Mei isn't only viable now, she's becoming a regular pick on defense and sometimes even offense

>Mei isn't only viable now, she's becoming a regular pick on defense and sometimes even offense

Are you please about this? I actually like playing Mei, her Ice Wall is one of the best abilities in the game for pure cockblocking potential and has saved my ass more times than I care to remember. She's a pain to play against though, and I still think the buff to her ult was a little much. It is literally the size of Texas now, you cannot avoid it.

What do you mean? Was Mei EVER bad at all?

She was shit tier before the last patch. Being able to pierce Rein's shild and the increased size of her ult has made all the difference.

She was considered one of the weaker characters at high level play and seldom seen. More common than Bastion, Torbjorn, and Symmetra, but still a rarity.

Now more people are starting to use ice walls to cut off specific targets from their teams, and her ult's increased radius was just enough to halt any kind of advancement for a few seconds even if people escaped.

I mean I haven't played since the first week (the 20tick shit made me sick, but I'm gonna give it a go again now that it's been fixed), and at that time literally everyone and their grandmother raged at how OP Mei was.

At the time everyone was also complaining about Bastion being OP, in both cases players just needed to get good, which is the same case as Mei now.

>don't let the other team have fun: the character

Shitters gonna shit. Defense heroes have proven difficult for Blizz to balance, because bad players have immense difficulty getting over that hurdle, while good players understand that Mei, Torbjorn, Bastion, Junkrat, and Symmetra have clearer methods of countering than most other heroes.


i dont really care cuz i don't actually play overwatch, but mei is cute!

>More common than Bastion, Torbjorn, and Symmetra, but still a rarity.
>Ends up getting buffed
>Bastion, Torbjorn, and Symmetra still untouched

Why blizzard?

Any buff to Bastion will literally break him.

her ult is broken
I can get it in a minute after just using it with some icicle shots

Change his kit then, like

why did Symmetra have too get nerfed??? I know she had a high winrate but prolly just because people only choose her after trying everyone else first

She's like Blanca from Street Fighter OP but only if you're retarded

He just needs a damage nerf in return for a shorter set-up and faster heal time. Bastion can stop a heavy push if he is placed correctly, which is the problem.

Her turrets were more annoying than Mei's freeze, and that's saying a lot.

Wasn't that just on consoles?
Well that's why, consoles.

Fuck this fat cunt. Every overtime comes down to a Mei ice blocking herself on the point/payload. Fuck off with this zero skill-stalling garbage.

I love being a scrub and sitting near the spawn point as people walk out of it and picking them off from behind
I swear in certain stages, if you had 6 Mei on rotation, you could just force people to stay in spawn by blocking all three exits.

>Getting mad at someone playing smart

Ice Wall yourself off in a corner, then freeze yourself up after they've broken through. This gives you a good 10 seconds of stall time on the point. It's a legit tactic and you should quit being a crybaby.

Mei is cute.

You just explained how brain-dead easy it is for free overtime at no risk.

Sounds like someone isn't using all their mountains of salt for Mei to melt the ice.

There's nothing stopping you doing the same thing.

Yes, why don't we all become massive shitters? There's nothing wrong with it if everybody's doing it.

Her freeze shit should be breakable or it shouldn't heal her. Fat piece of shit.

>Mei isn't only viable now, she's becoming a regular pick on defense and sometimes even offense

>Learn the timing
>Shoot her as soon as she comes out

I don't even think you realize this, but you just sidestepped the point entirely.
Zarya apologists do the same thing

I'm liking taking Mei's ass to the cleaners as Pharah

I welcome characters into the meta. Seeing Lucio/Zen/Zarya/Reinhardt/McCree/Genji mirror games is the most boring shit

personally I have always thought that the real broken part of Mei was that her icicle is completely accurate, has no arc (read: very easy to hit long distance), and does like 75 damage

This seems like bullshit. I see Mei way more than Ana, Winston and Mercy. Not sure if it matters but I play around the 3200 mark.

Ice wall is versatile AF and her ult is pretty much a guaranteed TK if you combine it with pretty much any offence ult (i.e. the way you're supposed to do it). I'd call her OP at the moment, in the same way that Zen/Lucio was before the patch.

this is the actual 'competitive' scene, not pub matches. which actually sheds more light on if a hero is overpowered or complete garbage.

She only recently got an ultimate ability, so yeah she was bad

Mei's value was exclusively determined by ice walls, if your walls were shitty you added nothing to the team. Considering that fights don't take place in the same spot against the same people each game Mei's walls were of questionable value even when done perfectly.

Now Mei can do reliable damage against some of the most picked characters and people are willing to learn to ice wall.

I love discording her as soon as she gets out

>By the time she's out her team is already back to defend the point and protect her
>She can toss her ult as soon as she pops out and her team can destroy your team even if she dies
>This is somehow a competitive game

>She only recently got an ultimate ability

What? She always had the same ult, they just increased the radius in the last patch so it traps more people.

>See a Mei stampeding right for you.
>This massive smelly whale has her sights set on the kill.
>Start to back away as you fire.
>Her ice blast touches your baby toe.
>Can feel yourself slowing down.
>No no no!
>Now frozen solid as a teammate obliviously passes you.
>Look into those autistic eyes as she right clicks you.

nah notice how shitters stopped complaining about bastion after a week

people know how to play against him now because they have more than 5 hours into the game

no one thinks bastion is good anymore unless they started playing this week

Someone post the webm. It's fucking hilarious.

All that changed was her ult; it charges faster due to the buff to self healing and has a much bigger radius. She's always had a good right click, and people have been running her in decent level pubs for point A defense for a while successfully. It's just now started to happen on the pro side.

The other thing on the pro side is that they almost never use her left click at all, as her right click is really fucking good. Sadly this has led to pubbers thinking that they can play Mei and pick her on payload attack then just left click.

>friendly Mei tries to freeze Tracer instead of putting an icicle in her dome
>enemy Mei is a marksman with the hands of a brain surgeon


>Reinhardt can be frozen mid charge
>Torbjorn can be frozen during molten core

She's just frustrating to die too, which makes people shout OP OP OP

> You nearly got her NOPE SHE'S HEALED
> You nearly killed that Tank NOPE SHE'S BEHIND AND FROZEN YOU
> Time to charge in with your Ult and NOPE WALL
> We got to capture that point NOPE THE ULT HAS LOCKED IT DOWN

Add to this that the Mei method of attack is to freeze, step in front of you, slooooowly raise the gun while smiling, and a headshot just as you unfreeze. It's tediously frustrating.

And that's her role. To frustrate and annoy by disabling you, not necessarily killing you.

Similar reason why people hate Roadhog becauSE THAT FUCKING BULLSHIT HOOK

Roadhog's hook is bullshit desu. It's a death sentence for any squishie.

t. Lucio

It's console only, and it's because aimings harder.

Problem is that a gust of wind destroys them unlike Torbs, so they shouldn't be a problem. Torbs turrets issue was how it would react too quickly to deal with at a huge range, not its actual damage, and so multiple Torbs were too effective on console (obviously one hero limit handles that, but not on Quick Play).

You stack Symettras, a single monkey will crush you. She really didn't need nerfing.

>people pick this fat roast beef pussy man

> Soldier that low
The fuck happened? I guess Lucio not being 100% meant his nerf sort of worked, but Soldier seems to have plummeted down to the Defense Hero trash pile

I love mei!

Roadhog's hook going through walls isn't actually a case of it going through walls. It's a combination of death replays not being completely accurate alongside a small delay before you get tugged back.
It's a absolutely fucking annoying though. It feels like your death was entirely out of your hands, but that's what needs to be fixed.
Also make that hook's hitbox a little smaller. Or maybe up the recharge time so you have to actually care about which squishy you're killing.
t. Roadhog player who's had three, maybe four at most absolutely-cheap-shitty-hooks and proceeded to complain about them alongside the hooked.


Give him a small boost of health with that and I'll agree hard. As he is now he has the hitbox of a tank and 50 more health than Reaper or Mei, shit's brutal. If you get shot once by an Ana or a Pharah you have to stand up and move or you will die.

I love the idea of Bastion but he just doesn't have the tools to be great.

Is Ana actually viable? She's fun as shit to play and she seems like she has really great tools overall. Fucking love stopping ults with that sleep dart. Her and Zenyatta are like the only enjoyable supports.

Allow him to see when a teammate is wounded, make his E healing radius bigger, make it heal much faster, make its' cooldown longer. Bam, now he has a similar role to Zenyatta and can be a big help for team fights.

>viable on offense
Retards spend all round doing nothing and feel vindicated when a crapshoot ult just barely gets the point, 1/5 times.

As a mei main, I'm good.

>Also make that hook's hitbox a little smaller.

That's all Roadhog needs to make him fine. As is landing hooks is too easy and he really doesn't need nerfs. Just make landing the hook more skill based and everything will be solid.


Back to Mei, why the fuck is she allowed to have so much HP when she has so many defensive tools.

That Recharge is absolutely the thing that needs merging most with Roadhog (and maybe his healing, but that's an entirely different frustration)

I've played Hog once since they "fixed" the Hook, and it was the easiest 4 golds I got in the game.

Mei never needed a buff and only absolute shitters are bad with her

>watching a POTG
>It's an enemy Mei
>she gets a flank onto the first platform on Anubis
>She's freezing someone
>Directly next to her victim is our Hanzo who is plinking shots at enemies in the distance.
>he never stops doing this, is right next to his teammate dying
>she eventually starts freezing him
>he turns far too late

How the fuck do you get lost in a scope when you don't even have a scope.

I wonder this about Reaper when he floats away with one bar of health on to a full health pack.

what does boob sweat taste/smell like bros

> these Hanzo's always end up on your team
> their Hanzo's always do 180 spins and one shot your toe whenever you try to sneak up on him

>enemy team picks mei

Good sign to drop out Mei is now fun allowed incarnate Id rather take a penalty than play against that fatty.

She only has 250, which is the same as Reaper. Considering she's basically a worse Reaper I think it's fine, both have some additional health and means to cover their ass if they overextend.

She was a weak damage dealer. Pretty much the bulk of the cast is better at actually killing people, all she can really do is plink at people with her icicles and freeze one enemy at a time. Smart Mei's can dominate on KOTH, but fuck her for cart pushing.

>tfw a Mei that blocks your ult with an ice wall calls you shit and the fault for losing.

Mei has bigger effective range and best utility skills in the game.

salty, like regular sweat

my girlfriend uses cocoa butter as moisturizer though, and the sweat mixed with the cocoa butter makes her tiddies smell exactly like cookies

she's broken beyond belief, always was against unorganized shitters

even with a premade she's just tiresome to deal with

the freeze should not slow down your turn speed

>Quickplay now has a 2 Mei meta

Just kill me now.

Sweat is sweat

Taste and smell depends on what products the girl uses

This. If ever symmetra was around and used her weapon in combination with them and you were just fucked.

I maintain she always the best at point defense. The problem is, she only does very well with a cohesive team. Otherwise she's just a low damage tank.

What do you guys think of mei?

>remove them tier
russian dyke, fat freeze cunt, floating piece of shit, sniper shitters

>bullshit tier
mcskill, hooker, a good ganju

>usually played by a nice, competent person
zen, 76, rein, lucio, monkey, the occasional bastion

>useless retard tier
le world of warcraft dwarf, memerodent, 98% of grannys

poo, ripper and justicebitch vary, most of them are bad

>Remove them tier
>Floating piece of shit
>Usually played by a nice, competent person

>reaper dying to mei ever

>E is no longer self-heal, he can now drop armor packs on a 10 second cooldown
>3/4ths of his health is armor now
>Can deploy and undeploy faster
>Recon mode gets 5 extra bullets

>it's a "mei cosplay but it's just a blue tank top" episode


>tfw i only played for the free weekend like 2 weeks ago

McCree having range completely invalidates Soldier 76.

McCree does 420 damage for six headshots with no spread and pin point accuracy.

76 does 425 damage for 25 headhots (his entire magazine) with spread

McCree is just unbalanced as fuck.

Soldier does more than just shoot bullets user.
McCree is almost exclusively limited to shooting.