If I were to buy one, and only one of these games, which should it be?

If I were to buy one, and only one of these games, which should it be?


DR2 Off The Record. Best gameplay, 3 extra bosses, better story, and sandbox mode. More weapons.

Basically, better all round.

The first one, not even a question.


1>OTR>2>CW>CZ>>>>>>>>>>Wii DR1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>vomit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>toxic diarrhoea>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

DR1. Off the record is a fan service game that will mean nothing if you don't play one.

DR1 is by far the best in the series

Chop Till You Drop wasn't that bad.

if you hate 1, there's no way in hell you'll like the later ones. Play it safe here.
I hope you're good at time management

>no cd key site sells the triple pack yet

If you've never played any before start with 1.
2 and OTR are about the same, just with a bit of a plot difference, and OTR has a new area with a few new weapons and psychopaths, but not so much it's that different a game.

Off the Record

I own it.


What differences did it have aside from less zombies and framerate?

It's literally an entirely different game, but with the same basic map.

Completely remade DR on RE4 engine, as I recall, with smaller locations and other weird shit.

No jumping, basically RE4 reskinned, no camara, less weapons, you HAVE to save people, scripted and no freedom, you HAVE to do all cases-

fucking trash

The first one.


bought 1, didn't like it, played for 53 mins and refunded it. meh.

>Case West/Zero still 360 exclusive
>didn't even include it with the xbone port

fucking hell capcom

I think they're just going to forget about Case Zero, and Case West kind of spoils Dead Rising 3's story.

>spoils Dead Rising 3's story
There's nothing to spoil when people are trying to forget 3 even exists.

>Forget it exists
>when 4 looks like it's going to be all the bad things about 3 but turned up to 11
Sure, bro.

>best story
my nig
best girl lived

This or OTR.

Always bet on Frank.