Why the fuck does nintendo keep limiting hardware stuff...

why the fuck does nintendo keep limiting hardware stuff? i just caved and bought one of these on ebay for $149 because all my local stores are sold out

It's amiibo's beginning all over again.

The fuck is Pokemon GO "Plus"?
Is this bate?

It's fucking retarded is what it is

come on try pokemon go... first ones free bitch ;)

It's a wearable legit botter
>only catches 50% of pokemon, but goes after all stops FOR you
>so you don't have to look at your phone

Are you fucking kidding me?

I hate what videogames (and OP) have become

it also tracks distance

Sounds like you're just an idiot and regret your purchase so you are trying to push the blame off on Nintendo.

OP why the fuck would you buy that.

Hey, it worked for amiibos and the Wii :/

Nintendo is well known for aritifically limiting their hardware since the 90s

I thought this fad died out by now. What is there to do, take the same couple gyms around you for months on end?

>I'm a retard who bought something from a scalper and I'd rather blame someone else than take responsibility for my retarded mistakes

>features that should be in the game
worst is that they will get away with this, also fuck niantic.

>149 dollars for a "game" with literally zero gameplay or lasting appeal


Man I really don't appreciate the fact that I don't have autism enough

I did for a week, saw how shit it was and how little niantec gave a shit about it then uninstalled it.

>buying what is literally a button that is basically the ball toss minigame except without swiping on your phone
Kill yourself my man, honestly


I hope for your sake you're baiting. In 2-3 months you'll find these things everywhere, like amiibos.


now if this was a sony product, there will be posts like "WHAT ARE YOU POOR?" and "Hahah never ever pcucks!"