I just beat this game on Steam 100%

I just beat this game on Steam 100%.

What do I think of it?

did you like it?
write some pros and cons about it

I thought it was a perfect 10/10 GOAT that nailed atmosphere and art style greater than anything else in recent years

still haven't finished it, but I enjoyed what I played, it's a cool platformer

>What do I think of it?
I really, really like this post.

One of Microsoft's best IPs and they better be giving moon studios bucket loads of cash for new games.

Sounds like you hate it, you're not even playing it anymore.

>tight controls
>art direction
>fun gameplay that evolves over time
>metroidvania style 2d explorer

>oscar bait: the video game
>pretentious cringy cut scenes that you can't skip that try too hard to evoke emotion

It's a fun, approachable metroidvania with a great soundtrack and fanciful art-style. 8/10.

Oh shit, forgot about that game. I'm picking it up next sale for sure.

new flash: it's a shitty generic metroidvania clone. if youve ever played super metroid, stay away from this, it pales in comparison.


face it you nerd games like this are a diamond dozen

is it worth it to pay 5$ to upgrade to the definitive edition?

I don't know about you, but I thought it was a fun metroidvania style platformer that had both great gameplay and presentation. Thanks to the lack of loading times and the overall pacing, there was never a dull moment and it kept me hooked until it was over.

The only things I found somewhat lackluster were the lack of something like newgame+ and the fairly thin (but still well presented) story.

If you're aching for an excuse to replay the game with some new stuff, yes, but if you're expecting something more substantial I'd say no

not even that user but name 3

How'd you like that One Life challenge, and how many tries did it take?

That might've been the angriest I've ever been at a non-fighting game.


I had to take a break after this

holy shit! Don't die LOL!

That's easier said than done when you're bad at video games like me

Only game that's made me resort to speedrunning skips.

>Fucking insta-kill lasers.

It wasn't even a laser, I just fell into lava like a total goof

I'll get back at it some day

Rabi ribi
Axiom verge
Ghost song
Dust an elysian tale
Steam world dig
Insanely twisted shadow planet

I thought pretty visuals was all it was. Pretty lacking in just about everything else.
It wasn't a bad game, but nothing about it hooked me.

Delete this.

Story was medicore, but the rest was great.
Using dash and bash to move through the forest feels great.

Are the achievements buggy like the vanilla version?

should i play ori or rabi ribi? i'm not really into arts and stuff

Why not play both instead?