What do these guys base their movement on ?
Keep the discussion civil and refrain from using blatant "propaganda" pics
What do these guys base their movement on ?
Keep the discussion civil and refrain from using blatant "propaganda" pics
I think their dogma is that women in modern times have become so insufferable that the quality of life for a man is increased when not in a relationship.
Isnt that a complete generalisation of women plus an assumption ?
See here
understanding how men have been fucked over and what to do about it
turd flinging monkey on youtube makes the most compelling arguments
The thread you linked to is already filled with bitterness towards women and I dont think that a reasonable discussion will take place there
Can you provide arguements in your own words ?
>Can you provide arguements in your own words ?
there are too many facets to the issue to really make a single argument in favour of this
Then provide one arguement you think holds the most weight
>bitterness towards women
To know women is to hate them.
To understand women is to be indifferent to them.
Go be a cuck elsewhere, brownie.
this is b8
mgtow is not a movement
btw most good arguments have already been covered in past threads, this really needs to become a general in its own right, we've had tonnes of interest in this post-MeToo
Fine. AWALT. All women are like that, i.e. they operate the same way and men need to learn to how to put them back in their place for society to survive. Also their rights need to be taken away forcibly as nothing good in society has come of women having the right to vote. They need to be returned to simply bearing children and taking care of the household.
btw if you ctrl-f the archive for 'mgtow' there are currently 10 threads in there, if you want a rounded picture you need to go in there and read
call it a community then, no reason pass on an opportunity to reasonably discuss a topic
What actual solutions the the problem does mgtow suggest ?
I would rather take part in an active discussion though
Movement is a bit of an overstatement. It's a collection of dudes who make memes about women, share fucked up stories, rant, etc mostly against dating and long-term relationships. Some of them are stupid as fuck, some of them kind of have a point in my opinion.
to what problem?
I'm about to go to sleep but you'll get some discussion going soon enough, this subject isn't going away any time soon.
that's exactly how movements form, like-minded men discussing what they have in common
also remember the holes will be here soon enough, and dont waste time engaging with them
Because of how decentralized the movement is, everyone has a different story. However, in all instances it comes down to the same 'core': a cost-benefit analysis. Over time, since the rise of feminism, pursuing a romantic relationship with women has become more costly/risky while providing fewer benefits.
Basically MGTOW are the next step beyond MRA. MRA realize that women are nowhere near as oppressed as feminists want us to believe and that men are now actually getting the short end of the stick (an ungrounded accusation of rape can cost a man his job [especially in education] and his entire life, even if the charges are proven wrong in court. Men have no physical integrity by law, as mass male genital mutilation is common whereas almost every country on the planet has outlawed its female counterpart. Men are still seen as disposable by the state. Attempts to "equalize" gender pay actually harm men). The difference is that MRA try to push through legal change and hope they can cooperate with women in this. As proven by the fact that the MRA movement has gotten LITERALLY NOTHING done anywhere in the world, that's a bust.
The next step are MGTOW, who don't blame some nebulous legal status quo but female nature. If women are allowed to do as they please, their tendencies are highly destructive, especially towards men. My personal theory on this subject is that women simply do not have the capacity to love men in the same way men love women (for evolutionary reasons). As such, women often resent men and are only dependent on them by virtue of being weak and incompetent themselves. Yet they resent men for this, hate this and try to escape from this. Here comes the conspiracy between women, the left and the state apparatus: the more women vote for a welfare state that empowers the state and entrenches the left, the more they can become 'independent' from men.
the modern relationship = the current branch the monkey woman is holding
i think MGTOW itself is going to morph into something else very soon, and that Cred Forums and maybe /r9k/ will inevitably have something to do with that.
It might be how movements start but it's still premature to call it a movement. There's strong negative sentiment towards becoming politically active in MGTOW at the moment.
i know which is why i said its going to morph soon
its going to be like gamergate only with a fuckton more force behind it
>i think MGTOW itself is going to morph into something else very soon
Again, it's a decentralized movement so any individual in it can do anything. It's not like feminism with a certain entrenched 'dogma' and different 'sects'. That said, I doubt it. MGTOW is a very passive movement which focuses on enriching your individual life by eliminating women from it. As TFM for example predicted, the thing is probably that MGTOW will wait for the collapse of society. Let it crash and burn. Then men will rebuild, like they always have, hopefully with the lessons of the gynocracy fresh in their minds.
More likely Islam will take over Europe before that happens. As undesirable as that may be, this does not contradict the MGTOW narrative: a woman that "liberated" its women became weak to a culture where men know how to put women in their place. Western women were given the right to vote for who gets to take their rights away.
The hole insult just attacks the person and not the arguement so you should ignore it anyways
while I agree that rape accusations completly fuck over men those cases are very rare when compared to overall relationships. Interestingly the NatSoc take on marriage seems to cover most issues mgtow has with marriage
its likely not going to change anything, look at feminism, how the 3rd gen barly has changed anything. I doubt mgtow will get nearly as big since it wont get media coverage
Islam does not belong to europe and neither does their concept of marriage wich is way to hard on women
As said before, you might want to look into marriage laws under the third reich, that might be more reasonable
>The hole insult just attacks the person and not the arguement so you should ignore it anyways
it's meant to be advice
>, how the 3rd gen barly has changed anything
you're fucking delusional or too sheltered, or you simply don't know a fucking thing about the topic in which case stfu and lurk moar faggot
mgtow has not had *any* media coverage yet the biggest youtubers in mgtow are getting about 100k subs.
feminism has had billions thrown at it, don't forget.
mgtow is growing at a massive pace, and will only get more exposure through the MeToo backlash that is only now starting (even Weinstein is now suing that rose mcgown whore for defamation).
he didn't say islam belonged in europe, he said it's an inevitable outcome to feminism in the west. you really seem too fucking retarded for this, but thanks for making a thread i guess.
>Interestingly the NatSoc take on marriage seems to cover most issues mgtow has with marriage
Except it requires a totalitarian state directed by the fickle desires of the führer. The medicine is worse than the illness.
>Islam does not belong to europe
It does not belong to Europe for as long as we are able to enforce this. We are unable to enforce this because we gave women the vote. Ergo women will vote for an Islamic Europe. You can whine about how Islam "doesn't belong" until the cows come home, but if you cannot enforce it those are merely the meek whimpers of the conquered.
This is true.
Internet MGTOW is mostly neckbeards and incels. The true MGTOW are the millions of normal men aged 16 - 40 who are simply not getting married.
They don't even know what MGTOW is. They are forsaking marriage for video games. A shitload have no desire to work at all and that drains the socialist anti-white pro feminist governments of tax dollars.
And I don't blame them modern woman, and the current anti white male climate and feminism drove men to this.
I am a 29yo neet and just bought a new GTX 1070 and have no interest in woman.
pic related is the definition.
Doesn't mention women. MGTOW is about being in a position to be uncuckable. Women and marriage just invites state intervention
>The true MGTOW
"guess the logical fallacy"
Going off what I've seen, most MGTOW are the dudes in their late 20s-early-40s who got divorce raped and can't see their kids.
literally the latest TFM video is about exactly this
btw i said 100k subs, TFM has about 1/2 mil views on some of his videos, so this isn't small-time any more, hasn't been for a while. we're waking up.
We will see how mgtow turns out in the future
I dont see how a ton of non working men will uphold a nation
The only way to be free and happy is to stop playing a rigged game.
red pills incoming
they will never learn
These are good MGTOW videos:
Let it all collapse so it resets society. The good thing at least is once the reset happens its unlikely this multicultural feminist shit will happen again. It will take WW3 and a massive global depression to trigger the reset of the west.
Imagine walking in the woods and stumbling upon a deer corpse. it's old but not too old, still pink and red, with pulsating white maggots writhing across its moist surface, frolicking in lukewarm bodily fluids kept only slightly above ambient temperature by nothing more than the heat and friction generated by the wriggling maggots and other organisms feasting on the putrescent flesh. if you listen closely you can even hear the susurration of thousands of tiny mouth chewing, thousands of tiny bodies moving, and thousands of creepy crawly bugs vying for each delicious morsel of food.
Then the smell hits you- something quite unlike anything you've smelled before, being sheltered by a mostly sanitary life in the suburbs. A mix of garbage left in the sun, and menstrual flow, and just a hint of rotting leaves. It's enough to make you gag and turn away, if not outright vomit, adding your own fluids to the mixture in front of you.
That's what women feel when they have to interact with a below average male.
MGTOW is feminism for men
ignorant, inform yourself and read yourself
hi roastie, do you know how averages work? many women are also below average, and even when they are above average they are usually retarded, so spare a thought for any man who has to interact with pieces of trash like that
>I dont see how a ton of non working men will uphold a nation
women can do anything i can do better, right?
with women at the helm we can finally become the equal society we were meant to be
this fucking philosemitic amerimongrel is literally half-kike
They are the definition of sour grapes. Just the male equivalent of whint feminists who don't want a solution to their problems but just a reason to be victimized.
One screeches about patriarchy and the other screeches about gynocentrism, but the underlying philosophy is the same
when evangelical cunts like this begin to talk about MGTOW, you know we're onto something
I think the MGTOW movement may be from people that have been in relationships, got screwed over, and just realized the juice just isnt worth the squeeze. There are only so many times a guy well get fucked over in his life before just seeing that being alone, is being better than having a partner and feeling alone.
I'm a man. Even bottom of the barrel thots feel this way. The worst thing is thirsty losers reinforce this thinking by trash diving to get their dick wet, artificially inflating the female ego.
what you're probably stating is true, but you roastie still deserve to be gassed
It is based on what most older men say plus observation of female behavior. It might be a generalization, we dont consider ourselves lucky enough to find a unicorn.
Nothing wrong in what you just said, except that the reason women are feeling this way is because they've been given so much freedom that they're just ignoring the fact that only a few of them are going to meet the standards of the chad-tier men, ironically who they think are the only men acceptable.
this virtue-signalling israel-cum-slurping faggot reminds me of when Varg tried to discredit MGTOW. no fucking idea of what he's talking about.
>MGTOW is feminism for men
Except MGTOW doesn't demand state support for men, or subverting the state to arbitrarily "equalize" men. Idiot. In fact many MGTOW want a free market with minimal government intervention.
This. Most MGTOW are naturally libertarian/centrist.
The reason MGTOW is such a threat is because it is men threatening to go their own way generally. Not only with regard to women, but in all aspects of society. Its the same ideology as libertarians which seeks to reduce government size and influence, become financially independent and beholden only to the common law.
If men largely start MGTOWing, government will become less relavant - and thats a threat that is not welcome. Hence the anti MGTOW shilling.
I see others as bluepilled betas blundering dick first into shit situations with women because they have no self control and I pity them
>What actual solutions the the problem does mgtow suggest ?
short term: avoid getting in trouble yourself, avoid women who might cry rape/divorce rape you
long term: artificial uterus
LOL is this sort of intel gathering thread?
Either you get it or your don't
Are you one of those mentally ill tranny shills that are making all these threads?
could not agree more with this post.
do you think the western nations are headed to same situation as japan?
what do you think will happen to institution of marriage?
will epa, department of education, obamacare, federal reserve, and other government entities finally go away as a result of the MGTOW society? will we finally reach small / limited government?
It took you fucking retards a year to understand that there are perhaps valid points behind the whole MGTOW concept. Congratulations.
Did your attempt at 'alphaing' yourselves up and marrying a western thot to make her trad, go to shit in the current system or something?
>do you think the western nations are headed to same situation as japan?
It won't be exactly as bad, the herbivore man thing has a lot to do with japanese nature. The problem we have here is that no one can fight the state+army (the ultimate alpha) so we have no fucking choice about what happens once we're married so the only logical thing is not to marry a woman.... in our home nation. I see a solution in pumping kids into foreign women.
It's not ideal of course. It's better than sex dolls though, and artificial wombs are a bullshit idea, we'll still need eggs of decent women. We're not asexually-reproducing organisms.
There are some truths that the movement as a whole isn't ready to face yet, but they're getting there. The subreddit is fucking moronic, just endless memeposts with no real direction or ideas.
The institution of marriage, well for any sane man, it's over. The girlfriend option is going to be there as long as girlfriends aren't entitled to automatic alimony, which is not going to happen otherwise it would make it too easy for the boyfriends of rich women to claim against them.
And yes, government will eventually fall once we stop pumping them full of taxes. The inflation bubble can only go so far until we get to hyper-inflation and a Zimbabwe situation.
Chill nordfriend. This board has never been known for being quick off the mark. Be glad they are finally waking up.
Artificial wombs and sexbots will make women useless as a gender.
>do you think the western nations are headed to same situation as japan?
Yes - if you mean regarding the "grass eaters" phenomenon (or whatever its called). Men will disconnect from society as long as society is not supporting their participation in it.
>what do you think will happen to institution of marriage?
Its already meme tier. I agree with lifelong monogamy, but getting the state involved is uneccessary. Currenctly there are too many men unaware of the cucked status marriage gets you into and even believe its beneficial because its being "mature" and just a part of life. They can't even question it. They are like the NPCs in life.
>will epa, department of education, obamacare, federal reserve, and other government entities finally go away as a result of the MGTOW society? will we finally reach small / limited government?
If enough men realise is bad for them and stop participating or even act against these institutions
I'm MGTOW but I think both these """solutions""" are fucking retarded and I think we can do better, and we're only fooling ourselves if we think there is actual mass appeal in either.
I'd fuck a foreign woman and leave her in her own (ideally poor and European) country.
Sexbots, the idea is just so fucking silly, why even go to the trouble of fooling your mind into accepting a silicone doll, why not just use a fleshlight or onahole or whatever. I just don't get how other dudes get off on that. To each their own I guess.
+10 internets
ty for reply anons
Sexbots and vr will destroy any semblance we have of society. What comes after i wonder, though.
and no shitskin rights either
mutts get the bullet too
>artificial wombs are a bullshit idea, we'll still need eggs of decent women
that might change in the future