Sure thing goyim
>Russian Official
>Times of Israel
Putin isn't gonna help Israel you fucking retard.
>Trump is backing out of Middle East
>Putin steps in
Someone cannot into Realpolitik.
Exactly what I said? Nature hates the void,and a power vacuum does not stay empty for long.
What he says and what he does are not the same.
Can we have ONE, just ONE fucking day w/o always being blasted by these self-absorbed assholes?
Sad. You guys have the shittiest JIDF memes.
Not with the absolute state of the cognitive pattern of your side.
>responding to fact with infograph and collage building a delusional narrative
There's no winning against us with these brainlets as your defense force.
hope this one is better
Weak shit. Fuck off.
Hi welcome to optics.
Holy shit, you're one neurotic JIDF kike.
Don't care if it's Israel or Canada or Germany or whatever country. Whichever country is responsible for blackmail and owning politicans in the current age needs justice.
Hi welcome to white people are dying every day thanks to European Genocide as devised by the Jewish State and each day you refuse to simply expose the crimes of Israel YOU are enabling white genocide
>wtf i love rothschild nao
What about that is draining the swamp, fren?
>he cant answer
>Thinks draining the swamp only works with folks who never been in it.
You're the most neurotic Jew I've seen on Cred Forums
>giving a Rothschild banker political power is a good idea and simply 1488DD kabbalistic chess
pic related
And youre still not answering.
>thinks draining the swamp means draining the swamp
Im not here to play pilpul. I'm here to laugh at you.
We don't have time for laughing. They control both sides so no matter which you choose to support, you're supporting them.
Retards just have more fun, I guess
Sealy tho DJT is a yuuge kike
How else could he make it on tv
And why else would he drain the swamp of Obama's niggers and replace them with his kikes?
god wants the hebrews to return which is why he punishes the jews and christans with islam, neo peganism and bollshevics . the jews and the christians were never god chosen people. it was the hebrews . christians and jews should abandon the sages of the Mishnah and the new testament. and return to there roots . the pharisees and jeasus have only poizened our mind and soul with individualism and ego . screw zionism and herzl . the kindom can only rise when its people rise . the jews christans and muslims dont belong to israel .
israel won't exist as a country much longer.
>Jews are going to save us from a Jewish Plot
don't call this land israel .it's not deserved to be given that title .this land has more to do with sodom and gomorrah than the kindom of israel.it will only become israel when the hebrew's return.
it's not Israel. It's israel. No land should be called israel because Israel isn't a place.
Fuck alt-right figures fuck left vs right bullshit
But this makes me wonder why you support Trump who supports Israel and not also Spencer?
>imaginary misspellings
The Hebrew's will save us