When I first got Metal Gear Solid V, I tried my best to get an S score in every mission, on my first try

When I first got Metal Gear Solid V, I tried my best to get an S score in every mission, on my first try.

I wasn't having much fun literally sprinting through everything and driving tanks straight into the objectives but it was getting things done.

When I reached the Copy-Pasted chapter I got so mad that I was going to have to S score every mission again for no reason that I quit and never ever came back.

If I delete my safe file, restart the game and not give a shit about anything but progressing the missions and enjoying the gameplay, will it be fun?

Or is the game unfun at it's very core?

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You just need to be good at video games.

How the fuck

That's the mission with all the armored vehicles? Make sure you have the right fulton upgrades and then just use the inflatable decoys. Throw those in front of the pack and then sneak up behind the vehicles and fulton them.

Bring a car or the horse so you can get out ahead of them and the last part is really just spending one run figuring out where all the hostages are. once you know where they are and where they show up and you don't really have to go out of your way.

Shit is a easy mission user, not even one of the hard ones.

Platinum'd MGSV in like two weeks. Shit is easy. Don't try to go for S-ranking and completing optional tasks all at once. S-ranking really is most dependent on time than anything. Going for all the optional tasks is way, way more fun than s-ranking missions. That's when the mechanics of the game really shines.

S ranking missions is broken. You can be the sloppiest, most unstealthy scrub and get an S rank, you just need to beat the time. Cheesing the game (that's poorly designed) is for fags.

Go and ghost run to test your skills. No hud, audio/visual cues or spotting. That's the real fun in MGSV.

This. Just turn off your HUD and enjoy trying to complete the secondary objectives of the missions.

Skip all those "SUBSISTANCE" and shit missions.

Also, NO SNIPER WEAPONS allowed. Sniper weapons make it all too easy.

This isn't even hard or impressive, my virgin friend.

Nah that's all faggot shit.

Real pro run is no traces.

Nah leave the HUD on

No HUD is for homosexuals.

Just leave all your guns.

Using guns is for casuals. If you're not getting no traces you might as well kill yourself.

Metal Gear Solid V still hurts too much.

Not because it should have been the best MGS, but because it clearly could have been it.

The gameplay, graphics and mechanics are just perfect.

But then they completely fucked the story, S ranks and added some cookie cutter half assed online on top of it to waste even more money and developing hours.

Also, hiring expensive voice actors to waste even more resources.

In the end, it should have ended with Ground Zeroes.

getting S ranks was the most fun for me, had the same problem as you with repeating missions

I didn't think it was possible to even get E ranks, holy fuck. Lowest I EVER got was B, and that was just fucking around.

>Markings - 0

why tho

They disabled it?

The hardest part for me was when the attack helo refuesed to spawn 4 times in a row

>that webm
oh my fuck

Marking is a crutch for bad players.

why tho

It makes it more challenging. Believe it or not, earlier Metal Gears didn't have magic wall hax.

I didnt even knownyou could get E. That seems harder to get than S

jeep confirmed best buddy

why tho

i was first fgt

>no traces

y tho?

Subsistence missions were great though. I was disappointed there were so few of them

Do you know you're autistic?


Wait, what? How do you get no traces but not perfect stealth, no kills? Can you kill and get rid of the body?

S - ranks are fun, just not on your first playthrough.


>you really are a living legend


Also, don't use ANY of the companions except for D-Horse.

All of them end up just being a complete wallhack that will make the game way too easy, with D-Dog being the worst.

By the point you reach the game's repeated missions you should have played enough as to know how things work and if you truly enjoy them. You should be able to figure it out by yourself
However, take note that on a second playthrough the grinding is going to be way more noticeable than on your first, with no sense of discovery and progression to help mask it. Take that into account

And getting S-ranks in everything is real easy, I perfect stealthed everything no sweat the first time I went through the game, maybe a couple retries here and there, but still got every mission done with an S. No big deal, really. If someone as clumsy as me can do it, anyone can. The real fun comes when you speedrun the game going for No Traces.

Is that the mission where you have to destroy a bunch of vehicles within a time limit? If so that was a fun, albeit silly, one. I did it by extracting them all, which meant running behind them, and when I got close enough, throw a grenade before them or to their sides. That would cause them to stop and allow me to extract them. The ones I couldn't get or I didn't want to risk getting detected, I took out of the way by setting C4. Pretty neat mission. The lack of checkpoints could get annoying, tho

>not d-walker
D-walker is the literal, LITERAL definition of broken.

I'm about 20 hours in and his arsenal seems really weak at the moment, so I never even bother with him

He got detected and shot
Funnily enough, it seems being spotted doesn't count as leaving a trace

When you develop him you get a literal weapon to surpass Metal Gear.

It's a self governing mini tank that can run faster than sonic, hit harder than the Hulk, locate every living thing better than Xavier and become invisible.

looking at these results you all post just show me how garbage i am.

What the fuck, this is what I talk about when I mean MGS V is broken in some aspects.

D-walker gets pretty powerful later, though his draw back is that its super expensive to deploy it when you deck it out.

Really, it's disappointing that the game doesn't let you deploy without weapons, it wouldn't really be a problem when doing most missions, since whatever item you might need can usually be found nearby
Why can't you go unarmed?

Then you can't possibly understand, infinite supressor tranqs, nearly undetectable, magic sensor that can mark enemies for you like d-dog, can move faster than d-horse, fulton cannon, nearly invincible.

Seriously, it can take on extreme sahelanthropus and extreme metallic archaea like it's nothing.

Oh. Guess its time I start focusing on building up my bases and employing all A++ soldiers, because that sounds like a blast

what is perfect stealth exactly

Hey, it's purely the result of practice. Don't feel bad, you just have to put enough work into it and you'll be soon making S-ranks like it's nobody's business
It's just a matter of knowing how the game works and how the maps are designed.

>you will never be able to play with your perfectly tailored waifu in the singleplayer game


Never being spotted, never touching an enemy, and completing all of the objectives

No kills, no alerts. Just that

One of my favorite things to do is redo the white mamba mission, knock out all the kids and group them in one area. Then I run over them with D-walker and shoot them with the h-discharger

>want to show off my sick score
>get Ostrich

T-thanks, game.

It is literally the most fun I've had in some missions, especially lethal d-walker. It can take on literal fucking armies.

Perfect stealth, no kills? Exactly what it says, no alerts, no kills.

LITERALLY tho? Like, literally? omg i literally l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y can not

yea but can i tranq? cqc? get soft spotted?

Sorry my impersonal writing style on an anonymous Taiwanese noddle site is triggering you, dude. You need to take a literal chill pill.

>I got S ranks by driving tanks into missions
No you didn't.

You've probably never gotten a single S rank.

Lrn2Ghost faggot

Yes, yes, and yes.

An alert counts as they found you, they're actively shooting you not, "CP, I think I see something, going on alert" or even "Someone was attacked, we're going on alert".

And no kills just means no one dying as a result of your actions, so tranqs and stuff is fine. Drowning from falling in water, etc all counts as kills though.

Anyone actually got a good result for this mission?

ignore the rating system

I wish it was that simple user, I really do

>S-ranking a subsistence mission

Did you even play the game, Mr Proud Faggot?

You can get S ranks in 90% of the missions by simply riding a tank/D-walker into the objective.


Not him, but I've done that several times and gotten an S rank.

Fast completion time + no retries + a few kills is all you need. The ranking system is broken, time should have never been factored in

Yup. First off, forget about taking them down non-lethally. Like, sure, you can do it, but there's no real point to it other that they can't reinforce their Psyche bar, since they don't die when their HP reaches zero

Other than that, you pretty much are required to use D-Walker if you want to do it on a reasonable time, CQC-Countering their attacks also deals some nice damage, so try and take the opportunity whenever it presents itself. Other than that you can camp on the roof of the... Was it a hangar? And whittle them down a little. You have to pay attention, though, since some attacks can reach you there

You got a result screen that's better than mine?

Your advice sounds terrible and isn't anything I didn't already know and most of it is actually counter productive.

This is clearly a shopped image.

>43 effective interrogations
>in 19 minutes

Get real nigga

Oh, tell me how to go about it then. I'm always up to learn new stuff

>Walk up behind someone
>Point gun at their back
>Walk away
>WOOOW 43 in 19 minutes impossiburu obvious shoop is obvious

>backup backdown
Literally the last thing I had to do for the Platinum.
Imagine hours of agony on the stupid ass quiet ending only to top it off with a few more hours of that torture.

Literally all you need is to park a jeep in the street and fulton them as they come.

OP. It's time to let go.

Instead of fucking around with small arms and D-Walker just use the anti-aircraft turrets to do the majority of your damage. You can melee them sure and when they're down run over to the AA guns it makes very short work of them.

If you don't have a better result basically your input is worthless. You should keep that in mind.

Yeah top of the map you sit there for a fucking eternity listening to spin me right round for the 400th time because the tanks are as slow as molasses, capture the trucks then race to the bottom of the map to get the last to tanks THAT WOULD SOMETIMES NOT GET THERE FAST ENOUGH FOR NO REASON

That's fair, I'll keep my mouth shut.
Thanks for the advice, though, gotta go try it out

Guys, what's a good place to grind soldiers?
I need to buff up my base to develop stuff like the Cargo 2 Fulton, since I'm on the point where repeat missions start appearing, and both possible missions to do at the moment are literally Backup, Back down and [EXTREME] Backup, Back down

Grinding for soldiers is half the fun of using the open world map. Go back and play missions you didn't get the specialists for and just fucking fulton everyone there. Especially if it's some place like Mfinda Oilfield or Wak Sind Barracks or the Airport or some other big base like that.


I guess I just got lucky then. I honestly didn't know it could get that bad.

I bought GZ for $4 yesterday and im not having as much fun with it as i thought i would.

Should i still try and play 5? Im not new to the series. I never thought id feel any way but ecstatic when playing but im feelin conflicted.

Why are you not having as much fun with it as you thought?
GZ is basically a somewhat clunkier, smaller version of TPP. If you don't like it, chances are the main game won't change your mind

Do you like GZ but open world and base building? That's TPP!

when i played gz id constantly retry over and over if i got caught and it was fun spending 2 hours on one misson redoing my path, rushing and memorizing guard placemen trying to S rank it but i just got tpp and i feel like I cant really play like that. if you get caught you have to run away and wait forever, or restart (which takes forever) or revert to checkpoint (which lessens rank). Im wishing i could play this like I played gz