How fucked are we actually?

>Rapid growth in third world populations
>Depletion of resources
>Water shortage
>Soil depletion
>Rising tempratures
>Ocean acidification
>Ocean oxygen depletion
>Ocean plastic pollution
>Toxins in clothes, electronics, water etc.
>Mass extinction
>Rising water levels
>War refugees
>Climate refugees
>Messy relations between nuclear powers
>Space junk
>Antibiotic resistant bacteria
>Extreme demographic and cultural changes in the west
>The bees are dying

And the list goes on...

How long do we have left?

Other urls found in this thread:

not fucked at all
this earth has survived shit that you cant even dream of
cosmic rays, flipping it poles 32 times
asteroids the size of mexico hitting it
tempuratures that ranged 50 degrees in either direction of what is now
ice ages, etc etc etc

humans aren't even a blip on the evolutionary scale, we dont even register in the time of things

stop worrying, enjoy your life

There are one of two end goals. Both end horribly for Africa. We either have a savage, negrified global future with pockets of resistance (Japan for example) due to most countries being unwilling to defend their borders from refugees. Or, the right wing trends in the west continue and Africa is quarantined and left to starve and have a population correction as if they were rabbits in a forest.

If population growth doesn't slow, approximately 85 years.

Not fucked at all. The countries experiencing huge population growth do not have the means to support it. They will collapse and a lot of people will die.
We are safe in our countries even with immigration. They could up immigration to 5 million a year and it still wouldn’t solve Africa’s population problem. Let them die and the problem will be solved.

One thing I find annoying about this topic when talking about it with someone on the left, or even coming from idiots like Bill Nye, is that they use the carbon footprint of the average African today to dismiss any worry about the population explosion that is going on right now and that will continue for this century. Unless they plan to keep that growing African population living an impoverished third world lifestyle with a small carbon footprint, and not raising their standard of living up to the ta of the first world, then all those new Africans are going to wreck the environment and put an even greater strain on global resources.

What happens when tens of millions sub-Saharan Africans march north and try to cross the Med? Do you think the leftists in Europe won't try to save them all and let them in?

This is a perfectly good reason to have no immigration into western countries, yet libtards ignore it completely.

And the European growth rate is entirely thanks to refugees. Lmao

Only Hitler winning and the formation of a european imperium could have prevented most of this

Europe is Western Rome
America is Eastern Rome

Prepare your anus for 3 billion nigger refugees

kek wills it

the situation will already be looking grim by the time a situation such as that arises. I'm sure many (atleast I hope) would have come to their senses by thenn

>West gives aid to Africa
>Africans still can't figure out how to act like civilized humans
>African population explodes due to increased free hand outs
>Food and water become depleted
>West gives more hand outs to stop shortages
>Africans increase population and snowball the problem

Colonization was a mistake. Europe should have left Africa to be the wasteland it always was.

I don't share your optimism. The migrant crisis was the real eye opener for me. Seeing tens of thousands of fighting age young men just walk into Europe, while the left is cheering them on, showed me that side of the political aisle are too far gone.

ever heard of the sahara?

They're already crossing it. You haven't seen those boatloads being picked up in the Med with dark skinned blacks in them? Those people aren't native to North Africa. We never should have taken out Gaddafi. He warned us about this.

>depletion of resources

why do people keeping buying this tripe? what resources, exactly, do you think we are going to run out of?

oh, you mean like people predicted we'd all be starving back in the 1960s? GMOs, fertilizers, mechanization of agriculture fixed it.

we've been running out of oil for like 40 years now, and not only are we still not out we keep finding more. The tar sands of Canada alone have enough petrocarbons in them that we will turn the earth into Mad Max before we run out of guzzoline, and that's assuming we don't find substitutes

nigger the earth is like 70% water, and it can be desalinated. The towelheads are even capable of this.

>rare earths
Did you know copper and aluminum were both once rare and expensive? Then we figured out how to make stuff out of literal sand and now we don't need copper nearly as much has we used to

The only trees being burned down left and right are publicly owned. You don't see lumberyards in Canada running out of trees, do you?

Bitch, please. Nuclear alone could power the earth and everything in it if people weren't so paranoid about Fukushima incidents

most of the world is empty, and with minimal investment shit land can be made habitable

You Malthusian doomsayers need to just fucking cyanide punch yourselves

Those who have helped fuel their exponential & unsustainable growth through foreign subsidies and various aid programs have literally ensured the inevitable suffering and death of billions - >Billions of africans will starve off and die.

Pic & site related

It's just not sustainable, the outcome is obvious and unavoidable.

I'd say its opposite.

Let me ask you a question, leaf:

Every single day, the world consumes something on the order of 250,000,000 kg of chicken meat. When do you think we are going to run out of chickens?

>When do you think we are going to run out of chickens?
Never? I'm just saying, pic related, we're talking about a situation that is being artificially bubbled - cut the funding and food sent to Africa, and watch their population plummet.

Your people deserve it for being smug cunts.

Africa has plenty of resources to sustain its population, it just lacks the capital and industry to use those resources. For what you predict to happen, Africans would have to forcefully turn away people looking to profit off the demand for food.

Yes, that's possible (Zimbabwe comes to mind, as does Venezuela in South America) - but that's a problem with African culture, not with the world and its resources.