Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou

Chapter 57 is out and it's milking time.

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shy cows are cute

It was out a while ago.

Raws tho, right?

Chapter 58 is out, can someone post the raws if they have them.

Thank you based crab.

This entire chapter caters to my specific fetish.

bump, post 58 raws if you have them

>makes a thread begging for raws
Stupid nigger.

I've only found the first two pages.

Gotta love this arc... not for the tits, or the tall ladies, or the comfy story/setting. No... all those things are nice.

This arc is special because it has transcended normal harems. Now, instead of asking "which girl" in the harem MC will get, we ask "which harem"

At this point we might as well go back to the doujin porn.

I got banned for dumping the raws.

It's what I hope the content leads to, that would be better than constantly adding new characters.

Why haven't we given this man a nobel prize yet

If you have them, an imgur link would work

I had no idea this was bannable offense.

this whole chapter

Not really the raws, but dumping a large amount of hentai on Cred Forums willl do that. Because lets not pretend that this isn't in that category

How blueballed is Kimihito?

That's the most insane thing about this manga, not the Monster Girls

Clearly the man is a living buddha

>its a satyr chapter

my dick wont be able to stand the wait, is there any satyr porn you guys know? I tend to get centaur and just Kemonomimi shit.

isnt the reason, mostly because he knows he will die? his main harem is filled with crazy, cant control themselves girls, if he ever tried something he will die, and I guess the constant fear of death carries over here, because I doubt satyrs and Minotaur being that dangerous.

At first I was like... he must just jerk it constantly.

But then I realized that with all the random interruptions, girls with superhuman smell/senses, and the size of his house/inability to escape from them... petty sure his balls have imploded by now.

from his main harem, I think the only ones that doesnt represent a danger to him are fish, spider and dullahan

>I was only 9 years old
>I loved Tio so much, I had all the manga volumes and Blu-rays
>I pray to Tio every night before bed, thanking her for the life I’ve been given
>"Tio is love" I say; “Tio is life”
>My dad hears me and calls me a faggot
>I know he was just jealous of my devotion for Tio
>I called him a Manakofag
>He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep
>I’m crying now, and my face hurts
>I lay in bed and it’s really cold
>Suddenly, a warmth is moving towards me
>It’s Tio
>I am so happy
>She whispers into my ear “This is my swamp.”
>She grabs me with her powerful ogre hands and puts me down onto my hands and knees
>I’m ready
>I spread my ass-cheeks for Tio
>She penetrates my butt-hole
>It hurts so much but I do it for Tio
>I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against her force
>I want to please Tio
>She roars in a mighty roar as she fills my butt with her love
>My dad walks in
>Tio looks him straight in the eyes and says “It’s all ogre now.”
>Tio leaves through my window

Tio is love. Tio is life.

fish tried to drown him, spider can string him up anytime and dullahan is following him around because she thinks he'll die soon

mods are being fags again
they need to be reminded of their place

There is that one about a guy training one to be a slave by having her stuck on a wall and raped by another male satyr while he creates positive reinforcement and attachment to humans.

You can search for that one if you want.

>fish tried to drown him,

couldnt they do it on a kids pool? or a really wet bed? spider is conscious enough of herself, probably the only one that actually could tried to something more than just calm her lust, she will only prefer to have some BDSM play, and Dullahan is just a herald of death, no death itself.

already read that one, but thanks anyways.

It's really hard to find Satyr stuff we get succubus of all kinds, demons with love handlebars for horns of all body types and even sheep girls raping wolves however Satyrs are really fucking hard to find without going full furry or Yaoi.

As a horned girl enthusiasts I'm both spoiled and deprived of good goats.

>I doubt satyrs and Minotaur being that dangerous.

At the start of the rise of monstergirls it was pretty much agreed that cow based monstergirls would either go full agro, full milf/one-san or the holstaurus route by most artists.

The Holstaurus or farm cowgirl is meek and obedient to a point it just takes sex as s treat but if she is denied of it she starts to get more proactive in asking for it, nothing aggressive just asking for it once to see if the human is willing and if it doesn't work she respects the decision, however if this goes on for long the cow just snaps and rapes the human in the spot.

Thats the MGE approach but we have to remember the artist did base his original cowgirl in this archetype, so stealth danger can arise if you don't touch the cow.

>Can't meet any monster girl because the other ones might kill him
>Can't fuck them because he'd go to jail
>Can't even jerk off in peace beacuse some of them have a strong sense of
Jesus the amount of control this guy has over his dick is impressive

>As a horned girl enthusiasts I'm both spoiled and deprived of good goats.

At least I know I am not alone in this pain

>so stealth danger can arise if you don't touch the cow.

I think Darling would touch the cow if he was allowed without outside pressure (he probably thinks that crossing the line will fuck him up with the shady CEO)

Compared to most men, he probably just value his life more than one night of deathly sex

>he'd go to jail
Not anymore.

lord jesus look at all those delicious tiddies

>At least I know I am not alone in this pain

All I want is a Gyaru Satyr that corrupts his favorite teacher into debauchery with her then gets a continuation of the teacher purifying her an turning her into a good mother after she graduates, Is that too much to ask?

OG darling had a training montage just to endure Lamia sex, monster girl report had him outlasting an entire Lamia tribe.

I think it is mostly consideration of the girl getting deported and him getting into jail. Some kind user posted 58 on imgur.

Is it possible that the mention of jail was just Smith causing problems for her amusement?

>All I want is a Gyaru Satyr that corrupts his favorite teacher into debauchery with her then gets a continuation of the teacher purifying her an turning her into a good mother after she graduates, Is that too much to ask?

this sounds way to specific, source?

is this serie considered shounen? because for gods sake cross the line and become seinen so we can have some sex on it damn it

An upright dedicated civil servant like Smith doing something for her own benefit would be completely out of character, user.

Man those tiddies are nowhere near big enough

Meh, the minotaur chapter was a great round of lewd and cuteness, this one with the bitchy Satirs just makes them look annoying
Rachne a cute though

Must be mating season.

>is this serie considered shounen? because for gods sake cross the line and become seinen so we can have some sex on it damn it
It was published on Monthly Comic Ryu, so seinen.

Although shounen is not stranger to such fanservice level as seen in World's End Harem, it's fairly common as of late.

Papi a best girl,
Tio and Suu a cute.
Zombina a bro

>that furry yuri

So how do heifers give milk?

>this sounds way to specific, source?

My dick, it knows what he wants.

Then you have a dick with good taste user

This series really went sour and in the shitter. Who cares about side bitches.


God, why cant this be porn

The Crawling Chaos in a nutshell:

>Phantasmagoric Hair
>Black Sclera
>Yellow Iris Eyes
>Dark Tanned Skin
>Prankster Personality
>"Faceless God"

Doppel is truly the Superior Girl.


Fuck off with the copypasta nigger.


Fucking idiot.

Holy shit, my dick is diamonds.

I know what you mean and I appreciate the compliment as a hornbro, however my Mexican side couldn't help but to chuckle about the implications that come with how much taste one's dick has.

She's not stupid, she just has a short attention span

Aww sweet Jesus...

>Papi wa birdbrain
Shit taste detected.

>implying he doesnt have a system where he rubs one out in the shower into a ziploc bag to hide the smell completely
dudes already adapted this well, why you underestimating him

>implying I didnt word it like that on porpuse

At least I got a chuckle out of you

>Acceptable tier

>Okay tier

>Just fuck an animal tier

>irrelevant tier
The rest

When are we going to focus on the main girls again?

What if i just want to adopt Papi as my daughter and play video games with her?

It sounds like a good idea, but then a full moon rolls around.

Great minds with even greater lust think alike.

So a great idea?

I think a spider centric chapter is coming soon, of course with this shit being monthly, that probably means next year

>spider is acceptable
>somehow bird isn't
explain how is spider pussy more acceptable than bird pussy

You're thinking about Tio


That is some shit taste, user

>implying a man can be sexually harrased

Whay are you, gay?


No, Papi. The very horny feather duster strong enough to fly while carrying Miia.
Absolutely BRILLIANT idea, honestly.

>this chapter

Should move to the same mag as Parallel Paradise.

Fuck off back to >>>/reddit/, newfag

Even better would be more of them switching to the standards of the one Parallel Paradise is in.

Kill yourself

Not everyone likes everything that hits on them, user.

>It's really hard to find Satyr stuff we get succubus of all kinds, demons with love handlebars for horns of all body types
But when we get it 10/10.

She was pretty cute in uniform

Can't argue with that.


Christ, after spending so much time not drawing much boobs the guy went completely nuts with them this arc.

>rachnera in a business suit with open cleavage
>she's wearing glasses
Good God that was the most arousing thing this entire chapter.

Still, a man cant be sexually harrased

My duck is HARD

Amen to that, now we need a sheep girl on diet

The only people who have never received unwanted advances are the people who've never received ANY advances.

Best minotaur.

Also are the goat girls next in chapter?

spider is the winner, has many kids with Honey, one for each leg and are very happily married together

source, I’m from 6 years in the future when crab ends the manga

Hold up, then that last page of latest chapter was true or just a joke?

"Let's f*ck

>Also are the goat girls next in chapter?
There's a link to raws IN THIS THREAD.


Why is horse so shit?
She ruined the whole series.

He forgot to say he posted them on /c/.

As a Virginian, this triggers me

Truly a best.

>6 years in the future

Didn't expect it to run that long. Do we get giantess kaiju girls?

>you will never be kept late night after night because your Arachnera boss lady insists on showing you the ropes after the customers are all gone.

>Arachnera boss lady insists on showing you the ropes

The translated version turned out completely fine despite not being spoilered either.

where's the best place to catch up now that batoto is down

Great, a super sized and super strong big brown Mino who turns into a weak-knee'd whimpering wuss while getting milked. Damn it Crab, I didn't need any new reasons to try to self-Isekai.

because she is literally a retarded child
