Can't play competitive with randoms cause they're retarded

>Can't play competitive with randoms cause they're retarded
>can't play competitive with my own friends because they're retarded too

Why isn't there a way to rank players individually? Why should adequate players get a shit rank for being on a team with 5 shitters?

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Maybe you're the shitter

I think you may be retarded.

>play shit game full of retarded players
>somehow think it stands to reason that you're not retarded too
Your cognitive capacity is perfect for games like Overwatch.

>team ooga me booga
Get better faggot.

>rank players individually
>team game
gee i dunno it sure is a mystery

>Elo hell exists guys!! I'm actually supposed to be in the top 5%!

I'm not. I'm getting 4 or 5 gold medals by the end of the game with 40+ elims and 15+ damage.

You have some choices.

1. Find people who are not the shitters you claim them to be and play with them.

2. Stop playing team based shooters.

3. Stop taking it so seriously and realize "competitive" in overwatch is still casual despite what some people think.

4. Continue bitching about something you have very little control over if you don't do option 1 and be mad forever.

You're delusional.

The first sign of a shitter in team based games is thinking the gold medals mean anything.

Not an argument

The only thing all of that has in common is you. Admit you're shit and fuck off.

DankKush seems like a pretty cool guy.
Would play with.

Quit playing comp. You apparently have a posse to team up with on the regular. Just have fun in QP and unclench your buttcheeks.

Not him, but I'm sure you know damn well thay carrying a team of 6 is impossible to do in Overwatch no matter how good you are. Come on.

If you can't solo queue and climb yourself out of the gold, you should just play another game.

I lost 8/10 of my placement matches, was put at the bottom of gold, and after 2.5 weeks of playing, I just reached diamond.

I only play fillers. I'm always the last one to choose.

You are fucking awful and you deserve your shit rank. So keep complaining, I'm sure it'll help you get a better rank you crying baby

>Why isn't there a way to rank players individually?
>tfw the age of pubrooms is over
and now everything is MM this MM that
i miss old HoN rooms it show everything from KDratio to gpm apm EVERYTHING

I was rank 40 in season 1 OK!?
Listen to me genji switch off hero
Lucio only ult when I say so

t.annoying silver

Play with 1-2 people. The only time you should play with more than a 3,stack is if you always play with them and all know you're job because you will get paired up with people who do.

>no support in top

>thinks climbing to diamond is impressive

>Me + X = retards
>Me + Y = retards too
What's wrong with X And Y?

>lose 8/10 games
>placed in low gold
Literally how? That should get you put in bronze or silver. I was put in low gold with 5 and 5

Placement matches take medals into account

its more than just w/l, its also based on play style i believe, medals and K/D R

your kd ratio/overall score is taken into account. Objective time arguably gets you the most points overall

>you need to play objectives more if you want to be "good"

Maybe if you're shit at the game. You can easily carry as most DPS heroes as long as you aren't shit. That's those heroes fucking jobs. They are expected to teamwipe.

It's almost 100% based on your public MM and previous competitive rating, you can barely swing it upwards or downwards from there.

That's horseshit. I was rank 43 last season after I did placements and I won 9/10 games in this seasons placements and got placed in high diamond. It's based entirely on wins/losses and personal performance.


what did you end last season at?

>Lose 8 placement matches
>Diamond: 3071

How the fuck does it work?

>haha bro its easy I win 1v6s all the time bro its easy haha git gud ;)


Love this meme.


43. I stopped playing because coin flip was dogshit.

>Heroes that can kill in less than a second, can self heal, and move faster than anyone in the cast and thus are self sufficient
>still can't kill at least three people before you die
Sorry dude you just suck. And no matter how bad your team is it can never be a 6v1 unless you let it.

You can't just go around spouting that it's impossible to carry when there are hundreds of people who do it regularly.

if you really don't deserve your rank and you are playing with 11 other retards then why aren't you always carrying your team to wins.

here the s2 page

And if the other team isnt completely dumb and kills you?

>J-just don't get killed!

Fuck off.

>there are hundreds of people who do it regularly.
Out of the millions of people who play Overwatch? And I bet you're one of them, right?

>Haha it's easy you just suck bro
You're trivializing my argument. 1v6ing in Overwatch is most likely gonna be a pain in the ass to do assuming even 1 or 2 people on the enemy team know what to do. It's a team-based game, it's not a Call of Duty game where you can pretty much win by yourself.

Two things.

You are assuming the other team is good and your team isn't even though they're the same rank. This won't happen outside of a few outliers.

You're saying it's going to be a 6v1. Why are you running in alone? Why not wait for at least one teammate to go in and follow them? At absolute worst its a 6v2 unless you let it be a 6v1 in which case it's your own fault.

Also nice job taking my numbers exactly when it's a figure of speech faggot.

I don't believe the people who say they deserve to be higher because I've purposely gone down there and I've seen them play. They don't deserve it. Every single one I've seen suffers from various issues that are a result of their own play.

If you truly believe that it isn't your fault and it's all because of randos, then go and find a team online. Shouldn't be hard.

>You're saying it's going to be a 6v1. Why are you running in alone?
Because you're the stupid faggot claiming that winning an Overwatch 1v6 is easy "if you're not shit."

Fuck off, save your last (You).

There's an old saying that goes:

"If it smells like shit everywhere you go, check under your shoe"

It applies here, OP. you're a piece of shit

>playing competitive
There's your problem, only difference from quick play is no meme team faggots

stop playing casual games

problem solved

Everyone is crying about retards and not being able to climb. I finished placements at 2300 proceeded to drop to 1900. Solo que climbed to 2500 and counting. Moral of the story.....git gud

then how about you play with me you fucking faggot

>I only get paired with trash.
>I'm perfectly competent.
>It's not my fault we lose.

Are you sure you wouldn't rather be playing League of Legends? It seems more your pace.

teach me your ways
what heroes did you use?
Tired of waiting for friends to jump on so they can carry me and I only get to play Lucio

>lost atleast 3 games between pics

roadhog mainly, just hook there god damn healers, its not that hard

tfw stuck at this level

At least I'm keeping my diamond

the first picture is from 3 days ago. The 2nd pic was just from 5 mins ago when I retook the pic

Thats right around where I am.
Wanna play?

>leaves spawn with 100% charge
>used to think this was a joke but you can actually do this

>win all placement matches
>lose matchmade ranked matches

f-fucking console shitters

my friend consistently gets 3+ golds in his rank bracket of low plat/high-mid gold 2450-2600

I get maybe 2 golds consistently, usually elims and dps. Im in low diamond 3000-3100

he mains Dva and I main Pharah, we both solo queue.some heroes are just shittier at carrying and less rewarding to be good at.

Hes not wrong, shitters think getting the most kills mean they did a shit ton. The game registers you a kill even if you did 1 damage on the enemy. Then there are those people that think they're good because they got play of the game when they barely did anything consistently throughout the match.

>those games where the enemy team rushes the objective and caps within the first minute

Why do people not teamwork?

I did a little test playing lucio through all 10 placement matches. Won 7 loss 3.
Had 2 hours of season 2, 30 min objective time. I had gold healing (obviously) and objective time each match and got placed 2582.

I was also rank 53 in season 1. Use that info and figure out these rankings

sure it was friend

It's a team game my dude, if you can't play with others play a solo game Street Fighter.

>those games where your team has tunnel vision and doesnt know flanks exist
>this happens 7 straight games

>climbed to 60+/diamond both seasons with "shittiest" hero Pharah
keep whining about shitty teamamtes, i bet you guys are the type of shitters that tell me to swap off because they have a mccree


Every time

>Spamming Mei
>I only play filler
Pick 1

End my life i get jack shit points for a goof win and then lose all if not more for a loss

>low diamond is an impressive feat

People on that rating can't even play mcree family.

>mfw I get gold elims and silver damage as Lucio
please team, I'm not trying to brag. I'm trying to tell you to do better.

That's not possible, she doesn't give herself charge.

I haven't seen a single Pharah at master tier. Enjoy your success with her while it lasts.

Yeah, the system is still fucked.

Just go with Dota 2's system, one flat rate for losing and winning.

>Everyone is stupid, except me.
The new greatest generation.


>quick play shitter

DotA 2 rank system is fucking retarded
You can't have a complicated game like that to only have your MMR be based on w/l

idk? why is league of legends ranking system based on the only fact of whether or not you won or lost?

>oh you went 20-0 with 10 cs per minute?
>haha oh fuck youre team fed and you lost heres a demotion
>you defended as many objectives as possible and rotated constantly because your teams incomeptent?
>haha you still lost fucker damn you suck heres minus 20 points

how? do your grenades do damage to yourself?

exactly why people shouldn't bitch and moan about viability of heroes because 90% of the time they are not played to full potential anyways

They do damage yourself, but don't feed your shield.

So how do you leave spawn with charge?

ranked in games like this is about knowing how to win, not being legitimately good players.

>>So how do you leave spawn with charge?

you walk into the retard on the other team spamming grenades or rockets and pop shields on yourself and someone else as you walk into them

boom, 100 charge. roll into the other team and shit on them, and win. i have a 60% win rate with zarya solo q this season.

I just wish that the system wasnt so random. Like very rarely do i get a lot of points. I think the most i ever had for a win was around 45. I lost two games and almost lost 80 points. Next day its like gain 15 for a win and lose 10. Its all jacked up

ya so you can be kobe bryant but league doesnt care, youre still stuck on the lakers so that means you suck. heres your minus 20 points.

Is it true that medals contribute to your rating gain? I just went Reaper on payload and got gold in everything except healing against a team with an average higher rating and still only got 20 points for it.

On Dorado, I gave myself and a partner a shield immediately as the door open and I went to 100 immediately.

I'm a solo-support main on PC Overwatch because that's the role I want to play for a pro team one day but solo-queuing in comp as Mercy or even Lucio is impossible. If you're DPS or even tank you can use a carry hero like Tracer, or Soldier, or Roadhog or Zarya where you don't heavily rely on your team, and you will rise when you solo.

Supposedly medals don't matter

Out of 250 hours I have like 120 support hours and I can't take it anymore. Now I started maining zarya and let me tell you I appreciate the fuck out of you other supporters out there.

no but kind of, it's pretty much your performance vs. how blizzard thinks the hero you're playing should be doing on that map. a reaper with all gold will get normal rating but a tracer with gold might gain a shit load.

"In Overwatch, whether your MMR goes up or down is contingent on winning or losing. But there are a number of factors that determine how much that rating goes up or down. For example, what map you’re playing on and whether you were attacking or defending is factored in. We know the win rates on attack/defend on all of the maps and we normalize accordingly. Not all wins and losses are equal. We also look at your individual performance on each of the heroes you played during the match. Everyone has better and worse heroes and we have tons of data showing us what performance levels should be like on those heroes. We also look at your opponents and whether or not their matchmaking rating is higher or lower than yours. These are just a few of the things that are considered when determining how your skill should go up or down."

Some faggot playing mei on ps4 just started bashing on me for switching to Bastion and carrying the defence and had a spasm and blamed everyone else when we ended up with a tie because he was a mei main that couldn't do shit on offense

That means you're the king of the shitters.

>those games where the wiring gets mixed up and the team is obsessed with fighting over the flanks, leaving the actual objective uncontested

Now entering... That Server Room on Lijiang Tower

>tfw almost in same boat

keep getting up to 2900s then go in a tailspin down to 2400 and repeat

not medals but they have an algorithm to calculate "performance" on each hero and the better it is the more more points you gain and less you lose supposedly. we know this exists because lucio and mercy were getting significantly less ranked points and they explicitly stated to have rebalanced their algorithm to get them appropriate points