This game has a major problem in how it portrays women

This game has a major problem in how it portrays women.

The biggest problem comes from the primary goal of the story, which is to basically save a damsel in distress. After Megan's been "killed", you follow the trail of crumbs because nothing adds up, and end up finding out that she's been abducted and you need to save her. Already, there's an issue there, but we won't get into that because the game subverts that itself, fortunately. The issue lays in how it's subverted: Megan ends up basically having just left Adam for another "man", in this case the Illuminati. She either develops Stockholm Syndrome or something like that, or just went along with the flow because "lol, I'm a women!"

That's bad enough, but looking at the other women in the game, we get more problems. Malik is basically just a ferry for Adam, so he can do things, and if you don't save her, she ends up dying because no big strong man was there to shield her from the evil world. Zhao Yun Ru could be considered a powerful woman, but she's a powerful woman being written from a position of insecurity, and made evil and bitchy for that purpose. More minor female NPCs either exist solely to give Adam quests and be saved by him, or to pose as "strong" women when they end up being just paper tigers. Let's not even getting into mentioning the human supercomputer at Panchaea.

While Human Revolution really came a long way from its predecessors, and actually had females with some character (Zhao Yun Ru and Malik, even though they're riddled with issues, are still more developed and intricate characters developed with more care than, say, Anna Navarre, or Nicolette DuClare), there's still a whole host of things that could have been better done, leading to a lackluster title with a problematic treatment of women.

Don't bother asking for my take on Mankind Divided, either, I'm a gamer just like you, so I'm not going to bother with all that DLC and cropped mainline story.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why does Megan look like a fish, why is she by far the most unattractive female in the whole game, including her mother.


Sort of true, but also tumblr meme nu-male etc.

> She either develops Stockholm Syndrome or something like that, or just went along with the flow because "lol, I'm a women!"

megan lever loved adam nor was she ever prisoner. megan is casie augged and seduced adam because she was sent to him by darrow (whom she works for the entire game and before it begins) who then has her extracted from sariff using his own merc corporation (belltower) who destroys all of sarifs research because he won't play ball with the illiminati.

Its a game for boys you vapid cunt

SJW alert!

women are stupid

Everybody knows that girls can't do shit other than suck dick!

An image board.

Malik was stuck in the cockpit and Jensen jumped out before the crash landing. she was literally helpless, if she tried to get out then she would have burned to death. it has nothing to do with having a vagina. lots of men have died in plane crashes.

>if you let Malik die, you're a misogynist
>if you protect Malik, you're still a misogynist

>Megan ends up basically having just left Adam for another "man

She was working for them the entire time dumbass.

I don't get how this is supposed to clear them of any sexism in Megan's portrayal. If she was employed by the Illuminati all this time (I don't remember where you find out that she was one of Darrow's? Where was this?), then she's still being portrayed as manipulative and deceitful, which are classical "women are bad" traits that ignorant writers use, usually because they don't know any better.

The problem isn't that the vehicle crashed, it's that Malik HAS to be saved by Adam, and there's no way for her to escape under her own power, or somehow defend herself. You'd think that if Malik was a strong character, she'd be able to get a fire extinguisher to bring with her, so you'd just have to cover her until she helps Adam to clear the LZ.

Basically, even if we do take into consideration these corrections, the game still has plenty of problematic points.

OP and SJW are too stupid to understand such simple plot.

Thd portrait woulf only be realistic if the only function of women was giving the pussy, and do everything wrong.

Also, you are a pathetic little man, shitty Sjw. Women wont have sex with you cuz you're a male feminist, you should have learned that in your teen years. An adult male feminist is completely inexcusable.
Spam "cheerios" in the comments

I never noticed how 'riddled with issues' is a blatant sexual innuendo until just now.

>she's still being portrayed as manipulative and deceitful, which are classical "women are bad" traits
A significant part of the gameplay involves Jensen deceiving and manipulating other characters. A huge part of the story revolves around Darrow manipulating and deceiving other characters. The CASIE aug helps you manipulate characters; Casey is a unisex name.

But it's easier to just say 'woman did something morally questionable' and then cry 'problematic! hydromatic! greased lightning!' rather than engage the rational part of the brain, small though it may be.

Sounds like you have a problem with women where you can only view their actions and motives through a narrow lens of negative stereotypes.

Quit your SJW bullshit, no one here gives a shit about your feelings

>I'm a gamer just like you

Sure you are buddy

Malik was just a pilot, not a trained mercenary. And she was a woman, women are generally weaker than men.

She needed time to get her bird working again and Adam was out of the wreckage; and no where does it state that Malik is military trained or has extensive augmentation. Belltower are ex-military men heavily augmented and the only reason they come off as mooks is because Jensen is more extensively modded then they are. She would be utterly fucked if she had to fight them.

He is Spy Boy and she is Fly Girl for a reason.

No no, if you let Malik die you're a sexist, because you hate her

If you save Malik you're a misogynist because you think women are weak and need protection.

At least that's how I would interpret it

>This game has a major problem in how it portrays women.
>The biggest problem comes from the primary goal of the story, which is to basically save a damsel in distress

retard feminist red falgs raised.

Do I get to kill Megan (or at least leave her to die) in MD? That would be a reason to play this game.

tfw no malik romance

This is now a Spy Boy x Fly Girl shipping thread.

Fuck off.
Who cares?

You probably want to swap 'sexist' and 'misogynist' since 'sexist' is commonly used to describe the belief that one gender is superior to the other while misogynist literally means hatred of women. But apart from that semantic niggle, your reasoning is bullet proof. Unlike Malik.

The CASIE Aug just helps you lubricate social interactions so that you can better affect the change you want in the game world; it's not that you're being manipulative, it's that you're finding the correct solutions to social puzzles, which is something I think they did well. Darrow was always portrayed to us as a villain for as long as we knew him, so him being manipulative and deceitful is something we should expect. With Megan, she's literally USED for the shock value, obviously to incense male gamers by feeling a sense of betrayal from someone who the writers wanted you to feel a connection to.

I'm not even going to address the insulting part of yor message.

Then there's a core flaw with Malik's characterization, which is usually where problematic writing comes from. Why can't she have some sort of prior training? Either civil or military defense is something that we've seen to be a common binding element in corporation operation forces, which Malik is a part of. For some reason, she's marginalized from that status quo, acts just as a civilian pilot, and doesn't have any capacity to defend herself. She's a watered-down Jock, and not just because the overall writing is less impressive than the original game, but because she's there for the player's ease of motion and has little to add herself, besides being eye candy, as posts like prove.

I can't wait for the day where in all forms of media, women are portrayed as infallible fonts of perfection, then cunts like you will finally shut the fuck up and enjoy the bliss.

Just watched the Malik crash again.

Malik specifically demands Jensen to leave her. She doesn't plead for help, she tells you the mission is more important and she'll find a way out of it. The game makes no demand that you save the damsel. It is at your own discretion. And in the end, she doesn't live because Belltower, arguably the world's most powerful Merc group decides to push in her shit and rarely would anyone regardless of gender manage to survive the onslaught that was coming her way.

They were friends, Malik and Jensen, and friends help friends out regardless of the gender politics. Fucking period.

>lubricate social interactions so that you can better affect the change you want in the game world
I'm amazed you don't consider that 'manipulating other characters.' You can reframe it as 'solving a puzzle,' but that just means you solve puzzles by manipulating other characters.

I'm impressed that you're able to claim that one character being manipulative and deceitful somehow 'doesn't count,' I can't tell if your cognitive dissonance there is more amusing or more sad.

And as for feeling betrayed, do you think it's reasonable to expect the player feel betrayed by a character he doesn't feel a connection to? Is that even possible?

Do you not feel that maybe you are trying to make the facts fit your preconceived narrative, rather than actually trying to build an argument around the facts? Or, even if you don't feel that way, do you understand that's exactly how it looks to some?

Why do you think story writers have any obligation of creating strong female characters? Don't be such an entitled bitch. Women in real life usually aren't strong, and they usually need man's help while in danger or having to do something hard or even move something heavy. Women are weak. That's how nature made them, because it didn't mean them to wage fucking wars.

Game developers have no obligation whatsoever to make strong female characters just because you'd like that. You have no right to demand that, because you don't invest money in it and tou don't take part in the creation process. If developers choose to make a game where the main protag is a testosterone-pumped Arnold Schwarzenegger type man saving helpless women and them taking them like bitches they are, it's their fucking right. If you don't like it, don't play the game.

Why does she need the training? Why must the female character need military training? Nowhere in her job description did it ever call for her to need training in combat. She was a corporate pilot. She was Sarif's pilot. She didn't sign on or expect some massive conspiracy that would one day lead to her being shot down and surrounded by a hundred mercs.

This may come as a real shock, but it's okay to not have your characters prepared for every situation. It's so incredibly boring if they have plot armor and prepared for all situations, and it would have been so easy and predictable that Malik would pop out of the cockpit armed and ready to fight.

Why is it so hard to swallow the idea that a character can't be perfect? No one was spared in the game, absolutely everyone had their weaknesses. Jensen included.

>only time he actually smiles in the game

We could have had something beautiful, but Adam's destined to suffer alone.

Personality type: Omega.
Personality traits: Delicate, Falsely Righteous, Egotistical.
Psychological profile: Tends to seek trouble where trouble isn't found in an attempt to "correct" it and be seen as a hero from his peers, isn't afraid to neglect logic and resort to basic manipulation and blame-shifting to get the crowd on his side. Said positive perception is his sustenance and is when faced with rejection he feels the need to retract to a smaller circle of similarly-minded individuals or even his own delusions. The best course of action is to disregard his arguments as rubbish, as any attempt to dialogue results in deflection, shifting of goalposts and inability to reconsider.
Pressure: Kill yourself my man.

If you want to bitch about something, how about the Chinese prostitutes being forced to be augmented. You're going after the wrong things.

Nice summary of OP's, and SJW in general, personality.

How much did your CASIE augment cost? I'd like to have one.

I haven't played MD: does Megan show up? Did Adam have to choke a bitch?

Anyone who played the game?

You can find her emails at one point in the game, but she doesn't physically show up.

Megan's mentioned briefly in one of the conversations with Sarif. She's off working with some hot-shot company and perfectly fine. Jensen doesn't interact with her at all.

>The CASIE Aug just helps you lubricate social interactions so that you can better affect the change you want in the game world
>it's not that you're being manipulative

That is literally what a manipualtion is retard. Lubricating an interaction to get what you want. It can be of course used for good like solving arguments etc. but everything can be also used maliciously. Do you think that Jensen using casey on the policeman to get access to restricted areas in NOT manipulation?
>With Megan, she's literally USED for the shock value
I'm pretty sure female gamers were also shocked by that stunt. Megan wasn't sexualized in any way to connect her "only" to the male side, it was a normal relationship (even if only for Jensen).
>Why can't she have some sort of prior training? Either civil or military defense is something that we've seen to be a common binding element in corporation operation forces, which Malik is a part of.
Why stop there, why she didn't have nano armor and cool sunglasses too? She also should be able to shoot shotguns and rifles. Oh and don't forget that she COULD have stealth camo too!

She was a pilot and had augs and training specialized for pilots. Only soldiers in corporations knew how to fight, no one else. (where the fuck did you get the civil part?)
>For some reason, she's marginalized from that status quo, acts just as a civilian pilot
She literally is a pilot that happens to work for a corporation.

>She's a watered-down Jock, and not just because the overall writing is less impressive than the original game, but because she's there for the player's ease of motion and has little to add herself, besides being eye candy,

Not every female has to be a Mary Sue to be a good character. She was a friend of Jensen, their conversations about augs and morality confirm that. Not everyone has to have overarching epic stories to be well wirtten.

In the end, if a female is epic she's a mary sue, if she is average she's "not interesting", and if she is weaker character that it's sexist. All three then can be connected to muh soggy knees and you have perfect shitpost. That's all.


>1. fakes death just to dump b/f
>2. can't do shit on her own
>3. insecure cunt pretending to be strong

Damn, this game really captures the accurate heart and mind of a woman.

So they made female characters with their own motives, personalities, and lives that weren't shoved in your face BECAUSE they're not female tropes or objects

... and someone manages to force them into female stereotypes anyway. Good work hamfisted feminists, youre ctively dragging good characters into the gutter to make a point. Fucking backwards

No reason to buy the game then. The only reason I would play this shit after what I've read about it would be chopping that bitch into pieces.

Lets reverse this situation. Jensen's pilot is a man and now has to be saved. Do all men in the room cry out ''that's such bullshit, a real man would've popped out of the cockpit with his pistol, ready to fuck shit up!' ? No, of course not. It's an entirely reasonable assumption that the pilot isn't combat-trained or just immobilized. The same goes for Malik.

That is why this complaint is bullshit and only worthy of the stamp 'SJW-bullshit'.

>from the primary goal of the story, which is to basically save a damsel in distress
she is dead 4/5 of the story though

That's cute. Do you hide behind hypermasculinity because of your gynophobia, or because you read a guide that said it would make me wet?

It's not doublethink, there's a clear difference. With the CASIE Aug, you're assisted in reading the person and guiding them along the correct path, which isn't being manipulative, it's just assisting you in diplomacy. If you think diplomacy = manipulation, then you probably don't have much tact either, which, I don't blame you, but you should learn how to have some.

I know that some people, thinking within a certain, prescribed line of thought, will think that I'm using doublethink and hypocrisy to arrive at my conclusions, but it's all pretty well reasoned, I think. I even accepted that I might have been mistaken about Megan and Darrow. I haven't played the game in years.

It's not that she doesn't need to be perfect. If she's helping Adam, and she gets downed like that, she's just an active combatant at that point, instead of a damsel, and so she's worth something more than just a half-assed emotional ploy. I've even seen people describe it as "Adam never gets what he should" or something like that: even Malik's death is treated as something that's just part of Adam. If she were characterized more strongly, she'd be her own person, and not just another figment of Adam Jensen.

Won't lie, got a kek out of that.

Cunts are property for breeding.
It's absurd enough that she's a "scientist" or whatever.
Credibility can only be stretched so far before people just won't accept it, you know.

>More minor female NPCs either exist solely to give Adam quests and be saved by him, or to pose as "strong" women when they end up being just paper tigers.
>paper tigers

I enjoyed the subtle inclusion of communist rhetoric, OP. It's these kind of things that turn 8/10 baits into 10/10s.

well, not really, you know she is alive in the first boss fight.

>A solitary female character being deceitful and manipulative is representative of the general view of women expressed by the creator and expected to be shared by the audience.

>manipulative and deceitful,
>which are classical "women are bad" traits
>that ignorant writers use
Kek. The only stereotypes that persist are true.

In fact, you poor roastie, you're being manipulative and deceitful right now!

I think OP forgot how Eliza Cassan summed it up: Everybody Lies.

Everyone in Deus Ex HR that has more then a couple passing lines is deceitful in some way or another.

No shit. Play japanese games if you want to see strong women being in important positions or playable. Unless you think they don't count if they're cute like a typical sjw cancer.

>reading the person and guiding them along the correct path, which isn't being manipulative
>It's not doublethink
Reading a person's physiological condition in response to your presence and comments/questions, then tailoring your further interactions to 'better affect the change you want in the game world' is clearly a form of manipulation. Think of it in terms of a salesman; he is using pretty much this exact skill set and process to manipulate prospective buyers.

Also, diplomacy and diplomatic behaviours are generally manipulative. That's kind of the whole point of diplomacy; to lubricate interactions to better affect the change one wants in the world. Think of the Cuban missile crisis, where Kennedy and Kruhschev manipulated both nations using Cuba as a proxy in order to avoid war. Tactful diplomacy with peace as a goal, yet still undeniably a set of manipulations.

Have you ever played other m op? You'd love it.

Hey cunt, newsflash:

You're not a man. And you can't bully men into pretending you're a man, especially when they constantly build the technology and media that you can't... because you're a cunt.

Drown yourself, cunt. You're not necessary. You are a blot on male glory. Everything you participate in, you drag down. Fucking bleeder.