It's your job productive?

Necessary? How many hours are you actually working?

Meh, I've been shitposting here non-stop for months and nobody has said anything. I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing for real at this point.

All my hours and underpaid because of it.

Nice, what's your sector and position?

My job?? Productive?? Well.... i deal blackjack, pai gow, craps.. i watch people lose money all day. I TAKE their fucking money all day. Some lucky bastards tip me on their good days and thats why make more than enough to live everyday even though i get payed less than minimum wage. My job doesnt produce SHIT! Its so wrong and unethical. But i have to eat so i keep doing it. I love watching people blow their life savings on losing gambling propositions all day. Im sadistic. Mwahahaha

Yeah you'd have to be somewhat sadistic to do that long term while maintaining sanity. A fool will always be parted with his money, better to do so above board and legally I suppose.

Seem's quite unnecessary. Glad you enjoy it.

At my old office job I did maybe 5 hours of real actual work in a typical week, plus some miscellaneous meetings. Was pretty nice and got paid well, but feigning productivity is a bit tiring too. At some level bosses are content keeping competent people around in the event something breaks or important work arises even if they're not always working.

Unproductive, unnecessary, and everything in between
But it's the only one I got and the only one I could find other than deliver food for 16 hours a day and make half of what I am making now.

Today i'll work for two hours.Same tomorrow.
It's not much and it surely won't lead me to a comfy retirement, but it's the best i can do in this defunct economy.

My brother has a proper business.And is thinking of closing down shop due to exhaustive
taxation. And then just be a welfare leech.

Fuck it man. WW3 when

Position? sector?

I'm unemployed. I've been leeching off my parents for the past 3 years

i do maybe 3 hours of real work a day, i am an IT director

You sound autistic, if anything

Long live Centrelink

IT analyst.

Unemployed just finished studies but i dont work in a lab but i have some 150k dollars in crypto so thats fine i guess

I'm a residential/commercial service technician. Yeah, I do real work that actually matters.

I work for a council, so sweet fuck all

Productive? I make money for an employer that hires illegal labor, so I'm a net negative on the job market. Also pay is shit, like I'm outside at job sites making less than half of what the some of the better construction companies make, all while taking shit because we don't get proper safety equipment or training.
Don't do landscaping kids, go work at wal-mart instead.


Currently working at a Deli 16-20 hours a week while going through school for Welding, which will DEFINITELY be necessary, given the boomers are all dying/retiring and there's gonna be a shortage of 400,000 welders in the next five years.

Designer here, productively I'm maybe working 3-4 hrs a day. My boss has no concept of how much time it takes to finish a project, sometimes she gives me a week for things that need maybe 2 days at most, so I'm stretching my time as much as possible.

There are also lots of pointless meetings every day and everyone takes multiple coffee brakes a day to survive the boring day. It's tolerated amongst the co-workers because everyone knows there is not enough work to do and they all do it themselves as well.
