just realized I've been playing the same game for 10 hours straight

> just realized I've been playing the same game for 10 hours straight

I feel awful

When MGS3 came out I played it for 36 hours without stopping.

>mfw I haven't been able to play a game for more then 2 hours in years
I used to almost go 12+ hours on a game if i really liked it as a child
I miss those times

>play the game for 10 hours straight because reasons
>make pretty good progress
feels good

> playing terraria today
> defeat all 3 mechanical bosses
> fuck yea on a roll
> after some preparation, kill plantera first go
> fucking god yes, what's next?
> kill golem after dying a couple of times, then once i get the technique just start farming him a good several times
> eventually craft better armor
> go kill the cultist
> kill one of the pillars
> mfw solar pillar keeps shoving my shit in
terraria is one of those weird games that i can just keep playing and playing without ever feeling bored
first time i've gotten this far too, i'm happy

I literally just did this with MGSV: TPP. Great gameplay, but my obsession with making no mistakes makes every mission take fucking forever.

What game?

> close eyes
> all i can fucking see is terraria


>tfw first playing KotOR 1 and 2
>tfw you didn't sleep for well over 72 hours

Did u beat the boss?

Longest game i've played in one sitting was a 12 hour Halo 2 game with my friend

On slayer
On the same map
Just us two

In hindsight i have no idea what the fuck we did for 12 hours that was entertaining enough not to even so much as switch maps

When i bought my PS3 i bought MS4 and played it in one night without skipping cinematics.

Terraria is the kind of game that you play until your body gives up and your brain is like "Come on dude..."

Try to sleep deadply and take some energizer & vitamins in the morning.
You'll fell better.

I've beaten Dead Rising around 5 times now and have yet to become bored
Send help

I've had a similar situation, but a friend and I spent around 24+ hours on 3 non-stop, but we were online and switched maps.

Caffeine is a beautiful thing.

Terraria is the only game I can go back to, that gives me the same feeling every single time I replay it.


hey nikke

It's one of the only games i think where i have managed to milk over 300 hours on just the same character

And i have yet to even beat the game

>mfw when summer just started and it's the end of september

hey franklin

It can't feel that good can it?

Being addicted to vidya?

I'm a very outdoors/fitness kind of person so being indoors all fucking day sitting in my bedroom alone is fucking awful for me

i'll make up for it tomorrow

Normie need no reply

> normie
I'm always on my own though, being around people for too long makes me uncomfortable

I just do shit i want when i want

at least you have time to play a game for 10 hours straight

why are there so many weeaboos crawling around video games section, also why is the image for the board naruto when that's a show?

Play more

It'll go away soon

> inb4 i end up like that autist with 3000 terraria characters

>image for the board

>knowing I've played the same game for nearly 14 hours straight

I'm sorry you're such a faggot, OP.

I haven't been able to play a game for more than an hour in ages.
Then DR came back out and I'm going for 10-12 hours back to back

I missed this feeling

^omg this