Why is depression so rampant in modern society?


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Direct consequence of suppressing the Truth. That man is born a sinner and will never be right with God without Jesus.

I would say increase in intelligence allows us to ponder more and more things as well as society being very safe making it easy to live. Think about it first human who could ponder death must have been bummed out and I’m sorry but 2000 years ago people were worried about living tomorrow not what clothes their wearing or what that dude thinks of them over there. Fuck that shit bro.


all you need to know

Mouse utopia 2.0


Nothing to believe in, nothing to fight for.
Only degenerat in our time. I wish i was born in a different time.

Yeap pretty much sums up everything wrong in society.

Previous thread links?

>people were worried about living tomorrow not what clothes their wearing or what that dude thinks of them over there. Fuck that shit bro.
Actually hich clothes you wore were always a thing in dominance heirarches that existed ever since cavemen lived.

Despite what the populace of this site will tell or demonstrate to you, human beings are social creatures who require a certain level of interaction with others in their daily lives. Not overwhelming contact, not endless solitude, but real social connections with other people. In a society in which everyone’s lives are simultaneously bombarded with the lives of others through social media and reduced to mere triviality through their punctuated, rehearsed posts on said networks you get the worst of both worlds. Inundation and detachment.

The horrors of the future.

>Why is depression so rampant in modern society?
I don't think it is.

Because we live with niggers and spics. That is actually the reason why. We are not happy because we are not with our extended family, ie. the white race.

The more complex and individualized society becomes, the more isolated everyone is. Social media both taunts us and offers a false image of the world. A world that seems so united when a couple of cute people take a selfie together but who otherwise might not say a hundred words to each other.

No it's because we are completely mongrelized. Our schools are mixed with every single trash you can find in the third world. This is what depresses us. Being in a room filled with niggers, latinos, and whatever else paki muz-rats is what makes us feel depressed and destroys us on the inside.


Because we're all isolated and atomized in every possible way. We know longer exist as parts of our communities but instead as drifting, rootless individuals.

Humans are a social species. We are designed to interact with other human beings. But the endless commodification of everything in our lives, and the work days that never end, have made it so that we do not ever have the time, energy or means to be with other human beings. We only have the simulacrums of human interaction. We're depressed because something fundamental to our very existence has been wrenched from our lives, leaving us hollow.


Majority of humans aren't even human anymore, they're homo sapiens, yes. But tip-tapping at their iDumbshits, regurgiating retarded garbage someone on goybook told them, never questioning anything, never pondering anything, never attaining higher mental state than "wow this guy on goybook is talking some shit about me I'll show him!" and "muh dik", it's a sad mockery of how far humanity has come.

To get some meaningful dialogue you need to come to fringe sites like Cred Forums where intellectuals still gather and they're constantly attacked and mocked by mass media or normies for daring to think. I wonder why depression is so rampant?

Depression is rampant because of 2 main reasons:

1) We are witnessing out Country/Civilization go down the toilet, importing 3rd world trash with no end in sight, and we are working around the clock to pay taxes to subsidize the welfare and child support and schools and prison system which are all so burdened by the 3rd worlders

2) because of TV and the internet, we can see on a daily basis how there is a higher-class living in Washington and Hollywood who are making $millions doing very little work, and they talk down to us on a daily basis and treat us like little idiots and they have so much power and influence over us, the only people we see on TV all day long are multi-millionaires on all channels

>Have red hair
>Be into redheads also
>See this grill
>We share the same last name
>My boopis when

Because I'm surrounded by vapid peers. I don't understand how people my age got so vapid. It's a complete mystery to me but I cut almost everyone out of my life. They want to demand lots of arbitrary conformity for no loyalty. It's pretty stupid. How did they get this way?

I forcibly isolate myself from most people because I hate them so much.

Because we traded comfort for meaning.

Shame. Shame is why. God placed the knowledge of right and wrong inside us. It is written on our hearts. 3 year olds know.
Three year olds know there is a baby in mommies tummy.
Tell that three year old you are going to cut it apart and throw it in the trash. They will recoil from you. They will cry.
We KNOW what is right and what is wrong. Our society has been infested with evil that offends God. It causes shame. Shame makes people depressed. They should be depressed. Stop doing shameful things, stop being depressed.

>poor diet
>(((democracy))) has destroyed western culture & kinship

It's because we're all bored. There is such an oversaturation of entertainment that it all really becomes pointless if you dont have to work for it.


Varies. In kids, most are probably faking it for attention. In Adults, it's probably due to a shit diet/working a job they absolutely hate.

Also, some people use their """Mental Health""" as leverage of others.

Depression isn't rampant. You spend too much time on this board, which is comprised of 10lk individuals at most. That's a fucking droplet.
Most people are happy working in jobs they like.

As another point, it seems that our lack of faith in a god/consumerist society has given birth to millions of materialists.