Which ones are the best ?

Which ones are the best ?

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Asylum and City. Don't bother with the third game.

you posted it

>Arkham "City"
>mfw it's barely bigger than an Asylum
>mfw "protocol 10" is basically a plan to shoot everyone
>mfw ancient ninjas and automatons are just buried in the middle of the city
what the fuck


Yo fuck you
I like Knight main game. The only place they absolutely fucked up were the challenges, which City had perfected.
My overall best experience was with City, but all 4 are good.


They're all great games though if you like Batman

any tips on how to accomplish the crazy achievement in City ?
Like the ones where you have to chain all the possible quick attacks etc

If you mean Origins, then sure. Knight is great and probably the best AAA western game in terms of gameplay this gen.



City is my favorite, but I think Asylum might be a little better.

My opinion:


Haven't played Origins but I hear it's okay, if a bit off. Asylum has a fantastic atmosphere and Metroidvania feel to it. City tried to copy that same formula and just make it bigger -- for me, it didn't work. The game felt spread too thin and the controls felt limiting in the larger environment.

Knight combines the best aspects of both games for me, with a great atmosphere and a fantastic, breathing open world. You feel in control in a way you never did in City.

I personally didn't mind the Batmobile stuff at all and just thought it added to the game, so YMMV.

I started Asylum earlier today for the first time and played it like 10 hours straight. Shame I didn't buy City from the weekend sale.

Apparently I've got all of the batman games on steam without ever buying them.
In what order do I play them in?

Origin, asylum, city and then knight. City is the best.

Which boss is your favorite in the series? My favorite is Deathstroke, every moment of that fight felt extremely on edge and precise

The challenges were fixed and now it's much better than City, when you add all the season pass content.

I didnt stick around that long
Maybe Ill get it when it gets penny priced


Asylum is an will always be first because of the joker dlc

I think most of the Challenge Mode fixes and some maps were added for free, but the extra season pass maps are cool as well. If you already own the game, try it.

Is Origin worth playing or is it alright to skip?

City had such a horrible story.

>Federal government lets Strange throw a billionaire in prison with no trial

>Strange gives guns to criminals to justify killing them all
>He thinks this makes him look good instead of like an incompetent idiot
>Most of the game ignores that and focuses on healing Joker
>Oh by the way, Joker expects you to heal him without leaving a shitty prison camp

The plot is absolute garbage and proof that Rocksteady were never good at making Batman stories.
>muh Dini

Don't care.

You won't lose anything if you skip it. It's essentially an overpriced expansion pack-like game filled with reused Arkham City assets. The story is sorta cool if you like Batman Year One stories.

This, this and this. I don't know why people shit on the Arkham Knight ''''''''''twist''''''''' when Rocksteady has already shown they can't do stories for shit (see: Joker swallowing Venom; the idea behind Arkham City). They nail atmosphere, characters and dialogue, but the plot for the Arkham games is usually shit.

You know when you put it like that, yeah its really shitty
But I really liked it back when I played, aside from Strange being a secondary villain to Joker. The Joker part was shit, even if the character was great.

Killing joker then having him come back in everything but a physical body made it clear they were shit writers.

its better than city and aylum

I thought they used the "Joker psychosis" in fun ways during the gameplay segments, but the concept of a Joker virus is so fucking stupid it hurts my brain. And the fact that Bruce got rid of Joker's influence because of his willpower is even more retarded.




In short, BE THE BAT!

You can skip it. It has the worst world and it doesn't have based Conroy or Hamil.

Unless you are dying to know the ending after City why would you skip it??

City is really the most mediocre of them all and by far the worst map. The plot also has it's issues but whatever.

Asylum = Knight > Origins > City


City really is the best
>feels like a good mix of TAS and Hollywood batman
>boss fights that arent shit
>best riddler challenges
>batman actually vulnerable outside of hallucination shit
>best narrative
>combat isnt extremely generous like Knight

The rest arent bad I just find city to be the definitive game

Every time I see one of these threads I have to reinstall fuck you OP I don't have time to marathon all the games again


City also wastes it's villains. Maybe they thought it was fan service, but Rocksteady used so many villains that they get too little screen time.

Man you are some kind of stupid

Did you forget how half of knight developed on Barbara dying and then did a 180 for no good reason other than "he just imagined it"

Not to mention the villains are just fear boner and revenge boner

I just hate that you constantly are gliding in City. It fucking sucks to play in the over-world and the interiors are so boring...

AA is pure art.

I'm stupid because the plot is bad? Did I say it wasn't you mong?

jesus, why do people give origins so much shit? sure its nothing new, but it was still pretty ok

its not like arkham knight was the best game or anything

They don't like it because it was a Treyarch game to Rocksteady's Infinity Ward output.

I like Origins a lot. I don't know if I can justify it but the combat felt the best imo, and the amount of weapons they gave you really fleshed out the fights - which was smart af because Rocksteady seems to forget that those fights are like %60 of the game and rarely shake them up between their sequels. I also liked Chris Redfield and Booker DeWitt's voice acting for the characters, thought they did a good job.

YOU! I like you.
Also posting the full game movie because it's honestly better than the last trainwreck of a movie the Dark Knight Rises.

Also Arkham Origins had best Bane adaption outside of the comics.

Imagine how good an enhanced remake of Arkham Asylum could be:

>Fix Killer Croc boss (more like the TN-1 Bane fight)
>Change Titan Joker to something else
>Improve other bosses

>Add more secret passage between buildings
>Expand the sewers area into some other creepy old ruins
>Add in a second wing to Intensive Care for the endgame

>Full first-person mode with VR integration
>Battery for Detective Vision so you can't use it all the time
>Massive graphical improvements, with better lighting and shadows

Why does everyone hate Origins? I thought it was way better than City.

I don't like thinking like this. It's completely pointless to imagine what that would be like.

worker Cred Forumsees

So should I get the Bamham Asylum and 10 out of 10 pack along with Origins? I've played the first one at a friend's and finished the second one using that same friend's copy. I figure that the pack price won't go any lower, but how exactly does Origins play like? I hear it's shite because of something that the outsourced team did.

>Bamham Asylum

Origins is literally just a similar as all of them are to each other. It's just as good.

You should get AA and Origins.

How is the PC version of Origins? I know Knight is a shit show but I honestly think the PC versions of Asylum and City are really good.

I also think the mouse and keyboard controls are fucking great for those games.

People hate Origins because they were told to. Same reason people shit on BioShock 2.

Origins is fine and actually better than City in some ways. More predator rooms, better bosses, nice winter theme. It's a good game.

All of the PC versions have had their problems, but Origins plays just as well as the others.

Playing all of them on PC, the only issue I did experience was with Origins and it did completely prevent me from getting completion for one of the big baddies - but it didn't snap the game in half or anything. I killed the boss, all AI in the room seemed to be deactivated and I got no credit and just left and was bummed - but it was fine other than that.

origins is literally a big expansion pack to city, but it, they're all good

its ok now apparently, but it was complete shit at release, not as bad as knight though

Alrighty then. Thanks for the help anons. I'll get them the next time I go to fucking gamestop.

Literally fucking no one that doesn't hate the entire franchise hates Origins. It was just meh with a few really good things, but overall objectively the weakest one of the saga.

Only people who don't hate all games that say it's shit are Originfags falseflagging because they can't accept that the other 3 are just better, and that just because people think Origins isn't as good as the others, that doesn't mean that it's disliked. It's not DaS 2 it's a good game but it's WAY weaker than every other entry.

Don't believe the memers. Don't be a memer

>better bosses

>croc is generic tutorial boss
>electrocutioner is a throwaway
>deathstroke is a qte with reused assets
>copperhead is just a mob fight
>deadshot is a rehash of twoface
>firefly was ok but nothing great
>lady shiva is a throw away
>Bane was just another fucking titan fight we have done a billion times already

Nah man youre retarded

when will you grow up and realize that trying to claim objectivity is a boring conversation and has no impact on the reality of preference.

I'll exert as much arrogance as you and say that Origins is NOT the weakest of the entire series.

Baby mad his favorite game is objectively shit.

Except the mayority of people who played the games, and enjoyed them agrees that, while VERY good, Origins is the weakest one. It's still a 7.5/10 in a non IGN scale but it's the weakest

>Deathstroke flawlessly with no counter icons is genuinely great
>Copperhead is alright
>Deadshot was good
>Firefly was lame
>Shiva was meh
>Bane fights were all decent
>TN-1 Bane was really good

All of them are excellent games.

Personally for me: City > Arkham > Origins > Knight

Origins is a classic example of bad word-of-mouth and slanted impressions. The entire narrative of that game has been "Oh it's not Rocksteady, it's so bad" and has had nothing but misninformation spread about it, like hinted in this guy's post about "it's shit because of something the outsourced team did" which is not the case if you like it or if you don't Most people who have not bought into this perspective do not believe Origins is the weakest. Chances are, if you think City is the best you'll think Origins is the worst because that's what everyone says, not because it's true or reasoned.

There were blatant lies spread about Origins. Lots of people said it come out "only a year after City". No, City was 2011 and Origins was 2013.

Also, the combat and predator rating system was a BRILLIANT addition that made me aim to play better.

Got bored about half way through Origins and haven't touched a "free-flow combat" game since. After a while i just stopped bothering to try to get these massive combos with varied attacks and just wanted to clear the room as fast as possible, it just became formulaic and boring.

I definitely get this way through all of them at some point, but I like the world and the characters enough to proceed. I really like the games, but some of them feel so bloated - Knight especially.

It just felt like an unpolished City, which left a bad taste in my mouth. The game added a lot of neat things, but the combat wasn't as smooth, and considering the Arkham combat mechanics, that's a huge offense. I also recall a building that had an invisible wall around it for some reason that you just couldn't glide over. The Deathstroke fight was also a mess; I beat him but I have no idea how.

It's the only Arkham game I haven't finished. I like to kid myself into thinking that I'll get around to it some day but I know deep down that any time I punch it up I'm just going to want to be playing City or Knight instead. Which is a shame because I do think that Origins introduced some interesting things.

I think you're misremembering the combat. It's no different than the others.

I'm not saying that they took the combat in a different direction, I'm saying it didn't feel as polished. It's hard for me to describe exactly but it felt jankier than the others, if you'll pardon me using the most retarded word I possibly could. Like it didn't snap to enemies as well. It didn't have the sense of flow that it should have. At least that was my experience.

I remember this because I know I was dumbfounded by how it could've gotten fucked up. Like Rocksteady gave them literally everything from City and they still managed to make it worse somehow.

It's real weird to talk about this sort of thing, I'm in a similar vague standing with my own opinion but in the opposite extreme. I thought the combat in Origin was the best yet.

Or maybe because it's a literal reskin on City's map, only buggier and less interesting, with close to zero additions to gameplay, and whose only redeeming factor is that it has a really interesting story and a few Great Fights?

It's a better map than city just because it actually has a floor on more than %30 of the map and I never experienced bugs that I'd say make the game worse so no, it's not that.

Interesting. I guess I'll have to get around to giving it another shot. I actually did fire up Origins the other day for the first time in quite a while to start it over but I only managed to get through Croc before I decided I just wasn't in the mood for it at the time after all.

So you'd rather have a floor on the map than Riddles that aren't trash?

>riddles that aren't trash
user, they were always trash. if you want more riddles you can go and collect a bunch of other stuff in Ubisoft games to satiate what Origins couldn't.

All of those game a hamburger-tier AAA productions where differences between them are purely incremental

So really they only get get only just slightly better with each iteration (but still never really piercing the ceiling of more than just retarded burger for retards):

Knight > Origins > City > Asylum

Nice one user. Trying to pull the "Lol go play AC you fucking casul xd" card on me. Riddles in city were fun and offered a varied break from normal gliding and punching.

Funny your poor attempt at ridiculing Riddles comparing them to Ubisoft checklists, since in Origins, your favourite game, there are a LOT more Ubisoft like aspects like the antennas you have to go around the city collecting. Hell, there are even Radio towers you have to go to and do the same animation just to unlock part of the map. Gee I wonder what that reminds me of! Of course not Ubisoft checklists like City!

Collecting in any Batman games or Ubisoft games is shit. I'm not ridiculing you for liking them, I'm offering a legit alt if you like that sort of junk.
I'm not a fan of it personally.

Knight was the best in terms of gameplay. Huge city, cool skins, many more features, plentiful enemy variety. And the best level design. I like the fact that you have to look at your environment and figure what you have to get done to progress rather than having your hand being held.

But it had no real bosses and the story was a letdown. What the fuck was that about becoming the joker because of his blood?


boss fights
Origins is filled with QTEs, but still



level design


>muh metroidvania that isn't a metroid or a castlevania

If knight had more bossfights
If the Jason reveal happened earlier so as to not take the player and batman as an idiot and focus in knowing what happened to him and trying to get him back instea of "gee who's that pokemon?!?!?"
If they had at least explained that the joker squad was people who knew they were affected by Joker's blood and got affected by the gas, therefore in their fear suffered the personality disorder and not "Lol joker's blood is magical xd"
If the ending was better handled

Knight would be on par with asylum

Asylum > City >>> [Power Gap] >>> Knight > Origins

Reversing Asylum and City is acceptable.

You think Rocksteady could make a good enough combat system for a Superman game if they tried hard enough?

Playing Arkham Knight. Please tell me Man-Bat jumpscares you only once, because that was totally not cool.

Yeah, you spook him a few times to get him back.

Knight > Origins > City > Asylum
I definitely like your taste in Arkham games.

ALso posting best Arkham soundtrack by a mile. Christopher Drake also composed the Dark Knight Returns as well as Under the Red Hood soundtrack.

You know, a survival horror Batman game would be pretty cool.

While I would rearrange a little, your opinions are pretty good and understandable user.

You lacked one thing though


Also, putting aside the venom joker shitfest why did you hate Asylum's story so much? I thought it's the most comic book one of them all

I think you may have autism.

City > Asylum > Origins >>> Knight

Play the first two, if you like them a lot go for Origins which was rehashy, and if you're desperate for more, lower your standards and play Knight

>Strange gives guns to criminals to justify killing them all
>He thinks this makes him look good

Its not about making him look good. He needed an excuse to off the prisoners and make criminals look dangerous enough that such measures would be deemed acceptable. It would be used as a precedent to act against gotham's criminals which is what ra's wanted.

And I don't think Joker cared how batman did it, as long as he got cured.

Its not a stellar batman story though and does have a ton of other problems though.

I just want them to do TMNT next. I know it won't happen but they're the only devs who I think could actually do them justice. I'll never want another game as badly as I want a Rocksteady TMNT game.

>Optional mini games spread around the city that vary in difficulty and make use of different gaget combinations and gliding
>And also unlock a special stage in the map every few ones

??? Have you ever played an actual "collect all feathers" collectachon? Would you rather the entire game be about "glide to x. punch the man. glide to y. punch the man" ?

They are barely any different when there are 6 million of them and none of them are fun.

They could probably make a pretty decent Superman game but I'd like to see them expand on the team-ups in combat. Faster switches and a combo system for your teammate would be nice.

This. I was hyped for Batman v Deathstroke round 2 and just shook my head once batman KO'd him with a punch. Deathstroke is supposed to be a character good enough to beat batman in a fight. He's done it before.