You're chilling with the hostage and this dude melts your reinforcement

You're chilling with the hostage and this dude melts your reinforcement

what do you?

stop playing because the Dust Line operators absolutely fucked up the meta of the game

>cameras were already annoying, but were balanced by the fact that they black&white, slow, and always in a few fixed positions
>Valkyrie can now throw a tiny, HD, fast panning camera literally anywhere for the whole team to view and she has fucking loads of them

>spidermanning and peaking used to be a good strategy with a trade off. You only had a tiny bit of you showing, making you unlikely to be hit, but if you were shot, you would die in one hit because it would usually be a headshot
>new shield makes spidermanning and peeking literally unstoppable from the front. What would once be a ohko headshot, now takes literally 30+ rounds to break their shield.

Valk has only three cameras now and her shotgun has been nerfed. Skillbeard's shield now has only 150 HP but he gets two of them.

run upstairs jump out the window flank and throw c4

>but he gets two of them.
That's a fucking buff then

Any shield at all that covers your head (when that's the only fucking thing exposed when spidermanning or peeking) is OP as all shit and should never have been fucking added.

The game was one of the best FPS I played in years prior to the DLC characters, but Ubi greed got the best of them and they throw the metagame balance out the fucking window just in hopes that people buy their season pass.

>Play attack on hostage
>Teammate picks Fuze

hahahaha you fucknig autist you haven't played the game in a while go suck a dick

its not a buff because they can actually be destroyed now not like before

Wow it's almost as though these skills have an inherent advantage in one particular aspect of the battle like the rest do.

>That's a fucking buff then
Sure thing fampai

It breaks in 3 shots now to its not like it does anything

Shoot the hostage then myself.

Terrorists win.

Except effectively doubling player health and make it 3 headshots to kill rather than one.

Yeah, it does absolutely nothing.

You're an idiot.

please play the game

it's a pretty fucking huge nerf, he's no longer a must-pick

I'd like to see Thermite be less required. Not needing to worry about a whole wall because of 1 operator not being picked or dead is insane. Maybe reduce reinforced per character from 2 to 1 across the board. Thermite is still good for floor breaches but situationally good based on map and objective location.

Says the guy still playing a game that has gone to absolute shit because Ubisoft are greedy, incompetent retards.

The only way to balance Blackbeard is to remove him all together, and the only way to balance Valkyrie is give her one camera that the team can view, or give her three cameras that only she can view.

Every new DLC character launch makes the game worse and more unbalanced.

Favorite operators? I love all the cheeki breekis.

Shitter pls.

Or shoot him in the chest. Even before the nerf he was easy to kill. Nitro cells are your friend as well.

How do you live being constantly butthurt?

>Don't play in several months
>Don't know about Kapcoons buff
>Instantly die to one of his traps
He deserved a buff, holy shit was he garbage.

He's best when you place traps on unexpected doors or try to trick operators to rush in, but yea any competent player wont fall for it. Might give you extra time to attack them though.

What said.

you know both valk and blackbeard were nerfed a week ago right
valk now has only 3 cameras and blackbeard is so bad nobody uses him anymore

It's always hilarious what people will bitch about in this game.
Funny story, I bought it on release and even then ANY shield operator was considered "OP"

Whats a good operator to start out with?
Is le french shield man shitter-bait or is he decent?

and now they're all complete trash thanks to the impact grenades

Doc is more OP now than blackbeard

>Play Doc
>take rook armor
>wait till other team shows up
>overcharge yourself
>tank everything with your max armor, rook armor, and overcharge
>revive yourself when downed
>heal yourself to full +a bit of overheal

it's even better if your team uses a fuckton of barbed wire

Attempt to abuse the bad netcode and use peak advantage to kill him.

>impact grenades
You mis spelled "Fucked up hitboxes"
>Be ANY shield that isn't extended Mountain
>They can literally just sweep from side to side and get a direct headshot on you while you're facing them.

He's decent, but you have to be decent.



Montange is literally the worst in the entire game


>Not Tachanka

Tachanka will always have a special place in my heart

Buck is garbage now. Stop talking out of your ass.

1 shield with 1500hp
Or 2 shields with 150hp each

"He's got 2 shields! That's a buff!"

Overheal was honestly a bit overkill. Healing is fine but that's just too much.


Post your favorite team comps.

Thermite (with flashers)

(Switch Fuze with Ash sub on Hostage)


Mute is way worse now because of Twitch's drone during prep phase.

>On any team

Oh no now you actually have to find and shoot the bigger different looking drone instead of just plopping down jammers!

don't forget that his gun was nerfed too

>Glaz on a Plane


all running barbed wire

>start of round
>immediately dart off to doors that are terrible spots for traps
>they breach through that area
>kill at least 1 every time

gotta check those doors.

Why can't my mates or I join each others parties?

>DP-28 chambered in 8x22mm Nambu

Because Ubisoft.


How do I fix it

might be a nat thing

Oh so open up 9 billion ports because Ubisoft cant code.

Fuck sakes.

Ash is GOAT.

>fucked up the meta of the game
>not defenders just running outside and shooting everyone in spawn.

>That's a fucking buff then
>150*2 is more than 800
Kill yourself retard

Go for Sledge and Ash for attackers if you don't know what you are doing.

Go for Rook and Jaeger for defenders if you don't know what you are doing.

Most useful operators which need to know their roles are probably Thatcher/Thermite/Rook/Valk/Mute or Bandit

Avoid Castle/Tatchanka/Shield Users/Glaz till later on as you are most likely going to screw over your team.