. Why are spaniards/italians/greeks considered Europeans? I really do not understand, I expect the average European to have blue/green eyes and fair skin. Not be an arab. Please explain to me
>video Dear lord, they kept a perfect Italian accent after 70 years. They're even using some old-fashioned words from the 30s. Props on them.
Carter Miller
they were really nice and didn't seem like muslims because they drank alcohol they weren't like any of the somalis in here, who are inbred savages who will stab you with a knife
Leo Anderson
My grandpa is an italio-Somali and they’re pretty much Italians so fuk u swedfag. Those Somalis you have are prob inbred and prob are cousin couples, that plus their violent religion makes them the ultimate niggers.
Andrew James
italo-Somali’s aren’t niggers
Christian Kelly
kek italians aren't white anwways which makes them niggers automatically
Joseph Perry
so i'm not white?lmao
Caleb Brown
post better pic
Jeremiah Evans
le school shooter selfie
Isaac Perez
Italians are NOT white.
John Anderson
Somali Italians=/ Italians
By the way, there is an interesting story about the last legacies of the Italian colonial empire in Somalia. In the 1992, the italian army was in Mogadiscio during the operation restore hope. One day, at the gates of the italian command centre appeared one old man, an Askar who fought in the fascist army during the WWII. He introduced himself and said in italian: "I knew that the italians are back, I resume my service, I'll fight in your army, like long time ago" , after he cryed: "HAIL THE DUX, THE KING AND THE ITALY". The general gave him an uniform and a room becoming the mascotte of the division
Camden Perry
he's an italian somali
Jace Diaz
Camden Martinez
Someone in the comments claims that these are mixed race people in a former Italian-occupied part of Somalia.
Luke Green
Jordan Butler
he looks pretty badass but honestly if his skin was a bit more olive he'd look italian
anyways how come none of these somali don't look as autistic as the ones in sweden
Jaxson James
italians are white and have some of the richest most powerful culture of any white people. youre just upset because your beautiful country is being overrun with brown migrants. i feel your pain.
Connor Ortiz
mamma mia you look like this guy
Alexander Howard
Sure is based nigger in here.
Italians are genetically very different from north to south.
- Northern peoples are Germanic looking and have the light hair/skin/eyes.
- Most people south of Rome are mixed with some amount of arab blood to make them "Mediterranean" looking. The further south you go the more Arab they look.
The peoples are separated through several means - Reason one being economic disparity, reason two being Italy isn't totally cucked and is considered by many to be the most "racist" western country.
Adam Rodriguez
im angry that we get inbred retards that rape ad stab everyone yes ur right about that but Italians aren't really european
Mason Anderson
how are they racist if they have italian somalis still around? are they just racist to negroids from west africa?
Luis Nguyen
No one voted or chose to have Somalians imported to their country, just like you didn't.
Why do you have a new African rape story every week in Sweden?
Ryan Howard
it's usually afghans who do most of the raping here
Henry James
why exactly in god's name would an Italian care about being white?
James Murphy
Italian Somalis look Italian and are mixed don’t listen to the angry swed Cuck pic related a Italo-Somali
Mason Barnes
thanks for being honest nigger
Samuel Williams
he looks italian for sure
John Bennett
the only (very butthurt) nigger here is you
John Ortiz
>overused .webm real original shitalian
Carson Rodriguez
Sweden you get somalis retard because obly poor people mass inmigrate to your country, I admit that most niggers are worthless retards but they have exceptions, unfortunately they are extremely rare and most of the time go to usa or other developed countries, for example I have an haitian teacher at the french alliance in my city, he's as black as any african but he is really smart he knows 4 or 5 languages and is very fluent. I really respect him.
Nathan Murphy
he must've won the genetic lottery for have such a great IQ I also respect smart non whites
Isaac Roberts
Post dick.
Carter Gray
Why do you want to see his dick?
Jacob Rivera
must be a weird southern european introduction ritual
Leo Gutierrez
Why not? I'm bored desu. And let's get real, posting your face here (IF that's him) is much worse than posting your dick.
Aaron Garcia
hey greece
Josiah Johnson
yes it IS me
Blake Brooks
>italian somalis they're descendant to the colonists in Somalia, they're not immigrants from the 2012 wave
John Butler
>you don't have blonde hair therefore you're not white You don't have blonde hair either sven, male pattern baldness originated in Scandinavia
Gavin Moore
>Most people south of Rome are mixed with some amount of arab blood to make them "Mediterranean" looking. The further south you go the more Arab they look. >this meme again
Genetic history of italy and Google, I am not posting it again
You shouldn't have done that, I have already put you in my folder of mutt memes.
Matthew Jenkins
im not a mutt ;( butt go use it on Cred Forums
Luis Johnson
Shoo shoo Snow Nigger
Nolan Adams
No they're not, and stop these lies. Northern Italians are not nordic or germanic and do not overlap genetically with any Northern European nation they overlap directly with the Spanish. Dunno who started such a bullshit myth, maybe Nordicist.
Andrew Gray
>- Northern peoples are Germanic looking and have the light hair/skin/eyes. you're talking out of your ass most people in northern italy have dark hair and eyes
Jeremiah Parker
Because simply put you came from Mediterraneans. All Europeans did, and their genetic legacy is in every living European today. Europeans came from outside of the south not the other way around. White people didn't get darker due to mixing, YOU got lighter and lost your pigmentation by venturing north. First Europeans were dark skinned homie.
Michael Lewis
do americans work their heads so much on genetics and shit IRL too or it's an internet autism meme?
Eli Martinez
Half Anglo half italian. Am I still allowed to fight for white identity without looking like a cuck?