What if Patty appears in DMC5?

And then everything in the anime becomes canon?
Would you be mad?

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I wouldn't have given a fuck on DmC if the gameplay was kept under Itsuno's supervision.

The aesthetics are a huge plus for me, I love DMC a lot. The gameplay is what keeps me playing these fucking games.

Not like anything about the anime messes with the canon.

Yes, but not because I'd actually be mad, I just like the feeling of being mad.

I was thinking about watching it. How bad it is?


Kind of mediocre.

It's ok, just incredibly short, especially in the fights that often barely last a minute.

Lolis make everything better.

it's a pretty big cock tease regarding devil trigger. some of the episodes are alright. The ending is lackluster.

If nothing else, check out the ep where Lady meets Trish for the first time

>DMC5 is announced
>Gameplay under itsuno, dante is same old character, full length nice campaign, playable campaigns for Nero and Dante, Randomized, stage and difficulty based Bloody Palace.
>Its riddled with DLC, extra playable characters are locked behind paywall. Only difficulties are unlockable in game, everything else, including bloody palace, is DLC.

Would you make the sacrifice?


its not bad and it doesnt actually ruin anything related to the games imo
so I dont know what OP means if we should be mad when the anime would become canon


Literally no plot until the last 2 episodes. Its not terrible, but largely forgettable.

ED is nice.

Alright, the girls are hot and Patty is a nice addition, she goes well with Dante.

Entire OST was great.

I like the opening, its still in my head sometimes

you could easily add her without mentioning anything in the anime.


Don't look back
Don't regret

>this will never be the battle music in a DMC game

>not available in your country

Fucking jewtube.