Is this a good score, a bad score or an okay score?

Is this a good score, a bad score or an okay score?

It's average. You see, anything below 50 is irrelevant.

Above average score
Worth a play if you like the content of it worth ignoring if you dont.

In a rational, objective journalism this would be ok.

In our stupid world this is mediocre.

It should mean "very good" but the game rating system is fucked.

A 75 game is probably a game I'd still enjoy.
69 and below is where things get messy.

really depends if it's getting the AAA $core bump

It's shit.

it's "i guess i'll check it out if i get it for free" score

It's on the borderline of "generally favorable" because video games in particular have their own special grading scale due to inflated review scores.

it was an ok score back when I was a teenager and had all the time in the world to spend on each and ever video game.

Now I don't have as much time so I can only really give my limited time to games that are considered to be the best. Yes I know opinions are subjective and what is a 9/10 to someone else I might think is junk and conversly i'm missing out on a game I may have potentially loved by skipping low rated games but again I just don't have the time any more to play EVERY game. which is what I used to do when I was younger.

For vidya? Absolute garbage worse than satans diarrhea. Anything else its good - pretty good

Above average score

0=Doesn't even work/ Irredeemable shit
25=Pretty Shitty
50=Average/ Mediocre
75=Pretty gud
100=Fucking amazing

>out of 100

If it's AAA then it's complete dogshit. If it's niche then it's a good game.

75 is the same as 3/4 (3 quarters of 100)

but it's also a 6/10 when you double your score to make it out of 10

but when you throw an extra zero to convert it out of 100, it become a 60 out of 100

75 / 100 is the exact same thing as 60 / 100


I hate this "inflated vidya scores" shit. There's are reason why mediocre games are in the shit category rather than being called a mediocre game.

There's a major difference between a 5/10 movie and a 5/10 game. Movies are not interactive and don't need your input. You can enjoy a mediocre movie just as much as a good movie. A mediocre game on the other hand is a frustrating slog to get through because it requires your direct input to complete. If the game is mediocre in every aspect then you're essentially torturing yourself playing it. Not to mention most game experiences require 4-10 hours of your free time while a movie is 2 hours at most.


The 5 star scale should become standard, without the half-star bullcrap.
5 - Absolutely play it
4 - Pretty good, deserves a run
3 - Average, could go either way
2 - It's very flawed, only if you're really interested
1 - It's shit

In today's vidya review industry that's pretty bad and should give you serious pause about buying/playing.