I never understood...

I never understood, is she supposed to be ironicly sexy to add on the ridiculousness and tone or is she supposed to be actually sexy? Always leaned on the former

sexiness is subjective. SFM porn of her ain't so bad

> Japan
> ironic or parody sexy anything

She's a beautiful and classy lady

She's fem Dante, that is to say female stylish; a woman's woman. They asked a female designer who she wanted in their beat em up and she came up with this character. She's sexy in so far as she's showing off.



Look at those fucking limbs, man

But ironic sexy can still be sexy

You can ask Kamiya on Twitter.
Kind gay question, so expect to be blocked by him.


Is Dante actually sexy?
Yes, but he's so over the top and cheesy it's just the game's style

she is classy

Like Dante, it is intentionally overdone to the point of goofiness but played with a straight face.

also keep in mind that she was designed, written and choreographed with original moves all by woman


The first one. She's supposed to be so overly sexy that it comes off as ridiculous instead.

That doesn't stop people from still finding her sexy though, myself included. Pixie cut Bayo is perfection, and Bayonetta taught me the sex appeal of an exposed back.

Both. Everything about her is over the top.

Jeanne is literally femDante

Ya'll excited for her amiibo?

'Ironically' sexy is still sexy.

Obviously the first.

I see little point in thinking this much into it. All I care about is that ass

It's a woman's idea of sexy as empowering; her proportions are insane but the focus is more on legs and flexibility than a standard hourglass figure with huge tits and ass.

I don't find Bayo very attractive, but her games are super fun


I love Bayonetta! Cheers love, the cavalry is here!! ^_^

Yeah, nah.

Will it finally come out?

>SFM porn
>capable of being good

what exactly do you think irony means, op?

Jeanne in Bayo 2 is the sexiest.

Her proportions in smash are a lot better.