Shitty aesthetics class

>Shitty aesthetics class
>Teacher asks what our hobbies are
>Some girl says she likes playing video games
>Teacher imediately gets bootyblasted for some reason and says that the girl who plays vidya is the same as a drug addict because video games are bad
>The only ones who play them are children or manchildren

Is she right Cred Forums? Before you ask why I'm going to such a shitty class it's because it's mandatory, even though it has nothing to do with our course.

That's a cute Moduku


why the fuck do you care?

I want to hear your opinion because I expect most of the people here to agree with her. Everyone's a jaded fuck.

trying to argue that an activity which keeps you inside and away from other people is good is pointless. you know it's bad for you, but you do it anyway. and someone's going to bring up reading which does the same thing, but you don't learn anything when you're playing video games.

he's right tho
look at this board

Forgot to mention but it was a female teacher. Someone asked her if she has ever played a video game before and said no.

Wolves hunt in packs.

But you can have other hobbies besides vidya. I enjoy playing but I still socialize with friends every now and then. I especially enjoy pool.

What grade are you in?

2nd year of uni.

Who gives a shit about some gaylord's opinion?
If SomeGirl isn't a retard she won't care what he thinks and keep playing vidya like any normal person would do.

Things that keep me away from other people have thus far shown to been good for me, whereas activities that involve other people generally end pretty poorly.

Why do you even care?

user error.

I tried turning it off and on again but it didn't work.

try downloading the dialogue enhancement patch.

what the fuck is an aesthetics class?

>but you don't learn anything when you're playing video games
I wouldn't know who the fuck El Cid was if it wasn't for AoE2, hell my general interest in history, geography and English, subjects that I have generally been among the best in my classes in, can be attributed to video games.
I learned that the pope is a cunt that will ignore you for pennies from Medieval 2.
Dawn of War really got me into 40k, which got me into painting figurines and SW Armada.
Games and mods helped me develop my interest in guns.

It also taught me that people who get riled up but about video games in real life, especially the people who don't play them, are generally retarded people with retarded opinions on other subject matters as well.

Video Games make for a excellent gateway for many things in life, as long as you bother exploring the medium outside of Assfaggots and that other genre you like.

Most of the time we sip Arizona Iced Tea and listen to vaporwave mixtapes.

I don't believe it

so video games turned you into a fascist autistic nerd mass shooter

rly maeks u think

>dude vidya ruined my life lmao

We talk about manners, how to converse properly with people and other stuff. I'm studying computer shit and it has nothing to do with our course but for some reason we have to attend those classes.

a gateway isn't the same thing as a source. when you read a book not only are you slightly increasing your reading and conversational skills but you're extracting information directly from the book itself. whereas in video games, only a select few will actually teach you something and those few are definitely not high up on the wish list of most gamers. games typically improve your hand eye coordination and reflexes which is a totally different part of your brain than what books tap into.

Men don't need to socialize as much as women.

That was a joke among my "classmates" actually.
>When are you going to shoot up the school user?
Where did you get the autistic part from though?

40k/SW hobbies.. Well, okay, 40k is "fascist". Then SW is autistic. Seems fair.

Fascism works pretty well.

you can always tell teacher that womens studies isnt a real degree and that anyone can teach a health class, slow your roll

Are you sure you were good at history?

You don't sit down and read about the Sung dynasty unless you already are interested in it. A video game that features the Sung dynasty is just as likely to trigger that interest as a good movie, and both usually provide a broad and thin, but stable footing from where to start from.
Gateways are still valuable things for a developing mind.

I actually read history outside of just what the shitty school textbook wants me to read, so yeah.

By the way, when you treat people like me like this guy just because they aren't like the normal kids, that's what's most likely to cause them to become actual school shooters, or Neo-Nazis, or whatever the fuck.

>trying to argue that an activity which keeps you inside and away from other people is good is pointless.
So... Movies are bad? Most arts and crafts are bad?
At least vidya has multiplayer.

but the vast majority of video games will not provide you with a gateway into history. and it's not just about information it's about what the book actually does to your mind, it increases your reading and conversational skills and widens your vocabulary while giving you the proper context in which to use that vocabulary.

yes, movies are just as bad. no, arts and crafts stimulate your brain.

>when you treat people like me like this guy just because they aren't like the normal kids, that's what's most likely to cause them to become actual school shooters
"when you treat Muslims like terrorists they become Terrorists"

Well I'm sure bullying them will definitely keep them from thinking about taking a knife and stabbing you.

>you NEED to be spending all your free time outside with other people otherwise you're some sort of reject manchild
Newsflash: literally half the population are introverted

The fucking point of a hobby is something you can do by your self to relax.

The old woman is somewhat correct. Video games ARE bad. We're living in the fucking Stone Age of interactive entertainment. The peak of the medium is at least a millennium away.

I'll still be playing them regularly until then though.

>40k is "fascist"
40k is a boatload of ideologies, bits of sci-fi/fantasy literature, cultures both popular and ethnic, iconography and technology put into a blender and puzzled together to make distinct factions and overall setting.
>Then SW is autistic.
No more than any other popular franchise.

That dude isn't me.

Feminization of society leads to an expectation of over-socialization where you must act as a woman does and always be socializing and attempting to climb your way up the social ladder.

but hobbies like building model airplanes, painting, drawing etc are not just purely for entertainment, they stimulate your brain. i like how you all are just straight up ignoring the second half of that post. typical internet shit.

I see. If this wasn't obvious, this post: was a joke/shitpost, which I made because OP sounded like a joke/shitpost to me.

I like to draw and do crochet when I don't have access to a computer or want a change of pace. It doesn't stimulate my brain any more than vidya does, and at least vidya has introduced me to a lot of culture, similarly to . Crochet especially gives me a zen, empty feeling which is nice in itself but not making me grow as a person while I'm only focused on the subject when I'm drawing.

Shaming people who do solitary activities has been around a lot longer than feminism you fucking retard. It originally stemmed from mocking males who stayed indoors, as that was considered feminine.

At least know what you're shitposting about.
Because it's not worth mentioning. I build model kits myself and vidya is far more mentally stimulating. The "game" part of a videogame is inherently mental stimulation. This is like saying you can't learn anything from chess so it's bad for you.

I'm OP and isn't me.

This isn't about outdoor vs indoor, it's about solitary vs non-solitary.

just say your hobby is shooting up and if you get reported tell their higher-up that they went on a rant about video games being the same as drugs so you were joking about it

>compsci confirmed so autistic that students need to study basic human interaction

>going to a liberal arts college instead of a real European university

>Is she right Cred Forums?
Can't think for yourself, huh?
I recommend you follow her a advice, you seems like a person that lacks agency or direction and needs someone to think for them.

As for whether she is correct in her views or not is entirely up to you, or the person thinking for you.
I will point out she didn't give any evidence to back her claim, or you are with holding information. either way, videogames are just another medium and it can't choose who it associates with, just like radio and television were the boogeymen of their day for attracting negative attention because a few people up to no good did a thing

I had similar classes in CS. Literally if you're not a fucking autist and you give a 1-page paper on time every month or so you get straight A's.

I'll bite.

Are you saying that a strategy game, an RPG with a deep equipment system does not stimulate your brain? Everything just happens on it's own while you're staring blankly at the screen, with no planning activity happening whatsoever?

Let's make a comparison: Folding origami would need you to first look up how to actually make the shape you desire, which means a learning phase. Then you follow said schema to make your own origami. Later on with some experience you might try to make your own origami with no prior studying of the shape, you make it up in your mind, and attempt at making it.
For a strategy game (let's say, starcraft) you would see all the available options and have to make a plan on how you want to build, or read up guides online on what is actually decent, aka a learning phase. Later on, you might want to try some things that from your own experience is "surprising" to the standard tactics. This means you already have a lot of schemas that you're going through while selecting what "works", and try to outsmart other players who are also aware of these schemas. In addition to this there's also the mechanical skill involved, and general tactics like unit placement, group sizes, army composition, etc.

I had a shitty day at uni

drawing and building teaches you how to draw and build, which are useful skills. playing video games teaches you how to play video games, which is a useless skill.

I make video games for a living in a company, not a nogame indiefag.
Vidya is much more useful to me than drawing, since I'm a programmer.

I probably couldn't even afford going to liberal arts college since it's so expensive here. I got in this uni for free

>draw and build, which are useful skills.

i am saying that, because RPGs are my favorite genre and i am still in the same boat as i was before i started playing them. but on the rare occasion that i have the patience to sit down and read a book, patience that was destroyed by my game playing habits, i come away with knowledge and an increased vocabulary.

there are exceptions to every rule. your industry is very small and relatively unknown at this point in time, not comparable to most things people choose to do with their lives.

And what if said book is included as the story in the videogame?

>was a joke/shitpost, which I made because OP sounded like a joke/shitpost to me.
I should probably have put more thought into why you wrote your post like you did in hindsight.

it doesn't matter what kind of story it is, all that matters is that it is a story that has been written down and if it is above your current reading level. just because a book has a story inspired by a video game doesn't mean they're the same thing.

Video games are a time killer, same as ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that doesn't relate to staying alive, such as eating, staying hydrated, sleeping, and of course working so you can do the first two.

How people spend their free time is up to them and has nothing to do with anybody else unless its actually hurting somebody, such as a thug whose hobby it is to harass other people.

Which funny enough, is exactly what that teacher is doing. Furthermore, a teacher's personal opinions and values have absolutely no place in a school.

> patience that was destroyed by my game playing habits
You should have read more Donald Pocket and light books as a child, or just owned a Neo Geo CD.

Report that teacher.
First it's way out of line to pass judgement on someone after asking them to open up in front of a group like that.
Second, fuck her for calling her student 'as bad as a drug addict'. That's obnoxious as fuck.
Teach needs to reel her shit in.

Many of the people who have given me this shitty "read a book, do something" argument are people who I know for a fact are not avid readers, and most of the rest are so obsessed with books they tend to miss out on a bunch of other aspects of life.But that's irrelevant, since I can and do both.

The one I love the most is "try to contribute to society", as if society is going to somehow be harmed because I play video games in my free time. Also, this seems to be a favorite of actors and other wastes of space who somehow think what they do is important.

Also, I could give a shit about society. My only purpose is to get enough money to live comfortably while doing the bare minimum.

it was probably in Europe, fascism is legal over there.

wtf i hate video games now

So if I only read LNs based on another-world stories because I am an insufferable weeb I will somehow learn more than playing videogames? Furthermore if you still need to improve your vocab after reaching 18 you're either learning a specialization or really stupid. In the former case you're not doing a hobby at all so the point is moot. Interest != hobby.

Xenogears got me to start studying psychology. Going to the local barcade and playing Street Fighter/Smash made me a few friends and a couple of enjoyable encounters with strangers. Various soundtracks helped make me decide to start recording ambient music. Pikmin helped me detach from Humanism


Just because you can't channel your hobby into productive uses doesn't mean that nobody else can. Approaching videogames the wrong way will harm you as it did me a while ago, but the right way they will enrich your life as they do mine now.

If your patience was destroyed by playing vidya, you must play the shittiest instant gratification faggity easy vidya in the world. Vidya has actually developed my ability to deal with frustration.

Also, maybe you're just trying to read shit you don't like. Regardless of what people around you tell you, you're obligated to like War and Peace, it's slow as molasses and boring as fuck.

If you don't like Crime and Punishment, though, you're a faggot.

Playing videogames stimulates your brain more however. You literally build reflexes and/or problem solving skills by playing them.

>Also, I could give a shit about society. My only purpose is to get enough money to live comfortably while doing the bare minimum.
This. People constantly say what's my goal in life and I usually respond having a comfortable life. Then they start asking questions why don't I want to create something, contribute to the society or keep pushing myself to my limits of what I can achieve. It's getting kinda annoying at times desu.

Not him, but vidya destroyed my patience and attention span too. But that was more from getting in the habit of multitasking while playing them. Second monitor ruined my life.

>vidya destroyed my patience and attention span too
That was Cred Forums for me. Cred Forums specifically, I hate forums now because you don't get hundreds of posts a minute.

Me too desu. I tried visiting an old forum I frequented and it's not the same. There's like 50-100 posts per day on the whole forum and it seemed too slow for me now.

>on the rare occasion that i have the patience to sit down and read a book, patience that was destroyed by my game playing habits

You're a fucking idiot.

if you're not learning anything then it's below your reading level. and if you think you've learned all there is to learn by the time you're 18 then you apparently haven't learned enough.

already discussed this, gateway is not the same thing as a source etc see earlier posts.

i can't control what i used to play, that already happened. and when you're a kid you're not into the more cerebral games, you play what your parents buy for you. i'm sure one of you faggots is going to come in here and say that you've been playing real time strategy since you were old enough to sit up straight but just know right now that i do not believe you and i do not care.

>movies don't stimulate your brain
Stop watching capeshit

I've played rts since I was 8. Stopped though.

I agree with your teacher though. Hell, I'd even say that I'm an addict. I don't even recall when I had fun and as I'm waiting for class, I still feel the pangs of want to play some Tales of Xillia.

>The only measure of success in a hobby is how many people you have to surround yourself with while doing it

Literally women and nigger logic. A man only needs 2-3 close friends and a GF to be happy, and it's easy as fuck to balance that out with some vidya.

>Dad lets me watch him play Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
>Even deals with me stopping every few moments and asking what a word means
>Helps my reading and spelling ability a ton
>In early elementary school and during spelling a teacher tries to stump us and asks someone to spell "labyrinth"
>Get it in one with ease
>She's dumbfounded

That's about the most direct help video games have given me though.

Man if you were not already pirating games at the ripe age of 14 you're either an oldfag or a fucking casual.

No, I played platformers and shit when I was a kid. It seems like you're trying to shift the blame for your laziness onto vidya.

>but you don't learn anything when you're playing video games.
you're wrong

please read the whole post before responding.

my family didn't have a PC until i was 16 so i guess i'm an oldfag.

i played platformers too, what's your point?

already discussed this, gateway is not the same thing as source etc see earlier posts.

Some of us play games that feature more than just mindless action, user.

>you don't learn anything when you're playing video games.

fun fact: I'm not english.
I'm sure you understand what I mean

delet this

you cant learn from video games!!

and so do i, but they still can't provide your brain with the same stimulation as 200+ pages of exposition.

exceptions to every rule. and there are translations into every relevant language so you are choosing to do this to yourself.

>very small and relatively unkown.

>PC only games alone made 26 billion dollars in 2016

>Getting a woman to teach you

Have you no fucking shame?

>learning English through games
I felt so proud when I was like 12 and our teacher asked us what a bow was, and I was the only one who knew because I played games in English.

>exceptions to every rule. and there are translations into every relevant language so you are choosing to do this to yourself.

Not that guy but WoW didn't have a translation into my language back when I played it and I learned english purely from it, infact within an year my grades in it increased greatly.

i'm talking about the actual industry of making the games, people who are employed specifically to design video games. it's a relatively small career choice compared to most other things.

Why would drawing be useful to me? I really can't think of a scenario in my life where that would be useful.

Same goes for vidya.

like i just said, there are exceptions to every rule. games are not designed for people who don't speak that language so obviously i'm coming from the perspective of the target demographic.

>and there are translations into every relevant language
Tell that to most EU countries that don't get games in their languages.

If you don't do anything else I agree with you.

Gonna play witcher 3 and custom maid 3d 2 all day before work. But gotta go lift before that.

People that play shit tons of vidya would be much happier and enjoy games if they just took 2 hours a day to workout / go for a long as walk.

Literally everyone who I know and plays vidya learned english trough them

>and there are translations into every relevant language
Not for mine

graphic design, illustration, etc. also you are probably a loner, girls love artists.

As much as people give runescape shit I learned alot from that game mostly how things got made because my useless ass school was a glorified baby sitters convention like how bread and armor get made

I will forever have a love hate relationship with that game for getting me interested in reading story's but I hate it for how much jagex fucked with it and ruined the overall experience.

like i just said, there are exceptions to every rule. games are not designed for people who don't speak that language so obviously i'm coming from the perspective of the target demographic.

But video games taught me how to speak english, nihonese and sp00nish :3c

>graphic design, illustration,
Like I said, where would I ever use those? My job doesn't need it, I don't need it to live, there is no situation ever where my life would depend on it, my other hobbies don't anything that would benefit from it.

>girls love artists.
Good thing there are girls who like something else other than artists

>and there are translations into every relevant language

yes, for the latest AAA Assassin's creed probably
Most of them have an awful translation, mods aren't translated, most of indies aren't translated

what about the few thoursands of people who became Devs (not indie attention whores, depressed paetron whores) I'm talking about people who are in a company, make websites, content?

No, most of video games aren't meant to teach anything, when they do it's often some low tier morale crap like "killing is bad" but saying no one learn from them is stupid

What the fuck is an "aesthetics class"

>delete this!!!!

the difference is that there are situations where drawing would help you succeed, and there are no situations where playing video games would help you succeed. outside of testing and design, which do not offer the same amount of opportunities as being a skilled artist would, nor remotely the same amount of attention from the average person.


i'm not going to copy and paste my response a third time, just read the earlier posts. and a tip for anybody else, read the whole thread before you respond, especially to posts that already have responses.

we live in a society were playing games is seen worse as being a drug addict
happens to a lot of friends including myself

>We talk about manners, how to converse properly with people and other stuff.
What the ACTUAL fuck?
This is "aesthetics" class? God damn it what the fuck is wrong with your school? First of all: you fucking teach kids manners in COLLEGE? Second of all, that is not fucking aesthetics, that is fucking etiquette. That has fuck all to do with aesthetics.

the initial question was "are they useful"
you jsut moved the goalpost to "what's the point for me?"
well of course there's no point, knowledge isn't for everyone

alright then, here you go, copy and pasting for the third time:

"like i just said, there are exceptions to every rule. games are not designed for people who don't speak that language so obviously i'm coming from the perspective of the target demographic."

i know you euros like to insult us for having bad education but god damn.

>there are no situations where playing video games would help you succeed.
Tell that to my job interviewers. I mentioned playing games and they immediately grabbed the subject and started asking more questions so we had some discussion going about shared interest. We also found that we shared similar taste. I got the job as well.

>mandatory class that has nothing to do with your field of study
you need to leave that college and find a competent one that isn't ripping you off.

i find that hard to believe, and it is also an anecdote so yeah.

That's how the class is called though. Like I said, no one has an idea why we were forced to take the class. Maybe the teacher is some friend of the unis chairman so she was appointed to that position and given some students.

It's not the worst though. I've been studying at another uni before and there we were forced to choose one extra activity/class. You could choose gender studies, feminism, philosophy, religion and a few others that had nothing to do with any course. Unis were a mistake.

OP was that girl!

Well what about this one then, in my country in order to acquire and detain guns you need a license and in order to acquire it you need to surpass both theorical and pratical tests, well, for me it was the first time I ever fired a rifle (in this case it was a bolt action rifle with a 4x scope) and not only at the first shot ever in my life I got a perfect hit on the center but I did that many time and over 50 shots I never missed and only once I got a shot out of at least the number 9, Pic related it was a 22x25 target on 100 m.

What this has to do with vidya? It really felt like firing the bolt action rifles of red orchestra 2, actually the aiming technique was the exact same.

I can add another thing as well from the same interview.

I was asked how good I know english and how confident am I speaking it. Fair question considering that I use english to communicate every single day in my job. So I told that I speak it everyday. I was asked who/why so I answered that I play a MMO and communicate with my either trough chat or teamspeak. Again, success from playing vidya.

It's not much but it's something. Believe it or not.

Well that was awful example of my english but you get the point.

I asked one of my former classmates from highschool (he went to a different uni) and said they forced him to choose from the same bullshit classes. This one's not so bad as the last one. The one I went to before was "top-class" uni and the best in my country as they had a lot of connections with other countries and getting into it was harder than into others but it was absolute shite.

I could've been if the teacher asked me first instead of that girl. Either way class ended even before she got to me.

following the teachers response to the girl playing video games you should have said your hobbies are huffing glue and tagging billboards. she will consider you both lost causes and probably do some ghey team project shit and stick you and the vidya girl together to show how lost causes fail to the rest of the class

then you just got to put your dick on her shoulder while your working together in class and your in

Not that user but I got into my school partly because I said I played Guild Wars and the English teacher who examinated me played WoW. We got into a friendly, funny argument which demonstrated my skills, so he gave me a good examination.

Not the only skill I needed of course but a similar situation.

you expect me to believe that?

that didn't come from the video game that came from the people you were playing with. completely different to what i am talking about.

we were all japed

Oh and I'm not really paying any money for studying there. If you have good grades from highschool and scored ok on the exams then you can study for free. Just have to pay a small entrance fee and that's it.

that didn't come from the video game that came from the people you were playing with. completely different to what i am talking about.

What the fuck does that even mean?
We played a game. Playing such a game got us into more favorable situation compared to if we didn't play that game. Seems pretty self-explanatory to me.

you will never give up

it means that you would have learned english if you did anything else with those people, the video game didn't have anything to do with you learning how to speak english.

i only have a half an hour before i have to leave, i wonder how many (You)s i'm going to get while i'm gone.

Too many. You've already got like 30+

>you expect me to believe that?

Well if you want to keep being in denial about the fact that vidya can indeed teach something, no then.

c'mon man, red orchestra is a realistic game but you're still playing with a mouse and keyboard. i find that very hard to believe that you only missed one shot at 100 meters on your first try. and i don't think i'm the only one.

>text is the only way to stimulate my brain
>video games destroyed my ability to concentrate
I feel sorry for you. Must really suck to live and work in this era filled with with media and distractions.

what the fuck is an aesthetics class?

that's not what i said, text is the best way to stimulate your brain is what i meant. when you're reading, the only thing you're doing is reading so you can absorb more detail and the author can include more detail. but a game always has to have repetitious gameplay. which makes it different from other types of media like reading news articles on the internet for example, which may happen behind a screen but they only exist to give you information.
