Rocket League

>tfw can't trashtalk teammates anymore

what went wrong?

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The trashtalk. Thankfully it was rectified.

What did they change?

We got played

The report button is in effect now.

Are people addicted to trash talking or something?

>You can't type to console babies because they can't read anything that isn't a preset message
What the fuck?
Also, spamming "Calculated." Is almost as good as trash talking.

it's always that word isn't it

and this most likely won't stop the "nice shot" spam, which is all that matters

It takes away our right to oust shitty players.

If you say so.

As long as I can spam "Nice Shot!" that's all that matters

If I can't do that then I mean, I've got a backlog a mile wide anyway.

I just toss out a 'gg god bless' every now and then and it sends some people into a fiery rage.

I used to pretend to play goalie then when the opponents shot I'd flip myself upside down and spin.

This way the replay would catch me spinning upside down as they scored

>buy game months ago
>play with a bunch of friends
>some of the absolute most stupid fun I have ever had with a video game
>one guy joins us
>he's stupid fucking good
>makes me realize people play competitive and super serious
>fast forward to now
>game is no longer fun because people take it so seriously

Does every game need to be an e-sport now

yes, it does, fuck you.

play rumble tbqh

It's where the money is. I laugh at people who take this shit seriously.

People are so easily offended that the word gg, which stands for good game, is no longer considered good sportsmanship

As long as I can go "What a save!" "Wow!" every time the other teams score on us I don't really mind

my personal favourite is "what a save"


These days I don't care about winning that much, but I do to an extent. Like keeping it above 50% is one of my goals.

It's all about the game.

This, like what the fuck?
>Bought the game 6 months ago and had lots of fun
>Dropped it because bored of it
>Fast forward I go to a locla Fighting Game tourney
>Some kids setup a tourney for this game
Everything has to be esports I guess, at least I managed to make some people salty in that tournament.

the skill ceiling is surprisingly tall

I mute you faggots immediately and tell them about it.

I wonder if VGHS holds up.

nice screenshot of metroid federation force blast ball there bruh

who was just in the cool match that happend describing rumble and the loser who didnt know aobut crates?

>absolutely destroy someone
>say GG

it wasnt a good game and it sounds passive aggressive as fuck

>you win a match in a 2v2
>you and your teammate says "gg"
>the other team doesn't "gg" back

how long did it take you guys to reach prospect elite? i've got 110 hours played and i've been stuck in the upper divisions of prospect 3 for solo standard for a while (a bit lower on standard cause i don't have any friends to play with)

i am slowly getting better, but do feel like a bit of a shitter sometimes when i fuck up easy shots or aerials

im 340 hours in and been saying prospect elite for a few days now, i finally saw my first "legendary" ranked player

People have been trying to one up each other in video games since Pong. It's the inherent nature of competition not some "esports is ruining gaming Dx" shit.

Why are you so surprised people are trying hard to win and have improved over time?

340 hours and your prospect elite, are you serious? What level are you?

What a save

Its all about the combos.

What a save!
No way!

Some people are more competitive than others by nature. You can't expect everyone else to make sure they never get good at anything so you can always keep up.

>enemy team start trash talking
>something happens to my team mate and he scores 5 goals
>start trash talking as well and they get pissed
Best match senpai.

Is it a bannable offense now to spam "What a save!" when my teammate misses an easy save or the like? Or are they talking about banning people who type into the chat "kill yourself you scrub faggot"

If it's the latter, then okay, whatever. If it's the first, then I'm mad.

how do i tell

>60 hours playtime
>never touched ranked

what am I missing

oh i see the gold bar at the end of a match.

im 29.2

People tell you in the chat

It helps level the playing field a bit by adding in random powerups. People take it much less seriously than the regular game and it's actually a bunch of fun.

Does anyone want to trade stuff they've gotten out of crates? I'm on PS4 and opened shit I don't want.

the goal, probably

>a fucking sports game
>can't even have banter
psyonix you fucks don't ruin what you have

IT's generally the toxic talk.
You can't ban someone for using premade text chats provided in the game.

If I outright say "go fuck yourself and die useless shit" then yeah, probably gonna get the reported.

Rumble mode was just released. Literally a bare bones relaxing mode for anyone just wanting to dick around instead of play serious. It's fun and also was fun crashing servers before the rope fix.

Taking that phrase without your permission.

I'm glad.

bless up user †

hey fuckface, ever play any sport?

your mother did, quite recently

fuck you


It's just a sign of cowardly homosexuals that cannot exist with parent figures

Grow a pair or cut em off and half a 50% chance of regretting it and committing suicide

Either way, get to the point

>half a 50% chance...


and create a 50% chance*

too late

Too late I'm lmaoing my ass off at your mistake and now your post means nothing.


my go-to is saying:
No Problem.

and then spamming 'no problem' when the other team does it back

Oops, guess if I was embarrassed I would've deleted it. I don't know what point you're trying to make here other than I made a stupid edit but either way trash talks exists in video games, team sports, politics, and every walk of life.

I know cowering and censoring is the immediate reaction of most modern wimps, and well, I don't have a solution for that but well, lmao your ass off because redundancy makes a great point

I'm literally figuratively rolling on the floor rofling at you right now matey.

atleast u didnt delte user

no deletttte


I really enjoy Rocket League, but I might stop playing now. I'm tired of everything having to be a safe space.

Can't handle a little banter fuckboi?


This is a really bad trend.

I can't even bully people in R6S anymore. I used to teamkill faggots for skipping the drone phase.

Every single game has to be a safe space where everyone is happy and nobody gets insulted.

>is a snitch
>is proud of being a snitch

I hope you end up in jail one day.

Holy shit, no wonder they need safe spaces

>I used to teamkill faggots for skipping the drone phase
I don't give a damn about banter, but you're legit cancer.

Why? Don't skip the fucking drone phase.

>acts like a retard
>is surprised when he gets teamkilled

Stop being a cry baby faggot. Ubisoft has practically ruined Siege by banning for Team Kills.

>Acts like a retard
>Can't handle getting mocked for complete retardation

watch out for those words man, those sticks and stones will fuckin kill you

Whos they? And are the safe?

There are premade groups that kill teammates on sight, regardless of their actions. You think that's alright?

Yes I do. Guess what, just join a different match faggot. Stop being an e sports MLG wannabe faggot. If you get TK for no reason you should just leave.

Ive actually had funner games playing against team killers than the game itself

Yeah, I think that's alright. It's a free world, faggot. Bitch them out over the mic and leave the game.

Oh, but I bet you don't use a mic, either. I bet you don't like talking to others in a game based entirely on communication.

I fucking hate safe space baby retards like you.

This is why I think Transexuals and Feminists should be put in concentration camps.



I said the same thing.

You always have the group of 2 that joins trying to see if they can 10 and 0 you then dance at the end.

Like guys, go play competitive or something.

have you?

if you play any kind of sport shit talking your team is a good way to lose, and shit talking the opponent is just being an asshole

but keep on being "le epic 'i fucked your mum' troll man", it's good banter bro!

If the developers didn't take care of team killers, it would at some point turn every match into a shitfest. Are you saying Ubisoft shouldn't have implemented an anti-cheat as well? What's the logic behind this, i don't get it.

>win a game
>say "bg"

Wow, you are confirmed for never having even touched a ball other than your dad's.

It wouldn't turn every match into a shitfest. You're a faggot, anti-cheat is about fair play. Anti harassment and team kill is about little fucking nancy boys like you who can't get gud and can't handle the banter.

>it wouldn't turn every match into a shitfest
If the developers didn't do anything about it, it would incite other people to do it as well. There's literally no point to have it in there if it ruins your fun. Unless you like getting team killed.

your "banter" is shit

it's literally "i fucked your mom"


No. The incentive to not team kill in ranked is to not make the game more difficult for yourself and to not derank yourself. This is enough for most people, but some people enjoy the trolling. Do you know how to avoid trolling, you little faggot? Get some fucking friends to play with. Otherwise, don't buy a game to play the multiplayer if you are too much of an SJW autist to deal with the banter.

confirmed for not playing any sport after high school

Larry Bird was the biggest fucking trash talker out there. Great teams don't always have to like each other. You're a little shit.

Uh oh, you said a no no, I better report you now because that is how adults act.

It was always shit. Probably did really well on Reddit for being epic for the win.

>it's a 14 year olds are upset because they can't vent towards unwilling strangers anymore episode

Are you saying i should expect to get team killed if i play alone? Just because the developers were too inadequate to implement an anti-troll function? Also, if someone plays bad, just vote kick them out of the game. Trash talk as well if you're frustrated.

This dude is my nigga.

>what went wrong?
Nothing, now if you want to mock and humiliate your opponents, you'll have to get gud and beat them at the game.

It's deliciously ironic that you're bitching about the developers ruining the game for you by taking away your ability to ruin the game for others through TKs and "banter" that most likely amounts to you screaming "faggot" at your teammates.

It's not venting, it's funny.

Are you saying that I should have to not play a product that I paid for, or enjoy a little bit of non harmful trolling with my coworkers after a day of work, only because little nancy boys like you are too socially inept to make even internet gaming friends, or you're so delusional that you think your rank really matters and the few matches you get team killed is really going to prevent you from getting that MLG autism bux?


Have you ever seen the movie BASEketball?

If not look it up.

Every online game ever is played like that, except objectives and mediums and etc are different. Somewhere around 2007 people who were REALLY bad at this game flooded in. And now they want to remove us for being good at the game. Thanks to modern conditioning from schools, media, and everything else, the developers of the various software we use to play this game suddenly agree.

Make no mistake, this game is NOT being removed, it's just being changed. We have to adapt. We must be so good at this game the people trying to regulate it lose themselves. They will break in time. They are fighting against human nature itself.

>expressing my teenage problems to strangers behind a mask of nu-cynicism brings me joy

No user, it brings you relief

I'm just a consumer rights supporter who believes in free speech, not a turbo faggot who would rather give up more and more ownership over a product that they paid for just so that their itty bitty wittle feelings aren't busted.

How good is the DeLorean?

The humour comes when people get actually mad at your petty, immature insults. Much like you're doing right now.

Are you pulling that out of your ass? Console players can type and read typed messages.

How do I know this? Because I did both about 2 minutes ago, that's how.

Yes user, I'm furious

Feel better now?

I played soccer from when I was 7 til I was 19 and trashtalk was never accepted. In fact, it would get you kicked off the field.

In sports people that trash talk are not the norm. Have you ever heard of the concept of sportsmanship or do you actually think that being a little shit is a good idea?

>pussy bitch can't handle a little bit of banter
you're everything wrong with people today
can't even take care of your own feelings, gotta have muh safe spaces

>I played soccer

Big surprise there you little grass fairy.

There's multiple ways to vent your frustration that doesn't require you to team kill. You're not taking anything into account what i'm saying, we're done here.


>better go do the literal thing I was just accused of

loving every laff

You must be German or something.

Forgot to quote

You are a literal cuck. You're such a fucking virgin.

You're literally giving off gay vibes. Like you might actually be into dudes, and only dudes.

Video games are competitive in nature.

Take up knitting or something, you gutless homo.

This honestly ruins the fucking game for me. God forbid someone you don't even know who knows nothing about you says something mean.

>He doesn't agree with me
>my logic must be infallible and he isn't reading it

Why do you people even come to Cred Forums if you're the type of faggots who can't deal with banter. Team killing is more than just venting frustration, it keeps little faggots in line. People like you are why we need more bullying in schools, it is a social corrective that stops people from becoming "Muh feelings" otherkin furry faggots.

ITT: underage

>I hate Rocket League
>it became too esports-y
>people are good and keep beating me

Cross platform chat is not available. Thank Sony and Microsoft. Next time learn before making yourself look retarded.

>consumer rights supporter
then you should know that you don't own rocket league and they have full rights to not let you play it

>>game is no longer fun because people take it so seriously

every time

I don't give a fuck about people being competitive. E-sport shit is cancerous because suddenly people are talking about honor and sportsmanship in a fucking video game.

I used to be on the side of liking trash talk in video games but these days I don't know. Especially in rocket league.

Ranked isn't so bad but in regular, I'll get into a game where one or more of my teammates are pulling day-one shit as >Veterans, then go on to shit talk me for holding the team down. I honestly get sick of it because there's no reason to even shit talk back. It's just some faggot vegetable 13 year old with stank breath screaming at his tv because me unga team bunga.

I'd never report someone for it but I just don't give a fuck to hear the opinions of these 24/7 forward tap-the-ball players anymore.

It will always entertain me that Cred Forums is the only place on the internet that cares about getting banned or muted in competitive games because of trash talking or griefing.

It's straight up the perfect description of this shit hole.

Yeah, trash talking is so great.
>teammate trashtalking another guy in my team
>soon they are completely full on boner mode and we lose because they have to proof who is the bigger man instead of playing

If words offend you so much maybe you should go to reddit so you can downvote the meanies faggot.

this lol

You're the cancer that is killing the industry. I know that I don't own most of the games I buy anymore, because people like you wanted to keep giving more and more freedom to game companies just so they could be a little less ass blasted. People like you also ruined SS13.

Git gud.

lmao what are you going to do about it?

>child starts to vent in online game
>[Block communication]

>deliberately trying to tilt your own teammates and make them play worse

lrn2play you scrub

Probably continue calling you a faggot because you just reaffirmed my beliefs.

People who trash talk are the ones to get mad by trash talking.

This is fact.

literally the type of person who bothers trashtalking in game instead of gitting gud



>Not claiming to own the physical copy

that still doesnt mean you own the game retard


Absolutely nothing with any level of trash talk when it is against the opposing team. Thicken your skin if that's a problem

Trash talk against own team is a fucking game killer. See: Mobas.
your team is shit? offer solutions, encouragement, leave or shut the fuck up.

Can you sell the items you get from crates on market?

>team members spend more time bitching at one another than playing the game

the ones talking shit are usually the worst ones on the team


Hey kid, it might be best if you have an understanding of ownership in the gaming industry before you want to criticize me and claim that I don't get it. Your parents should have beat you more or the kids in your school should have driven you to kill yourself. Fags who can't handle banter don't belong in gaming or on Cred Forums.

Exactly. I never talk shit to my teammates but I'm mouthing the other team all game long. It pisses them off and gets them to play like shit. Also it's hilarious.

Damn I wanted some quick dosh from the blackmarket decal

>miss a shot or a save
>both are in challenger and the tiers were reset months ago

If they're so bad why do you care what they post in chat?


Nigga esports is literally using whatever works just short of fucking cheating. I remember when some CSGO team used an illegal boost on de_inferno to win out hard and they had to redo an entire game because of how shady the shit was.

I remember trying not to use things I considered too cheesy in games (Like AWPing in CSS, or playing medic in Bad Company 2, or using shotos) but now I just find the best pubstomping weapon/character and go ham with it. At least I wasn't to honorable to use the noob tube in CoD4, faggots would always bitch about that.

Trash talking your own team is called being toxic. You can call out your own team or tell them to do something differently but just straight up calling them shit is more or less just going to result in you losing your match. People don't work well as a team when they dislike the people they are playing with.

You're an absolute gent and master strategist.

As an aside: Anyone can talk shit when they're winning. It takes a truly courageous champion to offer up bants from the losing team.

I'm not gay, I only like girls with dicks.

I just don't like assholes and being teamed up with one is annoying

This is why games need score boards. In CSGO when a bottom fragger complains about the team the whole team will usually tell them to shut the fuck up. In Overwatch it's a lot harder to tell who isn't doing their job right so people will often get away with blaming their team while being useless.

You don't like assholes because you're a pussy.

That's when they're the most effective. One well placed What A Save! while you're down 8 can reduce the other team to raging retards. It's beautiful.
That's all well and good but e-sports has created this culture where people expect me to abide by real life social cues and shit. After a long day of pretending to be a decent person I want to unwind by calling people faggots and just generally being a cunt. If they can't handle that they should stick to single player or unplug their mic.

This guy gets it.

have you tried not looking at the chatbox

>p-please don't mute me user-san
I'm trying to play a game, not emotionally support sexually abused preteens

Unironically yes. If you can't play by the rules you should be banned. I don't care about shit talk but tk should be banworthy. If I joined a local hockey league and scored on my own net "for the lulz omg so funny" then they would rightly ban me.

Rocket League is the only game left where I still see people with names like Sephritoth666 or xXxdArknEssxXx

It's fucking amazing

No one cares if you mute us. It's bullshit that you can get banned for hurting someones feelings. I never in a million years would have though that would happen.

That's fine in ranked. But there's literally no reason to give a fuck if you get into a social game and someones messing around. Just leave the game and go to the next lobby.

It's not about hurt feelings

They just finally found an effective way to enforce minimum age in online games

If they wanted to enforce minimum age they should be banning the people who can't stand being insulted in a video game.

Fair enough I guess. I can't really imagine finding that shit entertaining but to each their own I guess.


I just play the stupid modes like Rumble now

>people are better than me
>now I can't have fun
that's when you git gud and start having fun again

Apples and Oranges. You're joining a team with your friends, so presumably they would know what is going on. If they don't bench you, then your LOCAL hockey league, which has an actual person to person interaction with you, could decide to kick you. But local hockey leagues have always been an association, like all sports leagues. Video games used to be consumer products that once bought entitled the consumer to certain rights, mainly because there was no way Nintendo could make your Goldeneye 64 stop working because you called your Indian friend a nigger. Now gaming is becoming a licenses where the consumer has no rights, and it is because of people like you.

The chat is useful for team play sometimes

Sure user

You're right, because you really want to be

Fuck this I'm going for the perma-ban. At least I'll go out with my pride intact.

Good riddance.

EULAs usually have something in there about banning you from online play if you break the rules. Again I don't think you should be banned for shit talk, but getting banned for throwing games or tk or whatever is totally reasonable.

You're wasting a bunch of other people's time and they obviously outweigh you in terms of value. If banning your ass makes the game playable for like 11 other people then why not?


Glad you see reason user.

>I'll keep misbehaving, that will prove my point!
Literal child behaviour

It's a beautiful metaphor user. They're literally giving away their rights in exchange for a sense of safety and comfort.

>he's being mean to me make him leave!
Literal child behavior

I'm literally willing to give away your ability to play online in order to play a game with teammates that are also playing the game.

You can call me a faggot from moment one to the end of the game as long as you're actively trying to win. If you throw the game or teamkill or some shit I would happily see you banned. You're wasting everyone's time.

>adults are allowed to behave as they please when they please
Oh wow you really are underage

>people should act the same way they do online as they do in real life
sure user.

>being such a pussy in real life to be a faggot that u can only do it online.

>literally "say it to my face faggot and not online see what happens"
jesus user look at yourself

>people literally can't handle the bantz

>that guy who is last but shit talks his team

>that guy who thinks the "good job" points actually matter

If its unranked I'm usually only there to dick around with a friend who has played much less than me.

We arent trying to 10-0 you, I'm just that much better than you.
When I play with my shitty friends I can easily get 5 goals myself in a match. You don't realise how bad the mistakes you are making are.
I usually get 3 goals gifted to me a game because all three on the other team try and attack the same shot and all fuck eachother up. They all sail past the ball and i just have to tap it in with no defenders.

When I play solo in ranked I'm lucky if I can even get 1 goal and my opponents will be 3 stacks of Legends who can aerial from almost anywhere with like a 90% hit rate.
The games are low scoring and tense as fuck though.
Get good.



Fucking this
>Friend thought this would be a game to play for fun
>Notice that there's a competitive side to it
>Now he gets platinum mad if we lose

what the fuck does it have to do with politics you fucking paranoid Cred Forumstard


of course the people who would be anti free speech and unironically think "toxicity" is a problem on the internet would be anti pol

will you people commit mass suicide when trump wins in november?


rocket league was never small. game got hyped before it was even out.

Always knew you liked sucking dick

I never understood why people said Rocket League was some sort of FOTM that nobody played after a few weeks.

If it wasn't an even game, the loser is supposed to say gg first. if he doesn't after like 8 seconds, say gg. Obviously without caps.

You cannot /callvote kickban $IDIOT in that game?

Can consolebabies see my steam avatar?

What the hell is smurfing?

No they see PSYNET

Champ makes a new account so is ranked prospect, pairs up with his champ friend and they get easy games against challenger/stars.

This. I don't even play Rocket League, but it's the same in all games. If you're seriously involved in a game*, halfway competent, and the game has some decent popularity, it's almost impossible to have fun in a pub game without utterly destroying some babby tier casuals. You don't even have to try.

* meaning you have triple-digit amount of hours played, you maybe look up some guides to playing well, and you regularly play in a serious or semi-serious manner like pickups


If you solo queue it's fine as you're with people around the same skill level as you who can pull off the same shit and therefore block it, but if you party up with a lower ranked friend you can do things that lower levels can't and it just means they can't do anything against it.

It's why they were meant to bring in a 3 tier limit for parties but that hasn't happened it seems.

What I don't get about smurfing in RL is the fact you get ranked differently among 1v1, 2v2 etc. I've been playing 2v2 for a while and I have Challenger 3 rank. Now if I start playing 3v3 or 1v1 will I get reported for smurfing?

You can talk to other console players, not cross platform as the other person said.

Why would you, just shut up and make those goals.
Oh, and do not play with randoms.

This, I hate it when esport hit the game because it ruins whole community. And even worse, devs support it.
Games it ruined I liked were tf2, then wot now it's coming to RL.
I wish there was a firewall or something to keep me away from esport fags.

the guy who played "Drift King" died this year

>Esports killed TF2

I thought that was hats and it going F2P?

>That sniper in BC2 braging about his KDR despite being on the lower half of his team point-wise.

If Cred Forums had the power to be the best at SFV or Rocket League, which one pick?

Let's also pretend both games pay the same amount of money at e-sport events.

>tf2 and esport in the same sentence

>There are people in this world RIGHT NOW who get offended by vidya trash talk

Part of the appeal of FPS is owning some faggot and then calling him a filthy n00b

The best voice commands were in tribes ascend. Prove me wrong.

So you say i should just not play games with my friends? If my shit friends play with me in ranked they can barely even touch the ball and our team might as well be a player down or worse.

If you just played as the dedicated goalie and focused on not going for shots your team mates are also going for the games wouldnt be anywhere near as stompy.
These things dont require skill just awareness.
I try to hang back cause my mates are usually making these mistakes too and I still always end up with most goals because they are gifted to me so stupidly.
Stop focusing on just the ball and this will happen way less and you wont have anything to complain about.

>No Harassment, Trolling, or Other Jerk Behavior

have they ever played the game?

that's about 80% of the playerbase

>actually assisting my team with goals + scoring a goal or two
>one faggot calls me a ball hog
>the guy is at the bottom of my team

I have never been so offended in my life. I felt like contacting psyonix about that disgusting behaviour of that player on my team. We even won the game.