Video Games

I have nothing to do for the next 8 hours while I wait for my bus to get here, so lets just have a thread to chill and talk about video games in general

I've been gaming for about 9 years now and I'm in college, and I'm upgrading from an absolutely shit rig to a gtx 1060 on monday so that's exciting.

How are you?

Other urls found in this thread:

u sound like an autistic redditor i suggest u check this 6

i'm installing origin right now to play syndicate reboot with debloom

Yeah I have to use it whenever I play AC:B

Don't think I've ever heard of anyone talking about that game though somehow
It looks like crysis though I suppose

You can talk about a movie, more often than a videogame, series, or books. And that is all about, to be social.


oh don't tell me you guys are going to get all riled up about that bait image

I just picked a random one since I couldn't find a webm thread up

>I've been gaming for about 9 years now and I'm in college
When the boipussy is fresh.


I hate the man that makes those awful images.

you are a broken person if you can't talk about media you enjoy longer than a movie plot cut up enough to fit into 3 hours or less

>my bus

Fuck off poor boy

What kind of faggot doesn't like Django Unchained?

I'm going on a trip to yosemite

I had to stay overnight at the uni because no bus in the morning

Well he does have a point, you talk to people about movies and tv shows much more often than about games

I don't think I've ever had more than a one-sentence conversation about games irl

It's like he doesn't want people to care about his opinions.

Stupid dickhead spent $200 on Voyager when it's available on every streaming service and torrent tracker.

Why buy Voyager on DVD when every single Star Trek is on netflix?

I mean there's no bus to take me to the school where we'll leave from, by the way, so I just have to hang out in the grad cubicles for a while where there's power, microwaves
really comfy

haven't you heard? Rowntree hates Vidya now and you're a gay baby loser if you still enjoy them

>Make some comics about how videogames are the best thing in the observable universe
>Then proceed to make other comics about how videogames are shit and only manchildren neckbeard nerds like them

Yeah well my 50 year old uncle loves videogames and he's doing quite well for himself

we used to play them all the time when I was over although this was a long time ago now

Django was complete shit, get some taste

Making a stupid spreadsheet to deliver the idea that video games are toys for children, what a faggot

I have a beast of a rig, but haven't played vidya in 2 weeks now.

Went to the doctor. I have stress, depression, and high blood pressure.

Bought a ticket far away. Leaving in January. This lifestyle is killing me.

Anyone want to buy a gaming PC?

Was this picture made post-gamergate?

>playing with brightly colored wooden blocks
>not playing with LEGO® blocks

>capitalize random words
>don't capitalize "i"
so whacky

Can you deal with the problem causing your depression? For me it's always something particular, and once it resolve it the depression goes away.

Man, I feel for you

I have depression and I just started on prozac this week

It's been a huge help so far, a few light side effects but really changed me for the better I think

that + caffeine has helped me get my studies back on track, I can really recommend it

where are you going?

Actually yes

June 20, 2013
>5 things videogames do better than any form of art

May 08 2016
>I hate videogames now and so should you and if you don't you're a manchild

he made a spreadsheet because if he tries to do anything more complex than that he fails miserably

Holy fuck I hate the mindset of this image so much since it leads to shit like a constant barrage of open world games with nothing but boring filler to pad out the time so they can advertise 50+ HOURS OF GAMEPLAY when really you got about six hours of meaningful content inbetween all that boring crap. Fuck you OP for posting that I'm gonna have a hear attack now.


>implying people don't talk about art online
>implying vidya is art
How come most webcomic artists are massive plebs?

The problem is not getting entertainment for your dollar. You can get infinite hours of entertainment for free using pirated shit on the Internet. The problem is finding the highest quality works that will make you enjoy them the most.

The point is it's already unnecessary complex for the idea it tries to convey.

The problem is my family. They've forced me into a life of studying something I don't want and working part time since I was 13, so I'm getting away from them so I can meditate on my life.

Japan to begin with. Then I don't know. Maybe Australia.

eh it's a balance as always

fallout games are fun because they are really spaced out well and you feel comfortable in the world

mirrors edge is good in another way because it's so free-flowing and fast

both can be fucked up. like bioshock infiinte which is just on rails but not free-flowing or new asassins creed games

>New chapter never

This faggot can't even color code a spreadsheet rightly, and here he is telling us which art form makes us a loser and which one doesn't. It takes some real audacity to backpedal this hard, and then insult the side you were just on.

Somebody post his flowchart.
You know the one.

are 4am threads still a thing? They were really cool like two years ago now, haven't been around here since then much

Sound like a plan, good luck

Also remember how he went on about how Gordon Freeman was good character design only to then do a comic like a year later where its "video game yearbook 2014" where he basically makes video games out to be NOTHING BUT MALE DOMINATED in quite possibly the biggest lie by omission ever? Worst part is that he included several games characters who didn't even have a game released in that year or years ago including gordon.

What a pretentious fuckbag.

it's okay, remember, he changed his opinion! Videogames suck and are not inspirational or expressive by any means

Pic of video game publishers here

It ended you stupid fuck

He's a pretentious shit what did you expect?

well if you can pay for you doing that all power to you
It'll definitely change your life

can you give me an example of a game that is inspirational? I'm not saying you're wrong about them being art but art is something totally different you know

Gamergators mang, literally hitler

so, what happened to this faggot? why did he do a 180º from "video games are the best thing ever" to "video games are for retarded children"?

>9 years
fuckkkkkkk im so old now.

Narrative changed and he went along with it.

yep time is blazing by

Life is already approaching 1/3rd through for some of us

It's called growing up, kid ;^)

ok, THIS triggers me. This fucking triggers me.

Videogame wise, I recently started playing a lot of essential great games and I feel pretty happy/excited to have this huge backlog. I'm in my late 20s but I didn't get to have vidyagames until very recently that I became independent
Not videogame wise I'm in the shit cause I don't have the drive to end my Master's thesis

Played tf2 for around 1600 hours, dividing up the cost of the orange box between the games it came with that puts tf2 at less than half a cent per hour.
Well I can't say that I didn't get my money's worth, the one good thing I can say since tf2 turned to utter shit.

btw I loved Django Unchained.
Let me guess, the artist is one of those pussy ass bitches that can't handle depictions of slavery even though it's a fact that it happened.

>people who go to concerts just to get stoned and/or drunk
I didn't realize how annoying this was until recently and now I can't ignore them. They're like always in my direct line of sight, getting shitfaced so they can brag to their friends how they got shitfaced. I went to a Foo Fighters concert and the guy in front of me got so high he couldn't even stand

>inb4 foo fighters.

holy fuck; how can you be so bad at everything. Pls do not post the original.

here are some aging titles you might not have gotten that I liked

crimson skies
fable 1
the COD that was in 1945, I forget the name
myst 3d
volo airsport/the aurora wager (both excellent and free if you get the old versions)

can't think of anything else but those were all very good and stuck in my mind over the years

probably a goobergab wars casualty

This image was made by a teenager. No doubt.

>Paul Mccartney in concert
>Everyone was fucking smocking weed
>Even the less degenerate looking people was smoking weed
I hate legalization.

If it helps man i found working out to be peaceful time to myself. I usually feel better and productive after doing so. Getting away from it all for awhile is also good. Trains are usually pretty fun

Oh shit nigga, you got more pics like that?

>Go to Santana concert

>Santana himself tells everyone before the show to smoke a bit

>Half the fucking place starts smoking

>Smells like weed the entire night, so much so that even the ride home smelled like weed

Great concert though

every time someone posts a WORDS edit of this comic it makes me mad. the JOKE OF THE COMIC is that theres a ton of words. you arent meant to read it all, youre supposed to TLDR it, and the punchline at the end is that the whore did the exact same thing and didnt listen to a word he said. its supposed to be an "oh ho you played me like a damn fiddle" moment, like those "bet you looked here first" comics.

god im autistic

>tarantino garbage

would be interested in the source for this one

tarantino makes great movies

django unchained was just a bit of a flop
people hate it irrationally for the freed slave aspect though more than it just being too overdone

>Django Unchained
But it was great.

is this just the dialogue edited out? Interesting look at the comic in that case.

>18 hours to read the entire LOTR trilogy

Only have played Myst and CoD1&2 (both 1945-WW2, I think?) from that list and Myst was particularly great
Will check the rest


shut the fuck up reddit

That's the thing, hes really good at directing and making movies, his fucking movies suck though.

Hello, Cred Forums.

Pretty much.

in their eyes Liking vidya = gg Therefore, all gamers hate women and are stupid manbabbys that need to be mocked at every opportunity. Because remember, if you don't attack vidya then you are supporting a "toxic exclusionary hobby"

you know everyone else has forgotten about gamergate right? Why do you guys still harp on about it?
It's totally irrelevant now

>It's totally irrelevant now
That's kinda the joke here.

Pepperage Farm remembers

Good taste

Shit i tought Django was an amazing movie the only bad part was Schultz death, but it wouldn't be a Tarantino movie without a likeable character dying, furthermore it showed that neither Schultz nor the guy who owned the plantation were more than secondary roles, the real antagonist was uncle the Uncle Tom in the end.

On the thought of LEGO

I went to see the exhibit and it was pretty good for how simple it is.

>can you give me an example of a game that is inspirational?
Beyond good and evil

eh I didn't really see it that way, in terms of good and bad guys

it was a revenge story, and the revenge was sweet
it was good for that and the tension before it but it didn't really go any deeper than that and when the movie was over you didn't really have anything imo

have you seen to the end of the lego movie? I really liked the message at the end of it with the kid and his father

slighly unrelated

I know the movie was childish but man that ending hit me pretty hard

>having to pay to go to an art museum

I had seen that movie and it was much better than I had expected. Movies targeted at children can sometimes come up with surprisingly pathos inducing moments.

yeah it definitely wasn't bad for a kids movie

wall-e was good too, and rattatioe and zootopia
I think I'm a bit of a pixar fan

I watch a lot of kids movies now that I think about it
I guess that's what I do when I go back to visit my family

I like how they put out Lego Movie sets, completely undermining the message of the fucking film.

I don't think I've been to an art museum where you didn't have to pay other than the shitty art installations at my uni

Yes lego is just awful nowdays
overpriced as hell and for tiny shitty sets

I remember the days where my brother made a fucking star destroyer out of the 3 boxes of legos we had

now that would cost a 1000 dollars

>tfw the roles were reversed between my dad and I
>I was the autismo who wanted to keep the kits in their form
>Don't really remember but my dad said I would hate it when he would free build because it didn't go with the instructions.
I wish that I had an iota of creativity. I feel like such a boring mother fucker.

There's something therapeutic about following instructions and watching something slowly take shape.

I was never autismo about Lego, though. Airfix kits were my outlet.

Yeah I was always bad at LEGO, never had much creativity
just made little fighters and houses to put people in

My brother made the figuring of yoda though which lasted quite a while actually
I guess it looks small now but it was big to me back then

The problem is stupid semi-autistic casual fucks who somehow actually *can* play the same boring trash for 200+ hours even though it's just the same boring trash

I just bought Simcity 4 for 4 dollars

Am i in for a comfy experience?


Couldn't tell you

the sims 4 is pretty decent though if you pirate it, I thought you were talking about that for a second

city games just never really appealed to me

>Star Trek Voyager

Why? There are better Trek series that he could have watched instead.

>6. (you)

I chuckled.

interesting pic but I haven't really seen like any of these archetypes

Prepare for CTDs

Is this from virus comics where that guy goes words words words forever?

I read about that, found some patch that was suppose to fix the problem, haven't tried it yet.

Jesus fuck, why not just write an article at that point.

>I don't think I've ever had more than a one-sentence conversation about games irl

jesus christ, these are the faggots on Cred Forums now

what the actual fuck?


You should've seen game journos and SJWs and Cred Forums

So you haven't actually seen the original comic. The dude straight up tells a short story about being trapped in an offworld mining operation with a bunch of space ghosts. The story itself is decent, but the fact that the author made it into a comic that is just the guy talking for like 5 paragraphs a panel is completely inexcusable and retarded.

Just read that entire thing

it's pretty interesting, not actually bad

Not much payoff but interesting for sure
a lot like the plot of avatar

yeah It was definitely tough to make yourself read and this particular pic is kinda low-res which made it harder

Last time I was on a concert I got high and stood in place absorbing music and respecting others private space, unlike a lot of soberfags who jumped around even when music wasn't pumping screaming so loud I couldn't hear music. If you are hating it just for sake of hating - go to hell, mate.

why not just write a book????

>his "literature" is literally draggens, kastles and spaecships

Sounds like a Harry Potter fan.

>django unwatchable

what kind of faggot made this anyway?

the kind that hates videogames all of a sudden to get feminist brownie points

about 10 more

personally having trouble being too interested in a lot of games, ended up playing through doom on nightmare yesterday for something to do, it was fun

>Liking Django Unchained

Over in St. Louis, our museums and zoos are free. They're all pretty decent

>saving pictures of ugly girls

I'll be able to run that soon for the first time

I beat wolfenstein on Uber so I bet it'll be fun

although the execution system looks pretty shitty imo

Guaranteed (You)s I see.

Anyway the creator obviously doesn't like games, therefore does not get the appeal.
That or they are self-loathing about a hobby.

Video games are clearly stimulative, as you have to manage hand-eye coordination, and you often play with both hands while executing different actions with each hand. It's quite similar to playing an instrument, actually.

Besides, video games can handle narrative just as well as any other medium, it's just that most studios do not put resources towards writers. Like, I dunno, most fucking blockbuster films???

The reason people even consider gaming a "sport" (which sounds retarded at face value) is because it takes tactical decision-making and coordination. It's similar to why chess is a sport, it's a mental thing.

Picture was created by fucktard, and dismissing an entire medium as juvenile based on limited understanding of it is rather juvenile per se.

>random capitalization
>doesn't capitalize i

i meant 1993 doom i've not played the newer version yet

11 doesn't fit the description for shit

There was nothing wrong with Django Unchained apart from maybe the ending with everyone dying to rap music.

Other than that, it was great. The story was original and exciting. Christopher Waltz and Samuel L. Jacksons performances were great. The reused western music pieces from Ennio Morricone were amazing.

It may not be one of Tarantino's best films, but it was great to finally see a good western.

thanks for keeping me company so far mates shipmates, it's been a long haul

still have 4 hours left until I can leave, I've just been trying to resist sleep by watching a documentary on prisons and chatting here

Currently in my 7th year of shit PC, playing games a decade old, buying newer games on sales. Currently replaying FEAR.

I got Witchers, FONV, Skyrim, Farcry 3s, newer FEARs, Batmans, and lots of not-so-good titles lined up for when I upgrade in a few short months.

I'm good, OP. Thank you for asking.
Having a hangover after partying with my friends yesterday, and today I'll play some Star Wars /tg/ with a couple of other friends.

I'm born in 94.
I've been playing vidya since my parents got a second PC in 98, so me and my brother could play on the old 95.
Favourite game is a tie between STALKER SoC and Morrowind. I guess I like immersion in my games.

is that the same guy that made the shitty apocalypse now/heart of darkness/spec-ops comparison pic?

on topic: I started to play Fallout 1 again, unarmed, 1 int, 10 luck, jinxed. Pretty fun so far.

Playing the Bloodrite beta, it's pretty fun, I hope it doesn't tank this time. The pre-mach rite selection system is certainly much better than the awful medallion and whatever system they had in BC.. Later I'll play some Duelyst, and have a semi-organized scrim in BFBC2

>he plays on pc

Top kek

>all these edgelords that didnt like django
dont mind them just a bunch of nectkbeards that have to be contrarian about everything

He's actually right you know. Vidya being enjoyable for 200 hours doesn't mean it's good as a meduim

But of course Cred Forums is always triggered by artist who say ANYTHING about vidya