Instead of being named Super Smash Bros this game should be renamed to one of the following

Instead of being named Super Smash Bros this game should be renamed to one of the following.

Super Shield Grab Brothers

Super D-throw to U-air Brothers

Safe Aerial Poke to neutral Brothers

Super Defensive No Fun allowed Brothers

Super Roll Behind grab Brothers

Super Out of Shield Brothers

When played competitively this game is extremely defensive and boring. Most of the best players admit to playing extremely lame. All ZeRo fucking does is run away and projectile camp to force an approach, poke shields with safe aerials, reset neutral 100 times per match and only go in for guaranteed throw combos

FFA tourney when?

Play melee then

In 3 hours with 30 minutes

Smash 5 when?

Member momentum?

If it is so easy to do, why haven't you won? If it is so boring, why does it have more entrants than Melee at most major events?

>why does it have more entrants than Melee at most major events?

It does? I was under the impression that Melee still had more people, or maybe I'm thinking of stream viewers.

>for glory
>1 vs. 1
>he just waits until I get close to him
>flowchart combo
>kills me once
>he has a high damage percentage
>keeps running until time runs out
>pick ness
>approach to him
>side dodge before he hits me
>grab him and throw him
>pk thunder
>he goes beyond 200%
>keep doing this throughout the whole match
>beat him 2 to 0
>changes his name to "FUCK U" and "NOOB"
>the game is finding a partner
>It's the same guy
>ragequits again

>why does it have more entrants than Melee at most major events?
>why does the newest and most accessible game have a few more tourney entrants than the game that's 15 years old, hard to play, and hard to get?

Gee user that's a real puzzler.

I spend a shit tonne of time deliberately timing people out on 4glory as Villager.

Both fair and bair slingshot are fast instakills in Sudden Death, shit's hilarious.

Underrated post

why do streammonsters and docukids get so triggered by this game?

literally anyone who actually is involved in the competitive scene only enjoys having the luxury of having multiple smash games popular at once and the influx of players to and fro

ZeRo plays lame because he's a lame faggot try watching someone else for a change like Larry Lurr

But I'm involved in the competitive scene and that's wrong. Melee elitists exist in force in all levels of the competitive scene right up to the top players. The reason is the same reason bullying exists, the same reason the FGC looks down on Smash, the same reason Counter Strikers make fun of Overwatchers, because having the high ground and taunting and deriding those below you is fun desu.

Larry is also boring as fuck.

Literally the only thing worth spectating in this game is Trela's Ryu.


Hi Trela, how the Bowser Jr MU going?

>H-heard you were talkin' shit like I wouldn't find out, b-bitch.

>Trela's Freeyu

Lmfao, Larry is aggy as fuck, so is VoiD, Abadango, 6WX,Pink Fresh, Nario so on and so on plenty of players play quite aggressively

All those players you just listed are unwatchable, mostly because the game is just that way. Playing "aggressively" is meaningless in Sm4sh. It just means you run up and shield with your low effort character more often and possibly more risky than someone else.

>Ive never watched a single set of these players in my life

It shows you don't even know what neutral is

Who are you quoting?

stream monsters pls go