>"He's not openly a Nazi so that makes him a Zionist hurr durr"
Even if he's not a Nazi, he does a better job teaching young adults ( who are completely alienated in this society ) to sort themselves up and getting responsible than most of their peers.
Why the hate? Why do you want him to start ranting about the jews so his career gets destroyed and no one ever hears another word from him? At this point, simply picking the lesser evil is already a luxury.
I think you've had a little too much room cleaning for one day, bucko.
Kayden Wright
>literally claims Jewish power is a conspiracy >literally claims the most prominent "cultural Marxist," kikes he hates deserve their wealth and power despite being pure evil >literally claims anyone who doesn't believe this is a demonic person who irrationally hates Jews muh antisemitism He is JIDF shabbos incarnate.
Grayson Allen
Jordan Peterson is a kike because he's a literal kike who is only famous now because another kike recruited him.
Cameron Parker
Because he keeps up the "muh Hitler was pure evil" charade.
Jaxson Nelson
He is just a self help teacher and father figure replacement. Since I suffered that shit in the past (parents divorced) and fixed my shit around 20yo, most of his teaching are barely relevant. Since the liberal baby boomer generation raised a generation of cucks by low investment parenting, all the males now flock to this guy as a replacement.
In the end, he teaches you the stuff your dad should have taught you before you are 20yo. I mean he is not a snakes oil salesman since most of his info is free, but there is barely anything groundbreaking in his teachings. People massively shilling for him truly see some kind of enlightenment but these individual are simply in the very early stages of their development so ignore the hype.
But someone who has "everything" and knows his teachings and still seeks more, will not stop at the "muh individualism" shilling. Trying to uplift your people will follow. His teaching might create strong individuals who in turn, will create the strong collective Peterson is so afraid of: The awakened Saxon.
James Sanders
Liberal shills are the ones spamming peterson hate threads because they realize exactly what youre saying
Isaac Cook
Peterson is wrong. Surviving on this planet is a team effort. Some collectivism is required for that.
Eli Morgan
Why are people still posting and complaining about this guy? We've heard all he's had to say and he'll slowly burn himself out over the next couple of years.
Stop giving a shit bucko
Henry Martinez
kys. So many fuycking JIDF shills in Peterson threads you guys are fucking afraid arent you?
Cooper Roberts
If he just "wasn't a nazi"
Then i'd be fine with him, but it's how he constantly talks about Hitler, National socialists and ww2 history and telling bare faced lies about them, blatently talking about things he's never bothered researched.
Hudson Sanders
Elijah Edwards
>memflag Just stop kike.
Justin Bennett
checked pic related is his kike wife
Austin Smith
He doesn't have to publicly go all 14/88 for obvious reasons. My aversion to him isn't that he's not openly anti-white genocide, but that he's explicitly pro-white genocide.
Easton Campbell
But he is a zionist though. He speaks at zionist conferences and praises Jews constantly, while at the same time saying whites have no right to their own land. youtube.com/watch?v=03ITkUiyPVA
Lucas Lopez
Isaac Clark
No, he literally promotes Zionism.
Josiah Thomas
>Incredible Motivational Speech By Jordan Peterson JP fanboys are vile and disgusting subhumans.
Jace Stewart
"Not natsoc enough" is a classic d&c tactic. Leftypol and and other shills use it constantly. Calling something or someone Jewish has a lot of persuading power around here for some reason.
Ayden Thompson
Another classic shill tactic. Poison the well. It's like an ad hominem on steroids. Very effective. A picture of a hat pretty much destroyed the Internet's atheism movement.
Easton Moore
Memerson isn't a particularly original thinker, but he delivers concise help to young adults raised by single moms. Some of what he says is incorrect (his take on individualism, race, etc.), but he does more good than bad. He's a useful ally and a fellow traveler, but Cred Forums (and /lit/ for that matter, but from different perspectives) will shit on him because of its contrarian nature, of which I'm a part of and so THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME TO TIE MY SHOES AND WIPE MY ASS, DADDY JORDAN! PLEASE TAKE MY SHEKELS I NEED YOUR FACEBOOK PERSONALITY QUIZ TO TELL ME WHICH SIMPSONS CHARACTER I'M THE MOST LIKE!
Josiah Rivera
he'll get his
Josiah Thompson
Brandon Jones
Jason Young
Decent body for an older woman. He probably just puts a bag over her head
Jaxon Green
half the time I think they hate is coming from progressives larping trying to convince Cred Forums hes terrible because they don't like him and want to limit his influence
Daniel Garcia
>liberal/conservative center >peace
lmao the same status quo establishment that invaded Iraq and killed upwards of 1 million and destabilized the whole region
Nathaniel Miller
Yep. He wants to keep the current machine going, and the best path to that is to get young adults emotionally invested in maintaining it. He's afraid of the discontent leading to another Nazi-esque coup, as has happened over and over across history.
Landon Nguyen
>Why the hate? we don't like the fans of e-celebs. i sure hope he helps his nation but his fans flip over basic advice being a good thing
Jaxon Hill
You don't looking at the fireplace when you're poking the fire.
James Carter
>>"He's not openly a Nazi so that makes him a Zionist hurr durr" He's openly Zionist so that makes him a Zionist:
Peterstein cultists on suicide watch. Stop shilling this Zionist boomer: Go back to his subreddit.
Nicholas Phillips
JP lectures helped me a lot.
Gather knowledge and morals. Let his knowledge of Myths help your mental/spiritual/character development. Everything else about him or whats his opinions are,discard them, Analise them, critique them. Gatekeepers are called that way cause they never let the conversation reach the very "sensible" subjects. They twist and turn and before you know it, his wife is jewish, his most close friends are jewish, and he gives speeches at jewish organisations.
If he names the jew. He is kill. So take anything and everything with a massive grain of salt that come close into "dangerous thoughts".
Just like you should on Cred Forums.
Zachary Smith
It’s the Leftists and the Jews larping like us that are shilling. It’s really quite obvious.
Brandon Myers
>everyone who doesn't like the politics of a neoconservative Zionist boomer is a leftist or a jew Imagine being paid to type that.
Isaac Martinez
I read a few days ago that he was gonna debate Jared Taylor on the 25th, but can't find anything about it. Did I get rused?