What's the best way to make a free to play that people would actually spend money on but keep playing without...

What's the best way to make a free to play that people would actually spend money on but keep playing without microtransactions and bullshit like that?

I would like to make a 3rd person shooter similar to Metal gear online 2 in the future but free and I want ppl to keep coming and spend some money, any ideas?

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ok then, I think I can go just fuck myself

Make the engine and game assets open source. Once the game is in a rough but playable state start doing periodic crowdfunding drives with realistic 6 month goals that you can then complete and use for the next six month development push.

I had thoughts of how games might have a source of income without being P2W or subscription based.

1. Pay for updates, have normal updates but if the donation goal reach X amount then push an extra update asap. Those who enjoy the game can get more content while everyone benefits.

2. Pay to beta. Same as a subscription based game but free but those who do pay get a slight advantage of trying out the updates a week advance.

3. Pay to win but for everybody. Have microtransactions but for the game as a whole. Stuff like server wide double exp or whatever bonus for a day. The person paying only choosing the date.

Path of Exile

Good luck getting far without buying at least an extra set of stashes.


>female player avatars
>paid cosmetics
Enjoy your millions

I was actually thinking about subscription based but like: You pay 5€ and 3 more random players can also play bcuz you payed for not only your acess to the game but for other people aswell.

Would you guys play something like that?

test server access and a stipend of cash shop currency for subscribers, maybe an XP/currency boost as well. cash shop is cosmetics only and maybe currency/xp booster. cash shop items are tradeable.

It's a tactical game where camoflage is in it, not a barbie simulator. But I'll keep this in mind ;)

I would want to make like, a market kind like CS GO where you can sell items/skins but part of the money ppl make off of selling stuff would go to me.

I think most people would rather just pay 1 or 2bux for their own sub since they don't have other people to play with.

>3. Pay to win but for everybody. Have microtransactions but for the game as a whole. Stuff like server wide double exp or whatever bonus for a day. The person paying only choosing the date.

I'll keep that in mind, nice ideia

You'll want to avoid that at the start. Most countries have laws, regulations, and other hoops you have to jump through to set up something like that. Unless you already have a ton of money on standby to lawyer up and help you manage that.

>game has camo
>only way to get good sneaky camo is to pay
yeah, no.

they would receive xp boost or something if anyone accepted to play the game with their subscription, idk yet

no, like, you hide in bushes and you become invisible while on them (something like that I can't really explain) you wont have to pay for camo, but a yellow uniform will not help

>game requires a subscription
>buying a subscription gives 3 random people a free subscription
>almost nobody subs because they don't want to pay for 3 other random jackoffs to play
>the few people that do sub are outnumbered three to one by BRs and russians
nice dead game you got there.

Not gambling, but like, you complete a match and depending on your K/D you'll receive better skins

are you ghz,
I remember a post on the mgo2r forums about the mastermind behind mgo2r trying to make his own game similiar to mgo2 in unreal or some shit

No, but I was inspired by knowing ppl still play MGO2

It's just an ideia tho

>it's just and ideia
a bad ideia.

Can you explain more plz?

let's say your indie game has 9000 people that want to play, but not pay for a sub. if 3 random people get in for free every time one person pays then someone waiting for free access has essentially a 1:3000 chance of getting in. do you really think anyone would want to wait for free access? do you think anyone would want to essentailly pay 4x as much as they should for a sub?

what happens when a sub cycles? do the initial 3 freebies get a resub or is it randomized again? why not just make it so people that sub get invite codes instead of giving it to random strangers?

keep it simple
you could do tf2/csgo style drops
you could just make unlockable cosmetics, and some premium ones, and even buying the unlockable cosmetics if nobody wants to grind for em

first of all you have to make a good game that people would play before you decide to create a business model for the game
at least have a good idea and a good engine set in stone

>why not just make it so people that sub get invite codes instead of giving it to random strangers?

I considered doing this but 3 random strangers everytime seemed more friendly, however you're right

>what happens when a sub cycles? do the initial 3 freebies get a resub or is it randomized again?

I was thinking like, if your sub stops, you need to go to the site of the game and click on a sub that was supposedly on a high refresh rate list, son you get a "free" sub if you're quick enough

>first come first serve on free subs
you'll get a flood of BRs and russians. also expect your website to crash because too many people are attempting access at once.