Does Pharah need a buff?

Does Pharah need a buff?

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She can buff my penis if you know what I mean.

She needs 25HP more and half of her pool converted into armor.

Her offense is fine. Her survivability is bad.

She should be a high priority target, and counterpick yet she is very easy to counter and kill.



Discord Orb plus 2 shots of the Peacemaker needs to be nerfed. She's better because of the Mercy changes but she will ultimately be worthless when McCree and Zenyatta are usable.

Maybe, she is in a pretty good spot but she needs a little more health. Either a normal HP Increase or a small HP/Armor inflation when she uses her ult so she won't die 2 seconds in.

lower her cool times and give her more health

it's difficult as fuck to hit things as her but that's because I suck at setting up shots

Hehheh alriiiight

The only buff she needs is a McCree nerf

Are Pharah posters the new Korra-fags?



She needs to be more agile while flying

More health/armor would be nice too

She is wearing a fucking battle suit ffs, she shouldn't have less health than reaper

As it stands right now she is the worst possible assault in the game.

>Obsession with a fit, brown skinned incompetent homosexual


This is the main problem of the game really. The balance is designed so hard on counters that how good certain characters are is entirely based on how strong their counter is.

It's fucking awful.

>real limbs
why do people do this?

I don't know, I like Pharah alot but I never watched Korra nor Avatar.

As for Pharah buffs, she just needs a small boost in longevity. Give her 250 HP or change her health pool to 100 Health and 100 Armor.

Welcome to literally every meta ever.

You have a mental illness, user.

Because not everyone wants to adhere to your niche fetish.

the devs said she doesnt have robo limbs


I just want to know why people draw a character so off-model.

McCree absolutely fucks over the Attacker balance though. Genji, Reaper, and Tracer all have their niche uses and bring things to the table McCree doesn't. Soldier 76 and Pharah are just completely made irrelevant by his existence because there is no range at which McCree is a weak character other than extremely long distance. And with the way the maps are designed in this game, extremely long distance rarely ever is an issue.

People like brownies, duh.

PharaMercy posters should be purged.

Because model is not lore-friendly. She's confirmend to not have any prosthetics.

Her rockets need to move faster and have ACTUAL FUCKING SPLASH DAMAGE

Also give her more survivability

Whether that's more health/armor or air evades I dunno


>Can't talk about Pharah without someone bringing up the Tumblr shipping

Is Reinhardt's model "lore-friendly"?

Get your terms right.

She needs to gain forward momentum with her jetpack if she wants to be useful at all with her current HP pool. And a buff to her fire rate, too.

if it's not canon then why make the character model like that? that's like making a character in a game with a unibrow and then saying they don't have a unibrow.

>waaaaaaaaaah stop liking what I don't like

And then you even insult Bob Ross by posting such a hateful comment while using his likeness.

There's only one thing that needs purging, and it's you.

It takes two shots regardless of whether discord is on or not.

Hopefully Owerwatch will die soon.

Pharah cannot have strong splash damage given her gun has no type of fall off and travels decently fast on top of doing 120 damage on direct hit. It would make her utterly ridiculous.

Hard to tell about his vanilla model because his head is way too small there. They fucked a lot of models like that, they were thinking more about cool factor than common sense.

There is literally nothing wrong in helpless quadruple amputee being used as a punching bag and as a cocksleeve only to be put in the locker after use until she expires

The problem is that every single buff so far has resulted in an indirect nerf to Pharah, except the buff to Mei's ult.
> buff makes it easier to cancel out incoming rockets
>McCree buff made it possible to shoot her out of the sky at longer rangers
>Zenyatta and Hanzo buffs make it easier for them to shoot her down
>The addition of Ana made yet another hero who can target her easily in the sky and shut down her ult

Whoever made that image should be shot

No; play better. Shes very effective in certain maps and highly mobile comps vs low mobility comps. If you're rolling with the slow rein/dva turtle going solo in the sky vs another turtle with a mccree/wm + zenyatta then you deserve to die.

You need a tracer or a genji to bully the McCree so pharah can fuck over everyone behind the shields. Also Pharah is played best like a flanker if you fly up above your team all game without a Mercy you're just asking for it.

Because rule of cool, whatever, etc. No one knows. Even her indians skins have robot joints for no reason.

Look at that robotic knee joint.

Guess Reinhardt is an amputee as well.

I think the armor is just fuckhueg, especially the shoulders. Like, an actual power armor, not just a a knight armor.

Then again, reinhardt is also pretty fucking huge.

Simple, the modeler is
>Misinformed by OW dev team

Egyptian abfu is best left alone.

Pharah just needs a health buff, that's it really. Giver her 250 Health since being in the air is basically a death sentence.

I wish her jump jets recharged like 2 seconds faster.

If I'm good with Pharah should I just switch to an in-meta toon like McCree? Being able to fly behind Rein shields when a friendly Dva ults is the best combo


>2800 on PS4
>literally no one goes after Pharah
>they just totally ignore her
>JUST US RAY N FROM A BUTT every 60 seconds
Fucking WHY

>my team is retarded and not killing this enemy that's harassing us
>proceeds to also do nothing about it

Either extra aerial mobility, HP as armor, or speed on her rockets.

Enhancing rocket damage isn't the way to improve Pharah - she already has excellent burst damage (even if the sustained DPS is lower a 120/156 rocket to the face will cripple most heroes).

Survivability is the issue:

1. Tankiness - this is mostly fine, though I'd like to see a 100 Health / 100 Armor split. This improves defense against long range chip damage and synergies with Mercy but doesn't make Pharah significantly more durable in a team fight unless she's receiving a ton of healing.

I'm not sure buff to 250HP is the way to go.

2. Mobility - Pharah's lack of aerial mobility is a death sentence against competent players. She basically must resort to peaking corners because sitting around in open air is likely to get her killed immediately.

I'd like to see a moderate increase to aerial move speed OR a way to quickly fall straight down and land.

3. Abilities - her cool downs are long but the jump jet one is sort of justified given that she could be in the air perpetually otherwise. The concussive blast would be nice with a 1-2 second shorter cool down though.

She could be a midget inside a suit.

If you're still able to do work then don't bother. McCree is meta because top level players almost never miss and over half of those hits are headshots. Vast majority of players aren't capable of this so it doesn't really apply to them.

McCree doesn't even need to headshot. His body shot damage is still ridiculously high. I think someone did the math in one thread saying that Solider 76 would need to empty his entire magazine with criticals just to match McCree's damage with 6 shots.

Since I only play Reaper, Junkrat and Torbjorn, NO

She only need to work on her shoulders, HA-HA!

>boogie will never make an imp pharah

Does Pharah have abs?

>people are waking up to the fact that Ana is OP
was good while it lasted

Literally just Korra with some tattoos.

What did he mean by this?

Pharah is one of those heroes like bastion, where she is extremely effective when played against the bottom like 2/3rds of players, but gets increasingly nonviable as you climb higher. I don't see how they can buff her.

How broken would pharah be if she had a rail gun?

They both do about as much damage in a full mag, except McCree does it in 6 bullets and there's no way Soldier can hit them all on anything smaller than the tanks

Pharah can be extremely effective, it's just all her counters are strong right now. When McCree first got nerfed Pharah climbed to the top Attacker spot. And of course Blizzard can't have McCree not be the top pick for a month so they buffed him immediately meanwhile Soldier 76 and Pharah are bottom of the barrel now and they show no intention of doing anything about it.

Give rocket-jump a second activation that lets her slam into the ground for some fuel.

This is true hell. Lore fags need to kill themselves.

nobody cares, post more brown

Just give her a Fist of Havoc style move from Strikers in Destiny. For the cost of fuel she can slam into the ground and do damage, 100 being the maximum amount.

No. 76 and widow still shut her down. She was nowhere near the top. If she was picked with any regularity, it was for about 2 minutes. The only way to make pharah viable is to greatly reduce the effectiveness of heroes with strong long range damage.

I see plenty of games in quick play, at my low level shitterness, where pharah is incredibly effective because the entire enemy team can't kill anything outside close or medium range. Until the only effective heroes are those kind of heroes, pharah is going to struggle really bad at high skill levels. Shes too easy for higher skill players to shoot out of the sky.

This. She's a glass cannon right now, but that's not what she should be. and in my opinion doesn't really deal enough reliable damage to deserve that title

She either needs more damage or more defense.

Why does she have The Rock's tattoo?

ugly skin.


Shipping? I want more talk about how she is a quad amputee.

Widow didn't shut her down because everyone dropped Widow after the nerf. 76 did get an increase in play time because he was the go to "anti Pharah" character. Pharah got an increase in pro play because McCree and Widow got nerfed hard any everyone dropped them. Even back then McCree wasn't an "anti Pharah" character because his range was rather short and FtH combos could shit out 800+ damage at close range. Widow was the anti Pharah character and so was 76. Then Widow got nerfed, 76 got his spread unjustly nerfed and McCree got overbuffed.

Now here we are.

I just did the math and if all the shots hit then 76 does 425 and McCree does 420 (With no damage fall off applied). The thing with 76 is that he has to land all of those 25 shots with a gun that has spread while McCree has pinpoint accuracy every single shot.

Yeah, and as I said, there was no time when all three were garbage at the same time and pharah was viable. Now 76 has a much more forgiving spread, and mcree is excellent at range. There is no place for her at high ranks, but since no one at lower ranks can hit her with mcree or 76, shes still good there. Actually, its rare to see a game where she doesn't get picked.

It isn't just Tumblr

>hating Rainmaker

come on boy

Which is why 76 will always be a shit McCree while McCree has a range buff. Blizzard has absolutely no idea how to balance McCree.

She needs some kind of alternate right click instead of the same shit shift already does.

Give her some kind of stomp move like she has in one of her highlight intros, which uses all of her remaining fuel and does AoE damage based on the amount used or something. This way she has more utility and the ability to get down fast, something which she completely lacks right now.
This and the option to dash once while airborn.



How would you even balance McCree without overhauling him.

Too strong at range and he makes 76 and Pharah irrelevant like it is right now, too strong at close range and he makes Reaper less useful.

I'm bothered about the fact that rocket jumping is literally useless, there's no reason to use it because she's very squishy, she has a jetpack and can use the concussion blast as a free rocket jump.

They should replace a tiny amount of her health with shields to make it an actual choice to damage yourself to get somewhere safe or make her move faster while in the air or make it so she can use her fuel to dodge.

Google is your friend. She doesn't have robotic limbs and she is "Height:
1.8 m / 5'11" "


It'd be cool if you could use her jetpack to boost in the direction you're moving instead of straight up in the air to be shot by widowmaker


>being attracted to negro women

You must all find the nearest trash compactor and enter it. Real men are only attracted to the one true divine beauty of the game, with her spun gold hair, and piercing blue eyes; the perfect Mercy.



You're not fooling anyone happy merchant

post her dick

>brown hair
>brown eyes
>not a negress

Nice try, Shlomo.

Try torbjörn

>mexicans are now negros

t. retard

and maybe something done to her ult has well
maybe making the rockets more focused a bit

Yeah easily.

well, you can use the concussion blast for that in most cases

Guess that means Mexicans are now black people.

Man, look at that cat

He's just so happy about that motherfucking tiny cake, god damn

Good for you, cat

This kind of bugs me. Pharah is lighter skinned than young Ana.

The conc missile still hits you into the air, in an arc. I think that user is referring to the ability to boost straight forward, which would be pretty neat.

>egyptians are mexicans


yea, don't know why the models turned out like that

I get what he meant but the concussion blast can propell you in the direction of the blast, albeit for not a very long distance so if you hit it perpendicular to a wall in front of you it will knock you back in almost a straight line

I wish it had cooler cooldown and maybe lower knockback effect on enemies so you could use it to get around more often

source on these?

He's implied brown hair and eyes makes someone a nigger. By his logic Symmetra is one too.

She needs to be more mobile in the air so she isn't a free kill for hitscan faggots.

>this is a negro

Latest McCree patch buffed his pre-fall off range from 18m to 20m and decreased his minimum damage from 35 to 20. McCree is more or less just as effective against Pharah as he was when the game was released. Zenyatta orb is what killed her.

Why does young Ana look so desaturated?


yes, source filmmaker

Pharah needs 250 HP.

50 health becomes 50 armor.
Ult gives an additional 50 armor boost.
Her speed in air goes from 5.5 (everyone but Tracer and Genji speed) to 6.0 (Aforementioned hero's speeds).

Hire me blizzard. You all can't do this shit yourselves.


Get better reaction picks you faggot. Shit looks straight out of tunblr

Are you suggesting a woman from India isn't a negress? I will not entertain your foolishness any longer!

They're both negresses but they're sexy as fuck

I don't think you know what that word means. Pharah doesn't even have black facial features and neither does Ana. They could hass for latinas.

>oh no not tumblr where most of Cred Forums rips off amateur model and porn pics and vids

No one cares you underage fuck

People from northwest india are literally aryan.

Also if anyone with a slightly darker skin is a nigger, you're basically admitting that WE WUZ KANGZ is a true statement and that the pharaohs were indeed black.

Samus skin fucking when?

Pharah should be in the buff.

There are three races: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid. While Pharah and Symmetra are both sexy women, they are negroid.

I don't understand how this is difficult to grasp.

If we're going to get super technical, Egyptians are a blend of negroid and mongoloid genes, so no, African negroes were not flying around in pyramids as Al Sharpton claims.

Not to mention that all of the later pharaohs were literally just greeks.


At least raise her difficulty rating.

I can't even remember how many times I've seen people claim Cleopatra was black. One woman called me racist for pointing out she was a Macedonian Greek.

Are you the guys on the beach who hate everything?

I'm the fucking healer, you retard.

So we're all in agreement that Pharah is sexier but Symmetra has the sexier costume of the two, right?

I can agree with that, yeah.

Ult Damage Up
Projectile Speed Increase
Literally all she needs.

Ult damage buff means she can actually get picks before the two seconds it takes from them to realise "Hey we're gonna die might as well pop Zen ulti". The time it takes to kill a Zen at the moment before he ults is way too long,he can have 300 ping and have the reaction time of a snail and still ult off sound alone, and still allows people who should be able to stop her (Roadhog) to do so.

Projectile speed up makes fighting with McCrees and S76's viable instead of a death wish as it is now above 3000mmr.

The only viable way to play her right now is high ground, peek then shoot, peek then shoot. Which is not how she was designed at all

Lucio and Mei are hard to play??? How can you suck with them??

Sym has a good body but I can't stand her face.

>mfw zarryafags always get btfo in overwatch waifu threads

Muh delicious brown meme is starting to get old at this point
Cred Forums praises the fuck out of the worst Xeno protagonist simply because she's a brown girl, even though she has the personality of a brick wall

pharah needs to be able to move a bit better. its way to easy to just play zen and hit her with discord orb+left click. same issue she has against mccree+ soldier.

Fuck you and your opinions desu senpai

Give her 250 hp, 50 sheld and reduce her friendly fire damage to 20 on herself so she can rocket jump without such a high risk. Also a dash mechanic using her jetpack. Double tap a direction to perform a dash with her jetpack (ground or air, a little more distance than McCree's roll), costs 25 fuel.

While I would only marry and procreate with Mercy, I am not against pounding Pharah and the Indian girl.

>Since I only play some of the easiest characters in the game
Some things you should never admit, not even anonymously.

>Ult Damage Up
Better yet, make it so ult stops enemy projectiles, that way Pharah doesn't get FUCKING KILLED BY THE PERSON SHE IS DIRECTLY SHOOTING AT.

Make it so she can move during her ult. Buffed.

Pharah needs pic related as a skin


>3 star
>Logman is literally said to be harder to play than Widowmaker

>2 star

Get your shit together Blizzard, god damn.

I never get this fucking question answered whenever I ask it, but I'll try one more time:

Is Pharah similar to the way Samus plays in the Metroid Prime games, from a gameplay standpoint?

>buffing Pharah's Ult damage

Pharah's Ult already does insane damage, Zenyatta's Transcendence cannot heal through a Barrage.

purest form of love

You mean this.

my girlfriend uses cocoa butter as moisturizer though, and the sweat mixed with the cocoa butter makes her tiddies smell exactly like cookies

Rocketeer is a lot easier to translate into Pharah

I would logically assume the hardest character to play has the maximum difficulty rating.

Only if the double breasted leather jacket is very short to expose her midriff, and unbuttoned at the top to expose her cleavage.

Came here to post this nice work user

I'm pretty sure it's already the most damaging ult of them all if it's focused on one target.

It's fine the way it is but it's not one you should just use in desperation. Combine it with Graviton Surge, Earthshatter, or Blizzard, or have a Zarya shield you during it.

Not really. Samus has to many tools at her disposal to kinda compare em.

Give her armor
Make splash damage more significant to allow actual area denial
Make her ult less shit

I'd say Widow is easier than Hanzo, hitscan makes her headshots reliable to land unlike Hanzo where you have to read movement. I think that "arrow down a hallway spam" really stuck with people since that only happens to shit teams that move in without a tank in front.

The exception is his scatter shot, fuck that braindead ability

>Option to dash while airborne
It's called concussion grenade

The devs listed literally all of the characters who have mechanical limbs, and Pharah was not among them.


She needs a fucking mid air movement option. Give her a short dash ability that feeds from her fuel tank. About the same distance as mcree's roll or maybe shorter, just something so that she can actually have a single option other than dropping out of the sky when any enemy looks at her.

Every other offense character, and in fact most characters in general, have an evasive or defensive ability. Pharah's only ability is to get into the air and hang there moving slower than ground speed. She needs the ability to rumble against enemies, not rely entirely on people not seeing her. Zenyatta is pretty much the only other character like her and he does more damage, shoots faster, has more ammo and has faster projectiles.

She just doesn't fit with the entire rest of the cast because pretty much every character can take her out or ignore her.

When I realized this is when I realized Overwatch is a shitty game that will never be fixed. Just jump ship now.

PharahMcCree is better anyway

McCree is canon gay though.

TF2 is worse about it but I don't see you complaining.
And I can say this having played several hundred hours of it.


My friend saw pharah in the shower, she said Pharah has abs. She said Pharah is shredded.

>implying that isnt Zen


So is she just designed to reel in the Korra waifufagging fanbase?

I don't play the game so I have no clue what she actually does.

>this game is bad

Are you real?

Only buff she needs is make her fly 10% faster and make her able to move during ultimate for 30-50% movespeed.

pls give me a mercy profile picture, thanks bb.


Pharah isn't straight

Here you go.


I think she's good but a nightmare to play into a really good mccree. I can handle myself against most though. I reached 3300 playing mostly pharah.

Yeah the problem isn't that Pharah is bad. She could maybe use one or two minor buffs, but she certainly isn't bad. It's just that her counters are too strong, and if you have someone who's actually good playing someone like Mccree you can pretty much get shut down without a real chance to be competitive.

Man, look at that dog

He's just so happy about that motherfucking tiny flower, god damn

Good for you, dog

Elma is literally Moses. She's made to be perfect, to guide the Humans to a better world.

She certainly guided my dick to a better world.

vote you faggotinis


voted fag

>Pharah using death from above fist of havoc
I didn't know how much I wanted this til now

I can't choose between Junkrat/Roadhog (too obvious, typical tumblr ship) and Zarya/Mei (just disgusting).


Literally tumblr cancer.

Needs mainly health buff, as people have said. Unfortunately she'll probably get nerfed if anything somehow, because she's not really that popular.

I haven't seen enough Merci/Genji to be bothered by it yet but yeah it's a shit ship.

But then again most ships are shit in general.

Brown girls are pure perfection.

Doesn't Cred Forums praise the potato girl more because she's a moeblob?

Shit came straight outta Tumblr along with Umaru Dva and Meiposters, fuck this fanbase gremlin is fun though, regardless of where it came from.

Fuck off retard

Pharah Mercy came out of TF2. It's the same fucking shit as medic/soldier shipping, dumbfuck.

Can we at least all agree that Mei has the worst fanbase?



Second worst actually.

no that goes to junkrat

People who hate mei are retarded and bad at video games

since when was this a thing?

As someone who uses Mei, the answer to this question is Yes.
The only reason anyone should be using Mei is for griefing and spawn camping to create rage.

Found the Meifag. Velma a shit.

Should I be saving these up for Halloween or does it not work that way?

I would say Zaryafags are worse, but there don't seem to be any of those left.

Doesn't work that way. The content is decided once you earn it.

Ain't nothing wrong with liking a strong feminine Russian woman

You could say he's a big lol

doesnt work that way, whenever you get the box only the content available is possible to get no matter what.

>I'm bad at video games

why are you just outing yourself for no reason

Man, look at that user

He's just so happy about that motherfucking tiny post, god damn

Good for you, user

You seem to be implying that we are just talking about gameplay here.

>Healthy, red blooded man tier

>You're a little weird, man

>Disgusting, embarrassment of a man

>Fan art that just makes Pharah look like Korra with an eye tattoo

The only reason to dislike mei is for gameplay reasons, user.

>>Healthy, red blooded man tier


Are private servers a thing yet?

Since paladins released overwarxh lost any interest outside fasping by fart virgin neets


Widowmaker is literally for cucks. Not in the meme sense but in the "She'd fuck Gerard in a heartbeat even if she was fucking you".

Also she a cold nigga, it would be like sticking your dick in a raw chicken breast.

>wanting a girl who will kill you in your sleep
>wanting a literal underage girl


>black tank tops and sleeveless turtlenecks

Stop it, boner.

I don't see how she isn't. If anything the odd one out there is Maybe if you were a Japanese man.

Nerf Mei wall health
Nerf Reinhardt Earthshatter range
Nerf Roadhog hook hitbox

Game is now 1000x better.


You're a normal man for liking D.Va but you shouldn't admit it.

Morally underage. You wouldn't get a 19 year old pregnant.

I would

Wow I bet u kiss girls faggot

Nah. I frequent her and she's carried me a good way through ranked. She has the best mobility in the game, can break defenses easily, and can flank in ways that others couldn't. Her rocket damage is good since two direct hits can kill squishes easily and 3 for splashed damage. If she did more damage, she would have an advantage over every other character.

She's perfectly fine as of now with everything being just right.



That's not the solution. The problem is that she doesn't do any damage. I'd like her to have more health, but that would be too much in addition to the damage.
She has next to no splash damage, so that should be fixed, and her direct hits should do more while the very ends of her new distance splash should do less. Also maybe a button to make her descend faster.

Yeah, a big buff dick like mine in her pussy.

I have enough trouble dealing with her on other teams, if they buffed her it would all be over.

90% of the teams I end up on are really bad at dealing damage and I have to kill everything myself or nothing gets done, and whenever there's a Pharah I always end up in a really shitty situation where I either focus on shooting her out of the sky and everyone else on the enemy team pushes, or I focus on the rest of the team and Pharah flies around unchecked.

I love delicious brown. But I don't like korra,
I prefer Pharah's mom.

>implying I'm Catholic
We aren't all 30 Year-Old Wizards user, I'm 19 and if you think I wouldn't slam a qt3.14 Korean pro-gamer then you'd be wrong

Who's the other bitch supposed to be?

Pharah main here. I don't think she needs it, but I'll take it.

Reduce McCree damage by 5

Design a legendary skin for Pharah, Cred Forums

t. user who's never had his dick succ after girl drinks ice cold water


I would get a NINE year old girl pregnant, given the opportunity. Step off.


add a water pump jetpack like mario sunshine and it will be fucking gold.

how about



Korra is the original Pharah

She can super my soaker if you know what I mean.

You are immoral. It would be immorally irresponsible to get a 19 year old girl pregnant, no matter what the U.S government says.

You didn't even give yourself a chance.

I want you arrested.

another good one

Is that SplashBrush?

Too similar to the anubis one

Not at all, it's more like the UT rocket launcher with a jetpack.

are you barneyfag's moralfag brother?

The front of her should be invincible when she Ults, that and an extra 50 hp of armour would be great.

No idea, I found it on the bimbo threads on /aco/. Good luck finding it though mate

welp, guess it's time

Thanks m8


Such a shame about that god awful ending.

No guys, really, they were in lesbians the entire time

I don't think I'll ever get over SJWs ruining the last good show on Nickelodeon.

They were bi.
Mako was such a useless man that he turned them on to women.

I want to watch Widowmaker impregnate Tracer

>below Dragframe, Poo-In-Loo and Pneumonia Skin

She's literally the Miang of Xenoblade

Isn't the first one better anyways?

Pharah needs nerfs.

Because why would you model parts that will never be seen on the screen?

t. computer graphics programmer


mfw gf has white sleeveless turtleneck

Infinitely better. But it's still obnoxious how they pulled that shit.

There weren't any implications that Korra and Asami were anything more than friends, and all of the things that retards tried to use to legitimize it were not fucking retarded.

Yeah, because Bolin is someone you look to for emotional advice and Mako isn't your ex.

Story-wise, yes. But Korra had better action and later, better villians


I want to marry an older Swiss woman

can we stop pretending that SFM is good and not in any way shape or form made by 12 year olds who couldn't get their rocks off anymore by making sexposes in Gmod?


If Tenzin had lost that 1v1 with Zaheer would he be on the list of ultimate jobbers?

i love it.

I'm glad that it showed just how powerful Airbenders could be, and how much mastery Tenzin had over his discipline.

Health and damage wise, no
But she needs rocket boosters to use mid air. Eliminate Concussive Blast. Not entirely useless but good only for allowing Pharah to escape.
Rocket boosters would work im a way that you could double tap either W, A, S or D to go in the direction you wanted to. Other than that her moveset is fine. Pharah can already dish out plenty of damage. Its just that literally anyone who can aim can take her out with 76 or 12 o clock man.
The horizontal boosters wouldn't make her OP as in you could still hit her and since the distance the boosters cover is constant, you could predict in the 0.3 sec that where is Pharah moving.

In essence, horizontal boosters give her mobility which gives survivability.

Zaheer might have been a decent villain from a character standpoint, but I still think it's genuinely fucking retarded how good he is as an airbender. There's no fucking excuse for that shit.

purest form of love.

Kinda want a Robocop kind of skin like in the terrible sequels when he gets a rocket arm and jetpack.

Yuri ruined the whole thing.

Her viewmodel needs to be reduced

Her max splash damage needs to be increased slightly, to about 90

Do these and I'd find her perfect.

That was cute. Artist/source?

He was an Airbending teacher so he knew all the airbending techniques.
He got lucky and was granted airbending.

give her a way to strafe mid air, including during her ultimate, and change some of her health (maybe 50) to armor.

i don't understand how the devs thought that making her a giant "shoot me" sign during her ult was a good design choice.

Yes. She needs armor when she uses her ult or at least be able to strafe around when using it.

He was a MASSIVE air weaboo. He had mastered the philosophy and all the martial art styles before he became an airbender. To the point where he was a critical threat to the whole fucking world as a fucking non bender. So its not really hard to believe at all.


Reaper is the exact same thing, and his is more dangerous to use and not considered shit by anyone. Same with Genji.

korra fails slightly more at life

this bunny dva is adorable

All the failed ults from every pharah since overwatch first hit beta don't match the failure of korra in even one season.

>this triggers the ship fags

try that shit with hot tea bruh it's cash

>shipping 76 with anyone but the mexiloli he saved in his trailer

best villain was kuvira until the end where she got real retard

action in korra is shit, no more difference between the bendings. its all shaolin kung fu. (earth bender stomp down once in a while)

Is that something most people would experience?

but 76 already had his chance with ana and he failed

he's not the kind of guy to move on to other girls

i agree with this, best dad should be with best mom



Ana is best mom user

You shouldn't rely on splash damage to kill someone.

McCree needs a fucking nerf. He's completely ruining this game's balance.

>Can't pick Pharah because McCree exists
>Can't pick Soldier because McCree is better than him in every way
>Completely rapes flankers
>Shits on EVERYONE from medium-short range with no hard counter

confirmed cuck

i got you fampai

Good luck hitting a mercy or any other small character directly with your rockets.

Don't drop the FUCKING weights, god dammit. That's poor etiquette and DANGEROUS.

i dont want to think about that

No hard counter? Tanks counter him. Focus fire counters him. He only has 200 health.

fuck all dykes

> how powerful Airbenders could be
already demonstrated in TLA

Tanks counter everyone from medium distance, and so does focus fire. McCree actually shreds Reinhardt shield very quickly with his alt-fire.
I just don't know why he's the do-all hero when his job was supposed to be an anti-flanker along with Zenyatta.

Good list except for tracer. She is at least in the weird section.

>you're a little weird
fuck you, young ana is a godess

His fan does like 300 damage tops. It isn't "shredding" a 2k health shield. Plenty of heroes can shred it just as fast.

How to fix soldier 76:
>Four round burst fire mode with no spread(1 is full auto, two is burst fire)
>increase ammo count from 25 to 30
>Biotic field has a 25% damage reduction along with healing
>Lower the cooldown of bio field by 3 seconds

He now has a consistent way to deal damage and reliably get kills now. Bio field means he can plop that on the cart and help the team.

Biotic field is already extremely strong. I don't get why people think it should be buffed.

So that while mcree can focus on pick potential, Soldier can be the team player by getting kills with the new burst fire mode at midrange, and the biotic field can be used as a third support during team fights.

Its already strong. It doesn't need any kind of buff.

she has some good moments Like when she has to break the news that shes been lying to everyone in your crew and that the higher ups have been playing god since day 1

But ya, especially in comparison to Chronicles XCX really falls flat in the main cast development department.

>have to aim up at an enemy who flies around and moves

Of course the console peasants don't target her, how are they supposed to hit that with two joysticks?


Same goes for any shipperfaggotry. That's some gaia online tier shit.

>Not Anax76
>Not PharaxMcree
>Not WidowxTracer
>Not ReaperxSombra
>Not JunkratxMei
>Not ReinxMercy
>Not GenjixZarya

cmon fellas, if you are gonna be shipping cancer at least do it right.

How is Genji/Mercy tumblr cancer, to a more severe degree than Junkrat/Roadhog or Zarya/Mei?

>forgetting australoid

I don't think you're even a genuine old timey racist

>all that shit taste except for tracer widow

>Reaper x Sombra
We don't know even the first thing about her personality, stop making shit up, they could hate each other outside of their professional respect

>forgetting that Rein has his qt mechanic
>not shipping Mercy x Genji
>but at the same time attacking others taste
No u

Shipperfaggotry is tumblr, no matter how you look at it.

Explain further.

When do

a) Sombra

b) that huge 100 page comic

c) more maps

Come out?

She could raise my pharaoh anytime, nig.

>still shipping 76 with some generic blonde bitch when Jack x Ana is pretty much in your face all the time

Jack has not bothered at all to contact any old Overwatch members, but when it was discovered Ana was alive the first thing he did was go and find her. Your ship is sunk.


>El "ET Killing Spree"ma
C'mon son. She's not best girl, but she's pretty good. Definitely better than Fiora and KOS-MOS.


Isn't Mercy in the middle east right now story wise.

oh my god she's so cute

>easier than zen
>easier than lucio
What the fuck am I reading

This desu, I don't have a problem with shipperfags really. But at least some have the awareness to know that any shipping is tumblr garbage, plain and simple. Tired of seeing this "my retarded and baseless ship is better than your retarded and baseless ship" people.


She already is looking pretty buff but more couldn't hurt.

Not Zarya tier mass or anything but just really cut would be great.


isn't this artist actually teenage girl


I don't know how old she is, but I heard she got a real job and deleted all her les smut.

>deleted all her lesbian smut

Fucking why. Why God.

At least Fiora and KOS-MOS have some personality.
Elma is literally just the generic stoic badass leader, we don't even know her motivations behind saving humanity.

she deleted all her stuff because her parents caught her drawing lewd.

she's on patreon now making 6k a month mostly drawing her OCs. she's slowly easing back into lewd though

If the lesbian smut makes her money then they wouldn't have a problem.

you've gotta understand she was like 14 and her parents found a ton of lesbian porn on her computer that SHE had created. of course they freaked out and yelled at her. it's a shame because her korra art was godly but that's what happened

I hope she makes more korra lesbian smut soon. I can bet I'm not the only person whi blew a load to her stuff.

Guess I'm black now guys, the internet says so. The Bois in my hood should react pretty well when a pasty white boy tries to associate with them by opening with a 'what's crackin', mah nigs?'. Sure to turn out just fine.

How is that a bad thing?


not with that getup

If you don't want to conquer every race with your semen, you're not white.

If you fuck them now, in a few generations they will be simply tan looking. Fuck the fight into them. For the sake of future generations.

Is there a place I can study these images now that she deleted them?

>parents yelling at you for making porn

you know I drew a lot of porn when I was a kid (it wasn't good, so I'm not linking anything) and the biggest thing I was afraid of was being laughed at about it.

Are my parents just different from normal parents

like they would have been upset if I had playboy magazines, but they would have just laughed at me if they found my personal drawn shit.

>that Gumball image


>mclovin' it


she uploaded them all to her patreon

gumball is a good shota

hnnnnnng fuck man, I never knew the splendour of fit brown girls until now. I know what I'm doing tonight.

Who /abs/ here?

I wish mia cosplayed pharah in a porno. Pure perfection

No, her damage is insane. Get behind your tank & break the enemy teams shields before you start flying. It only takes a few seconds and they won't be able to stand out in the open shooting back at you.

>ruining a good belly by developing your abs

I hope NO ONE does this, male or female.


Why te fuck is it that my team always ignores that cunt and she always ends up ulting behind us and getting a team kill?

Every fucking time they just ignore her

>inb4 hurr durr kill her yourself

I almost always play rein to protect my dumbass team, what the fuck am I supposed to do, throw my hammer at her?

Brown is the crown

tell someone to play mcree

yell at your team to either play a hitscan or tell the hitscan to stop being shit.

half decent mccree or soldier should destroy her every time she goes up in the air without a mercy to pocket heal.

saved, than you

Those tummies need a good tongue bath

>having a racist dick

You are missing out man.

One thing is who you want to have a relationship with and another is who you want to berry your dick in.



Not with that eldritch-size mouth.

Please user I wanted to fap later not now. Saved.


Just edge it now.

Lin isn't a moeblob and she's far less popular than Elma. I don't know what you're talking about.


Is this the worst taste ever seen on this website?

kill yourself my man

I don't own this game, yet I'm fapping to these chicks nonstop.

only a genuine fucking retard is attracted that abomination of human beings

What I fucking hate about all of the degenerate Korra shipping is that all of the porn is of those two and rarely of anyone else fucking them.
Ignore the faggot.

>over 18
>still get pushed in by parents
what a pussy

>dissing swirl yuri

Nah senpai, you need to end your existence

>it's another "Cred Forums gets triggered by yuri episode"

>liking yuri

It's not even yuri, lesbians are just genuinely disgusting human beings

That degenerate Korra shipping is canon, my friend.

>lesbians = disgusing reality
>yur i= pure fictional beauty
learn the differences before we laugh your normie ass out of here

asami is 10/10
korra is the mythical 11/10
why would you not want to watch them bang?

If you're using yuri to describe disgusting lesbians that are adults, you're using the term wrong.

Your insults only make Zarya stronger.

>lesbians = disgusing reality
>yuri= pure fictional beauty

>If you're using yuri to describe disgusting lesbians

Final warning. normie.

Because of all of the bullshit shipping. It literally happened at the end with a pathetic excuse for buildup.

>talking shit about mei

Mei is objectively the sexiest woman in Overwatch, the only women who come close to her are Widowmaker and Mercy.

>unironically using "normie"

It's normalfag, you fucking /r9k/ washout

it's kinda like comparing futa to trainnies.

trannies are disgusting men with severe mental issues and mutilated bodies

It happened in a desperate attempt to stir up some sort of interest in that terrible show. They were literally appealing to the tumblr crowd. I hope the animation world was watching and saw that it didn't work.

futas are still gay though.

>he doesnt watch futa on female

>trannies are disgusting men with severe mental issues and mutilated bodies
They aren't always disgusting or mutilated, but i agree with the mental issues bit.
This is what I mean. It's as canon as any fanfic as far as I'm concerned. It's like having Zuko fucking his sister after the earth kingdom arc.

>cannot differentiate between 2D and 3D lesbians

Get help man. And I'm not saying I PREFER yuri, I'd love to impregnate Korra, I'm a man. But I still like seeing it.

>wider rocket aoe
>lower rocket damage overall
>buff rocket direct hit damage
>better flying

This allows shitty players to become viable suppressors and good players to become carrys

2D lesbians are as bad as 3D lesbians. They're just bad in different ways.

the animation world did watch and decided to change absolutely nothing just like tla. The only thing changed is Cred Forums.


>shitty players
get that mentality somewhere else.

That's how everything looks in the past. Duh.

Remember when color didn't exist?


I'm sorry you have bad hangups that you can't enjoy two beautiful women enjoying each other.

Are you actually saying that you get off on the fact that they're with each other

holy shit, do you know how pathetic that is

you're just as bad as cuckolds

>tfw no brown gf

Throw out whatever insults you need too man, I'm not the one shitting his diapers over drawings.

I thought straight people were retarded, but this is astonishing

holy fucking shit

>I need to self insert
>I need to see a man to get off
user, something you need to tell us?

just vote for hillary and import some blue eye arab.

Who are worse, Dykefags or Barafags?

I'm a faggot user, I suck dick every night before bed.

And you're still the one who gets off on people having sex specifically with people that aren't you.

Jesus fucking christ.

>cocksmoker dislikes lesbians

can't say I'm surprised desu


If you like dykes you should be gassed.

There is no difference between 2D and 3D dykes.

nobody like dykes
beautiful girls doing it is ok.

Well, too be fair, if the 3x3 thing really takes off they're going to have to fix it with and have an actual tank melter, either McCree or Reaper.

If I could, I would make it be GTB

Lesbians are literally just attention-seeking whores

>just 1D to make the difference between men and women
>no difference

If you go by that that logic if you ever got off to any porn ever you're a cuck.

Kill yourself.

>implying there's a difference.

What was the list? Toblerone....

>it's not a difference

>no frank zappa character
why would you buy such a garbage game

>Muh delicious brown meme is starting to get old at this point
fuck off and die

That or maybe let her strafe while she's using it. I never use her ult when I use her it just gets me killed everytime.

I think McCree
I think they mentioned Symmetra, but I can't remember if it's because they were saying that she was part of the list or because they were saying that she actually wasn't.

Lesbians are all the same kind of trash.

No, you see, I don't get off to the fact that they're having sex that doesn't involve me like The only people who can enjoy lesbians enjoy them specifically because the lesbians won't have sex with them

it's like some advanced form of cuckoldry

Not on my computer screen :^)

I wish Korra hadn't been such a trash show.
I think they made her fetish bait just so that the show would have a single redeeming quality.

It pandered to a lot of fetishes though

find one non-fapbait in the water tribe under 50 yo.

People jumping pharah into the air and just hovering up there are doing it wrong.

>not shipping soldier with Alejandra or dva

He's foxy grandpa for a reason

But you do see them, her arm joints are specifically modeled in a way that her arms literally cannot exist. Not saying she is an amputee as Blizzard confirmed she isn't, but its not hard to understand why so many people are confused


>night hawk

>all these junkhog haters
kill yourselves anytime

>Pharah will never fart on your face while doing squats

>this expands the dong

I prefer FM-84

>This will never be a real skin



>quake 3 rocketlauncher

/owg/ here. Umm could you not post lewds of my wife Pharah and my mother-in-law? You've been warned.

Bring it on.




I just want Pharah to sit on my face after a long workout session

I want a pharah version of this.

You need to seek help

Thank you for this.

Thanks for activating my dick, tonight, based Cred Forums.

>symetra gets no love

You only get what you deserve in this world, user.

you're right

I can't make pharah real on my own

You're welcome.

Her face makes he look like a tranny.

>tfw you will never give a fit brown girl a post workout massage to earn your shower with her

I fucking love owler

Still waiting for blizzard to introduce an asami look alike.

My man


more air mobility
make her rockets faster
give me side airdashes like in zone of the enders
there, shes fixed

Pharah would never ever do that! Stop spreading these lies I mean it!

>double click jetpack in any direction to dash
Sounds cool.

>chromatic aberration


Fits to the style.




>you will never give a fit brown girl post workout cunnilingus and make her cum so hard that she crushes your head with her muscular chocolate thighs

very fast lesbeins finger fuckig at increbidle hihg speed

I'd rather she use her strength to force me to cum deep inside her


What is it that makes Arab girls so hot?

>Tfw will never have a qt Arab girlfriend

... I wonder why

Is that a hoverhand?