The last vidya character you played is targeted by the terminator

The last vidya character you played is targeted by the terminator

How fucked is he/she/it?

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paper mario danger build

terminator is fucked

Adam Jensen.

Not fucked at all, he's got more advanced tech. T-800 would probably be heavily damaged by an explosive nanoblade she will win with kawaii power!

Considering that he is pretty good at hiding, the terminator will never find him.

And if he does, venom will find him first.

Can't tell though who wins, gonna be a good fight, but definitely won't get fucked up by the terminator.

I don't think D.Va could win. Her entire mech is a headshot hitbox and her gun takes a long time of sustained fire to even kill a normal human

i don't think fiber wire is going to do much to a robot neck

considering Terminator gets routinely outwitted by a barely trained women and teenage children, I think Medic Snake can take them

Cleric of Lord of the Fallen

He's swinging a huge chunk of metal with one hand and in the other he has a shield at least 5 cm thick

I think he's ok.

>literally famous for taking down 100ft mech
>implying he would even struggle against a shitty human sized robot

he just needs to set up an "accident" involving a pool of liquid metal or a hydraulic press

>Old technology

Flick a coin under something heavy, crowbar that fuggin winch

my warband character just singlehandedly eliminated a nation and killed thousands. I think he'll be fine.

>level 15 Support Specialist
Assuming I could purchase the RPG-7, no problems. I'm sure a magdump from AA12 to the face would also do some damage.

i would call it an even fight

>Machamp from Pokken

I guess the real issue would be closing distance without getting shot up, but Machamp is capable of hurling huge-ass boulders like they were medicine balls, he could probably hold one as cover to get close then ORAORAORAORAORAORAORA

>Angry black man with a virus that gives him super powers

He'll be fine.

JC denton.

he's got nerves of steel.


>the illuminati

GG Arny

>MGR Raiden
no contest

But Machamps are slow he would just pull the terminator apart


Arnold is fucked

DOOM guy
Terminator is going to be terminated.

It depends on how much they decide she has to job.

Pre-Timeskip Luffy

I've uh, I've never seen anyone successfully shoot him, so I think he's good to go.

The MEKA is made for fighting a giant crazed mecha, though. Its literally made to fight bigger and more deadly robots than the T-800.

>God Slayer
>Pretty much immortal because of Dagda
>Other spoilerific reasons here

Terminator is fucked.

>It says this thing is the highest danger rating
>That's right, Boss
>But it doesn't have nukes?
>No railgun?
>Radome to see me wherever I am?
>And its only really tall and dressed conspicuously?
>Highest danger rating my ass.

>how much they decide she has to job



The Power Suit gives him strength comparable to Terminator, if he can get a charge off on T Rein wins. The Rocket Hammer would fuck Terminator up

If we're talking First movie Terminator, we can compare his weapons to oes in overwatch; Reinhardt can facetank a clip of Junkrat's grenades, I think the most dangerous thing Terminator would have against him is the minigun, but a Earthshatter would take care of that.

the MEKA is shit. it can't handle an obese guy throwing garbage at you

If he had the right build with the good jetpack, he could do it. It would definitely be an awesome boss fight for sure

Micheals screwed, even if he is armed to the teeth

as in jobbing, a jobber, a wrestling term for someone whose role in a fight is to go out there and lose horribly.

Finding him is going to be hard. If the T-800 has no weapons he'd probably beat it.