Whats is your ideal type of government, ideology, society and/or economic system

Ideology wise i am Semi-Ethno Nationalist Autocratic Libertarian Technocrat.
(Hard working and educated non-whites with needed/important skills who share are values and a common goal can stay. No race mixing ether.)

My ideal government would be a constitutional Technocratic dictatorship that guarantees individual rights and personal freedoms with a leader chosen based off of merit and a senate consisting of scientist, engineers, economist, tradesmen, etc.. who operate using the scientific method and proven solutions. Also have a free and open economy where the government can only intervene during economic stagnation or times of war.

Society and the education system should be based around science, discipline and traditional, national and family values, and should encourage whites to have more children. Schools should also teach children to aspire for peek physical performance, success and wealth (but not greed), and should teach real art like sculpting, classical music and painting. (unlike modern art and nigger rap) (Pic is better than any modern art.) Media should not portray degenerate material such as casual sex with multiple people or drugs in a positive manner. Reality tv (like the kardashians and honey booboo) should be banned.

mines would be a benevolent Technocratic ethnostate fascist/Nazi dictatorship that way only the strongest would survive i don't believe in mass extermination though i think stopping them from breeding therefor having them dying out peacefully would be a better and more civilised option

In my ideal world, the world is thousands, even millions of small tribe-nations, each with their own laws and belief systems, we can trade and travel between each other, each person finding the perfect place for their belief system, (as long as no tribe gets too big or powerful)
TL;DR, 'The world is big enough that we can all leave each other alone'

...also keep tech to a minimum, I'm an environment guy.

so you you think a somewhat anarchist type society would be good ?

I like that idea too

How do you guarantee benevolence?

Similiar to this. I'm a Technocratic Transhuman Eugenicist.

Why keep tech to a minimum when you can have space colonies

Yeah pretty much, the only 'protection' people should get is from those who have a direct reason to protect them, for example in my world, the closest thing to police would be; "these chads have my back cause i hunt food for them"

if if the leader of the nation starts getting greedy with their power and only using it for themselves and not for the good of the nation and the people then they will be forced to resigne and a new leader will be chosen

Don't fuck with Earth man, or earth will fuck you back way harder, we're one species, we only need one planet

that why we need space colonies so we don't use the earths resources

Just use renewable fuels, small tribes with campfires and shit would be way less demanding for energy than huge cities, also tribal wars would be tiny and cheap compared to what we do now.

your ideology is very interesting but what about renewable energy today if we switched to that the earth will be cleaner than ever and expanding the human empire will greatly increase our species chance of survival

You can't support a population size like ours like that, their is a reason we urbanized into towns and cities because they are more efficient than tipis and mud huts due to everything being in close proximity and to support large and dense populations

Nuclear power is much better alternative than renewable due to cost and power output

Absolutely anything as long as it is entirely voluntary

Expanding? Staying alive? The way I see it, humans are nothing more than high-functioning apes, and almost all the problems in the world are due to people thinking that they're more than that, demanding more to life, when there is no more.

If billions die, such is life, those who survive would be strong, and content with a simple, self accepting life.

Expanding and surviving is what animals do, its simple evolution. Animals try to fill every niche possible to insure the survival of their species

if you want a simple life and live in a mud hut go ahead its your choice, but we need to go beyond to insure the survival of humanity.

I know what yo mean, but I just can't see 'nature' as reasoning to make a mockery of nature, also I don't think rules used for life on Earth can be applied to outside of earth

What I would want would be best described as nationalist minarchocapitalism. The government would have no involvement in education, environment, or healthcare. The federal government would only deal with border/immigration enforcement,national defense, production and management of the national currency, law enforcement, and interstate commerce. The only laws that would be present would serve the purpose of defining and punishing fraud, theft, physical harm to persons and property, etc.. State and local public roads would be controlled and maintained by their respective governments. All educational institutions would be privately owned and funded. Only a flat income tax and flat sales tax would be collected for revenue. The right to bear arms would be nearly unlimited, with the only legal exceptions of chemical and biological weapons. Those who violate the law would be punished with corporal and/or capital punishment.

Never said I'd live in a mud hut, but I don't think cushy brick houses or huge metal monstrositys are where we should be, these easy times only make us dumb, fat and domesticated, and having a more 'powerful species' would only worsen the issue, shit, most people are already worse hunters than the average houscat, just so we can go to space? I'd rather be where I was evolved to be.

change is nature as well you could not keep it like that forever people will come up with ideas to improve life it would lead to a renascence type scenario and it will be impossible to stop

These easy times are what made us able to master skills that allowed us to create these supposed metal monstrosities, the reason most people don't know how to hunt is because they won't ever need just like some members in a tribe never needed to hunt because why would you learn a skill you or your tribe doesn't need

I like your idea, but the government should put a minimum standard for education and healthcare

Ideal: Classical Liberal ethnostate
Current: Authoritarianism is the only thing that has any chance of saving us from our current political, social, cultural, and economic rot.

We are way too far gone to just blithely return to 1776. We need to make a stop in 1933 first.

Cheers, I guess we just see stuff differently huh, that's cool.

I agree this is what Cred Forums is about, political discussion

My ideal society would be a limited government constitutional republic with some government regulation for protecting the nation's interest over international corporations or organizations. The government would have power in only a few key areas such as defense, national interests, and basic environmental regulations. Issues such as gun control or taxes would generally be left to local communities. (New York can keep its gun laws, but everyone else gets the true 2nd amendment). Constitutional monarchy is a close second.

Holy shit did we just have a serious discussion on Cred Forums without anyone being called a kike or some other racial slur? That might be a first.

Miracles do come true

This is the good side of pol

I want an Iranian style theocracy but with Conservative Lutheranism instead of Shia Islam. It should rule the Dakotas, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Missouri.

Nationalistic, constitutional monarchy. Fiscally conservative

I like

Idk man, I want to say that I want a world where the economy is completely unregulated, but without some government regulation, the way things are now adays basically everything would be outsourced to other countries where labor laws aren't present and the cost of production is hella dropped. In order to keep US citizens employed we would have to competitively drop our wages as well, and that would cause quite a mess. I really like what Trump is doing with placing massive taxes on overseas production to bring jobs back home, so I'd probably stick with that principle.

However, I would hugely be for isolationism. Fuck having young, healthy, and often times well educated American men dying in the shithole sandbox of the world just because of a conflict of interest. I/d just line the pacific and Atlantic coasts with the most terrifying fleet of warships, carriers and subs you've ever seen and never put my military nose in another countries business unless shot at first. That'd be dope, Save a fuck load of time, lives and money that way.

that would be great

Pretty much america, but without welfare.

>Semi-Ethno Nationalist Autocratic
Pick one (don't actually bother though, based on the rest of your post you obviously aren't any kind of libertarian).

I just want to live in a country with other people like myself, where the government doesn't meddle into my personal affairs and I'm allowed to do whatever the fuck I want so long as I'm not harming anyone else. Beyond that, I really don't care what type of government I live under (monarchy, republic, whatever), so long as they respect my rights. Tax is a payment to be left the fuck alone.

Basically, I want to live in the United States circa 1776-1840s. Before Big Government, before all the immigrants, before the endless wars to feed the military-industrial complex.

I don't think you know what libertarian means. Libertarianism isn't necessarily anti-absolutism or pro-democracy. Libertarians just care about whether or not their personal rights are protected. There are many types of libertarians, some who believe absolutely everything the government does is illegal, and some who think the government has a right to keep out immigrants, collect tax, etc.

>Libertarians just care about whether or not their personal rights are protected.
Yes. As I said:
>Semi-Ethno Nationalist Autocratic
Pick one.

Ignoring the fact that you have no way of prevent an Autocrat from running rampant over your rights beyond a literal uprising, and the fact that your description of what semi-ethno nationalism itself is also a violation of rights, political representation in government is a right. Your rights are not protected in an autocracy regardless of any other aspect of how the government is run.

exactly, thank you good sir or madam

i gess you didin't read the part that said
"a constitutional Technocratic dictatorship that guarantees individual rights and personal freedoms"
"a free and open economy where the government can only intervene during economic stagnation or times of war."